20 research outputs found

    Deterministic Selection on the Mesh and Hypercube

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    In this paper we present efficient deterministic algorithms for selection on the mesh connected computers (referred to as the mesh from hereon) and the hypercube. Our algorithm on the mesh runs in time O([n/p] log logp + √p logn) where n is the input size and p is the number of processors. The time bound is significantly better than that of the best existing algorithms when n is large. The run time of our algorithm on the hypercube is O ([n/p] log log p + Ts/p log nM/em\u3e), where Ts/p is the time needed to sort p element on a p-node hypercube. In fact, the same algorithm runs on an network in time O([n/p] log log p +Ts/p log), where Ts/p is the time needed for sorting p keys using p processors (assuming that broadcast and prefix computations take time less than or equal to Ts/p

    Randomized Parallel Selection

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    We show that selection on an input of size N can be performed on a P-node hypercube (P = N/(log N)) in time O(n/P) with high probability, provided each node can process all the incident edges in one unit of time (this model is called the parallel model and has been assumed by previous researchers (e.g.,[17])). This result is important in view of a lower bound of Plaxton that implies selection takes Ω((N/P)loglog P+log P) time on a P-node hypercube if each node can process only one edge at a time (this model is referred to as the sequential model)

    Hypercube Algorithms for Operations on Quadtrees

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    This paper describes parallel algorithms for the following operations on quadtrees - boolean operations (union, intersection, complement), collapsing a quadtree, and neighbor finding in an image represented by a quadtree. The architecture assumed in this paper is a hypercube with one processing element (PE) per hypercube node. We assume that the architecture is SIMD, i.e., all PEs work under the control of a single control unit

    Mesh and Pyramid Algorithms for Iconic Indexing

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    In this paper parallel algorithms on meshes and pyramids for iconic indexing are presented. Our algorithms are asymptotically superior to previously known parallel algorithms

    Parallel Vision Algorithms Using Sparse Array Representations

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    Sparse arrays are arrays in which the number of non-zero elements is a small fraction of the total number of array elements. This paper presents computer vision algorithms using sparse representations for arrays. The parallel architecture considered is a hypercube. The algorithms can be easily modified for other architectures like the mesh. We assume that the architecture is SIMD, i.e., all PEs work under the control of a single control unit

    Optical clustering on a mesh-connected computer

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    Embedding Meshes on the Star Graph

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    We develop algorithms for mapping n-dimensional meshes on a star graph of degree n with expansion 1 and dilation 3. We show that an n degree star graph can efficiently simulate an n-dimensional mesh

    Computing Hough Transforms on Hypercube Multicomputers

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    Efficient algorithms to compute the Hough transform on MIMD and SIMD hypercube multicomputers are developed. Our algorithms can compute p angles of the Hough transform of an N x N image, p ≤ N, in 0(p + log N) time on both MIMD and SIMD hypercubes. These algorithms require 0(N2) processors. We also consider the computation of the Hough transform on MIMD hypercubes with a fixed number of processors. Experimental results on an NCUBE/7 hypercube are presented