1,836 research outputs found

    Detecting and determining preserved measures and integrals of rational maps

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    In this paper we use the method of discrete Darboux polynomials to calculate preserved measures and integrals of rational maps. The approach is based on the use of cofactors and Darboux polynomials and relies on the use of symbolic algebra tools. Given sufficient computing power, most, if not all, rational preserved integrals can be found (and even some non-rational ones). We show, in a number of examples, how it is possible to use this method to both determine and detect preserved measures and integrals of the considered rational maps. Many of the examples arise from the Kahan-Hirota-Kimura discretization of completely integrable systems of ordinary differential equations

    Geometry of Darboux-Manakov-Zakharov systems and its application

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    The intrinsic geometric properties of generalized Darboux-Manakov-Zakharov systems of semilinear partial differential equations \label{GDMZabstract} \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x_i\partial x_j}=f_{ij}\Big(x_k,u,\frac{\partial u}{\partial x_l}\Big), 1\leq i<j\leq n, k,l\in\{1,...,n\} for a real-valued function u(x1,...,xn)u(x_1,...,x_n) are studied with particular reference to the linear systems in this equation class. System (\ref{GDMZabstract}) will not generally be involutive in the sense of Cartan: its coefficients will be constrained by complicated nonlinear integrability conditions. We derive geometric tools for explicitly constructing involutive systems of the form (\ref{GDMZabstract}), essentially solving the integrability conditions. Specializing to the linear case provides us with a novel way of viewing and solving the multi-dimensional nn-wave resonant interaction system and its modified version as well as constructing new examples of semi-Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type. The general theory is illustrated by a study of these applications

    Quantum Super-Integrable Systems as Exactly Solvable Models

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    We consider some examples of quantum super-integrable systems and the associated nonlinear extensions of Lie algebras. The intimate relationship between super-integrability and exact solvability is illustrated. Eigenfunctions are constructed through the action of the commuting operators. Finite dimensional representations of the quadratic algebras are thus constructed in a way analogous to that of the highest weight representations of Lie algebras.Comment: This is a contribution to the Vadim Kuznetsov Memorial Issue on Integrable Systems and Related Topics, published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    Twistor Approach to String Compactifications: a Review

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    We review a progress in obtaining the complete non-perturbative effective action of type II string theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau manifold. This problem is equivalent to understanding quantum corrections to the metric on the hypermultiplet moduli space. We show how all these corrections, which include D-brane and NS5-brane instantons, are incorporated in the framework of the twistor approach, which provides a powerful mathematical description of hyperkahler and quaternion-Kahler manifolds. We also present new insights on S-duality, quantum mirror symmetry, connections to integrable models and topological strings.Comment: 99 pages; minor corrections; journal versio

    Binary Darboux Transformations in Bidifferential Calculus and Integrable Reductions of Vacuum Einstein Equations

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    We present a general solution-generating result within the bidifferential calculus approach to integrable partial differential and difference equations, based on a binary Darboux-type transformation. This is then applied to the non-autonomous chiral model, a certain reduction of which is known to appear in the case of the D-dimensional vacuum Einstein equations with D-2 commuting Killing vector fields. A large class of exact solutions is obtained, and the aforementioned reduction is implemented. This results in an alternative to the well-known Belinski-Zakharov formalism. We recover relevant examples of space-times in dimensions four (Kerr-NUT, Tomimatsu-Sato) and five (single and double Myers-Perry black holes, black saturn, bicycling black rings)

    Eisenhart Lift of 22--Dimensional Mechanics

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    The Eisenhart lift is a variant of geometrization of classical mechanics with dd degrees of freedom in which the equations of motion are embedded into the geodesic equations of a Brinkmann-type metric defined on (d+2)(d+2)-dimensional spacetime of Lorentzian signature. In this work, the Eisenhart lift of 22-dimensional mechanics on curved background is studied. The corresponding 44-dimensional metric is governed by two scalar functions which are just the conformal factor and the potential of the original dynamical system. We derive a conformal symmetry and a corresponding quadratic integral, associated with the Eisenhart lift. The energy--momentum tensor is constructed which, along with the metric, provides a solution to the Einstein equations. Uplifts of 22-dimensional superintegrable models are discussed with a particular emphasis on the issue of hidden symmetries. It is shown that for the 22-dimensional Darboux--Koenigs metrics, only type I can result in Eisenhart lifts which satisfy the weak energy condition. However, some physically viable metrics with hidden symmetries are presented.Comment: 20 page