168 research outputs found

    Second-tier Cache Management to Support DBMS Workloads

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    Enterprise Database Management Systems (DBMS) often run on computers with dedicated storage systems. Their data access requests need to go through two tiers of cache, i.e., a database bufferpool and a storage server cache, before reaching the storage media, e.g., disk platters. A tremendous amount of work has been done to improve the performance of the first-tier cache, i.e., the database bufferpool. However, the amount of work focusing on second-tier cache management to support DBMS workloads is comparably small. In this thesis we propose several novel techniques for managing second-tier caches to boost DBMS performance in terms of query throughput and query response time. The main purpose of second-tier cache management is to reduce the I/O latency endured by database query executions. This goal can be achieved by minimizing the number of reads and writes issued from second-tier caches to storage devices. The rst part of our research focuses on reducing the number of read I/Os issued by second-tier caches. We observe that DBMSs issue I/O requests for various reasons. The rationales behind these I/O requests provide useful information to second-tier caches because they can be used to estimate the temporal locality of the data blocks being requested. A second-tier cache can exploit this information when making replacement decisions. In this thesis we propose a technique to pass this information from DBMSs to second-tier caches and to use it in guiding cache replacements. The second part of this thesis focuses on reducing the number of writes issued by second-tier caches. Our work is two fold. First, we observe that although there are second-tier caches within computer systems, today's DBMS cannot take full advantage of them. For example, most commercial DBMSs use forced writes to propagate bufferpool updates to permanent storage for data durability reasons. We notice that enforcing such a practice is more conservative than necessary. Some of the writes can be issued as unforced requests and can be cached in the second-tier cache without immediate synchronization. This will give the second-tier cache opportunities to cache and consolidate multiple writes into one request. However, unfortunately, the current POSIX compliant le system interfaces provided by mainstream operating systems e.g., Unix and Windows) are not flexible enough to support such dynamic synchronization. We propose to extend such interfaces to let DBMSs take advantage of using unforced writes whenever possible. Additionally, we observe that the existing cache replacement algorithms are designed solely to maximize read cache hits (i.e., to minimize read I/Os). The purpose is to minimize the read latency, which is on the critical path of query executions. We argue that minimizing read requests is not the only objective of cache replacement. When I/O bandwidth becomes a bottleneck the objective should be to minimize the total number of I/Os, including both reads and writes, to achieve the best performance. We propose to associate a new type of replacement cost, i.e., the total number of I/Os caused by the replacement, with each cache page; and we also present a partial characterization of an optimal algorithm which minimizes the total number of I/Os generated by caches. Based on this knowledge, we extend several existing replacement algorithms, which are write-oblivious (focus only on reducing reads), to be write-aware and observe promising performance gains in the evaluations

    Memory Systems and Interconnects for Scale-Out Servers

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    The information revolution of the last decade has been fueled by the digitization of almost all human activities through a wide range of Internet services. The backbone of this information age are scale-out datacenters that need to collect, store, and process massive amounts of data. These datacenters distribute vast datasets across a large number of servers, typically into memory-resident shards so as to maintain strict quality-of-service guarantees. While data is driving the skyrocketing demands for scale-out servers, processor and memory manufacturers have reached fundamental efficiency limits, no longer able to increase server energy efficiency at a sufficient pace. As a result, energy has emerged as the main obstacle to the scalability of information technology (IT) with huge economic implications. Delivering sustainable IT calls for a paradigm shift in computer system design. As memory has taken a central role in IT infrastructure, memory-centric architectures are required to fully utilize the IT's costly memory investment. In response, processor architects are resorting to manycore architectures to leverage the abundant request-level parallelism found in data-centric applications. Manycore processors fully utilize available memory resources, thereby increasing IT efficiency by almost an order of magnitude. Because manycore server chips execute a large number of concurrent requests, they exhibit high incidence of accesses to the last-level-cache for fetching instructions (due to large instruction footprints), and off-chip memory (due to lack of temporal reuse in on-chip caches) for accessing dataset objects. As a result, on-chip interconnects and the memory system are emerging as major performance and energy-efficiency bottlenecks in servers. This thesis seeks to architect on-chip interconnects and memory systems that are tuned for the requirements of memory-centric scale-out servers. By studying a wide range of data-centric applications, we uncover application phenomena common in data-centric applications, and examine their implications on on-chip network and off-chip memory traffic. Finally, we propose specialized on-chip interconnects and memory systems that leverage common traffic characteristics, thereby improving server throughput and energy efficiency

    Resource-efficient processing of large data volumes

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    The complex system environment of data processing applications makes it very challenging to achieve high resource efficiency. In this thesis, we develop solutions that improve resource efficiency at multiple system levels by focusing on three scenarios that are relevant—but not limited—to database management systems. First, we address the challenge of understanding complex systems by analyzing memory access characteristics via efficient memory tracing. Second, we leverage information about memory access characteristics to optimize the cache usage of algorithms and to avoid cache pollution by applying hardware-based cache partitioning. Third, after optimizing resource usage within a multicore processor, we optimize resource usage across multiple computer systems by addressing the problem of resource contention for bulk loading, i.e., ingesting large volumes of data into the system. We develop a distributed bulk loading mechanism, which utilizes network bandwidth and compute power more efficiently and improves both bulk loading throughput and query processing performance

    Query Interactions in Database Systems

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    The typical workload in a database system consists of a mix of multiple queries of different types, running concurrently and interacting with each other. The same query may have different performance in different mixes. Hence, optimizing performance requires reasoning about query mixes and their interactions, rather than considering individual queries or query types. In this dissertation, we demonstrate how queries affect each other when they are executing concurrently in different mixes. We show the significant impact that query interactions can have on the end-to-end workload performance. A major hurdle in the understanding of query interactions in database systems is that there is a large spectrum of possible causes of interactions. For example, query interactions can happen because of any of the resource-related, data-related or configuration-related dependencies that exist in the system. This variation in underlying causes makes it very difficult to come up with robust analytical performance models to capture and model query interactions. We present a new approach for modeling performance in the presence of interactions, based on conducting experiments to measure the effect of query interactions and fitting statistical models to the data collected in these experiments to capture the impact of query interactions. The experiments collect samples of the different possible query mixes, and measure the performance metrics of interest for the different queries in these sample mixes. Statistical models such as simple regression and instance-based learning techniques are used to train models from these sample mixes. This approach requires no prior assumptions about the internal workings of the database system or the nature or cause of the interactions, making it portable across systems. We demonstrate the potential of capturing, modeling, and exploiting query interactions by developing techniques to help in two database performance related tasks: workload scheduling and estimating the completion time of a workload. These are important workload management problems that database administrators have to deal with routinely. We consider the problem of scheduling a workload of report-generation queries. Our scheduling algorithms employ statistical performance models to schedule appropriate query mixes for the given workload. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that our interaction-aware scheduling algorithms outperform scheduling policies that are typically used in database systems. The problem of estimating the completion time of a workload is an important problem, and the state of the art does not offer any systematic solution. Typically database administrators rely on heuristics or observations of past behavior to solve this problem. We propose a more rigorous solution to this problem, based on a workload simulator that employs performance models to simulate the execution of the different mixes that make up a workload. This mix-based simulator provides a systematic tool that can help database administrators in estimating workload completion time. Our experimental evaluation shows that our approach can estimate the workload completion times with a high degree of accuracy. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates that reasoning about query interactions holds significant potential for realizing performance improvements in database systems. The techniques developed in this work can be viewed as initial steps in this interesting area of research, with lots of potential for future work

    Shared Frontend for Manycore Server Processors

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    Instruction-supplymechanisms, namely the branch predictors and instruction prefetchers, exploit recurring control flow in an application to predict the applicationâs future control flow and provide the core with a useful instruction stream to execute in a timely manner. Consequently, instruction-supplymechanisms aggressively incorporate control-flow condition, target, and instruction cache access information (i.e., control-flow metadata) to improve performance. Despite their high accuracy, thus performance benefits, these predictors lead to major silicon provisioning due to their metadata storage overhead. The storage overhead is further aggravated by the increasing core counts and more complex software stacks leading to major metadata redundancy: (i) across cores as the metadata of cores running a given server workload significantly overlap, (ii) within a core as the control-flowmetadata maintained by disparate instruction-supplymechanisms overlap significantly. In this thesis, we identify the sources of redundancy in the instruction-supply metadata and provide mechanisms to share metadata across cores and unify metadata for disparate instruction-supply mechanisms. First, homogeneous server workloads running on many cores allow for metadata sharing across cores, as each core executes the same types of requests and exhibits the same control flow. Second, the control-flow metadata maintained by individual instruction-supply mechanisms, despite being at different granularities (i.e., instruction vs. instruction block), overlap significantly, allowing for unifying their metadata. Building on these two observations, we eliminate the storage overhead stemming from metadata redundancy inmanycore server processors through a specialized shared frontend, which enables sharing metadata across cores and unifying metadata within a core without sacrificing the performance benefits provided by private and disparate instruction-supply mechanisms

    Scalable and Highly Available Database Systems in the Cloud

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    Cloud computing allows users to tap into a massive pool of shared computing resources such as servers, storage, and network. These resources are provided as a service to the users allowing them to “plug into the cloud” similar to a utility grid. The promise of the cloud is to free users from the tedious and often complex task of managing and provisioning computing resources to run applications. At the same time, the cloud brings several additional benefits including: a pay-as-you-go cost model, easier deployment of applications, elastic scalability, high availability, and a more robust and secure infrastructure. One important class of applications that users are increasingly deploying in the cloud is database management systems. Database management systems differ from other types of applications in that they manage large amounts of state that is frequently updated, and that must be kept consistent at all scales and in the presence of failure. This makes it difficult to provide scalability and high availability for database systems in the cloud. In this thesis, we show how we can exploit cloud technologies and relational database systems to provide a highly available and scalable database service in the cloud. The first part of the thesis presents RemusDB, a reliable, cost-effective high availability solution that is implemented as a service provided by the virtualization platform. RemusDB can make any database system highly available with little or no code modifications by exploiting the capabilities of virtualization. In the second part of the thesis, we present two systems that aim to provide elastic scalability for database systems in the cloud using two very different approaches. The three systems presented in this thesis bring us closer to the goal of building a scalable and reliable transactional database service in the cloud

    A flexible fine-grained adaptive framework for parallel mobile hybrid cloud applications

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    Mobile devices have become ubiquitous and provide ever richer content and functionality. At the same time, applications are also becoming more complex and require ever increasing amount of computational power and energy. With cloud computing providing unlimited elastic on-demand resources, supporting mobile devices with cloud allows overcoming limitations of mobile devices. This is generally known as Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) and can be achieved through code offloading that selects computationally or data intensive parts of an application, outsources them to more-resourceful spaces and brings back the final results. While code offloading has been widely studied in the past within the context of distributed systems and grid computing, applying it to current mobile applications requires significant amount of manual changes to existing application codes. An alternative is to outsource the entire application process or the whole virtual machine in which the application is running. This solution assumes running the same code on a more-resourceful system is more efficient, but it is coarse-grained and requires significant amount of data to be transferred. Furthermore, requirements and expectations from mobile applications vary considerably by different users using wide range of mobile devices in various environmental conditions. This diversity in requirements and expectations creates wide range of target offloading goals, ranging from maximizing application performance to minimizing mobile energy consumption. The increased dynamicity and complexity of mobile cloud applications requires open systems that interact with the environment while addressing application-specific constraints, user expectations and hardware limitations. Our goal is to facilitate mobile cloud application development by masking all the complexity of mobile-to-cloud code offloading without requiring application developers to rewrite their code or perform additional manual work. Our focus is on separating the application logic, to be developed by programmers, from the application component configuration and distribution, to be adjusted transparently and dynamically at run-time. Our framework is fine-grained, supporting mobile application configuration and distribution at the granularity of individual components; it is flexible, allowing organizations, application developers, or end-users easily adjust target offloading goal or define policy-driven restrictions on offloading budget, execution quality, or privacy and move around of components without modifying the existing application codes; and it is adaptive, addressing the dynamicity in run-time conditions and end-user contexts. It further supports component distribution in a hybrid cloud environment consisting of multiple public and private cloud spaces. Finally, it provides a new code offloading model that supports fully parallel program execution, where application components located at mobile device and multiple cloud spaces are executed independently but concurrently. The proposed solution can be divided into three main parts: First, a light-weight monitoring system, called Monitor, to capture dynamic environmental parameters and end-user context, profile application resource usage and communications, as well as monitoring availability and performance of cloud resources. Profiling energy consumption per specific application components is primary of importance and requires design and development of a fine-grained automatic energy consumption model, as most mobile devices do not provide any tool for direct measurement of consumed energy and different applications with arbitrary number of components might be running at any time. Second, we design and implement two independent performance-based and energy-based models to enable transparent automatic configuration and distribution of application code and data components that address specific organization, application, and end-user requirements. These models leverage dynamic information from the Monitor on run-time parameters, energy and resource usage of different components, and application characteristics to optimize application performance or mobile energy consumption with respect to a predefined policy. Finally, we design and develop a proof-of-concept framework called IMCM, Illinois Mobile Cloud Management, that embodies the described components to enable fine-grained adaptive application component configuration and distribution, while providing flexibility in terms of adjusting desired target optimization goal or defining additional policy-driven constraints on offloading budget, quality of service per resource, and privacy. Evaluations are carried out using a suite of benchmark applications, including computationally-intensive, I/O-intensive, communication-intensive and combined multi-purpose applications. Compared to sequential execution on a mobile device, these empirical benchmarks using IMCM framework result in speedups or energy-savings factor of over 50 times