28 research outputs found

    Fear of missing out and cyberloafing among college students: Fear of missing out dan cyberloafing pada mahasiswa-mahasiswi

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    English This research examines the effects of fear of missing out on cyberloafing. Individuals who experience fear of missing out are afraid to miss a pleasant experience. The individual will try to stay connected with others through social media. The study hypothesized that fear of missing out would be positively related to cyberloafing, which refers to behavior of accessing the internet for non-academic activities. As expected, the results show that fear of missing out accounted for about 22 per cent of the variance of cyberloafing. Those who are more afraid of missing out tended to engage more cyberloafing than those who are less fear of missing out. Bahasa Indonesia Penelitian ini menguji efek fear of missing out pada perilaku cyberloafing. Individu yang mengalami fear of missing out takut melewatkan pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Individu akan mencoba untuk tetap terhubung dengan orang lain melalui media sosial. Studi ini berhipotesis bahwa fear of missing out akan berhubungan positif dengan cyberloafing, yang mengacu pada Perilaku mengakses internet untuk kegiatan non-akademik.Seperti yang diharapkan, hasil menunjukkan bahwa fear of missing out menyumbang sekitar 22 persen dari varian cyberloafing. Mereka yang memiliki fear of missing out tinggi cenderung terlibat lebih banyak cyberloafing daripada mereka yang memiliki fear of missing out rendah.  

    Analisis Faktor Konfirmatori Terhadap Skala Cyberloafing Mahasiswa

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    The implementation of online distance learning creates a new deviant behaviour in higher education students. There are symptoms of student behaviour who negligent in using the internet for purposes that are not related to learning which is known as cyberloafing. Considering the rapid development of technology, the measurement of student cyberloafing behaviour needs to be developed continuously. Thus, this study aims to develop previous scales related to student cyberloafing to stay up to date. Based on literature review that discusses the measurement of student cyberloafing, a 20-item scale form created. The data were collected from 506 undergraduate students at a large university in Jakarta who have online distance learning experiences. Data were analysed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with the JASP program. The results of this study indicate that the student cyberloafing scale model is in accordance with the theory where three dimensions are indicated, namely social purpose cyberloafing, academic cyberloafing, dan gaming purpose cyberloafing. The scale has a good fit model based on CFI, TLI, RMSEA, SRMR and GFI.   Keywords: confirmatory factor analysis; cyberloafing; student cyberloafing; student cyberloafing scale  Pelaksanaan pembelajaran jarak jauh secara daring mengakibatkan munculnya perilaku menyimpang pada mahasiswa. Terdapat gejala perilaku mahasiswa yang lalai dalam menggunakan internet untuk tujuan yang tidak berkaitan dengan pembelajaran yang dikenal dengan istilah cyberloafing. Melihat pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, pengukuran perilaku cyberloafing pada mahasiswa perlu terus dikembangkan. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan skala cyberloafing pada mahasiswa agar tetap sesuai dengan kondisi terkini. Berdasarkan kajian literatur yang membahas tentang pengukuran cyberloafing pada mahasiswa, sebuah skala yang terdiri dari 20 item dibuat. Data dikumpulkan dari 506 mahasiswa program sarjana di Jakarta yang memiliki pengalaman belajar jarak jauh secara daring. Data dianalisis menggunakan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dengan program JASP. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa model skala cyberloafing pada mahasiswa sesuai dengan teori yang menunjukkan adanya tiga dimensi, yaitu cyberloafing dengan tujuan sosial, cyberloafing dengan tujuan akademis, dan cyberloafing dengan tujuan bermain. Skala ini memiliki model fit yang baik berdasarkan CFI, TLI, RMSEA, SRMR dan GFI.   Kata kunci: analisis faktor konfirmatori; cyberloafing; cyberloafing mahasiswa, skala cyberloafing mahasisw


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    AbstractUniversity students use internet in daily life ranging from learning, socializing and recreation purposes. Cyberslacking in the campus relates to the topic of non-academic media multitasking among university students. Media multitasking defines as connecting to more than one media simultaneously and cyberslacking is activities with media multitasking in the context of non-academic internet access during lectures. This present study will review some researches on cyberslacking and non-academic media multitasking in the context of university students. The review findings conclude that cyberslacking is also media multitasking in the context of non-academic internet access during lectures. Media multitasking could be distinguished between learning related activities and unlearning related activities and cyberslacking is regarded as unlearning related activities. Students who do cyberslacking mostly engage in social networking sites during media multitasking behaviors. Some studies discuss the impact of cyberslacking and non-media multitasking to academic performance. Other studies also mentioned about self regulation and self efficacy as important variables that relate to cyberslacking and non-academic media multitasking. Further researches on cyberslacking should be considered building theoretical model of cyberslacking in the educational setting as well as the development of measurement tools for academic cyberslacking behaviors. Keywords : cyberslacking, non-academic media multitasking, university students

    Conditions for successful technology enabled learning

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    This paper reports on the findings of a 16 month project funded by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. The project utilized an iterative mixed method design to investigate (a) what digital technologies are used and valued by students and educators for learning, and (b) the different factors within the ‘ecology’ of the university that contribute to these successful uses of digital technology. In total 2838 students and staff across two Australian universities and a further 114 leaders from all 39 Australian universities participated in the project. Through large scale surveys and in-depth case studies thirteen ‘conditions for success’ were identified that appeared to stimulate, support, and/or sustain specific success stories. These conditions relate to different aspects of the ‘ecology’ of higher education – from individual skills and attitudes through to institutional policymaking. This paper describes the conditions for success, and concludes with challenges to the higher education sector

    Beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenliği bölümü öğrencilerinin siber aylaklık davranışları

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    In this study, the level of cyberloafing of the students enrolled in Physical Education and Sports Teaching Department was investigated. The main purpose of this research was to determine the students' cyberloafing behaviors during the lesson, to compare these behaviors according to the demographic characteristics of the students, and to make suggestions about how to take measures against this issue. “Cyberloafing Scale” was used to gather data. The Cronbach Alpha Coefficient of the scale was 0,87. The population of the study was comprised of the students enrolled in the Physical Education and Sports Teaching Department of Atatürk University. The sample consisted of 112 students who responded the questionnaires thoroughly. The data were analyzed using SPPS package program. When we ranked students’ cyberloafing behaviors, instant messaging was at the top, visiting web sites with sports context was the in second place, and talking by phone was in third place. The level of cyberloafing behaviors of the students was found as moderate. Female students downloaded more files (e.g., music, software, video) and shop online more than male students.Bu çalışmada Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği Bölümü öğrencilerinin siber aylaklık düzeyleri araştırılmaktadır. Öğrencilerin ders esnasında daha çok hangi siber aylaklık davranışlarını gösterdiklerinin belirlenmesi, bu davranışların öğrencilerin demografik özelliklerine göre farklılaşma durumunun tespit edilmesi ve buna karşı nasıl tedbirler alınacağı hususunda önerilerde bulunulması bu araştırmanın temel amacını oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama aracı olarak “Siber Aylaklık Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin Cronbach Alpha Katsayısı 0,87 olarak elde edilmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma evreni Atatürk Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenliği Bölümü öğrencileridir. Araştırmanın örneklemi ise anketleri eksiksiz dolduran 112 öğrencidir. Veriler SPSS paket programı ile istatistiksel analize tabi tutulmuştur. Öğrencilerin siber aylaklık davranışları sıralamasının başında anlık mesajlaşma gelmektedir. İkinci sırada spor içerikli sitelerin ziyareti ve üçüncü sırada telefonla konuşma gelmektedir. Öğrencilerin siber aylaklık davranışı düzeyi orta olarak bulunmuştur. Demografik özelliklere göre yapılan karşılaştırmalara göre kız öğrenciler internet üzerinden daha fazla dosya (müzik, yazılım, video gibi) indirmekte ve daha fazla alışveriş yapmaktadırlar

    "Positive Learning Attitude" Training to Improve Vocational High School Students' Understanding of Academic Cyberslacking

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    Online learning at home for vocational high school students triggers several problems, including academic cyberslacking. Academic cyberslacking is defined as students' internet access to things unrelated to the course materials during the class. Referring to this condition, vocational high school students need to have a better understanding of academic cyberslacking through training so that the students can control the emergence of academic cyberslacking during the class. This study explores the effect of positive learning attitude training on increasing the understanding of vocational high school students in academic cyberslacking. The participants of this study were 187 vocational high school students who participated in a positive learning attitude training. The results showed a value of Z = -3,306, p = 0.001 (p<0.05), so it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the understanding of academic cyberslacking before and after participating in positive learning attitude training of the vocational high school students. Students understand better the academic cyberslacking phenomenon after receiving positive learning attitude training.Situasi belajar daring di rumah pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan memicu beberapa permasalahan salah satunya adalah cyberslacking akademik. Cyberslacking akademik didefinisikan sebagai akses internet pada hal-hal tidak berhubungan dengan materi pelajaran yang sedang diikuti oleh siswa. Merujuk pada kondisi ini maka siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan perlu mendapatkan pemahaman mengenai cyberslacking akademik melalui suatu training sehingga siswa dapat mengendalikan kemunculan cyberslacking akademik saat mengikuti pelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh training positive learning attitude pada peningkatan pemahaman siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan pada cyberslacking akademik. Subjek penelitian adalah 187 siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan yang mengikuti training positive learning attitude. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai Z = -3.306, p = 0.001 (p<0.05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada pemahaman siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan pada cyberslacking akademik sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti training positive learning attitude. Pemahaman siswa pada fenomena cyberslacking akademik meningkat setelah mendapatkan training positive learning attitude

    Internet Use and Abuse: Connection with Internet Addiction

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    Modern information and communication technologies have progressed quickly. Mobile technology, personal computers and the Internet have become closely linked to human life. However, all these devices and their use bring various pitfalls. Cheating of pupils and students in the school environment has been an interdisciplinary issue linked not only to pedagogy, but also to the whole range of sub-disciplines, like for example social pedagogy or etopedy. The latter disciplines have been significantly interfered by information and communication technologies that bring new forms of illegal school activities. Due to modern technologies we can also trace an increase of inattention of pupils and students and their tendency to distraction during lessons. Signs of Internet addiction among pupils and students can be observed more often. The paper deals with a research focusing on Internet use by secondary school youth and possible risks of using the Internet for them. Three aspects entering the educational process of adolescents are discussed there; Internet use, school cheating and Internet addictive behavior. In addition, a relation between possible risks of Internet use and educational strategies according the Learning Combination Inventory originated by Christine A. Johnston was examined within the research

    Antecedents for Cyberloafing – A Literature Review

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    The private use of the Internet via desktop and smartphones during working time, also known as cyberloafing, has become a common practice at many workplaces. While critical voices expect performance losses through such behavior, their opponents perceive of the interruptions created by cyberloafing as an opportunity to recover and continue working with increased productivity afterwards. Given the growing body of research on Internet-related employees’ opportunism, this paper presents a systematic literature review of 69 studies to identify the factors behind cyberloafing. The classification includes personality traits as well as antecedents related to the job, organization and personal life. The paper concludes with a clear picture of the kind of circumstances which tend to increase cyberloafing and which factors statistically do not seem to have any impact on the abuse of Internet during working time


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    The main aim of this study was to investigate the levels of nomophobia and cyberloafing among undergraduate students. Participants were 65 undergraduates from the department of English at Najran University. Nomophobia questionnaire (NMP-Q) and the cyberloafing scale were used as main instruments for data collection. The descriptive, inferential and analytical approach was used. Results indicated that undergraduate students had moderate levels of nomophobia and their practice levels of cyberloafing behaviors were somehow high. The most prominent factors that were affecting their nomophobia levels were their inability to keep in touch with their families and friends, anxiety if their families could not contact them once their smartphones are not ready to use, desire to keep checking their smartphones if they could not check them for a while, and battery run out in their smartphones. In accordance with cyberloafing, results showed that posting status updates on social networks, chatting with friends, reading tweets, retweeting the tweets they like, downloading needed applications, and watching videos online were the behaviors that were mostly practiced by the majority of undergraduates. Article visualizations

    The IT way of loafing in class: Extending the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to understand students’ cyberslacking intentions

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    YesInternet-enabled technologies can facilitate students' learning, engagement, and productivity but they also present challenges by way of distraction. Cyberslacking is the use of internet-enabled technologies by students in class for non-class related activities. This research attempts to understand the factors that influence students' cyberslacking intentions in class, through extending the Theory of Planned Behavior with lack of attention, apathy towards course material, distraction by others, perceived threat, and escapism. Quantitative data were collected (n = 188) using a survey method with undergraduate and postgraduate students from a management school in a British university. All eight proposed hypotheses were found to be supported. The findings indicated that constructs such as lack of attention, apathy towards course material, and distraction by others are significant predictors of attitude. Further, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, perceived threat, and escapism were found to significantly influence students’ cyberslacking intentions