210 research outputs found

    Risks of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: Complexity and Implications of Differential Privacy in the Context of Cybercrime

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    In recent years, the swift expansion of technology-enabled data harvesting has infiltrated modern life and led to the collection of massive amounts of private data. As a result, the preservation of individual privacy has become a salient concern for the general public. Combined with an increase in the frequency and prevalence of cybercrime, more of the public now face the very real risk of privacy loss associated with illegitimate use of private data. Differential Privacy has emerged as a relatively new privacy-preserving method with the potential to significantly reduce the likelihood of harmful data disclosures stemming from malicious use. However, research has not explicitly investigated Differential Privacy from the perspective of criminal justice or examined the utility of Differential Privacy as a possible situational crime prevention measure to cybercrime. Therefore, this chapter explores the proliferation of cybercrime through advances in technology and briefly examines other privacy-preserving methods before discussing the possible use of Differential Privacy as a viable countermeasure to cybercrime. The chapter concludes with a discussion of several practical considerations related to the use of Differential Privacy as a tool in the fight against cybercrime and offers recommendations for future research

    Deployment of Next Generation Intrusion Detection Systems against Internal Threats in a Medium-sized Enterprise

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    In this increasingly digital age, companies struggle to understand the origin of cyberattacks. Malicious actions can come from both the outside and the inside the business, so it is necessary to adopt tools that can reduce cyber risks by identifying the anomalies when the first symptoms appear. This thesis deals with the topic of internal attacks and explains how to use innovative Intrusion Detection Systems to protect the IT infrastructure of Medium-sized Enterprises. These types of technologies try to solve issues like poor visibility of network traffic, long response times to security breaches, and the use of inefficient access control mechanisms. In this research, multiple types of internal threats, the different categories of Intrusion Detection Systems and an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art IDSs developed during the last few years have been detailed. After that, there will be a brief explanation of the effectiveness of IDSs in both testing and production environments. All the reported phases took place within a company network, starting from the positioning of the IDS, moving on to its configuration and ending with the production environment. There is an analysis of the company expectations, together with an explanation of the different IDSs characteristics. This research shows data about potential attacks, mitigated and resolved threats, as well as network changes made thanks to the information gathered while using a cutting edge IDS. Moreover, the characteristics that a medium-sized company must have in order to be adequately protected by a new generation IDS have been generalized. In the same way, the functionalities that an IDS must possess in order to achieve the set objectives were reported. IDSs are incredibly adaptable to different environments, such as companies of different sectors and sizes, and can be tuned to achieve better results. At the end of this document are reported the potential future developments that should be addressed to improve IDS technologies further

    Data Exfiltration:A Review of External Attack Vectors and Countermeasures

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    AbstractContext One of the main targets of cyber-attacks is data exfiltration, which is the leakage of sensitive or private data to an unauthorized entity. Data exfiltration can be perpetrated by an outsider or an insider of an organization. Given the increasing number of data exfiltration incidents, a large number of data exfiltration countermeasures have been developed. These countermeasures aim to detect, prevent, or investigate exfiltration of sensitive or private data. With the growing interest in data exfiltration, it is important to review data exfiltration attack vectors and countermeasures to support future research in this field. Objective This paper is aimed at identifying and critically analysing data exfiltration attack vectors and countermeasures for reporting the status of the art and determining gaps for future research. Method We have followed a structured process for selecting 108 papers from seven publication databases. Thematic analysis method has been applied to analyse the extracted data from the reviewed papers. Results We have developed a classification of (1) data exfiltration attack vectors used by external attackers and (2) the countermeasures in the face of external attacks. We have mapped the countermeasures to attack vectors. Furthermore, we have explored the applicability of various countermeasures for different states of data (i.e., in use, in transit, or at rest). Conclusion This review has revealed that (a) most of the state of the art is focussed on preventive and detective countermeasures and significant research is required on developing investigative countermeasures that are equally important; (b) Several data exfiltration countermeasures are not able to respond in real-time, which specifies that research efforts need to be invested to enable them to respond in real-time (c) A number of data exfiltration countermeasures do not take privacy and ethical concerns into consideration, which may become an obstacle in their full adoption (d) Existing research is primarily focussed on protecting data in ‘in use’ state, therefore, future research needs to be directed towards securing data in ‘in rest’ and ‘in transit’ states (e) There is no standard or framework for evaluation of data exfiltration countermeasures. We assert the need for developing such an evaluation framework

    A review of cyber-ranges and test-beds:current and future trends

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    Cyber situational awareness has been proven to be of value in forming a comprehensive understanding of threats and vulnerabilities within organisations, as the degree of exposure is governed by the prevailing levels of cyber-hygiene and established processes. A more accurate assessment of the security provision informs on the most vulnerable environments that necessitate more diligent management. The rapid proliferation in the automation of cyber-attacks is reducing the gap between information and operational technologies and the need to review the current levels of robustness against new sophisticated cyber-attacks, trends, technologies and mitigation countermeasures has become pressing. A deeper characterisation is also the basis with which to predict future vulnerabilities in turn guiding the most appropriate deployment technologies. Thus, refreshing established practices and the scope of the training to support the decision making of users and operators. The foundation of the training provision is the use of Cyber-Ranges (CRs) and Test-Beds (TBs), platforms/tools that help inculcate a deeper understanding of the evolution of an attack and the methodology to deploy the most impactful countermeasures to arrest breaches. In this paper, an evaluation of documented CR and TB platforms is evaluated. CRs and TBs are segmented by type, technology, threat scenarios, applications and the scope of attainable training. To enrich the analysis of documented CR and TB research and cap the study, a taxonomy is developed to provide a broader comprehension of the future of CRs and TBs. The taxonomy elaborates on the CRs/TBs dimensions, as well as, highlighting a diminishing differentiation between application areas

    Cyber defensive capacity and capability::A perspective from the financial sector of a small state

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    This thesis explores ways in which the financial sectors of small states are able todefend themselves against ever-growing cyber threats, as well as ways these states can improve their cyber defense capability in order to withstand current andfuture attacks. To date, the context of small states in general is understudied. This study presents the challenges faced by financial sectors in small states with regard to withstanding cyberattacks. This study applies a mixed method approach through the use of various surveys, brainstorming sessions with financial sector focus groups, interviews with critical infrastructure stakeholders, a literature review, a comparative analysis of secondary data and a theoretical narrative review. The findings suggest that, for the Aruban financial sector, compliance is important, as with minimal drivers, precautionary behavior is significant. Countermeasures of formal, informal, and technical controls need to be in place. This study indicates the view that defending a small state such as Aruba is challenging, yet enough economic indicators indicate it not being outside the realm of possibility. On a theoretical level, this thesis proposes a conceptual “whole-of-cyber” model inspired by military science and the VSM (Viable Systems Model). The concept of fighting power components and governance S4 function form cyber defensive capacity’s shield and capability. The “whole-of-cyber” approach may be a good way to compensate for the lack of resources of small states. Collaboration may be an only out, as the fastest-growing need will be for advanced IT skillsets

    Strategies for Implementing Successful IT Security Systems in Small Businesses

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    Owners of small businesses who do not adequately protect business data are at high risk for a cyber attack. As data breaches against small businesses have increased, it has become a growing source of concern for consumers who rely on owners of small businesses to protect their data from data breaches. Grounded in general systems theory and routine activity approach, the focus of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies used by owners of small businesses to protect confidential company data from cyber attacks. The process used for collecting data involved semistructured face-to-face interviews with 5 owners of small businesses in Florida, as well as a review of company documents that were relevant to strategies used by owners of small businesses to protect confidential company data from cyber attacks. The thematic analysis of the interview transcripts revealed 4 themes for protecting business data against cyber attacks, which are security information management strategy, organizational strategy, consistent security policy, and cybersecurity risk management strategy. A key finding is that owners of small businesses could develop an organizational strategy by incorporating procedures used to protect from and respond to cyber attacks. The implications for positive social change include the potential to increase customers’ confidence and businesses’ economic growth, as well as stimulate the socioeconomic lifecycle, resulting in potential employment gains for residents within the communities

    A study of information security awareness program effectiveness in predicting end-user security behavior

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    As accessibility to data increases, so does the need to increase security. For organizations of all sizes, information security (IS) has become paramount due to the increased use of the Internet. Corporate data are transmitted ubiquitously over wireless networks and have increased exponentially with cloud computing and growing end-user demand. Both technological and human strategies must be employed in the development of an information security awareness (ISA) program. By creating a positive culture that promotes desired security behavior through appropriate technology, security policies, and an understanding of human motivations, ISA programs have been the norm for organizational end-user risk mitigation for a number of years (Peltier, 2013; Tsohou, Karyda, Kokolakis, & Kiountouzis, 2015; Vroom & Solms, 2004). By studying the human factors that increase security risks, more effective security frameworks can be implemented. This study focused on testing the effectiveness of ISA programs on enduser security behavior. The study included the responses of 99/400 employees at a mid-size corporation. The theory of planned behavior was used as model to measure the results of the tool. Unfortunately, while data collected indicated that ISA does cause change in security behavior, the data also showed no significance. Thus, we fail to reject the null hypothesis

    Digital behaviours and cognitions of individuals convicted of online child pornography offences

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    BACKGROUND: Modern Child Sexual Exploitation Material (CSEM) offences predominantly occur within a technological ecosystem. The behaviours and cognitions of CSEM offenders influence, and are influenced by, their choice of facilitative technologies that form that ecosystem. OBJECTIVES: This thesis will review the prior research on cognitive distortions present in and technology usage by CSEM offenders, and present a new theory, Lawless Space Theory (LST), to explain those interactions. The cognitions and technical behaviours of previously convicted CSEM offenders will be examined in a psychosocial context and recommendations for deterrence, investigative, and treatment efforts made. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: Data was collected using an online survey collected from two samples, one from a reference population of the general public (n=524) and one from a population of previously convicted CSEM offenders (n=78), both of which were composed of adults living in the United States. METHODS: Two reviews were conducted using a PRISMA methodology - a systematic review of the cognitive distortions of CSEM offenders and an integrative review of their technology usage. A theoretical basis for LST was developed, and then seven investigations of the survey data were conducted evaluating the public’s endorsement of lawless spaces; the public’s perceptions of CSEM offenders; the self-perceptions of CSEM offenders; the suicidality of the offender sample; the use of technology and countermeasures by the offender sample; the collecting and viewing behaviours of the offender sample; and the idiographic profiles of the offender sample. RESULTS: The reviews found that the endorsement of traditional child contact offender cognitive distortions by CSEM offenders was low, and that they continued to use technology beyond its normative lifecycle. LST was developed to explain these behaviours, and the view of the Internet as generally lawless was endorsed by the reference and offender samples. The public sample showed biased beliefs that generally overestimated the prevalence of, and risk associated with, CSEM offending when compared to the offender sample. Offenders were found to have viewed investigators as having a lack of understanding and compassion, and they exhibited very high suicidal ideation following their interaction with law enforcement. Offenders exhibited similar technical abilities and lower technophilia than the reference sample, chose technologies to both reduce psychological strain and for utility purposes, and many exhibited cyclic deletions of their collections as part of a guilt/shame cycle. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Understanding CSEM offenders’ technological behaviours and cognitions can inform more effective investigative, deterrence, and treatment efforts. Law enforcement showing compassion during investigations may generate more full disclosures while facilitating offender engagement with resources to reduce suicidality. Deterrence efforts focused on establishing capable guardianship and reducing perceived lawlessness provide the potential to reduce offending. Treatment of criminogenic needs for the majority of CSEM offenders is not supported by evidence, but non-criminogenic treatment warrants broader consideration

    Evaluation of Efficiency of Cybersecurity

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    Uurimistöö eesmärgiks on uurida, kuidas tõhus küberjulgeolek on olnud edukas. Uurimistöö kasutab parima võimaliku tulemuse saamiseks mitmesuguseid uurimismeetodeid ja kirjanduse ülevaade on süstemaatiline. Kuid uurimistöö järeldus on see, et uuring ei suuda kinnitada või tagasi lükata peamist töö hüpoteesi. Uuring ei õnnestunud, sest puuduvad korralikud teooriad, mis näitavad ohutuse ja küberjulgeoleku nähtusi ning puuduvad head näitajad, mis annaksid küberohutuse tõhususe kohta kehtivaid ja ratsionaalseid tulemusi, kui hästi on küberkuritegevuse abil õnnestunud küberkuritegevuse tõhusaks võitmiseks ja küberkuritegude tõhusaks vähendamiseks. Seepärast on küberjulgeoleku teadusteooria ja julgeoleku teadusteooria vähearenenud 2018. aastal. Uuringud on teinud küberjulgeoleku ja turvalisuse arendamise põhilisi avastusi. Edasiste põhiuuringute suund on luua üldine turbeteooria, mis kirjeldab ohtlike muutujate ohtlike muutujate kavatsust, ressursse, pädevust ja edusamme ohtlike muutujate ja aksioomide puhul, kus ohtlike muutujate mõõtmisel saab teha selle sisse loodetavas ja teooria kirjeldab, millised on tõhusad meetmed, et vältida ja leevendada ning millised ei ole ja lõpuks kehtestada nõuetekohased mõõdikud, et mõõta turvalisuse ja küberjulgeoleku tõhusust loodetavus ja kehtivusega.The purpose of the thesis is to research how effectively cybersecurity has succeeded on its mission. The thesis used multiple research methods to get best possible answer and the literature review has been systematic. However, the conclusion of the research was that the study is unable to either confirm or reject the main working hypothesis. The study is unable to do it because of the lack of proper theories to describe what are the phenomena in secu-rity and cybersecurity and the lack of proper metrics to give valid and sound conclusion about the effective of cybersecurity and how well have cybersecurity succeed on its mis-sion to effectively prevent and mitigate cybercrime. Therefore, the science of security and science of cybersecurity are underdeveloped in 2018. The research has made basic discov-eries of development of cybersecurity and security. A direction of further basic research is to establish a general theory of security which describes threat variables, threat variables intention, resources, competence and progress of the threat variables and axioms where measurement of threat variables can be made with reliability and the theory would describe which are effective measures to prevent and mitigate and which are not and finally, estab-lish proper metrics to measure efficiency of security and cybersecurity with reliability and validity