5 research outputs found

    CyberParks Songs and Stories - Enriching Public Spaces with Localized Culture Heritage Material such as Digitized Songs and Stories.

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    This chapter offers theoretical considerations and reflections on technological solutions that contribute to digitally supported documentation, access and reuse of localised heritage content in public spaces. It addresses immaterial cultural heritage, including informal stories that could emerge and be communicated by drawing hyperlinks between digitised assets, such as songs, images, drawings, texts and more, and not yet documented metadata, as well as augmenting interaction opportunities with interactive elements that relate to multiple media stored in databases and archives across Europe. The aim is to enable cultural heritage to be experienced in novel ways, supported by the proliferation of smartphones and ubiquitous Internet access together with new technical means for user profiling, personalisation, localisation, context-awareness and gamification. The chapter considers cyberparks as digitally enhanced public spaces for accessing and analyzing European cultural heritage and for enriching the interpretation of the past, along with theoretical ramifications and technological limitations. It identifies the capacities of a proposed digital environment together with design guidelines for interaction with cultural heritage assets in public spaces. The chapter concludes with describing a taxonomy of digital content that can be used in order to enhance association and occupation conditions of public spaces, and with discussing technological challenges associated with enriching public spaces with localized cultural heritage material

    CyberParks: The interface between people, places and technology

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    This open access book is about public open spaces, about people, and about the relationship between them and the role of technology in this relationship. It is about different approaches, methods, empirical studies, and concerns about a phenomenon that is increasingly being in the centre of sciences and strategies – the penetration of digital technologies in the urban space. As the main outcome of the CyberParks Project, this book aims at fostering the understanding about the current and future interactions of the nexus people, public spaces and technology. It addresses a wide range of challenges and multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging phenomena related to the penetration of technology in people’s lifestyles - affecting therefore the whole society, and with this, the production and use of public spaces. Cyberparks coined the term cyberpark to describe the mediated public space, that emerging type of urban spaces where nature and cybertechnologies blend together to generate hybrid experiences and enhance quality of life

    A systematic literature review of Gamification in Cultural Heritage: Where are we? Where do we go?

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    Gamification has become an important tool in many organizations and fields of study. Despite the growing body of work, there are still many open paths for new research. This paper aims look at the uses of Gamification in the field of Cultural Heritage, to take account of where the research is and to point the open paths for the future in a post pandemic word. To do this, this paper presents a systematic literature review on Gamification in Cultural Heritage. While other endeavors have been conducted by other authors to map out the field, the scope of this study aimed to be much broader. The goal was to understand who the main actors with publications in the field are, as well as for what purposes and to what forms of Heritage is gamification being applied to. The findings indicate that European institutions are the main publishers of research on Gamification in Heritage, with the field still being dotted with incidental, one-time, studies. Whist intangible forms of Heritage are gaining ground in the use of Gamification, the field is largely dominated by GLAM institutions and groupings of mutually diverse Cultural Heritage assets, such as in tourist destinations. This paper also argues for more substantial networks and collaborative work between researchers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    De la especulación a la cultura de la rehabilitación. La estrategia PAX-Patios de la Axerquía como medida antigentrificación en entornos patrimoniales

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    Frente a las dinámicas de fuerte tensión especulativa durante la burbuja inmobiliaria, dirigida fundamentalmente a la ciudad en expansión, es decir, a la ocupación de territorio y espacio público, hoy el ajedrez de los fondos de inversión parece dirigirse cada vez más al interior de la ciudad. Este artículo pretende abrir algunas pautas acerca de la relación actual entre Gentrificación y Derecho a la Ciudad, como deseo de una colectividad hacia el futuro de nuestro entorno urbano. En concreto, se analizarán algunas experiencias acerca de la rehabilitación urbana e innovación social en ciudades mediterráneas y, más en profundidad, la relación entre economía social y rehabilitación urbana de áreas de alto valor patrimonial. Con mayor detalle, se analizará la experiencia de reactivación urbana a través de procesos cooperativos en curso en el caso de PAX-Patios de la Axerquía, una estrategia de rehabilitación y reuso de casas de vecinos en el casco histórico de Córdoba como medida de cohesión social en una zona de alto valor patrimonial —reconocida por la Unesco en su componente material e inmaterial—, en riesgo de gentrificación.Faced with the dynamics of strong speculative tension during the real estate bubble, aimed primarily at the expanding city, that is, the occupation of territory and public space, today the chess of investment funds seems to be increasingly directed towards the interior of the city. This article aims to open some guidelines about the current relationship between Gentrification and the Right to the City, as a desire for a collective towards the future of our urban environment (Harvey). Specifically, some experiences about urban rehabilitation and social innovation in Mediterranean cities and, more in depth, the relationship between social economy and urban rehabilitation of areas of high heritage value will be analyzed. In more detail, the experience of urban revival will be analyzed through ongoing cooperative processes in the case of PAX-Patios de la Axerquía, a strategy of rehabilitation and reuse of neighboring houses in the historic center of Córdoba as a measure of social cohesion in an area of high heritage value -recognized by Unesco in its material and immaterial component-, at risk of gentrification