187 research outputs found

    Cyber-pseudepigraphy: A New Challenge for Higher Education Policy and Management

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    There is no lack of critical literature dealing with cyber-plagiarism and the implications for assessment in higher education. The practice of the selling of academic papers through the Internet is generally included under the category of plagiarism, although it is suggested that this ought to be considered under the separate category of cyber-pseudepigraphy. Pseudepigraphy is defined in this essay as the deliberate ascription of false authorship to a piece of writing, and cyber-pseudepigraphy is defined as using the Internet to have another person write an academic essay or paper, without this authorship being acknowledged. It is suggested that cyber-pseudepigraphy has widespread implications, and five critical issues are discussed. The essay finally raises the prospect of a return to some form of unseen examination as a method of student assessment as a way of dealing with this problem

    El rediseño de las tareas académicas como forma de combatir el ciberplagio en la universidad

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    El fenómeno del ciberplagio ya ha sido descrito por multitud de autores (Cavanillas, 2008; Comas et al., 2011; Jones, 2009; Rowe, 2004; Underwood and Szabo, 2003) que han señalado tanto las razones que lo provocan como las medidas para reducirlo teniendo en cuenta el punto de vista académico, ético, o el de las instituciones universitarias, entre otros. Este estudio pretende reflexionar sobre la responsabilidad que tenemos los profesores en cuanto al ciberplagio si tenemos en cuenta las tareas que asignamos a nuestros alumnos. Si dichas tareas son motivadoras, inspiradoras, claras y diferentes, los estudiantes se verán menos tentados a hacer trampas. Este estudio se encuadra en el marco de la educación online y en él se hace un repaso de las directrices generales que los profesores debemos tener en cuenta al diseñar tareas. Se propondrán algunas ideas para rediseñarlas con el fin de alejar a los estudiantes de la deshonestidad académica

    Studi Cyber Plagiarisme Akademik Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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    Tindakan cyber plagiarisme akademik di kalangan mahasiswa FIK UNESA dalam mengerjakan tugas akademiknya dapat meruntuhkan karakter dan moral, serta menurunkan kompetensi para akademisi di perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) gambaran cyber plagiarisme akademik, (2) faktor-faktor penyebab cyber plagiarisme akademik, (3) persepsi mahasiswa mengenai cyber plagiarisme akademik, dan (4) dampak psikologis khususnya emosi cyber plagiarisme akademik. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian Mix Method. Dari semua mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Surabaya pada tahun ajaran 2016-2017 didapatkan populasi mahasiswa angkatan 2013 dan angkatan 2014 yang berjumlah 945 mahasiswa. Dengan menggunakan teknik proportionate stratified random sampling, maka diambil sampel sebanyak 251 mahasiswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner tertutup dan FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan data sebagai berikut: (1) gambaran cyber plagiarisme akademik dengan kategori tinggi (43%) dan kategori sedang (57%) (2) faktor penyebab melakukan cyber plagiarisme akademik, yaitu faktor internal menunda mengerjakan tugas (87%), kemudahan dalam mengerjakan (90%), dan faktor eksternal ikut-ikutan teman (84%), memilih cara yang cepat dan gratis (88%), mempersingkat waktu (87%), (3) dampak psikologis khususnya emosi cyber plagiarisme akademik meliputi merasa puas ketika berhasil menyelesaikan tugas dengan cara copy paste (83%), merasa tugas akademik adalah hal yang remeh setelah melakukan copy paste (76%), muncul ketergantungan setelah melakukan copy paste untuk mengerjakan tugas akademik (75%), terbiasa mengambil materi dari internet tanpa mencantumkan sumber pengarang aslinya (78%), percaya diri mendapatkan nilai yang bagus ketika melakukan copy paste pada tugas akademik (88%), merasa tidak maksimal mengerjakan tugas sendiri tanpa melihat dan copy paste referensi orang lain (71%), merasa ragu mengerjakan tugas akademik tanpa melakukan cyber plagiarisme (75%), khawatir ketahuan melakukan copy paste dalam mengerjakan tugas akademik (95%), dan menyesal melakukan copy paste dalam mengerjakan tugas akademik (98%). Mengenai persepsi cyber plagiarisme akademik ditemukan bahwa mahasiswa menganggap tindakan plagiarisme merupakan hal yang wajar.   Kata kunci: Cyber Plagiarisme, akademik, mahasiswa &nbsp

    Citation matters: two essays on the student journey of citation and how Google Scholar and the principle of least effort can affect academic writing

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    The paper consists of two short essays on citation matters. The aim is to get the academy thinking about citing and referencing from a student point of view. The first essay (on the student journey of citation) is an attempt of a framework for the academic writer, from the time they are an undergraduate student to an academic researcher. The worldview of citing and referencing is argued to develop in accordance to academic level. The second essay is on academic writing and the principle of least effort. With a few searches on Google Scholar, cyberplagiarism and the pilfering of citation context was demonstrated. With emphasis on patchwriting, the temptation of the academic writer to corner cut is not argued as being exclusive to students but more apparent by students. Technology is also argued to create a conflict for the academic writer showing a path where they can reduce effort

    Academic plagiarism prevalence among Spanish undergraduate students: an exploratory analysis

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    Introduction: The present research article is an exploratory study on academic plagiarism practices among Spanish university students. Materials and methods: To answer the main research questions, we based our work on a cross-sectional survey of the targeted population. The sample consisted of a total of 560 students and the procedure was non-probability sampling. Results and conclusions: The research findings show that the Internet has become the students’ main source for the plagiarism of academic essays. Furthermore, there is also a substantial prevalence of self-plagiarism and peer-to-peer (p2p) plagiarism when elaborating essays

    The Ginsburg Group: Technology: How to Stay out of Court

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    For professionals in higher education, it is our responsibility to stay on top of the ever changing landscape of technology at our colleges and universities. In order to provide the best and most convenient services, it is our objective to continue to expand the walls of higher education into the global boundaries of technology. For the purpose of this paper, the Ginsburg Group has focused on five different areas regarding the use of technology. In these areas, the information provided is our thoughts and best advice in how institutions of higher learning can avoid the courtroom. The following pages will dive into information on a wide variety of topics that the Ginsburg Group felt was important in discussing “How to Stay Out of Court.” Each chapter presented will contain information regarding the topic and then will finish with reference for that chapter. The five chapters we broke the information down to are: &#; Chapter One: FERPA &#; Chapter Two: Electronic Communication &#; Chapter Three: Plagiarism &#; Chapter Four: Electronic Content &#; Chapter Five: Outsourced Technology As a group, it is important to note that we are students in a Counseling and Student Affairs course who are putting our best attempt forward in regards to the law. The information we are providing in the pages to follow are the culmination of a semester of information received in our Counseling and Student Affairs course that is titled “Parameters of Law/Student Affairs.” When it comes down the specifics of each area, it is always smart to consult your university attorney. Thanks for taking time to read our information on “How to Stay Out of Court.” Sincerely, The Ginsburg Group Jennifer Ballard, Lee Maglinger, Alisha Orosz, Mandy Skinner, Kevin Thoma

    Ive Got My Virtual Eye On You: Remote Proctors And Academic Integrity

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    This paper discusses the challenges of online teaching, the reasons students cheat and one means of curtailing that cheating in the online environment. The use of Securexam Remote Proctor System in one university application is reviewed

    Cut-and-Paste Plagiarism: Teaching Student Researchers Boundaries

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    Librarians affiliated with educational institutions, as members of an academic community, participate in teaching students and future scholars how they share in the responsibility of upholding ethical standards of scholarship and values of academic honesty. Academic honesty, in its variant forms,was part of issues in education long before the introduction of computers. Two forms, plagiarism and copyright infringement, were chronic problems in the print realm and present additional dimensions in today’s electronic environment. The causes of copyright infringement and plagiarism are extensive and complex. Divergent positions are represented in the literature on how to deal with these issues. They are not only legal issues, but moral and ethical issues as well

    Percepción docente sobre el ciberplagio académico en el marco de la enseñanza universitaria online

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    [EN] This work will present the results of a study on cyber-plagiarism in the online teaching of Translation Studies. As Information and Comunication Technologies (ICTs) become even more integrated into people’s daily life and universities’ academic systems, cyber-plagiarism is on the rise. Our study was carried out by means of two tools. Firstly, we designed an ad hoc survey aimed at the faculty in the online BA in Translation and Interpretation at the Valencia International University. Secondly, a discussion group session where the same faculty was called to participate had place. The objective of these two measuring tools was to assess to which extent faculty had an accurate knowledge about cyber-plagiarism and to find out which kind of measures they use to counteract it.[ES] En esta comunicación presentaremos los resultados de un estudio sobre el ciberplagio en el ámbito de la enseñanza universitaria de la traducción en la modalidad virtual; un fenómeno que se acentúa a medida que las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) se integran en la vida diaria de las personas y forman parte del sistema académico universitario. El presente estudio se ha llevado a cabo a través de dos herramientas: (i) una encuesta ad hoc dirigida al profesorado del Grado online en Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad Internacional de Valencia, y (ii) un grupo de discusión en el que participaron estos mismos docentes. El objetivo de estas dos herramientas fue el de analizar el nivel de conocimiento de los profesores sobre el ciberplagio y las medidas que utilizan para contrarrestarlo.Gallent Torres, C.; Tello Fons, I. (2019). Percepción docente sobre el ciberplagio académico en el marco de la enseñanza universitaria online. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1716-1728. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10383OCS1716172

    Plagiarism : student perspectives

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    Abstract: Context. Universities are often required to lay the ethical foundation of student behaviour and none is more prevalent than the issue of plagiarism. Plagiarism is a violation of academic integrity although it is not specific to the academic community alone. The aim of this paper is to assess students’ understanding of plagiarism and plagiarism policies, the extent to which they engage in plagiarism practices, and their perceptions on the adequacy of training workshops on writing practices for undergraduate and post-graduate students at a metropolitan university in South Africa. Problem and results. Contradictory evidence was found about the students’ understanding of plagiarism. The prevalence of plagiarism was perceived as low amongst students. The students seemed to understand plagiarism policies as the majority indicated awareness of departmental penalties for student plagiarism and perceived these penalties to be fair. Additionally, the results revealed that different faculty departments placed equal emphasis on plagiarism and that the students perceived the university and the department’s workshops on academic writing and plagiarism to be adequate. Solution. This study highlights that South African universities mirror the global trend of increasing student plagiarism practices and that efforts to improve academic integrity should adopt global best practices while taking into account local characteristics