11 research outputs found

    The Hierarchy of Hyperlogics

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    Hyperproperties, which generalize trace properties by relating multiple traces, are widely studied in information-flow security. Recently, a number of logics for hyperproperties have been proposed, and there is a need to understand their decidability and relative expressiveness. The new logics have been obtained from standard logics with two principal extensions: temporal logics, like LTL and CTL^*, have been generalized to hyperproperties by adding variables for traces or paths. First-order and second-order logics, like monadic first-order logic of order and MSO, have been extended with the equal-level predicate. We study the impact of the two extensions across the spectrum of linear-time and branching-time logics, in particular for logics with quantification over propositions. The resulting hierarchy of hyperlogics differs significantly from the classical hierarchy, suggesting that the equal-level predicate adds more expressiveness than trace and path variables. Within the hierarchy of hyperlogics, we identify new boundaries on the decidability of the satisfiability problem. Specifically, we show that while HyperQPTL and HyperCTL^* are both undecidable in general, formulas within their \exists^*\forall^* fragments are decidable.Comment: Originally published at LICS 201

    Logical and deep learning methods for temporal reasoning

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    In this thesis, we study logical and deep learning methods for the temporal reasoning of reactive systems. In Part I, we determine decidability borders for the satisfiability and realizability problem of temporal hyperproperties. Temporal hyperproperties relate multiple computation traces to each other and are expressed in a temporal hyperlogic. In particular, we identify decidable fragments of the highly expressive hyperlogics HyperQPTL and HyperCTL*. As an application, we elaborate on an enforcement mechanism for temporal hyperproperties. We study explicit enforcement algorithms for specifications given as formulas in universally quantified HyperLTL. In Part II, we train a (deep) neural network on the trace generation and realizability problem of linear-time temporal logic (LTL). We consider a method to generate large amounts of additional training data from practical specification patterns. The training data is generated with classical solvers, which provide one of many possible solutions to each formula. We demonstrate that it is sufficient to train on those particular solutions such that the neural network generalizes to the semantics of the logic. The neural network can predict solutions even for formulas from benchmarks from the literature on which the classical solver timed out. Additionally, we show that it solves a significant portion of problems from the annual synthesis competition (SYNTCOMP) and even out-of-distribution examples from a recent case study.Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit logischen Methoden und mehrschichtigen Lernmethoden für das zeitabhängige Argumentieren über reaktive Systeme. In Teil I werden die Grenzen der Entscheidbarkeit des Erfüllbarkeits- und des Realisierbarkeitsproblem von temporalen Hypereigenschaften bestimmt. Temporale Hypereigenschaften setzen mehrere Berechnungsspuren zueinander in Beziehung und werden in einer temporalen Hyperlogik ausgedrückt. Insbesondere werden entscheidbare Fragmente der hochexpressiven Hyperlogiken HyperQPTL und HyperCTL* identifiziert. Als Anwendung wird ein Enforcement-Mechanismus für temporale Hypereigenschaften erarbeitet. Explizite Enforcement-Algorithmen für Spezifikationen, die als Formeln in universell quantifiziertem HyperLTL angegeben werden, werden untersucht. In Teil II wird ein (mehrschichtiges) neuronales Netz auf den Problemen der Spurgenerierung und Realisierbarkeit von Linear-zeit Temporallogik (LTL) trainiert. Es wird eine Methode betrachtet, um aus praktischen Spezifikationsmustern große Mengen zusätzlicher Trainingsdaten zu generieren. Die Trainingsdaten werden mit klassischen Solvern generiert, die zu jeder Formel nur eine von vielen möglichen Lösungen liefern. Es wird gezeigt, dass es ausreichend ist, an diesen speziellen Lösungen zu trainieren, sodass das neuronale Netz zur Semantik der Logik generalisiert. Das neuronale Netz kann Lösungen sogar für Formeln aus Benchmarks aus der Literatur vorhersagen, bei denen der klassische Solver eine Zeitüberschreitung hatte. Zusätzlich wird gezeigt, dass das neuronale Netz einen erheblichen Teil der Probleme aus dem jährlichen Synthesewettbewerb (SYNTCOMP) und sogar Beispiele außerhalb der Distribution aus einer aktuellen Fallstudie lösen kann

    Addressing Tasks Through Robot Adaptation

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    Developing flexible, broadly capable systems is essential for robots to move out of factories and into our daily lives, functioning as responsive agents that can handle whatever the world throws at them. This dissertation focuses on two kinds of robot adaptation. Modular self-reconfigurable robots (MSRR) adapt to the requirements of their task and environments by transforming themselves. By rearranging the connective structure of their component robot modules, these systems can assume different morphologies: for example, a cluster of modules might configure themselves into a car to maneuver on flat ground, a snake to climb stairs, or an arm to pick and place objects. Conversely, environment augmentation is a strategy in which the robot transforms its environment to meet its own needs, adding physical structures that allow it to overcome obstacles. In both areas, the presented work includes elements of hardware design, algorithms, and integrated systems, with the common goal of establishing these methods of adaptation as viable strategies to address tasks. The research takes a systems-level view of robotics, placing particular emphasis on experimental validation in hardware

    Model analytics and management

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    Model analytics and management

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    Modelling, Monitoring, Control and Optimization for Complex Industrial Processes

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    This reprint includes 22 research papers and an editorial, collected from the Special Issue "Modelling, Monitoring, Control and Optimization for Complex Industrial Processes", highlighting recent research advances and emerging research directions in complex industrial processes. This reprint aims to promote the research field and benefit the readers from both academic communities and industrial sectors

    A technical view: progress and aesthetic changes in cinematography at the beginning of the 21st century

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, leída el 20-09-2019Esta tesis doctoral atiende a la dirección de fotografía, una especialidad en la creacióncinematográfica que recibe escasa atención en los estudios fílmicos. Esta especialidad es la encargada de traducir la visión del director a parámetros técnicos y herramientas que se utilizarán tanto en rodaje como en la postproducción. Para ello, los directores de fotografía recurren a diversas técnicas como la luz, cámara, ópticas y soportes de captación. Éstas se han visto profundamente afectadas por la introducción de la cinematografía digital.Una mirada técnica: avances en dirección de fotografía y cambios estéticos a principios del siglo XXI es una investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa qué cuestiona cuáles han sido los efectos estéticos producidos por los avances técnicos digitales que afectan al trabajo del director de fotografía entre los años 2000 y 2015. Se trata de un estudio que aborda las interacciones entre tecnología y estética a través de su aplicación y evolución cronológica durante un periodo transicional en el que ha habido un cambio drástico en los modelos de producción y postproducción...The main focus of this doctoral thesis is cinematography, a specialized branch within film-making that has received little attention within media studies. Cinematography is thespeciality responsible for translating the ideas of the director into the technical parameters and tools that will be used during both shooting and post-production. In order to do this, directors of photography use a diverse array of tools, such as lighting, the camera, lenses and different image-recording mediums. These have been deeply affected by the introduction of digital cinematography. A Technical View: Progress and Aesthetic Changes in Cinematography at the Beginning of the 21st Century is a quantitative and qualitative study that questions what have been the aesthetic consequences of the development of digital technology for cinematography between the years 2000 and 2015. This work addresses the interaction between technology and aesthetics through their practical use and chronological development during a transitional period in which there have been drastic changes in production and post-production models...Fac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEunpu