14 research outputs found

    Verfahren zur Inhaltsadaption von Darstellungselementen

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    Dieser Bericht gibt einen Überblick über bekannte Verfahren und Technologien zur automatischen Adaption von Darstellungselementen für mobile Endgeräte, wobei der Schwerpunkt bei Verfahren zur Adaption von Bildern, Videos, Webseiten und Audiodateien liegt. Ziel ist es, basierend auf den Eigenschaften des Endgerätes und den Interaktionsmöglichkeiten, geeignete Darstellungsformate automatisch abzuleiten. Als mögliche Endgeräte werden Mobiltelefone, PDAs, Tablet PCs und Notebook PCs betrachtet. Ein guter Adaptionsalgorithmus sollte eine computergestützte Umformatierung von nur einmal bereit gestellten Inhalten für die verschiedenen Formfaktoren, Auflösungen, Bildschirmgrößen, Interaktionstechniken (Maus, Stift, Touch-Screen usw.) und Netzbandbreiten unterstützen

    Animating TTS Messages in Android using Open-Source Tools

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    ABSTRACT We describe in this paper how to use open-source resources to design and implement an Android application that renders a three-dimensional model of a human head to animate the lip movements of human speech from input text. The application utilizes the Android Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine[1] to convert any input text, which can be entered by the user in a text box or chosen from a menu of predefined messages, to human speech in English. Animation of the speech is carried out by a 3D graphics model of a human head composed of polygon meshes We use Java language to develop a parse

    Adaptation of web pages and images for mobile applications

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    Mobile presentations with interactive chat for m-Learning

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    Masters of ScienceUsing presentations in an m-Learning environment enables delivery of rich content to a mobile phone learner. This study investigated how to prepare and stream presentations from a desktop computer to a mobile phone in near-realtime. It also addressed communication between users using interactive text chat in the same environment. Our analysis of text/podcast-based m-Learning applications revealed limited interactivity and lack of diversity in content streamed. To address this, we developed a mobile-based application that uses a task-timer model to synchronize with a server every n units of time to enable near-real time streaming of presentation slides between mobile and desktop users. The application included text-based instant messenger. Laboratory experiments investigated the use Open Office and PowerPoint presentations and techniques used to convert these presentations into mobile phone compatible formats. Experiments were carried out with smart mobile phones running on a third generation cellular network. We employed transaction-logging techniques in addition to automated image analysis techniques to observe and record data. Analysis of the results revealed using presentations enabled more rich content than text-based models such as short message service-based frameworks and podcasts. Although m-Learning is not yet widely adopted, applications such as the one developed in the study offer high hopes for m-Learning because of the use of rich content and interactivity between users.South Afric

    Customizing Graphics for Tiny Displays of Mobile Devices

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    Computergestützte Inhaltsanalyse von digitalen Videoarchiven

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    Der Übergang von analogen zu digitalen Videos hat in den letzten Jahren zu großen Veränderungen innerhalb der Filmarchive geführt. Insbesondere durch die Digitalisierung der Filme ergeben sich neue Möglichkeiten für die Archive. Eine Abnutzung oder Alterung der Filmrollen ist ausgeschlossen, so dass die Qualität unverändert erhalten bleibt. Zudem wird ein netzbasierter und somit deutlich einfacherer Zugriff auf die Videos in den Archiven möglich. Zusätzliche Dienste stehen den Archivaren und Anwendern zur Verfügung, die erweiterte Suchmöglichkeiten bereitstellen und die Navigation bei der Wiedergabe erleichtern. Die Suche innerhalb der Videoarchive erfolgt mit Hilfe von Metadaten, die weitere Informationen über die Videos zur Verfügung stellen. Ein großer Teil der Metadaten wird manuell von Archivaren eingegeben, was mit einem großen Zeitaufwand und hohen Kosten verbunden ist. Durch die computergestützte Analyse eines digitalen Videos ist es möglich, den Aufwand bei der Erzeugung von Metadaten für Videoarchive zu reduzieren. Im ersten Teil dieser Dissertation werden neue Verfahren vorgestellt, um wichtige semantische Inhalte der Videos zu erkennen. Insbesondere werden neu entwickelte Algorithmen zur Erkennung von Schnitten, der Analyse der Kamerabewegung, der Segmentierung und Klassifikation von Objekten, der Texterkennung und der Gesichtserkennung vorgestellt. Die automatisch ermittelten semantischen Informationen sind sehr wertvoll, da sie die Arbeit mit digitalen Videoarchiven erleichtern. Die Informationen unterstützen nicht nur die Suche in den Archiven, sondern führen auch zur Entwicklung neuer Anwendungen, die im zweiten Teil der Dissertation vorgestellt werden. Beispielsweise können computergenerierte Zusammenfassungen von Videos erzeugt oder Videos automatisch an die Eigenschaften eines Abspielgerätes angepasst werden. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Dissertation liegt in der Analyse historischer Filme. Vier europäische Filmarchive haben eine große Anzahl historischer Videodokumentationen zur Verfügung gestellt, welche Anfang bis Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts gedreht und in den letzten Jahren digitalisiert wurden. Durch die Lagerung und Abnutzung der Filmrollen über mehrere Jahrzehnte sind viele Videos stark verrauscht und enthalten deutlich sichtbare Bildfehler. Die Bildqualität der historischen Schwarz-Weiß-Filme unterscheidet sich signifikant von der Qualität aktueller Videos, so dass eine verlässliche Analyse mit bestehenden Verfahren häufig nicht möglich ist. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation werden neue Algorithmen vorgestellt, um eine zuverlässige Erkennung von semantischen Inhalten auch in historischen Videos zu ermöglichen

    Personal Wayfinding Assistance

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    We are traveling many different routes every day. In familiar environments it is easy for us to find our ways. We know our way from bedroom to kitchen, from home to work, from parking place to office, and back home at the end of the working day. We have learned these routes in the past and are now able to find our destination without having to think about it. As soon as we want to find a place beyond the demarcations of our mental map, we need help. In some cases we ask our friends to explain us the way, in other cases we use a map to find out about the place. Mobile phones are increasingly equipped with wayfinding assistance. These devices are usually at hand because they are handy and small, which enables us to get wayfinding assistance everywhere where we need it. While the small size of mobile phones makes them handy, it is a disadvantage for displaying maps. Geographic information requires space to be visualized in order to be understandable. Typically, not all information displayed in maps is necessary. An example are walking ways in parks for car drivers, they are they are usually no relevant route options. By not displaying irrelevant information, it is possible to compress the map without losing important information. To reduce information purposefully, we need information about the user, the task at hand, and the environment it is embedded in. In this cumulative dissertation, I describe an approach that utilizes the prior knowledge of the user to adapt maps to the to the limited display options of mobile devices with small displays. I focus on central questions that occur during wayfinding and relate them to the knowledge of the user. This enables the generation of personal and context-specific wayfinding assistance in the form of maps which are optimized for small displays. To achieve personalized assistance, I present algorithmic methods to derive spatial user profiles from trajectory data. The individual profiles contain information about the places users regularly visit, as well as the traveled routes between them. By means of these profiles it is possible to generate personalized maps for partially familiar environments. Only the unfamiliar parts of the environment are presented in detail, the familiar parts are highly simplified. This bears great potential to minimize the maps, while at the same time preserving the understandability by including personally meaningful places as references. To ensure the understandability of personalized maps, we have to make sure that the names of the places are adapted to users. In this thesis, we study the naming of places and analyze the potential to automatically select and generate place names. However, personalized maps only work for environments the users are partially familiar with. If users need assistance for unfamiliar environments, they require complete information. In this thesis, I further present approaches to support uses in typical situations which can occur during wayfinding. I present solutions to communicate context information and survey knowledge along the route, as well as methods to support self-localization in case orientation is lost

    Internet on mobiles: evolution of usability and user experience

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    The mobile Internet is no longer a new phenomenon; the first mobile devices supporting web access were introduced over 10 years ago. During the past ten years technology and business infrastructure have evolved and the number of mobile Internet users has increased all over the world. Service user interface, technology and business infrastructure have built a framework for service adaptation: they can act as enablers or as barriers. Users evaluate how the new technology adds value to their life based on multiple factors. This dissertation has its focus in the area of human-computer interaction research and practices. The overall goal of my research has been to improve the usability and the user experience of mobile Internet services. My research has sought answers to questions relevant in service development process. Questions have varied during the years, the main question being: How to design and create mobile Internet services that people can use and want to use? I have sought answers mostly from a human factors perspective, but have also taken the elements form technology and business infrastructure into consideration. In order to answer the questions raised in service development projects, we have investigated the mobile Internet services in the laboratory and in the field. My research has been conducted in various countries in 3 continents: Asia, Europe and North America. These studies revealed differences in mobile Internet use in different countries and between user groups. Studies in this dissertation were conducted between years 1998 and 2007 and show how questions and research methods have evolved during the time. Good service creation requires that all three factors: technology, business infrastructure and users are taken in consideration. When using knowledge on users in decision making, it is important to understand that the different phases of the service development cycle require the different kind of information on users. It is not enough to know about the users, the knowledge about users has to be transferred into decisions. The service has to be easy to use so that people can use it. This is related to usability. Usability is a very important factor in service adoption, but it is not enough. The service has to have relevant content from user perspective. The content is the reason why people want to use the service. In addition to the content and the ease of use, people evaluate the goodness of the service based on many other aspects: the cost, the availability and the reliability of the system for example. A good service is worth trying and after the first experience, is it worth using. These aspects are considered to influence the 'user experience' of the system. In this work I use lexical analysis to evaluate how the words "usability" and "user experience" are used in mobile HCI conference papers during the past 10 years. The use of both words has increased during the period and reflects the evolution of research questions and methodology over time

    A framework for mobile SOA using compression

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    The widely accepted standards of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) have changed the way many organisations conduct their everyday business. The significant popularity of mobile devices has seen a rapid increase in the rate of mobile technology enhancements, which have become widely used for communication, as well as conducting everyday tasks. An increased requirement in many businesses is for staff not to be tied down to the office. Consequently, mobile devices play an important role in achieving the mobility and information access that people desire. Due to the popularity and increasing use of SOA and mobile devices, Mobile Service-Oriented Architecture (Mobile SOA) has become a new industry catch-phrase. Many challenges, however, exist within the Mobile SOA environment. These issues include limitations on mobile devices, such as a reduced screen size, lack of processing power, insufficient processing memory, limited battery life, poor storage capacity, unreliable network connections, limited bandwidth available and high transfer costs. This research aimed to provide an elegant solution to the issues of a mobile device, which hinders the performance of Mobile SOA. The main objective of this research was to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Mobile SOA. In order to achieve this goal, a framework was proposed, which supported intelligent compression of files used within a Web Service. The proposed framework provided a set of guidelines that facilitate the quick development of a system. A proof-of-concept prototype was developed, based on these guidelines and the framework design principles. The prototype provided practical evidence of the effectiveness of implementing a system based on the proposed framework. An analytical evaluation was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the prototype within the Mobile SOA environment. A performance evaluation was conducted to determine efficiency it provides. Additionally, the performance evaluation highlighted the decrease in file transfer time, as well as the significant reduction in transfer costs. The analytical and performance evaluations demonstrated that the prototype optimises the effectiveness and efficiency of Mobile SOA. The framework could, thus, be used to facilitate efficient file transfer between a Server and (Mobile) Client