1,401 research outputs found

    Customer Feedback Analysis using Collocations

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    Today’s ERP and CRM systems provide companies with nearly unlimited possibilities for collecting data concerning theircustomers. More and more of these data are more or less unstructured textual data. A good example of this type of data iscustomer feedback, which can potentially be used to improve customer satisfaction.However, merely getting an overview of what lies in an unstructured mass of text is an extremely challenging task. This isthe topic of the field of computational linguistics. Collocation analysis, one of the tools emerging from this field, is a tooldeveloped for this task in particular. In this paper, we use the collocation analysis to study a text corpora consisting of 64,806pieces of customer feedback collected through a case company’s online customer portal. Collocation analysis is shown to bea very useful tool for exploratory analysis of highly unstructured customer feedback

    Aspect/Feature-based Evaluation of Competing Apps

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    Tarkvara kvaliteedi mõõtmine on väljakutse paljudele ettevõtetele. Kasutaja kogemuse kogumine ja struktureerimine on väga keeruline. Kasutajate tagasiside on tavaliselt liiga üldine ning tarkvara probleemide leidmine ja seostamine tarkvara võimalustega (nt. kas tegemist on turvaveaga või kasutajaliidese probleemiga) on muutumas keeruliseks. Samal ajal näevad kliendid vaeva rakenduste võimalusepõhise võrdlemisega. Klientidel ei ole ühtegi viisi tuvastamaks, milline võimekus töötab hästi eri rakendustes ja milline mitte.\n\rEttevõtted üritavad sundida kliente andma „struktureeritud“ tagasisidet, kuid tagasiside vorme täidetakse tihti pealiskaudselt või eiratakse täielikult. Kuna võrgumüük on tänapäeval tüüpiline tarkvararakenduste evituskanal, hoitakse enamikku kasutajate tagasisidest võrgus ja avalikult kättesaadavalt veebis (nt. Google Play, Apple Store mobiilitarkvara puhul). Sellegipoolest on automaatne väärtusliku info eraldamine, positiivsete ning negatiivsete arvamuste eristamine ning rakenduste klassifitseerimine võimaluste rühmade järgi keeruline. Konkureerivate rakenduste võimalustepõhine võrdlemine on jätkuvalt raske ülesanne. Üks probleemidest on kommentaaride suur arv, mis teeb arvustajate hoiakute jälgimise keeruliseks. Analoogiliselt on keeruline leida koondarvamust tarkvara iga aspekti (või ka „võimaluse“) kohta. Sel põhjusel on hoiakuteanalüüs muutumas aina populaarsemaks. Selles valdkonnas on teostatud palju uurimusi ning loodud ja rakendatud on mitmeid meetodeid ja tööriistu. Võttes aluseks rakenduse ülevaadetest eraldatud informatsiooni, püstitatakse antud töös kolm eesmärki:\n\r1. Tuvastada etteantud rakenduste võimalused.\n\r2. Tuvastada need rakendused, mida võib funktsionaalsuse (nt. võimaluste) poolest pidada konkureerivateks.\n\r3. Võrrelda neid rakendusi kasutades hoiakute analüüsi.Measurement of software quality is a challenge for many companies. It is very complicated to extract and structure experience that users had. The feedback is usually too general, and it is becoming tough to figure out which problems a piece of software has and in which specific features (e.g. security problem, UI). At the same time, customers are struggling with the problem of comparing applications based on their features. There is no way for customers to know exactly which functionality works well, and which does not, in different applications.\n\rCompanies are trying to make customers provide "structured" feedback. However, feedback forms are often filled in superficially and partly or completely ignored. Since selling online is nowadays the typical delivery channel of software applications, most of the customer reviews are stored online and thus publicly available on the web (e.g. Google Play, Apple Store – for mobile software). However, automatically extracting valuable information and separating positive from negative opinions, as well as classifying software apps by feature groups is difficult. Comparing competing applications based on features they have is still a hard problem. One of the problems is the large amount of comments, which makes it difficult to keep track of the reviewers’ variety of sentiments. Likewise, it is hard to figure out a summarized opinion about each aspect (also, widely used the word “feature”) of the software. That is why approaches to sentiment analysis are becoming more and more popular. Much research has been done in this field, and various methods and tools have been developed and applied. Based on information extracted from app reviews, in this thesis, I tackle three goals:\n\r1. For a given app, identify features that this software application has.\n\r2. Identify those applications that can be considered competing apps with regards to functionality (i.e., the set of features provided).\n\r3. Compare these applications using sentiment analysis

    High-frequency collocations of nouns in research articles across eight disciplines

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    This paper describes a corpus-based analysis of the distribution of the high-frequency collocates of abstract nouns in 320 research articles across eight disciplines: Chemistry, Computer Science, Materials Science, Neuroscience, Economics, Language and Linguistics, Management, and Psychology. Disciplinary variation was also examined – very little previous research seems to have investigated this. The corpus was analysed using WordSmith Tools. The 16 highest-frequency nouns across all eight disciplines were identified, followed by the highest-frequency collocates for each noun. Five disciplines showed over 50% variance from the overall results. Conclusions are that the differing patterns revealed are disciplinary norms and represent standard terminology within the disciplines arising from the topics discussed, research methods, and content of discussions. It is also concluded that the collocations are an important part of the meanings and functions of the nouns, and that this evidence of sharp discipline differences underlines the importance of discipline-specific collocation research

    Text mining and it is development stages

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    This paper is based on the process of designing text mining. And it illustrates how social mining is increasing in the ICT sector

    Evaluating students’ perceptions of a scenario-situated business communication course

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    Research has identified that Business students, who are immersed in theoretical concepts, may not be equipped with the skills required to operate successfully in the global workplace in the English medium (Evans, 2013). Secondly, tasks in Business English textbooks tend not to bear much resemblance to those of a work environment (Bremner, 2010; Evans, 2013). This paper discusses an optional written business communication course open to international postgraduate Business School students. Although the course is worth ten credits, it can only be used for a separate award, not part of their degree programme. The course focuses on the use of appropriate register, Business English vocabulary and intertextuality, as these features have been identified as pivotal to successful written business communication (Evans, 2013). A short questionnaire was distributed to the students towards the end of course to elicit their perceptions of the usefulness of the course. Consisting of two closed questions and one open question, data was then coded using constructivist grounded theory (Mills, Birks and Hoare, 2014), from which themes emerged providing valuable and unexpected feedback. The primary finding was that the course appeared to have alerted students to the importance of the business writing genre, resulting in an overwhelming request for more instruction

    Inconsistent presentation of sustainability-related information to the stakeholders of an apparel company

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    Abstract. Sustainability and sustainable development are common concepts today although they are complex and difficult to define. The complexity of sustainability has translated to sustainability reporting through which companies seek to communicate about their sustainability-related actions to their stakeholders. Especially in the apparel industry consumers are increasingly demanding more transparent and clear communication about sustainability as they find it difficult to understand currently. This research therefore examines how sustainability discourse is presented in a sustainability report and how the presentation attempts to affect the stakeholders’ perceptions of the case company’s sustainability. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the importance of adequate presentation of sustainability-related information. The study is conducted as a critical discourse analysis, and it utilizes a sustainability report of an apparel company as its data. The analysis demonstrates that the sustainability discourse is formed through various characteristics. Most of the characteristics seek to influence the way in which the stakeholders view the company’s sustainability, but objective language is used as well. While objective language is otherwise desirable in a sustainability report to ensure clear presentation of information, together with influencing characteristics it increases unclarity. There is however also a positive finding as the sustainability report of the case company also seeks to create dialogue with the stakeholders, which is recommended by the previous research. When the findings of the study are reflected against a wider political situation, it is concluded that with proper presentation of information, sustainability reports can drive sustainability transformation through collaboration between states, companies, and consumers

    Creating a business English course

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    In this quickly globalizing world, a broad world view and a good command of English is becoming more and more important. Tartu Miina Härma Gümnaasium aims to prepare students for this and provides many elective courses, Business English being one of them. The aim of this MA thesis is to design a Business English course for Tartu Miina Härma Gümnaasium that focuses on subject matter and Business English related vocabulary which makes it a fusion of English for Special Purposes (ESP) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) course. ESP is an approach where English as a language is central but it is taught within a certain subject area (for example, English for Doctors or Business English); CLIL is an approach where a subject is taught in the target language and students learn both the subject matter and the language at the same time. The course that is meant for 12th graders consists of six units (“Corporate image and supply”, “Marketing”, “Risk management”, “Free trade”, “Investing”, “Working life”) over 60 lessons and its materials come from different Business English textbooks and some are created by the author of this thesis. Modular format with some cyclical course format’s characteristics is used as course outline – this means that the topics do not have to be in a certain order because there is little cumulative knowledge between the topics but revisiting previous topics is done wherever possible. A lot of attention is given to revising vocabulary as this helps students to remember new vocabulary better.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5426842*es

    Review of Research methods for digital discourse analysis

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    A Study Of Data Informatics: Data Analysis And Knowledge Discovery Via A Novel Data Mining Algorithm

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    Frequent pattern mining (fpm) has become extremely popular among data mining researchers because it provides interesting and valuable patterns from large datasets. The decreasing cost of storage devices and the increasing availability of processing power make it possible for researchers to build and analyze gigantic datasets in various scientific and business domains. A filtering process is needed, however, to generate patterns that are relevant. This dissertation contributes to addressing this need. An experimental system named fpmies (frequent pattern mining information extraction system) was built to extract information from electronic documents automatically. Collocation analysis was used to analyze the relationship of words. Template mining was used to build the experimental system which is the foundation of fpmies. With the rising need for improved environmental performance, a dataset based on green supply chain practices of three companies was used to test fpmies. The new system was also tested by users resulting in a recall of 83.4%. The new algorithm\u27s combination of semantic relationships with template mining significantly improves the recall of fpmies. The study\u27s results also show that fpmies is much more efficient than manually trying to extract information. Finally, the performance of the fpmies system was compared with the most popular fpm algorithm, apriori, yielding a significantly improved recall and precision for fpmies (76.7% and 74.6% respectively) compared to that of apriori (30% recall and 24.6% precision)

    The formation of the image of top-ranked hotels through real online customer reviews: a corpus-based study of evaluative adjectives as image-formers/providers

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    This study is grounded on a corpus-based analysis of evaluative adjectives as hotel image-formers/providers conducted from a multifaceted yet complementary perspective which departs from the notion of destination image formation (Gartner, 1993; Baloglu & McCleary, 1999, Gylling, 2004 among others) focused on a specific aspect, that of the hotel of destination, and to a specific genre, the online (hotel) customer review. The corpus of study, which contains more than 250 000 words, is made up of more than 1200 online reviews of top-ranked hotels retrieved from the popular website Tripadvisor.com. WordSmith Tools 5.0 was used to analyse and categorise the evaluative adjectives in the corpus from three perspectives: firstly, adjectives were initially classified according to frequency and/or saliency criteria; secondly, in terms of their implicit degree of positivity/negativity; and thirdly, according to the kind of evaluation provided. Subsequently, the main features evaluated in any hotel online customer review (value, rooms, location, cleanliness, and service) and their frequently associated adjectival evaluative acts were analysed to determine their collocational behavior and thus the way such appraisal patterns contribute to “destination image formation”, that is, to form an impression on specific aspects of top-ranked hotels. The paper is aimed at showing that evaluative adjectives in online customer reviews are critical in the interpretation of subjective expected values, and that a correct understanding of the kind of image they transmit in the tourist-to tourist digital interaction through reviews provides an opportunity for destination marketers, in this case hoteliers, to enhance the psychological and symbolic values as well as the benefits of the destination according to improved communication strategies and language usage