68 research outputs found

    Topological and Geometric Methods with a View Towards Data Analysis

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    In geometry, various tools have been developed to explore the topology and other features of a manifold from its geometrical structure. Among the two most powerful ones are the analysis of the critical points of a function, or more generally, the closed orbits of a dynamical system defined on the manifold, and the evaluation of curvature inequalities. When any (nondegenerate) function has to have many critical points and with different indices, then the topology must be rich, and when certain curvature inequalities hold throughout the manifold, that constrains the topology. It has been observed that these principles also hold for metric spaces more general than Riemannian manifolds, and for instance also for graphs. This thesis represents a contribution to this program. We study the relation between the closed orbits of a dynamical system and the topology of a manifold or a simplicial complex via the approach of Floer. And we develop notions of Ricci curvature not only for graphs, but more generally for, possibly directed, hypergraphs, and we draw structural consequences from curvature inequalities. It includes methods that besides their theoretical importance can be used as powerful tools for data analysis. This thesis has two main parts; in the first part we have developed topological methods based on the dynamic of vector fields defined on smooth as well as discrete structures. In the second part, we concentrate on some curvature notions which already proved themselves as powerful measures for determining the local (and global) structures of smooth objects. Our main motivation here is to develop methods that are helpful for the analysis of complex networks. Many empirical networks incorporate higher-order relations between elements and therefore are naturally modeled as, possibly directed and/or weighted, hypergraphs, rather than merely as graphs. In order to develop a systematic tool for the statistical analysis of such hypergraphs, we propose a general definition of Ricci curvature on directed hypergraphs and explore the consequences of that definition. The definition generalizes Ollivier’s definition for graphs. It involves a carefully designed optimal transport problem between sets of vertices. We can then characterize various classes of hypergraphs by their curvature. In the last chapter, we show that our curvature notion is a powerful tool for determining complex local structures in a variety of real and random networks modeled as (directed) hypergraphs. Furthermore, it can nicely detect hyperloop structures; hyperloops are fundamental in some real networks such as chemical reactions as catalysts in such reactions are faithfully modeled as vertices of directed hyperloops. We see that the distribution of our curvature notion in real networks deviates from random models

    Wasserstein Soft Label Propagation on Hypergraphs: Algorithm and Generalization Error Bounds

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    Inspired by recent interests of developing machine learning and data mining algorithms on hypergraphs, we investigate in this paper the semi-supervised learning algorithm of propagating "soft labels" (e.g. probability distributions, class membership scores) over hypergraphs, by means of optimal transportation. Borrowing insights from Wasserstein propagation on graphs [Solomon et al. 2014], we re-formulate the label propagation procedure as a message-passing algorithm, which renders itself naturally to a generalization applicable to hypergraphs through Wasserstein barycenters. Furthermore, in a PAC learning framework, we provide generalization error bounds for propagating one-dimensional distributions on graphs and hypergraphs using 2-Wasserstein distance, by establishing the \textit{algorithmic stability} of the proposed semi-supervised learning algorithm. These theoretical results also shed new lights upon deeper understandings of the Wasserstein propagation on graphs.Comment: To appear in Proc. AAAI'1

    Forman's Ricci curvature - From networks to hypernetworks

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    Networks and their higher order generalizations, such as hypernetworks or multiplex networks are ever more popular models in the applied sciences. However, methods developed for the study of their structural properties go little beyond the common name and the heavy reliance of combinatorial tools. We show that, in fact, a geometric unifying approach is possible, by viewing them as polyhedral complexes endowed with a simple, yet, the powerful notion of curvature - the Forman Ricci curvature. We systematically explore some aspects related to the modeling of weighted and directed hypernetworks and present expressive and natural choices involved in their definitions. A benefit of this approach is a simple method of structure-preserving embedding of hypernetworks in Euclidean N-space. Furthermore, we introduce a simple and efficient manner of computing the well established Ollivier-Ricci curvature of a hypernetwork.Comment: to appear: Complex Networks '18 (oral presentation

    Beyond Flatland : exploring graphs in many dimensions

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    Societies, technologies, economies, ecosystems, organisms, . . . Our world is composed of complex networks—systems with many elements that interact in nontrivial ways. Graphs are natural models of these systems, and scientists have made tremendous progress in developing tools for their analysis. However, research has long focused on relatively simple graph representations and problem specifications, often discarding valuable real-world information in the process. In recent years, the limitations of this approach have become increasingly apparent, but we are just starting to comprehend how more intricate data representations and problem formulations might benefit our understanding of relational phenomena. Against this background, our thesis sets out to explore graphs in five dimensions: descriptivity, multiplicity, complexity, expressivity, and responsibility. Leveraging tools from graph theory, information theory, probability theory, geometry, and topology, we develop methods to (1) descriptively compare individual graphs, (2) characterize similarities and differences between groups of multiple graphs, (3) critically assess the complexity of relational data representations and their associated scientific culture, (4) extract expressive features from and for hypergraphs, and (5) responsibly mitigate the risks induced by graph-structured content recommendations. Thus, our thesis is naturally situated at the intersection of graph mining, graph learning, and network analysis.Gesellschaften, Technologien, Volkswirtschaften, Ökosysteme, Organismen, . . . Unsere Welt besteht aus komplexen Netzwerken—Systemen mit vielen Elementen, die auf nichttriviale Weise interagieren. Graphen sind natürliche Modelle dieser Systeme, und die Wissenschaft hat bei der Entwicklung von Methoden zu ihrer Analyse große Fortschritte gemacht. Allerdings hat sich die Forschung lange auf relativ einfache Graphrepräsentationen und Problemspezifikationen beschränkt, oft unter Vernachlässigung wertvoller Informationen aus der realen Welt. In den vergangenen Jahren sind die Grenzen dieser Herangehensweise zunehmend deutlich geworden, aber wir beginnen gerade erst zu erfassen, wie unser Verständnis relationaler Phänomene von intrikateren Datenrepräsentationen und Problemstellungen profitieren kann. Vor diesem Hintergrund erkundet unsere Dissertation Graphen in fünf Dimensionen: Deskriptivität, Multiplizität, Komplexität, Expressivität, und Verantwortung. Mithilfe von Graphentheorie, Informationstheorie, Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, Geometrie und Topologie entwickeln wir Methoden, welche (1) einzelne Graphen deskriptiv vergleichen, (2) Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Gruppen multipler Graphen charakterisieren, (3) die Komplexität relationaler Datenrepräsentationen und der mit ihnen verbundenen Wissenschaftskultur kritisch beleuchten, (4) expressive Merkmale von und für Hypergraphen extrahieren, und (5) verantwortungsvoll den Risiken begegnen, welche die Graphstruktur von Inhaltsempfehlungen mit sich bringt. Damit liegt unsere Dissertation naturgemäß an der Schnittstelle zwischen Graph Mining, Graph Learning und Netzwerkanalyse
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