6,157 research outputs found

    Saturation current protection apparatus for saturable core transformers Patent

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    Magnetic current regulator for saturable core transforme

    All-optical differential current detection technique for unit protection applications

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    In this paper we demonstrate a novel, all-optical differential current protection scheme. By monitoring the optical power reflected from two matched hybrid fiber Bragg grating current sensors and using a simple optoelectronic threshold detector, an immediate response to an increase in differential current is achieved. A preliminary laboratory embodiment is constructed in order to characterize the performance of the scheme. The proposed technique does not require a complex sensor interrogation scheme, usually characterized by a limited sampling frequency, and thus will be capable of facilitating inexpensive and fast-acting differential protection over long distances

    Battery charging and discharging control of a hybrid energy system using microcontroller

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    This study aims to control charging and discharging the battery for hybrid energy systems. The control system works by selecting the right energy source to supply voltage to the load. And also this control system can regulate charging and discharging the battery automatically. The voltage source consists of two energy, namely from the battery and DC source. The control system that has been designed has the ability to choose the right DC source when the battery capacity is less than 80%. This system also has a good ability to choose a battery source when the battery reaches 100% capacity and the DC source has a voltage drop of more than 20%. This control system is equipped with excessive electric current protection so that the security level is high

    Fault detection and location in DC systems from initial di/dt measurement

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    The use of DC for primary power distribution has the potential to bring significant design, cost and efficiency benefits to a range of power transmission and distribution applications. The use of active converter technologies within these networks is a key enabler for these benefits to be realised, however their integration can lead to exceptionally demanding electrical fault protection requirements, both in terms of speed and fault discrimination. This paper describes a novel fault detection method which exceeds the capability of many current protection methods in order to meet these requirements. The method utilises fundamental characteristics of the converter filter capacitance’s response to electrical system faults to estimate fault location through a measurement of fault path inductance. Crucially, the method has the capability to detect and discriminate fault location within microseconds of the fault occurring, facilitating its rapid removal from the network

    Current Protection for the Energy Harvesting from Exercise Machines (EHFEM) Project

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    The Energy Harvesting from Exercise Machines (EHFEM) project intends to create an exercise machine that recycles the energy expended by an athlete operating the machine by sending it to the electric grid. The work done by the user goes through a DC-DC converter and an inverter in order to prepare it for delivery to the grid. A protection circuit ensures that the inverter does not try to pull too much current from the DC-DC converter. The project implements a current protection system that ensures the system doesn’t experience an overcurrent condition

    Pengaruh Kadar Air Dan Jenis Tanah Terhadap Penyediaan Arus Sistem Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Untuk Proteksi Korosi Pipa Baja

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    THE EFFECT OF VARIATIONS IN RESISTIVITY AND SOIL WATER CONTENT TO WARDS CURRENT IN IMPRESSED CURRENT CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM AT STEEL PIPE. Corrosion is the main problem of the failure of metal pipe and it is unavoidable from underground piping system. The frequent method that been used for reducing corotion in underground pipe by giving coat and ICCP installation. The environment factor become the most indicator towards ground corotion is the resistivity and soil water content. The purpose of this research are to analyze the resistivity effect and soil water content towards the requirement of ICCP current protection system at metal pipe API 5L Grade B as a chatode that been add with the coating variation (full coating, without coating and square form scratch defect with 500mm2 wide). The 0% of water content variation (dry condition) and 25%.We use graphite as an anode and current rectifier and Cu/ CuSO4 electrode as a reference. The measurement of this current protection been held for 7 days with data retrieval everyday. From this research it show us that the increase of soil water content level make the soil resistivity reduce, because the increasing of the water level in the soil can ease the current. The soil resistivity number can be higher but it needs the low current protection, this is all due to the soil with the higher resistivity have the high resistance (too weak to deliver the electric current or isolator).Meanwhile with the high level of soil water content, the number of the current protection will be increase, this is all due to the water can easily absorb the ionisation of the electron in the soil so it can ease the current flow. According to the hypothesis of the authors, the higher of resistivity will make the current of protection will be even lower

    Pulse power supply on IR2153

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    Запропоновано схемні рішення лабораторного імпульсного блоку живлення на IR2153 з можливістю захисту за струмомThe circuit solutions of the laboratory pulse power supply unit on the IR2153 with the possibility of current protection are proposed

    The laws, regulations, and industry practices that protect consumers who use electronic payment systems: policy considerations

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    This is the third in a series of three papers that examines the laws, regulations, and voluntary industry practices that may aid consumers who contest an electronic transaction because of error, fraud, or merchant dispute. The first two papers describe the complex web of protections available to users of four popular electronic payment mechanisms: credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, and ACH e-checks. This third paper considers how protections related to fraud, error, and disputes affect market participants. The paper concludes that (i) the current protection mechanisms make it more difficult to encourage the adoption of fraud-reduction schemes, (ii) the current protections represent a significant cost to banks, merchants, processors, and consumers, and (iii) the present federal system of protection, while encouraging innovation and thoughtful regulation, leads to consumer confusion.Payment systems ; Fraud ; Consumer protection

    The Political Economy of Declining Industries: Senescent Industry Collapse Revisited

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    One of the most robust empirical regularities in the political economy of trade is the persistence of protection. This paper explains persistent protection in terms of the interaction between industry adjustment, lobbying, and the political response. Faced with a trade shock, owners of industry-specific factors can undertake costly adjustment, or they can lobby politicians for protection and thereby mitigate the need for adjustment. The choice depends on the returns from adjusting relative to lobbying. By introducing an explicit lobbying process, it can be shown that the level of tariffs is an increasing function of past tariffs. Since current adjustment diminishes future lobbying intensity, and protection reduces adjustment, current protection raises future protection. This simple lobbying feedback effect has an important dynamic resource allocation effect: declining industries contract more slowly over time and never fully adjust. In addition, the model makes clear that the type of collapse predicted by Cassing and Hillman (1986) is only possible under special conditions, such as a fixed cost to lobbying. The paper also considers the symmetric case of lobbying in growing industries.