386 research outputs found

    Structural learning for large scale image classification

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    To leverage large-scale collaboratively-tagged (loosely-tagged) images for training a large number of classifiers to support large-scale image classification, we need to develop new frameworks to deal with the following issues: (1) spam tags, i.e., tags are not relevant to the semantic of the images; (2) loose object tags, i.e., multiple object tags are loosely given at the image level without their locations in the images; (3) missing object tags, i.e. some object tags are missed due to incomplete tagging; (4) inter-related object classes, i.e., some object classes are visually correlated and their classifiers need to be trained jointly instead of independently; (5) large scale object classes, which requires to limit the computational time complexity for classifier training algorithms as well as the storage spaces for intermediate results. To deal with these issues, we propose a structural learning framework which consists of the following key components: (1) cluster-based junk image filtering to address the issue of spam tags; (2) automatic tag-instance alignment to address the issue of loose object tags; (3) automatic missing object tag prediction; (4) object correlation network for inter-class visual correlation characterization to address the issue of missing tags; (5) large-scale structural learning with object correlation network for enhancing the discrimination power of object classifiers. To obtain enough numbers of labeled training images, our proposed framework leverages the abundant web images and their social tags. To make those web images usable, tag cleansing has to be done to neutralize the noise from user tagging preferences, in particularly junk tags, loose tags and missing tags. Then a discriminative learning algorithm is developed to train a large number of inter-related classifiers for achieving large-scale image classification, e.g., learning a large number of classifiers for categorizing large-scale images into a large number of inter-related object classes and image concepts. A visual concept network is first constructed for organizing enumorus object classes and image concepts according to their inter-concept visual correlations. The visual concept network is further used to: (a) identify inter-related learning tasks for classifier training; (b) determine groups of visually-similar object classes and image concepts; and (c) estimate the learning complexity for classifier training. A large-scale discriminative learning algorithm is developed for supporting multi-class classifier training and achieving accurate inter-group discrimination and effective intra-group separation. Our discriminative learning algorithm can significantly enhance the discrimination power of the classifiers and dramatically reduce the computational cost for large-scale classifier training


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    Enabling computers to recognize objects present in images has been a long standing but tremendously challenging problem in the field of computer vision for decades. Beyond the difficulties resulting from huge appearance variations, large-scale visual recognition poses unprecedented challenges when the number of visual categories being considered becomes thousands, and the amount of images increases to millions. This dissertation contributes to addressing a number of the challenging issues in large-scale visual recognition. First, we develop an automatic image-text alignment method to collect massive amounts of labeled images from the Web for training visual concept classifiers. Specif- ically, we first crawl a large number of cross-media Web pages containing Web images and their auxiliary texts, and then segment them into a collection of image-text pairs. We then show that near-duplicate image clustering according to visual similarity can significantly reduce the uncertainty on the relatedness of Web images’ semantics to their auxiliary text terms or phrases. Finally, we empirically demonstrate that ran- dom walk over a newly proposed phrase correlation network can help to achieve more precise image-text alignment by refining the relevance scores between Web images and their auxiliary text terms. Second, we propose a visual tree model to reduce the computational complexity of a large-scale visual recognition system by hierarchically organizing and learning the classifiers for a large number of visual categories in a tree structure. Compared to previous tree models, such as the label tree, our visual tree model does not require training a huge amount of classifiers in advance which is computationally expensive. However, we experimentally show that the proposed visual tree achieves results that are comparable or even better to other tree models in terms of recognition accuracy and efficiency. Third, we present a joint dictionary learning (JDL) algorithm which exploits the inter-category visual correlations to learn more discriminative dictionaries for image content representation. Given a group of visually correlated categories, JDL simul- taneously learns one common dictionary and multiple category-specific dictionaries to explicitly separate the shared visual atoms from the category-specific ones. We accordingly develop three classification schemes to make full use of the dictionaries learned by JDL for visual content representation in the task of image categoriza- tion. Experiments on two image data sets which respectively contain 17 and 1,000 categories demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In the last part of the dissertation, we develop a novel data-driven algorithm to quantitatively characterize the semantic gaps of different visual concepts for learning complexity estimation and inference model selection. The semantic gaps are estimated directly in the visual feature space since the visual feature space is the common space for concept classifier training and automatic concept detection. We show that the quantitative characterization of the semantic gaps helps to automatically select more effective inference models for classifier training, which further improves the recognition accuracy rates

    Emotion Detection and Classification using Hybrid Feature Selection and Deep Learning Techniques

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    Image sentiment analysis has gained significant attention due to the increasing availability of user-generated content on various platforms such as social media, e-commerce websites, and online reviews. The core of our approach lies in the deep learning model, which combines the strengths of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks. The CNN component captures local dependencies and learns high-level features, while the LSTM component captures long-term dependencies and maintains contextual information. By fusing these two components, our model effectively captures both local and global context, leading to improved sentiment analysis performance. During the execution first select the context and generate visual feature vector for generation of captions. The EfficientNetB7 model is applied in order to construct the image description for every individual picture. The Attention-based LSTM as well as Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) greedy method are the two approaches that are utilized in the process of classifying sentiment labels. The proposed research has been categorized into three different phases. In Phase 1 describe various data preprocessing and normalization techniques. It also demonstrates training using RESNET-101 deep learning-based CNN classification algorithm. In Phase 2 extract the various features from the selected context of input image. The context has been selected based on detected objects from the image and generates a visual caption for the entire dataset. The      generated captions are dynamically used for model training as well as testing to both datasets. The EfficientNet module has used for generation of visual context from selected contexts. Finally in phase 3 classification model has built using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN). The proposed algorithm classified the entire train and test dataset with different cross- validations such as 5-fold, 10-fold and 15-fold etc. The numerous activation functions are also used for evaluation of the proposed algorithm in different ways. The higher accuracy of the proposed model is 96.20% sigmoid function for 15-fold cross validation

    Feature Extraction and Duplicate Detection for Text Mining: A Survey

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    Text mining, also known as Intelligent Text Analysis is an important research area. It is very difficult to focus on the most appropriate information due to the high dimensionality of data. Feature Extraction is one of the important techniques in data reduction to discover the most important features. Proce- ssing massive amount of data stored in a unstructured form is a challenging task. Several pre-processing methods and algo- rithms are needed to extract useful features from huge amount of data. The survey covers different text summarization, classi- fication, clustering methods to discover useful features and also discovering query facets which are multiple groups of words or phrases that explain and summarize the content covered by a query thereby reducing time taken by the user. Dealing with collection of text documents, it is also very important to filter out duplicate data. Once duplicates are deleted, it is recommended to replace the removed duplicates. Hence we also review the literature on duplicate detection and data fusion (remove and replace duplicates).The survey provides existing text mining techniques to extract relevant features, detect duplicates and to replace the duplicate data to get fine grained knowledge to the user

    On Creating Benchmark Dataset for Aerial Image Interpretation: Reviews, Guidances and Million-AID

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    The past years have witnessed great progress on remote sensing (RS) image interpretation and its wide applications. With RS images becoming more accessible than ever before, there is an increasing demand for the automatic interpretation of these images. In this context, the benchmark datasets serve as essential prerequisites for developing and testing intelligent interpretation algorithms. After reviewing existing benchmark datasets in the research community of RS image interpretation, this article discusses the problem of how to efficiently prepare a suitable benchmark dataset for RS image interpretation. Specifically, we first analyze the current challenges of developing intelligent algorithms for RS image interpretation with bibliometric investigations. We then present the general guidances on creating benchmark datasets in efficient manners. Following the presented guidances, we also provide an example on building RS image dataset, i.e., Million-AID, a new large-scale benchmark dataset containing a million instances for RS image scene classification. Several challenges and perspectives in RS image annotation are finally discussed to facilitate the research in benchmark dataset construction. We do hope this paper will provide the RS community an overall perspective on constructing large-scale and practical image datasets for further research, especially data-driven ones

    Evaluation Methodologies for Visual Information Retrieval and Annotation

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    Die automatisierte Evaluation von Informations-Retrieval-Systemen erlaubt Performanz und Qualität der Informationsgewinnung zu bewerten. Bereits in den 60er Jahren wurden erste Methodologien für die system-basierte Evaluation aufgestellt und in den Cranfield Experimenten überprüft. Heutzutage gehören Evaluation, Test und Qualitätsbewertung zu einem aktiven Forschungsfeld mit erfolgreichen Evaluationskampagnen und etablierten Methoden. Evaluationsmethoden fanden zunächst in der Bewertung von Textanalyse-Systemen Anwendung. Mit dem rasanten Voranschreiten der Digitalisierung wurden diese Methoden sukzessive auf die Evaluation von Multimediaanalyse-Systeme übertragen. Dies geschah häufig, ohne die Evaluationsmethoden in Frage zu stellen oder sie an die veränderten Gegebenheiten der Multimediaanalyse anzupassen. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der system-basierten Evaluation von Indizierungssystemen für Bildkollektionen. Sie adressiert drei Problemstellungen der Evaluation von Annotationen: Nutzeranforderungen für das Suchen und Verschlagworten von Bildern, Evaluationsmaße für die Qualitätsbewertung von Indizierungssystemen und Anforderungen an die Erstellung visueller Testkollektionen. Am Beispiel der Evaluation automatisierter Photo-Annotationsverfahren werden relevante Konzepte mit Bezug zu Nutzeranforderungen diskutiert, Möglichkeiten zur Erstellung einer zuverlässigen Ground Truth bei geringem Kosten- und Zeitaufwand vorgestellt und Evaluationsmaße zur Qualitätsbewertung eingeführt, analysiert und experimentell verglichen. Traditionelle Maße zur Ermittlung der Performanz werden in vier Dimensionen klassifiziert. Evaluationsmaße vergeben üblicherweise binäre Kosten für korrekte und falsche Annotationen. Diese Annahme steht im Widerspruch zu der Natur von Bildkonzepten. Das gemeinsame Auftreten von Bildkonzepten bestimmt ihren semantischen Zusammenhang und von daher sollten diese auch im Zusammenhang auf ihre Richtigkeit hin überprüft werden. In dieser Arbeit wird aufgezeigt, wie semantische Ähnlichkeiten visueller Konzepte automatisiert abgeschätzt und in den Evaluationsprozess eingebracht werden können. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit inkludieren ein Nutzermodell für die konzeptbasierte Suche von Bildern, eine vollständig bewertete Testkollektion und neue Evaluationsmaße für die anforderungsgerechte Qualitätsbeurteilung von Bildanalysesystemen.Performance assessment plays a major role in the research on Information Retrieval (IR) systems. Starting with the Cranfield experiments in the early 60ies, methodologies for the system-based performance assessment emerged and established themselves, resulting in an active research field with a number of successful benchmarking activities. With the rise of the digital age, procedures of text retrieval evaluation were often transferred to multimedia retrieval evaluation without questioning their direct applicability. This thesis investigates the problem of system-based performance assessment of annotation approaches in generic image collections. It addresses three important parts of annotation evaluation, namely user requirements for the retrieval of annotated visual media, performance measures for multi-label evaluation, and visual test collections. Using the example of multi-label image annotation evaluation, I discuss which concepts to employ for indexing, how to obtain a reliable ground truth to moderate costs, and which evaluation measures are appropriate. This is accompanied by a thorough analysis of related work on system-based performance assessment in Visual Information Retrieval (VIR). Traditional performance measures are classified into four dimensions and investigated according to their appropriateness for visual annotation evaluation. One of the main ideas in this thesis adheres to the common assumption on the binary nature of the score prediction dimension in annotation evaluation. However, the predicted concepts and the set of true indexed concepts interrelate with each other. This work will show how to utilise these semantic relationships for a fine-grained evaluation scenario. Outcomes of this thesis result in a user model for concept-based image retrieval, a fully assessed image annotation test collection, and a number of novel performance measures for image annotation evaluation

    Acquiring and Maintaining Knowledge by Natural Multimodal Dialog

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    Evaluation Methodologies for Visual Information Retrieval and Annotation

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    Die automatisierte Evaluation von Informations-Retrieval-Systemen erlaubt Performanz und Qualität der Informationsgewinnung zu bewerten. Bereits in den 60er Jahren wurden erste Methodologien für die system-basierte Evaluation aufgestellt und in den Cranfield Experimenten überprüft. Heutzutage gehören Evaluation, Test und Qualitätsbewertung zu einem aktiven Forschungsfeld mit erfolgreichen Evaluationskampagnen und etablierten Methoden. Evaluationsmethoden fanden zunächst in der Bewertung von Textanalyse-Systemen Anwendung. Mit dem rasanten Voranschreiten der Digitalisierung wurden diese Methoden sukzessive auf die Evaluation von Multimediaanalyse-Systeme übertragen. Dies geschah häufig, ohne die Evaluationsmethoden in Frage zu stellen oder sie an die veränderten Gegebenheiten der Multimediaanalyse anzupassen. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der system-basierten Evaluation von Indizierungssystemen für Bildkollektionen. Sie adressiert drei Problemstellungen der Evaluation von Annotationen: Nutzeranforderungen für das Suchen und Verschlagworten von Bildern, Evaluationsmaße für die Qualitätsbewertung von Indizierungssystemen und Anforderungen an die Erstellung visueller Testkollektionen. Am Beispiel der Evaluation automatisierter Photo-Annotationsverfahren werden relevante Konzepte mit Bezug zu Nutzeranforderungen diskutiert, Möglichkeiten zur Erstellung einer zuverlässigen Ground Truth bei geringem Kosten- und Zeitaufwand vorgestellt und Evaluationsmaße zur Qualitätsbewertung eingeführt, analysiert und experimentell verglichen. Traditionelle Maße zur Ermittlung der Performanz werden in vier Dimensionen klassifiziert. Evaluationsmaße vergeben üblicherweise binäre Kosten für korrekte und falsche Annotationen. Diese Annahme steht im Widerspruch zu der Natur von Bildkonzepten. Das gemeinsame Auftreten von Bildkonzepten bestimmt ihren semantischen Zusammenhang und von daher sollten diese auch im Zusammenhang auf ihre Richtigkeit hin überprüft werden. In dieser Arbeit wird aufgezeigt, wie semantische Ähnlichkeiten visueller Konzepte automatisiert abgeschätzt und in den Evaluationsprozess eingebracht werden können. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit inkludieren ein Nutzermodell für die konzeptbasierte Suche von Bildern, eine vollständig bewertete Testkollektion und neue Evaluationsmaße für die anforderungsgerechte Qualitätsbeurteilung von Bildanalysesystemen.Performance assessment plays a major role in the research on Information Retrieval (IR) systems. Starting with the Cranfield experiments in the early 60ies, methodologies for the system-based performance assessment emerged and established themselves, resulting in an active research field with a number of successful benchmarking activities. With the rise of the digital age, procedures of text retrieval evaluation were often transferred to multimedia retrieval evaluation without questioning their direct applicability. This thesis investigates the problem of system-based performance assessment of annotation approaches in generic image collections. It addresses three important parts of annotation evaluation, namely user requirements for the retrieval of annotated visual media, performance measures for multi-label evaluation, and visual test collections. Using the example of multi-label image annotation evaluation, I discuss which concepts to employ for indexing, how to obtain a reliable ground truth to moderate costs, and which evaluation measures are appropriate. This is accompanied by a thorough analysis of related work on system-based performance assessment in Visual Information Retrieval (VIR). Traditional performance measures are classified into four dimensions and investigated according to their appropriateness for visual annotation evaluation. One of the main ideas in this thesis adheres to the common assumption on the binary nature of the score prediction dimension in annotation evaluation. However, the predicted concepts and the set of true indexed concepts interrelate with each other. This work will show how to utilise these semantic relationships for a fine-grained evaluation scenario. Outcomes of this thesis result in a user model for concept-based image retrieval, a fully assessed image annotation test collection, and a number of novel performance measures for image annotation evaluation

    Can Generative Adversarial Networks Help Us Fight Financial Fraud?

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    Transactional fraud datasets exhibit extreme class imbalance. Learners cannot make accurate generalizations without sufficient data. Researchers can account for imbalance at the data level, algorithmic level or both. This paper focuses on techniques at the data level. We evaluate the evidence of the optimal technique and potential enhancements. Global fraud losses totalled more than 80 % of the UK’s GDP in 2019. The improvement of preprocessing is inherently valuable in fighting these losses. Synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) and extensions of SMOTE are currently the most common preprocessing strategies. SMOTE oversamples the minority classes by randomly generating a point between a minority instance and its nearest neighbour. Recent papers adopt generative adversarial networks (GAN) for data synthetic creation. Since 2014 there had been several GAN extensions, from improved training mechanisms to frameworks specifically for tabular data. The primary aim of the research is to understand the benefits of GANs built specifically for tabular data on supervised classifiers performance. We determine if this framework will outperform traditional methods and more common GAN frameworks. Secondly, we propose a framework that allows individuals to test the impact of imbalance ratios on classifier performance. Finally, we investigate the use of clustering and determine if this information can help GANs create better synthetic information. We explore this in the context of commonly used supervised classifiers and ensemble methods