8 research outputs found

    Lexical tones and morphotonology

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    Yongning Na, also known as Mosuo, is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in Southwest China. This book provides a description and analysis of its tone system, progressing from lexical tones towards morphotonology. Tonal changes permeate numerous aspects of the morphosyntax of Yongning Na. They are not the product of a small set of phonological rules, but of a host of rules that are restricted to specific morphosyntactic contexts. Rich morphotonological systems have been reported in this area of Sino-Tibetan, but book-length descriptions remain few. This study of an endangered language contributes to a better understanding of the diversity of prosodic systems in East Asia. The analysis is based on original fieldwork data (made available online), collected over the course of ten years, commencing in 2006

    Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra

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    The present book comprises a number of studies centered around the topic of how knowledge diffuses from one culture to another, and how knowledge diffusion is connected with the spread of languages and the conceptual systems they carry by translation. This diffusion also takes place also over linguistic borders, in the way that a given receiving language may also absorb systems of knowledge from languages that are linguistically quite unrelated but culturally connected with respect to knowledge transfer. Thus we find that Sumerian concepts with considerable impact were moved into the Akkadian language, along with writing-systems, religion, science and literature, even though linguistically the languages are completely unrelated. Another example is how Chinese culture and writing systems spread throughout East Asia into Korea, Japan and Vietnam, though the languages of these countries were linguistically unrelated to Chinese. The same case can be made for Buddhist ways of thinking when it was clothed in the garb of Chinese or Tibetan, or one of the other languages along the Silk Road. This is also true for the spread of Manicheism, as it was portrayed in a great number of languages, related or unrelated. German and Latin are linguistically related, but when Latin learning was communicated in Old High German, many of its terms were created in Middle German to accommodate the Latin conceptual world, and the German language was lastingly enriched with novisms denoting concepts of the Classical traditions of learning, in a process parallel to the spread of Greek Christianity into the East European cultures and languages. The book describes some cases of such knowledge transfer and what kind of mechanisms are involved in the ensuing language changes in the receiving languages and cultures

    Introduction to Human Geography (2nd Edition)

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    This partner text with the University of North Georgia Press was created under a Round Eleven Mini-Grant for Ancillary Materials Creation and Revision. New supporting materials for the book were created under a Round Fifteen Mini-Grant and include exercises, lecture slides, and sample questions. The UNG Press also hosts a version of the text on their site: https://ung.edu/university-press/books/introduction-to-human-geography.php Authors\u27 Description: Geography is a diverse discipline that has some sort of connection to most every other academic discipline. This connection is the spatial perspective, which essentially means if a phenomenon can be mapped, it has some kind of relationship to geography. Studying the entire world is a fascinating subject, and geographical knowledge is fundamental to a competent understanding of our world. In this chapter, you will learn what geography is as well as some of the fundamental concepts that underpin the discipline. These fundamental terms and concepts will be interwoven throughout the text, so a sound understanding of these topics is critical as you delve deeper into the chapters that follow. Chapters include: Population and Health Migration Folk Culture and Popular Culture Geography of Language Religion Ethnicity and Race Political Geography Development and Wealth Industry Human Settlements Environment and Resourceshttps://oer.galileo.usg.edu/geo-textbooks/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities

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    Recovering indigenous inscriptions of meaning from the colonial novel: A re-reading of the spatial archetypes in Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim

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    This paper discusses an alternative reading practice of the colonial novel (Zawiah 2003) that puts the re(-) presentation of space in such novels under scrutiny. Informed firstly by Jungian archetypal criticism and secondly, by Gayatri Spivak’s concept of ‘worlding’ (1999), it examines the re-presentation of Malaya’s geospatial features – the sea, mountains, forests – as archetypes in the novel Lord Jim (1900) by Joseph Conrad. These archetypal images, I argue, erase the indigenous meanings already inscribed onto Malaya’s geospatial features, in the colonial project of worlding Malaya. However, by peeling away the layers of Western inscriptions of meaning onto Malaya’s geospatial features, the contemporary, post-colonial reader might recover the various meanings endowed on Malaya by its native inhabitants. This alternative reading practice thus enables the reader to discover the diversity of meanings that can and have been given to geospatial features, as opposed to the West’s unilateral act of worlding other worlds

    Las lenguas minorizadas en el orden posmonolingüe

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    Les llengües han estat durant segles eixos vertebradors de l’espai polític i de la subjectivitat creadora. Identifiquen cultures, atorguen nacionalitats i defineixen els límits de l’autoritat. La coexistència normal de diverses llengües en espais compartits que defineix el segle XXI reclama que qüestionem un esperit monolingüe que entrebanca les nostres evolucions socials, polítiques, culturals i personals. Les contribucions que recull aquest volum ens porten a gaudir de la nostra condició postmonolingüe alhora que miren amb ulls crítics el monolingüisme encotillador

    Influencia del género gramatical en la cognición de sinohablantes adultos aprendientes de español y francés

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    Programa de Doctorado en Historia y Estudios Humanísticos: Europa, América, Arte y LenguasLínea de Investigación: Lingüística Descriptiva y ContrastivaClave Programa: DHHCódigo Línea: 73Este trabajo examina los efectos del aprendizaje del género gramatical en la cognición de aprendientes adultos cuya lengua materna carece de este sistema de clasificación nominal. La tarea de asignación de voz ha sido ampliamente utilizada en el estudio de la relación entre el género gramatical y la cognición. Kurinski y Sera (2011) se sirven de este tipo de tarea para realizar un estudio longitudinal con un grupo de anglófonos monolingües que se matriculan en un curso elemental de español en una universidad de los Estados Unidos. Este estudio concluye que el aprendizaje del género gramatical del español puede tener efectos en la cognición de los hablantes adultos anglófonos a partir de las diez semanas de instrucción, y que estos efectos son estadísticamente significativos a partir de las veinte semanas. En un estudio previo a esta tesis doctoral (Getino-Diez, 2015), modificamos la metodología de aplicación de la tarea de asignación de voz con la intención de evitar el uso consciente del género gramatical como estrategia y la activación de primados que pudieran influenciar la actuación de los participantes en las pruebas. Los resultados mostraron que los anglófonos que habían estudiado español se comportaban igual que los anglófonos monolingües, abriendo así una vía de investigación centrada en el tratamiento metodológico de la tarea de asignación de voz que se justifica por las posibles ventajas de esta tarea sobre otros tipos de pruebas experimentales. En el presente estudio hemos solucionado las principales limitaciones de nuestro trabajo previo, profundizado en cuestiones metodológicas, aumentado sustancialmente el tamaño de la muestra, incorporado el francés como lengua de estudio y dirigido nuestra atención a un grupo de sinohablantes como población de referencia. Los resultados revelan un efecto del género gramatical del español y del francés situado en el nivel del pensar para hablar exclusivamente en los participantes que estaban estudiando una de estas dos lenguas en contexto de casi inmersión lingüística. Además, este trabajo confirma con rotundidad algunas conclusiones que había adelantado nuestro estudio previo y que tienen consecuencias trascendentales para el futuro de este tipo de investigación: cuando se aplica la metodología propuesta en este estudio los participantes no utilizan su conocimiento del género gramatical como estrategia, la tarea no estimula ningún tipo de primado y los resultados cuestionan algunos de los trabajos más influyentes en este campo.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Filología y TraducciónPostprin