9 research outputs found

    Verbesserrung der Datenflussüberwachung für Datennutzungskontrollsysteme

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    This thesis provides a new, hybrid approach in the field of Distributed Data Usage Control (DUC), to track the flow of data inside applications. A combination between static information flow analysis and dynamic data flow tracking enables to track selectively only those program locations that are actually relevant for a flow of data. This ensures the portability of a monitored application with low performance overhead. Beyond that, DUC systems benefit from the present approach as it reduces overapproximation in data flow tracking, and thus, provides a more precise result to enforce data usage restrictions.Diese Thesis liefert einen neuartigen hybriden Ansatz auf dem Gebiet von Distributed Data Usage Control (DUC), um den Datenfluss innerhalb einer Anwendung zu überwachen. Eine Kombination aus statischer Informationsflussanalyse und dynamischer Datenflussüberwachung ermöglicht die selektive, modulare Überwachung derjenigen Programmstellen, welche tatsächlich relevant für einen Datenfluss sind. Dadurch wird die Portabilität einer zu überwachenden Anwendung, bei geringem Performance Overhead, sichergestellt. DUC Systeme profitieren vom vorliegenden Ansatz vor allem dadurch, dass Überapproximation bei der Datenflussüberwachung reduziert wird, und somit ein präziseres Ergebnis für die Durchsetzung von Datennutzungsrestriktionen vorliegt

    Cloud Services Brokerage for Mobile Ubiquitous Computing

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    Recently, companies are adopting Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) to efficiently deliver enterprise services to users (or consumers) on their personalized devices. MCC is the facilitation of mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, notebooks, and smart watches) to access virtualized services such as software applications, servers, storage, and network services over the Internet. With the advancement and diversity of the mobile landscape, there has been a growing trend in consumer attitude where a single user owns multiple mobile devices. This paradigm of supporting a single user or consumer to access multiple services from n-devices is referred to as the Ubiquitous Cloud Computing (UCC) or the Personal Cloud Computing. In the UCC era, consumers expect to have application and data consistency across their multiple devices and in real time. However, this expectation can be hindered by the intermittent loss of connectivity in wireless networks, user mobility, and peak load demands. Hence, this dissertation presents an architectural framework called, Cloud Services Brokerage for Mobile Ubiquitous Cloud Computing (CSB-UCC), which ensures soft real-time and reliable services consumption on multiple devices of users. The CSB-UCC acts as an application middleware broker that connects the n-devices of users to the multi-cloud services. The designed system determines the multi-cloud services based on the user's subscriptions and the n-devices are determined through device registration on the broker. The preliminary evaluations of the designed system shows that the following are achieved: 1) high scalability through the adoption of a distributed architecture of the brokerage service, 2) providing soft real-time application synchronization for consistent user experience through an enhanced mobile-to-cloud proximity-based access technique, 3) reliable error recovery from system failure through transactional services re-assignment to active nodes, and 4) transparent audit trail through access-level and context-centric provenance

    AcCORD: um modelo colaborativo assíncrono para a reconciliação de dados

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    Reconciliation is the process of providing a consistent view of the data imported from different sources. Despite some efforts reported in the literature for providing data reconciliation solutions with asynchronous collaboration, the challenge of reconciling data when multiple users work asyn- chronously over local copies of the same imported data has received less attention. In this thesis we investigate this challenge. We propose AcCORD, an asynchronous collaborative data reconciliation model. It stores users’ integration decision in logs, called repositories. Repositories keep data prove- nance, that is, the operations applied to the data sources that led to the current state of the data. Each user has her own repository for storing the provenance. That is, whenever inconsistencies among im- ported sources are detected, the user may autonomously take decisions to solve them, and integration decisions that are locally executed are registered in her repository. Integration decisions are shared among collaborators by importing each other’s repositories. Since users may have different points of view, repositories may also be inconsistent. Therefore, AcCORD also introduces several policies that can be applied by different users in order to solve conflicts among repositories and reconcile their integration decisions. Depending on the applied policy, the final view of the imported sources may either be the same for all users, that is, a single integrated view, or result in distinct local views for each of them. Furthermore, AcCORD encompasses a decision integration propagation method, which is aimed to avoid that a user take inconsistent decisions over the same data conflict present in different sources, thus guaranteeing a more effective reconciliation process. AcCORD was validated through performance tests that investigated the proposed policies and through users’ interviews that investigated not only the proposed policies but also the quality of the multiuser reconciliation. The re- sults demonstrated the efficiency and efficacy of AcCORD, and highlighted its flexibility to generate a single integrated view or different local views. The interviews demonstrated different perceptions of the users with regard to the quality of the result provided by AcCORD, including aspects related to consistency, acceptability, correctness, time-saving and satisfaction.Reconciliação é o processo de prover uma visão consistente de dados provenientes de várias fontes de dados. Embora existam na literatura trabalhos voltados à proposta de soluções de reconciliação baseadas em colaboração assíncrona, o desafio de reconciliar dados quando vários usuários colaborativos trabalham de forma assíncrona sobre as mesmas co´pias locais de dados, compartilhando somente eventualmente as suas decisões de integração particulares, tem recebido menos atenção. Nesta tese de doutorado investiga-se esse desafio, por meio da proposta do modelo AcCORD (Asynchronous COllaborative data ReconcIliation moDel). AcCORD é um modelo colaborativo assíncrono para reconciliação de dados no qual as atualizações dos usuários são mantidas em um repositório de operações na forma de dados de procedência. Cada usuário tem o seu próprio repositório para armazenar a procedência e a sua própria cópia das fontes. Ou seja, quando inconsistências entre fontes importadas são detectadas, o usuário pode tomar decisões de integração para resolvê-las de maneira autônoma, e as atualizações que são executadas localmente são registradas em seu próprio repositório. As atualizações são compartilhadas entre colaboradores quando um usuário importa as operações dos repositórios dos demais usuários. Desde que diferentes usuários podem ter diferentes pontos de vista para resolver o mesmo conflito, seus repositórios podem estar inconsistentes. Assim, o modelo Ac- CORD também inclui a proposta de diferentes políticas de reconciliação multiusuário para resolver conflitos entre repositórios. Políticas distintas podem ser aplicadas por diferentes usuários para reconciliar as suas atualizações. Dependendo da política aplicada, a visão final das fontes importadas pode ser a mesma para todos os usuários, ou seja, um única visão global integrada, ou resultar em distintas visões locais para cada um deles. Adicionalmente, o modelo AcCORD também incorpora um método de propagação de decisões de integração, o qual tem como objetivo evitar que um usuário tome decisões inconsistentes a respeito de um mesmo conflito de dado presente em diferentes fontes, garantindo um processo de reconciliação multiusuário mais efetivo. O modelo AcCORD foi validado por meio de testes de desempenho que avaliaram as políticas propostas, e por entrevistas a usuários que avaliaram não somente as políticas propostas mas também a qualidade da reconciliação multiusuário. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a eficiência e a eficácia do modelo proposto, além de sua flexibilidade para gerar uma visão integrada ou distintas visões locais. As entrevistas realizadas demonstraram diferentes percepções dos usuários quanto à qualidade do resultado provido pelo modelo AcCORD, incluindo aspectos relacionados à consistência, aceitabilidade, corretude, economia de tempo e satisfacão

    Umsetzung des datenschutzrechtlichen Auskunftsanspruchs auf Grundlage von Usage-Control und Data-Provenance-Technologien

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    Die Komplexität moderner Informationssysteme erschwert die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten. Der einzelne Bürger ist den Systemen quasi ausgeliefert. Das Datenschutzrecht versucht dem entgegenzuwirken. Ein Werkzeug des Datenschutzes zur Herstellung von Transparenz ist der Auskunftsanspruch. Diese Arbeit unterzieht das Recht auf Auskunft einer kritischen Würdigung und schafft umfassende technische Voraussetzungen für dessen Wahrnehmung

    Mobile Phones as Cognitive Systems

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    Garm: Cross Application Data Provenance and Policy Enforcement

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    We present Garm, a new tool for tracing data provenance and enforcing data access policies with arbitrary binaries. Users can use Garm to attach access policies to data and Garm ensures that all accesses to the data (and derived data) across all applications and executions are consistent with the policy. Garm uses a staged analysis that combines a static analysis with a dynamic analysis to trace the provenance of an application’s state and the policies that apply to this state. The implementation monitors the interactions of the application with the underlying operating system to enforce policies. Conceptually, Garm combines trusted computing support from the underlying operating system with a stream cipher to ensure that data protected by an access policy cannot be accessed outside of Garm’s policy enforcement mechanisms. We have evaluated Garm with several common Linux applications. We found that Garm can successfully trace the provenance of data across executions of multiple applications and enforce data access policies on the application’s executions