19 research outputs found

    Regional Languages on Wikipedia. Venetian Wikipedia’s user interaction over time

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    Given that little is known about regional language user interaction practices on Wikipedia, this study analyzed content creation process, user social interaction and exchanged content over the course of the existence of Venetian Wikipedia. Content of and user interactions over time on Venetian Wikipedia exhibit practices shared within larger Wikipedia communities and display behaviors that are pertinent to this specific community. Shared practices with\ud other Wikipedias (eg. English Wikipedia) included coordination content as a dominant category of exchanged content, user-role based structure where and most active communicators are administrators was another shared feature, as well as socialization tactics to involve users in online projects. While Venetian Wikipedia stood out for its geographically-linked users who emphasized their regional identity. User exchanges over time spilled over from online to offline domains. This analysis provides a different side of Wikipedia collaboration which is based on creation, maintenance, and negotiation of the content but also shows\ud engagement into interpersonal communication. Thus, this study exemplifies how regional language Wikipedias provide ways to their users not only to preserve their cultural heritage through the language use on regional language Wikipedia space and connect through shared contents of interest, but also, how it could serve as a community maintenance platform that unifies users with shared goals and extends communication to offline realm

    Wikipedia and institutional repositories: an academic symbiosis?

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    A study of citations from Wikipedia articles to documents in institutional repositories showed that although the number of citations was small in relation to the number of documents (citations made to the repositories were 0.35% of the number of documents in the repositories) institutional repositories were a useful source of research information to support Wikipedia articles. 35% of citations were for background information, and 65% were citations supporting specific points, for example: scientific or historical facts, expression of a consensus, attribution of an idea, a convenient summary, the source of a classification, or to give an academic cast to a popular culture article. The types of documents cited reflect the range of academic publishing: 22% of citations were to PhD Theses, 15% to Master level theses, 21% to journal articles, 17% to conference papers, and 11% to technical or working papers. Although the materials in the repositories were overwhelmingly in English, 35% of citations were made from non-English versions of Wikipedia, indicating that institutional repositories play a role in making research available across national and language barriers. Although Wikipedia has been viewed with suspicion by academia the study indicates a potential symbiosis between Wikipedia and academic research in institutional repositories

    Wikipedia and institutional repositories: an academic symbiosis?

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    A study of citations from Wikipedia articles to documents in institutional repositories showed that although the number of citations was small in relation to the number of documents (citations made to the repositories were 0.35% of the number of documents in the repositories) institutional repositories were a useful source of research information to support Wikipedia articles. 35% of citations were for background information, and 65% were citations supporting specific points, for example: scientific or historical facts, expression of a consensus, attribution of an idea, a convenient summary, the source of a classification, or to give an academic cast to a popular culture article. The types of documents cited reflect the range of academic publishing: 22% of citations were to PhD Theses, 15% to Master level theses, 21% to journal articles, 17% to conference papers, and 11% to technical or working papers. Although the materials in the repositories were overwhelmingly in English, 35% of citations were made from non-English versions of Wikipedia, indicating that institutional repositories play a role in making research available across national and language barriers. Although Wikipedia has been viewed with suspicion by academia the study indicates a potential symbiosis between Wikipedia and academic research in institutional repositories

    Producing Historical Knowledge on Wikipedia

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    The aim of this study is to show how Wikipedia establishes a public and digital space, where users produce historical knowledge following specific guidelines and methods.This article intends to show how Wikipedia’s methods and tools can constitute an exemplar for digital public history project in the future. Both the methods and guidelines that Wikipedia establishes to gather, select and produce historical knowledge can inspire the creation of new digital public history projects, in which history will not be consumed passively, but it will be produced actively by the public

    Koncepcja obiektu granicznego – idea, zastosowania, perspektywy

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    Celem artykułu jest pogłębiona analiza koncepcji obiektu granicznego wprowadzonej przez J. Griesemera i S. L. Star. Konieczna jest próba opisania go zgodnie z zamysłem autorów i zbadania jego pierwotnego sensu. Autorka skłoniła się do przeprowadzenia takiej analizy, dostrzegając liczne uproszczenia i przypadki powierzchownego traktowania zagadnienia w licznych opracowaniach dotyczących tej idei. Artykuł rozpoczyna się od definicji obiektu granicznego zgodnie z przełomowym tekstem Griesemera i Star. Po drugie, wskazuje obszary zastosowania koncepcji zilustrowane przykładami. W kolejnym kroku autor skupia się na przypadkach niekonsekwencji w badaniach z użyciem tego pojęcia, głównie w odniesieniu do komentarzy Star. Wspomniano również o możliwości celowego tworzenia obiektów granicznych, co od początku było wpisane w zamysł autorów

    DARIAH and the Benelux

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    Why are some websites researched more than others? A review of research into the global top twenty

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    The web is central to the work and social lives of a substantial fraction of the world’s population, but the role of popular websites may not always be subject to academic scrutiny. This is a concern if social scientists are unable to understand an aspect of users’ daily lives because one or more major websites have been ignored. To test whether popular websites may be ignored in academia, this article assesses the volume and citation impact of research mentioning any of twenty major websites. The results are consistent with the user geographic base affecting research interest and citation impact. In addition, site affordances that are useful for research also influence academic interest. Because of the latter factor, however, it is not possible to estimate the extent of academic knowledge about a site from the number of publications that mention it. Nevertheless, the virtual absence of international research about some globally important Chinese and Russian websites is a serious limitation for those seeking to understand reasons for their web success, the markets they serve or the users that spend time on them. The sites investigated were Google, YouTube, Facebook, Baidu, Wikipedia, QQ, Tmall, Taobao, Yahoo, Amazon, Twitter, Sohu, Live, VK, JD, Instagram, Sina, Weibo, Yandex, and 360

    A Wikipédia como prática e recurso educacional aberto na formação docente

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    Produção científica Integrada na investigação do doutoramento em educação, especialidade de educação a distância e Elearning, curso do Departamento de Educação e Ensino a Distância da Universidade Aberta, e no âmbito de projeto da UID4372/FCT Laboratório de Educação a Distância e Elearning, Universidade Aberta - Referência: UID4372/FCT-FA-PPhD2019-02.Com o advento da web 2.0, emergiram ferramentas e tecnologias que possibilitaram o trabalho colaborativo e a concretização da inteligência coletiva. Um desses recursos são os wikis, sendo a Wikipédia um exemplo paradigmático. De facto, esta enciclopédia é sustentada pelo trabalho de um conjunto de voluntários que preconizam a referida inteligência coletiva. Considerando o seu potencial, simultaneamente como prática e recurso educacional aberto, temos vindo a defender a sua utilização na prática docente, em diferentes espaços, modalidades e níveis educativos. Assim, este texto tem por objetivos apresentar exemplos dessa utilização na formação de docentes, da educação básica à educação superior, e contribuir para o debate em torno das competências digitais e múltiplas literacias, numa reflexão ancorada na educação aberta e nos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável das Nações Unidas. Acreditamos poder ainda contribuir para o desenvolvimento de bens públicos comuns, no pressuposto contemporâneo de mudança e inovação educativa.With the advent of the web 2.0, tools and technologies emerged enabling collaborative work and the epitome of the collective intelligence. One of these resources are wikis, namely Wikipedia. In fact, this encyclopedia is supported by the work of volunteers who advocate that collective intelligence. In this context, important challenges arise, namely in the field of training, ethics, humanity and social responsibility. Considering its potential, we have been defending its use in teaching practices, in different educational spaces, modalities and levels of schooling and learning. Thus, this text aims to present examples of this use in teacher training, and to contribute to the debate around digital competences and multiple literacies, including information literacy, in a reflection anchored in open education and the United Nations' sustainable development goals. We therefore believe we can contribute to the development of common public goods, based on the contemporary assumption of educational change and innovation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Wikipédia como veículo de conhecimento nos países de língua portuguesa

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    Ao contrário de outros gigantes digitais (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) cuja finalidade é o lucro, a Wikipédia é uma fundação sem fins lucrativos. A sua missão é universalizar conhecimento e envolver pessoas no processo de edição, permitindo recolha e desenvolvimento de conteúdo educacional sob licença livre. Trata-se de uma base de conhecimentos que se vão atualizando sobre os mais variados assuntos. Isoladamente, a Wikipédia em português representa um dos maiores empreendimentos coletivos e voluntários em torno da língua portuguesa. Entre os cerca de 10 mil editores ativos, o objetivo é, acima de tudo, difundir conhecimento em português. Em quase 60 milhões de artigos em 299 idiomas, 1 044 007 foram escritos em português até setembro de 2020. Todavia, baixas taxas de alfabetização e reduzidas taxas de penetração de dispositivos técnicos e de internet excluem vários povos de língua portuguesa da edição e da receção desta enciclopédia digital. Este artigo visa dar conta dessa realidade.Este trabalho é apoiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do Financiamento Plurianual do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade 2020-2023 (que integra as parcelas de financiamento base, com a referência UIDB/00736/2020, e financiamento programático, com a referência UIDP/00736/2020)

    Toward a Model of Intercultural Warrant: A Case of the Korean Decimal Classification\u27s Cross-cultural Adaptation of the Dewey Decimal Classification

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    I examined the Korean Decimal Classification (KDC)\u27s adaptation of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) by comparing the two systems. This case manifests the sociocultural influences on KOSs in a cross-cultural context. I focused my analysis on the changes resulting from the meeting of the two cultures, answering the main research question: “How does KDC adapt DDC in terms of underlying sociocultural perspectives in a classificatory form?” I took a comparative approach and address the main research question in two phases. In Phase 1, quantities of class numbers were analyzed by edition and discipline. The main class with the most consistently high number of class numbers in DDC was the social sciences, while the main class with the most consistently high number of class numbers in KDC was technology. The two main classes are expected to differ in semantic contents or specificities. In Phase 2, patterns of adaptations were analyzed by examining the class numbers, captions, and hierarchical relations within the developed adaptation taxonomy. Implementing the taxonomy as a coding scheme brings two comparative features of classifications: 1) semantic contents determined by captions and quantity of subordinate numbers; and 2) structural arrangement determined by ranks, the broader category, presence and the order of subordinate numbers. Surveying proper forms of adaptation resulted in the development of an adaptation taxonomy that will serve as a framework to account for the conflicts between and harmonization of multiple social and cultural influences in knowledge structures. This study has ramifications in theoretical and empirical foundations for the development of “intercultural warrant” in KOSs