2,507 research outputs found

    A Study on Phenology Detection of Corn in Northeastern China with Fused Remote Sensing Data

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    Accurate phenology information detection is the basis for other remote-sensing based agriculture applications. So far, there have been a lot of phenology estimation models based on remote-sensing data, but little attention was paid to microscopic mechanism of crops and the environmental factors. The main purpose of this chapter is to apply a new phenology detection model, which combined physical mechanism-based crop models with remote-sensing data to detect the critical phenological stages of corn in Northeast China (Jilin and Liaoning Provinces). Compared to the phenology observations from the agriculture meteorological stations, the corn phenology estimation accuracy in Northeast China using only MODIS data is much lower than that in the US field sites. The main reason might be the small size of single piece of cropland in northeastern China, which led to the mixed MODIS pixels. Accordingly, Landsat and MODIS data fusion methods were applied to get time-series images with Landsat-like spatial resolution and MODIS-like temporal resolution, and quantitative and qualitative validation was conducted to evaluate and verify the accuracy of the data fusion. The results show that data fusion of Landsat and MODIS improved the spatial resolution and decreased the influence of mixed pixels

    Reconstruction of Daily 30 m Data from HJ CCD, GF-1 WFV, Landsat, and MODIS Data for Crop Monitoring

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    With the recent launch of new satellites and the developments of spatiotemporal data fusion methods, we are entering an era of high spatiotemporal resolution remote-sensing analysis. This study proposed a method to reconstruct daily 30 m remote-sensing data for monitoring crop types and phenology in two study areas located in Xinjiang Province, China. First, the Spatial and Temporal Data Fusion Approach (STDFA) was used to reconstruct the time series high spatiotemporal resolution data from the Huanjing satellite charge coupled device (HJ CCD), Gaofen satellite no. 1 wide field-of-view camera (GF-1 WFV), Landsat, and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. Then, the reconstructed time series were applied to extract crop phenology using a Hybrid Piecewise Logistic Model (HPLM). In addition, the onset date of greenness increase (OGI) and greenness decrease (OGD) were also calculated using the simulated phenology. Finally, crop types were mapped using the phenology information. The results show that the reconstructed high spatiotemporal data had a high quality with a proportion of good observations (PGQ) higher than 0.95 and the HPLM approach can simulate time series Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI) very well with R2 ranging from 0.635 to 0.952 in Luntai and 0.719 to 0.991 in Bole, respectively. The reconstructed high spatiotemporal data were able to extract crop phenology in single crop fields, which provided a very detailed pattern relative to that from time series MODIS data. Moreover, the crop types can be classified using the reconstructed time series high spatiotemporal data with overall accuracy equal to 0.91 in Luntai and 0.95 in Bole, which is 0.028 and 0.046 higher than those obtained by using multi-temporal Landsat NDVI data

    The potential of satellite-observed crop phenology to enhance yield gap assessments in smallholder landscapes

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    Many of the undernourished people on the planet obtain their entitlements to food via agricultural-based livelihood strategies, often on underperforming croplands and smallholdings. In this context, expanding cropland extent is not a viable strategy for smallholders to meet their food needs. Therefore, attention must shift to increasing productivity on existing plots and ensuring yield gaps do not widen. Thus, supporting smallholder farmers to sustainably increase the productivity of their lands is one part of a complex solution to realizing universal food security. However, the information (e.g., location and causes of cropland underperformance) required to support measures to close yield gaps in smallholder landscapes are often not available. This paper reviews the potential of crop phenology, observed from satellites carrying remote sensing sensors, to fill this information gap. It is suggested that on a theoretical level phenological approaches can reveal greater intra-cropland thematic detail, and increase the accuracy of crop extent maps and crop yield estimates. However, on a practical level the spatial mismatch between the resolution at which crop phenology can be estimated from satellite remote sensing data and the scale of yield variability in smallholder croplands inhibits its use in this context. Similarly, the spatial coverage of remote sensing-derived phenology offers potential for integration with ancillary spatial datasets to identify causes of yield gaps. To reflect the complexity of smallholder cropping systems requires ancillary datasets at fine spatial resolutions which, often, are not available. This further precludes the use of crop phenology in attempts to unpick the causes of yield gaps. Research agendas should focus on generating fine spatial resolution crop phenology, either via data fusion or through new sensors (e.g., Sentinel-2) in smallholder croplands. This has potential to transform the applied use of remote sensing in this context

    MODIS-Based Fractional Crop Mapping in the U.S. Midwest with Spatially Constrained Phenological Mixture Analysis

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    Since the 2000s, bioenergy land use has been rapidly expanded in U.S. agricultural lands. Monitoring this change with limited acquisition of remote sensing imagery is difficult because of the similar spectral properties of crops. While phenology-assisted crop mapping is promising, relying on frequently observed images, the accuracies are often low, with mixed pixels in coarse-resolution imagery. In this paper, we used the eight-day, 500 m MODIS products (MOD09A1) to test the feasibility of crop unmixing in the U.S. Midwest, an important bioenergy land use region. With all MODIS images acquired in 2007, the 46-point Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series was extracted in the study region. Assuming the phenological pattern at a pixel is a linear mixture of all crops in this pixel, a spatially constrained phenological mixture analysis (SPMA) was performed to extract crop percent covers with endmembers selected in a dynamic local neighborhood. The SPMA results matched well with the USDA crop data layers (CDL) at pixel level and the Crop Census records at county level. This study revealed more spatial details of energy crops that could better assist bioenergy decision-making in the Midwest

    Crop growth and yield monitoring in smallholder agricultural systems:a multi-sensor data fusion approach

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    Smallholder agricultural systems are highly vulnerable to production risks posed by the intensification of extreme weather events such as drought and flooding, soil degradation, pests, lack of access to agricultural inputs, and political instability. Monitoring the spatial and temporal variability of crop growth and yield is crucial for farm management, national-level food security assessments, and famine early warning. However, agricultural monitoring is difficult in fragmented agricultural landscapes because of scarcity and uncertainty of data to capture small crop fields. Traditional pre- and post-harvest crop monitoring and yield estimation based on fieldwork is costly, slow, and can be unrepresentative of heterogeneous agricultural landscapes as found in smallholder systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Devising accurate and timely crop phenology detection and yield estimation methods can improve our understanding of the status of crop production and food security in these regions.Satellite-based Earth observation (EO) data plays a key role in monitoring the spatial and temporal variability of crop growth and yield over large areas. The small field sizes and variability in management practices in fragmented landscapes requires high spatial and high temporal resolution EO data. This thesis develops and demonstrates methods to investigate the spatiotemporal variability of crop phenology detection and yield estimation using Landsat and MODIS data fusion in smallholder agricultural systems in the Lake Tana sub-basin of Ethiopia. The overall aim is to further broaden the application of multi-sensor EO data for crop growth monitoring in smallholder agricultural systems.The thesis addressed two important aspects of crop monitoring applications of EO data: phenology detection and yield estimation. First, the ESTARFM data fusion workflow was modified based on local knowledge of crop calendars and land cover to improve crop phenology monitoring in fragmented agricultural landscapes. The approach minimized data fusion uncertainties in predicting temporal reflectance change of crops during the growing season and the reflectance value of fused data was comparable to the original Landsat image reserved for validation. The main sources of uncertainty in data fusion are the small field size and abrupt crop growth changes between the base andviiprediction dates due to flooding, weeding, fertiliser application, and harvesting. The improved data fusion approach allowed us to determine crop phenology and estimate LAI more accurately than both the standard ESTARFM data fusion method and when using MODIS data without fusion. We also calibrated and validated a dynamic threshold phenology detection method using maize and rice crop sowing and harvest date information. Crop-specific phenology determined from data fusion minimized the mismatch between EO-derived phenometrics and the actual crop calendar. The study concluded that accurate phenology detection and LAI estimation from Landsat–MODIS data fusion demonstrates the feasibility of crop growth monitoring using multi-sensor data fusion in fragmented and persistently cloudy agricultural landscapes.Subsequently, the validated data fusion and phenology detection methods were implemented to understand crop phenology trends from 2000 to 2020. These trends are often less understood in smallholder agricultural systems due to the lack of high spatial resolution data to distinguish crops from the surrounding natural vegetation. Trends based on Landsat–MODIS fusion were compared with those detected using MODIS alone to assess the contribution of data fusion to discern crop phenometric change. Landsat and MODIS fusion discerned crop and environment-specific trends in the magnitude and direction of crop phenology change. The results underlined the importance of high spatial and temporal resolution EO data to capture environment-specific crop phenology change, which has implications in designing adaptation and crop management practices in these regions.The second important aspect of the crop monitoring problem addressed in this thesis is improving crop yield estimation in smallholder agricultural systems. The large input requirements of crop models and lack of spatial information about the heterogeneous crop-growing environment and agronomic management practices are major challenges to the accurate estimation of crop yield. We assimilated leaf area index (LAI) and phenology information from Landsat–MODIS fusion in a crop model (simple algorithm for yield estimation: SAFY) to obtain reasonably reliable crop yield estimates. The SAFY model is sensitive to the spatial and temporal resolution of the calibration input LAI, phenology information, and the effective light use efficiency (ELUE) parameter, which needs accurate field level inputs during modelviiioptimization. Assimilating fused EO-based phenology information minimized model uncertainty and captured the large management and environmental variation in smallholder agricultural systems.In the final research chapter of the thesis, we analysed the contribution of assimilating LAI at different phenological stages. The frequency and timing of LAI observations influences the retrieval accuracy of the assimilating LAI in crop growth simulation models. The use of (optical) EO data to estimate LAI is constrained by limited repeat frequency and cloud cover, which can reduce yield estimation accuracy. We evaluated the relative contribution of EO observations at different crop growth stages for accurate calibration of crop model parameters. We found that LAI between jointing and grain filling has the highest contribution to SAFY yield estimation and that the distribution of LAI during the key development stages was more useful than the frequency of LAI to improve yield estimation. This information on the optimal timing of EO data assimilation is important to develop better in-season crop yield forecasting in smallholder systems

    Mapping of peanut crops in Queensland, Australia using time-series PROBA-V 100-m normalized difference vegetation index imagery

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    Mapping of peanut crops is essential in supporting peanut production, yield prediction, and commodity forecasting. While ground-based surveys can be used over small areas, the development of remote-sensing technologies could provide rapid and inexpensive crop area estimates with high accuracy over large regions. Some of these recent earth observation satellite systems, such as the Project for On-Board Autonomy Vegetation (PROBA-V), have the advantage of increased spatial and temporal resolution. With a study area located in the South Burnett region, Queensland, Australia, the primary aim of this study was to assess the ability of time-series PROBA-V 100-m normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for peanut crop mapping. Two datasets, i.e., PROBA-V NDVI time-series imagery and the corresponding phenological parameters generated from TIMESAT data analysis technique, were classified using maximum likelihood classification, spectral angle mapper, and minimum distance classification algorithms. The results show that among all methods used, the application of MLC in PROBA-V NDVI time series produced very good overall accuracy, i.e., 92.75%, with producer and user accuracy of each class ≥78.79  %  . For all algorithms tested, the mapping of peanut cropping areas produced satisfactory classification results, i.e., 75.95% to 100%. Our study confirmed that the use of finer resolution 100 m of PROBA-V imagery (i.e., relative to MODIS 250-m data) has contributed to the success of mapping peanut and other crops in the study area

    Crop monitoring and yield estimation using polarimetric SAR and optical satellite data in southwestern Ontario

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    Optical satellite data have been proven as an efficient source to extract crop information and monitor crop growth conditions over large areas. In local- to subfield-scale crop monitoring studies, both high spatial resolution and high temporal resolution of the image data are important. However, the acquisition of optical data is limited by the constant contamination of clouds in cloudy areas. This thesis explores the potential of polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data and the spatio-temporal data fusion approach in crop monitoring and yield estimation applications in southwestern Ontario. Firstly, the sensitivity of 16 parameters derived from C-band Radarsat-2 polarimetric SAR data to crop height and fractional vegetation cover (FVC) was investigated. The results show that the SAR backscatters are affected by many factors unrelated to the crop canopy such as the incidence angle and the soil background and the degree of sensitivity varies with the crop types, growing stages, and the polarimetric SAR parameters. Secondly, the Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) transformation, for the first time, was applied to multitemporal Radarsat-2 polarimetric SAR data in cropland area mapping based on the random forest classifier. An overall classification accuracy of 95.89% was achieved using the MNF transformation of the multi-temporal coherency matrix acquired from July to November. Then, a spatio-temporal data fusion method was developed to generate Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series with both high spatial and high temporal resolution in heterogeneous regions using Landsat and MODIS imagery. The proposed method outperforms two other widely used methods. Finally, an improved crop phenology detection method was proposed, and the phenology information was then forced into the Simple Algorithm for Yield Estimation (SAFY) model to estimate crop biomass and yield. Compared with the SAFY model without forcing the remotely sensed phenology and a simple light use efficiency (LUE) model, the SAFY incorporating the remotely sensed phenology can improve the accuracy of biomass estimation by about 4% in relative Root Mean Square Error (RRMSE). The studies in this thesis improve the ability to monitor crop growth status and production at subfield scale

    A Review of Vegetation Phenological Metrics Extraction Using Time-Series, Multispectral Satellite Data

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    Vegetation dynamics and phenology play an important role in inter-annual vegetation changes in terrestrial ecosystems and are key indicators of climate-vegetation interactions, land use/land cover changes, and variation in year-to-year vegetation productivity. Satellite remote sensing data have been widely used for vegetation phenology monitoring over large geographic domains using various types of observations and methods over the past several decades. The goal of this paper is to present a detailed review of existing methods for phenology detection and emerging new techniques based on the analysis of time-series, multispectral remote sensing imagery. This paper summarizes the objective and applications of detecting general vegetation phenology stages (e.g., green onset, time or peak greenness, and growing season length) often termed “land surface phenology,” as well as more advanced methods that estimate species-specific phenological stages (e.g., silking stage of maize). Common data-processing methods, such as data smoothing, applied to prepare the time-series remote sensing observations to be applied to phenological detection methods are presented. Specific land surface phenology detection methods as well as species-specific phenology detection methods based on multispectral satellite data are then discussed. The impact of different error sources in the data on remote-sensing based phenology detection are also discussed in detail, as well as ways to reduce these uncertainties and errors. Joint analysis of multiscale observations ranging from satellite to more recent ground-based sensors is helpful for us to understand satellite-based phenology detection mechanism and extent phenology detection to regional scale in the future. Finally, emerging opportunities to further advance remote sensing of phenology is presented that includes observations from Cubesats, near-surface observations such as PhenoCams, and image data fusion techniques to improve the spatial resolution of time-series image data sets needed for phenological characterization
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