3,720 research outputs found

    Thermal infrared research: Where are we now?

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    The use of infrared temperatures in agriculture and hydrology is based on the energy balance equation which is used to estimate evapotranspiration and crop stress over small areas within a field as well as large areas. For its full utilization, this measurement must be combined with other spectral data collected at a time resolution sufficient to detect changes in the agricultural or hydrological systems and at a spatial resolution with enough detail to sample within individual fields. The most stringent requirement is that the data be readily available to the user. The spatial resolution necessary for IR measurements to be incorporated into evapotranspiration models to accurately estimate field and regional transpiration or measure crop stress; methods to estimate crop stress and yield over large areas and different cultivars within a species; the temporal resolution adequate for detecting crop stress or inclusion in evapotranspiration models; and ancillary parameters for estimating thermal IR measurements must be investigated

    Hyperion Studies Of Crop Stress In Mexico

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    Satellite-based measurements of crop stress could provide much needed information for cropland management, especially in developing countries where other precision agriculture technologies are too expensive (Pierce and Nowak 1999; Robert 2002). For example, detection of areas that are nitrogen deficient or water stressed could guide fertilizer and water management decisions for all farmers within the swath of the satellite. Several approaches have been proposed to quantify canopy nutrient or water content based on spectral reflectance, most of which involve combinations of reflectance in the form of vegetation indices. While these indices are designed to maximize sensitivity to leaf chemistry, variations in other aspects of plant canopies may significantly impact remotely sensed reflectance. These confounding factors include variations in canopy structural properties (e.g., leaf area index, leaf angle distribution) as well as the extent of canopy cover, which determines the amount of exposed bare soil within a single pixel. In order to assess the utility of spectral indices for monitoring crop stress, it is therefore not only necessary to establish relationships at the leaf level, but also to test the relative importance of variations in other canopy attributes at the spatial scale of the remote sensing measurement. In this context, the relative importance of a given attribute will depend on (1) the sensitivity of the reflectance index to variation in the attribute and (2) the degree to which the attribute varies spatially and temporally

    Irrigated pinto bean crop stress and yield assessment using ground based low altitude remote sensing technology

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    The pinto bean is one of widely consumed legume crop that constitutes over 42% of the U.S dry bean production. However, limited studies have been conducted in past to assess its quantitative and qualitative yield potentials. Emerging remote sensing technologies can help in such assessment. Therefore, this study evaluates the role of ground-based multispectral imagery derived vegetation indices (VIs) for irrigated the pinto bean stress and yield assessments. Studied were eight cultivars of the pinto bean grown under conventional and strip tillage treatments and irrigated at 52% and 100% of required evapotranspiration. Imagery data was acquired using a five-band multispectral imager at early, mid and late growth stages. Commonly used 25 broadband VIs were derived to capture crop stress traits and yield potential. Principal component analysis and Spearman’s rank correlation tests were conducted to identify key VIs and their correlation (rs) with abiotic stress at each growth stage. Transformed difference vegetation index, nonlinear vegetation index (NLI), modified NLI and infrared percentage vegetation index (IPVI) were consistent in accounting the stress response and crop yield at all growth stages (rs \u3e 0.60, coefficient of determination (R2): 0.50–0.56, P \u3c 0.05). Ten other VIs significantly accounted for crop stress at early and late stages. Overall, identified key VIs may be helpful to growers for precise crop management decision making and breeders for crop stress response and yield assessments

    Crop Stress Detection and Classification Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    Agricultural production has observed many changes in technology over the last 20 years. Producers are able to utilize technologies such as site-specific applicators and remotely sensed data to assist with decision making for best management practices which can improve crop production and provide protection to the environment. It is known that plant stress can interfere with photosynthetic reactions within the plant and/or the physical structure of the plant. Common types of stress associated with agricultural crops include herbicide induced stress, nutrient stress, and drought stress from lack of water. Herbicide induced crop stress is not a new problem. However, with increased acreage being planting in varieties/hybrids that contain herbicide resistant traits, herbicide injury to non-target crops will continue to be problematic for producers. With rapid adoption of herbicide-tolerant cropping systems, it is likely that herbicide induced stress will continue to be a major concern. To date, commercially available herbicide-tolerant varieties/hybrids contain traits which allow herbicides like glyphosate and glufosinate-ammonium to be applied as a broadcast application during the growing season. Both glyphosate and glufosinate-ammonium are broad spectrum herbicides which have activity on a large number of plant species, including major crops like non-transgenic soybean, corn, and cotton. Therefore, it is possible for crop stress from herbicide applications to occur in neighboring fields that contain susceptible crop varieties/hybrids. Nutrient and moisture stress as well as stress caused by herbicide applications can interact to influence yields in agricultural fields. If remotely sensed data can be used to accurately identify specific levels of crop stress, it is possible that producers can use this information to better assist them in crop management to maximize yields and protect their investments. This research was conducted to evaluate classification of specific crop stresses utilizing hyperspectral remote sensing

    Crop Stress Detection and Classification Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    Agricultural production has observed many changes in technology over the last 20 years. Producers are able to utilize technologies such as site-specific applicators and remotely sensed data to assist with decision making for best management practices which can improve crop production and provide protection to the environment. It is known that plant stress can interfere with photosynthetic reactions within the plant and/or the physical structure of the plant. Common types of stress associated with agricultural crops include herbicide induced stress, nutrient stress, and drought stress from lack of water. Herbicide induced crop stress is not a new problem. However, with increased acreage being planting in varieties/hybrids that contain herbicide resistant traits, herbicide injury to non-target crops will continue to be problematic for producers. With rapid adoption of herbicide-tolerant cropping systems, it is likely that herbicide induced stress will continue to be a major concern. To date, commercially available herbicide-tolerant varieties/hybrids contain traits which allow herbicides like glyphosate and glufosinate-ammonium to be applied as a broadcast application during the growing season. Both glyphosate and glufosinate-ammonium are broad spectrum herbicides which have activity on a large number of plant species, including major crops like non-transgenic soybean, corn, and cotton. Therefore, it is possible for crop stress from herbicide applications to occur in neighboring fields that contain susceptible crop varieties/hybrids. Nutrient and moisture stress as well as stress caused by herbicide applications can interact to influence yields in agricultural fields. If remotely sensed data can be used to accurately identify specific levels of crop stress, it is possible that producers can use this information to better assist them in crop management to maximize yields and protect their investments. This research was conducted to evaluate classification of specific crop stresses utilizing hyperspectral remote sensing

    The combined effects of cover design parameters on tomato production of a passive greenhouse

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    The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the need of a multiple design parameter approach to greenhouse design. To illustrate this need, we determined the combined effects of cover design parameters on tomato production of a passive greenhouse, that is a greenhouse with only natural ventilation and seasonal whitewash for climate management. The design parameters investigated in this research were the transmission of the cover for photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and near infrared (NIR) radiation, the emission coefficient for long wave radiation of the cover and the ventilation area. First, we developed a model to link the tomato yield to the cover design parameters, through their effects on greenhouse climate. The model was validated by comparing the simulated greenhouse climate and yield with data obtained from field studies conducted in Almería, Spain. Thereafter, the sensitivity of the yield to the cover design parameters was analysed for three greenhouse configurations. This analysis gave insight into the effects of the cover design parameters on crop yield. Results showed that the sensitivity of the yield to a single design parameter depended on the absolute values of the other ones. For example, the yield in a greenhouse with a high ventilation capacity was the most sensitive to PAR transmission (0.45 % more yield for each 1% increase of PAR transmission) while in a greenhouse with a low ventilation capacity the crop yield is most sensitive to the ventilation area (0.63 %) and NIR transmission (-0.56 %). In addition, the yield sensitivity to the design parameters also varied over time because of changing outdoor climate conditions. In conclusion, a significant improvement of greenhouse design can be attained only through a multifactorial approach that accounts for the joint effect of design parameters, local climate and desired production period upon crop yield

    Investigation of LANDSAT follow-on thematic mapper spatial, radiometric and spectral resolution

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Fine resolution M7 multispectral scanner data collected during the Corn Blight Watch Experiment in 1971 served as the basis for this study. Different locations and times of year were studied. Definite improvement using 30-40 meter spatial resolution over present LANDSAT 1 resolution and over 50-60 meter resolution was observed, using crop area mensuration as the measure. Simulation studies carried out to extrapolate the empirical results to a range of field size distributions confirmed this effect, showing the improvement to be most pronounced for field sizes of 1-4 hectares. Radiometric sensitivity study showed significant degradation of crop classification accuracy immediately upon relaxation from the nominally specified values of 0.5% noise equivalent reflectance. This was especially the case for data which were spectrally similar such as that collected early in the growing season and also when attempting to accomplish crop stress detection
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