763 research outputs found

    Mitigating Cascading Failures in Interdependent Power Grids and Communication Networks

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    In this paper, we study the interdependency between the power grid and the communication network used to control the grid. A communication node depends on the power grid in order to receive power for operation, and a power node depends on the communication network in order to receive control signals for safe operation. We demonstrate that these dependencies can lead to cascading failures, and it is essential to consider the power flow equations for studying the behavior of such interdependent networks. We propose a two-phase control policy to mitigate the cascade of failures. In the first phase, our control policy finds the non-avoidable failures that occur due to physical disconnection. In the second phase, our algorithm redistributes the power so that all the connected communication nodes have enough power for operation and no power lines overload. We perform a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the performance of our control policy, and show that our control policy achieves close to optimal yield for many scenarios. This analysis can help design robust interdependent grids and associated control policies.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, submitte

    Modelling cascading failures in lifelines using temporal networks

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    Lifelines are critical infrastructure systems with high interdependency. During a disaster, the interdependency between the lifelines can lead to cascading failures. In the literature, the approaches used to analyze infrastructure interdependencies within the social, political, and economic domains do not properly describe the infrastructures’ emergency management. During an emergency, the response phase is very condensed in time, and the failures that occur are usually amplified through cascading effects in the long-term period. Because of these peculiarities, interdependencies need to be modeled considering the time dimension. The methodology proposed in this paper is based on a modified version of the Input-output Inoperability Model. The lifelines are modeled using graph theory, and perturbations are applied to the elements of the graph, simulating natural or man-made disasters. The cascading effect among the interdependent networks has been simulated using a spatial multilayer approach. The adjancency tensor has been used to for the temporal dimension and its effects. Finally, the numerical results of the simulations with the proposed model are represented by probabilities of failure for each node of the system. As a case study, the methodology has been applied to a nuclear power plant. The model can be adopted to run analysis at different scales, from the regional to the local scales

    Resilience-Driven Post-Disruption Restoration of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Systems Under Uncertainty: Modeling, Risk-Averse Optimization, and Solution Approaches

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    Critical infrastructure networks (CINs) are the backbone of modern societies, which depend on their continuous and proper functioning. Such infrastructure networks are subjected to different types of inevitable disruptive events which could affect their performance unpredictably and have direct socioeconomic consequences. Therefore, planning for disruptions to CINs has recently shifted from emphasizing pre-disruption phases of prevention and protection to post-disruption studies investigating the ability of critical infrastructures (CIs) to withstand disruptions and recover timely from them. However, post-disruption restoration planning often faces uncertainties associated with the required repair tasks and the accessibility of the underlying transportation network. Such challenges are often overlooked in the CIs resilience literature. Furthermore, CIs are not isolated from each other, but instead, most of them rely on one another for their proper functioning. Hence, the occurrence of a disruption in one CIN could affect other dependent CINs, leading to a more significant adverse impact on communities. Therefore, interdependencies among CINs increase the complexity associated with recovery planning after a disruptive event, making it a more challenging task for decision makers. Recognizing the inevitability of large-scale disruptions to CIs and their impacts on societies, the research objective of this work is to study the recovery of CINs following a disruptive event. Accordingly, the main contributions of the following two research components are to develop: (i) resilience-based post-disruption stochastic restoration optimization models that respect the spatial nature of CIs, (ii) a general framework for scenario-based stochastic models covering scenario generation, selection, and reduction for resilience applications, (iii) stochastic risk-related cost-based restoration modeling approaches to minimize restoration costs of a system of interdependent critical infrastructure networks (ICINs), (iv) flexible restoration strategies of ICINs under uncertainty, and (v) effective solution approaches to the proposed optimization models. The first research component considers developing two-stage risk-related stochastic programming models to schedule repair activities for a disrupted CIN to maximize the system resilience. The stochastic models are developed using a scenario-based optimization technique accounting for the uncertainties of the repair time and travel time spent on the underlying transportation network. To assess the risks associated with post-disruption scheduling plans, a conditional value-at-risk metric is incorporated into the optimization models through the scenario reduction algorithm. The proposed restoration framework is illustrated using the French RTE electric power network. The second research component studies the restoration problem for a system of ICINs following a disruptive event under uncertainty. A two-stage mean-risk stochastic restoration model is proposed to minimize the total cost associated with ICINs unsatisfied demands, repair tasks, and flow. The model assigns and schedules repair tasks to network-specific work crews with consideration of limited time and resources availability. Additionally, the model features flexible restoration strategies including a multicrew assignment for a single component and a multimodal repair setting along with the consideration of full and partial functioning and dependencies between the multi-network components. The proposed model is illustrated using the power and water networks in Shelby County, Tennessee, United States, under two hypothetical earthquakes. Finally, some other topics are discussed for possible future work

    Optimizing resilience decision-support for natural gas networks under uncertainty

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    2019 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Community resilience in the aftermath of a hazard requires the functionality of complex, interdependent infrastructure systems become operational in a timely manner to support social and economic institutions. In the context of risk management and community resilience, critical decisions should be made not only in the aftermath of a disaster in order to immediately respond to the destructive event and properly repair the damage, but preventive decisions should to be made in order to mitigate the adverse impacts of hazards prior to their occurrence. This involves significant uncertainty about the basic notion of the hazard itself, and usually involves mitigation strategies such as strengthening components or preparing required resources for post-event repairs. In essence, instances of risk management problems that encourage a framework for coupled decisions before and after events include modeling how to allocate resources before the disruptive event so as to maximize the efficiency for their distribution to repair in the aftermath of the event, and how to determine which network components require preventive investments in order to enhance their performance in case of an event. In this dissertation, a methodology is presented for optimal decision making for resilience assessment, seismic risk mitigation, and recovery of natural gas networks, taking into account their interdependency with some of the other systems within the community. In this regard, the natural gas and electric power networks of a virtual community were modeled with enough detail such that it enables assessment of natural gas network supply at the community level. The effect of the industrial makeup of a community on its natural gas recovery following an earthquake, as well as the effect of replacing conventional steel pipes with ductile HDPE pipelines as an effective mitigation strategy against seismic hazard are investigated. In addition, a multi objective optimization framework that integrates probabilistic seismic risk assessment of coupled infrastructure systems and evolutionary algorithms is proposed in order to determine cost-optimal decisions before and after a seismic event, with the objective of making the natural gas network recover more rapidly, and thus the community more resilient. Including bi-directional interdependencies between the natural gas and electric power network, strategic decisions are pursued regarding which distribution pipelines in the gas network should be retrofitted under budget constraints, with the objectives to minimizing the number of people without natural gas in the residential sector and business losses due to the lack of natural gas in non-residential sectors. Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) is used in order to propagate uncertainties and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) is adopted in order to capture uncertainties in the seismic hazard with an approach to preserve spatial correlation. A non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) approach is utilized to solve the multi-objective optimization problem under study. The results prove the potential of the developed methodology to provide risk-informed decision support, while being able to deal with large-scale, interdependent complex infrastructure considering probabilistic seismic hazard scenarios

    Stochastic Dynamics of Cascading Failures in Electric-Cyber Infrastructures

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    Emerging smart grids consist of tightly-coupled systems, namely a power grid and a communication system. While today\u27s power grids are highly reliable and modern control and communication systems have been deployed to further enhance their reliability, historical data suggest that they are yet vulnerable to large failures. A small set of initial disturbances in power grids in conjunction with lack of effective, corrective actions in a timely manner can trigger a sequence of dependent component failures, called cascading failures. The main thrust of this dissertation is to build a probabilistic framework for modeling cascading failures in power grids while capturing their interactions with the coupled communication systems so that the risk of cascading failures in the composite complex electric-cyber infrastructures can be examined, analyzed and predicted. A scalable and analytically tractable continuous-time Markov chain model for stochastic dynamics of cascading failures in power grids is constructed while retaining key physical attributes and operating characteristics of the power grid. The key idea of the proposed framework is to simplify the state space of the complex power system while capturing the effects of the omitted variables through the transition probabilities and their parametric dependence on physical attributes and operating characteristics of the system. In particular, the effects of the interdependencies between the power grid and the communication system have been captured by a parametric formulation of the transition probabilities using Monte-Carlo simulations of cascading failures. The cascading failures are simulated with a coupled power-system simulation framework, which is also developed in this dissertation. Specifically, the probabilistic model enables the prediction of the evolution of the blackout probability in time. Furthermore, the asymptotic analysis of the blackout probability as time tends to infinity enables the calculation of the probability mass function of the blackout size, which has been shown to have a heavy tail, e.g., power-law distribution, specifically when the grid is operating under stress scenarios. A key benefit of the model is that it enables the characterization of the severity of cascading failures in terms of a set of operating characteristics of the power grid. As a generalization to the Markov chain model, a regeneration-based model for cascading failures is also developed. The regeneration-based framework is capable of modeling cascading failures in a more general setting where the probability distribution of events in the system follows an arbitrarily specified distribution with non-Markovian characteristics. Further, a novel interdependent Markov chain model is developed, which provides a general probabilistic framework for capturing the effects of interactions among interdependent infrastructures on cascading failures. A key insight obtained from this model is that interdependencies between two systems can make two individually reliable systems behave unreliably. In particular, we show that due to the interdependencies two chains with non-heavy tail asymptotic failure distribution can result in a heavy tail distribution when coupled. Lastly, another aspect of future smart grids is studied by characterizing the fundamental bounds on the information rate in the sensor network that monitors the power grid. Specifically, a distributed source coding framework is presented that enables an improved estimate of the lower bound for the minimum required communication capacity to accurately describe the state of components in the information-centric power grid. The models developed in this dissertation provide critical understanding of cascading failures in electric-cyber infrastructures and facilitate reliable and quick detection of the risk of blackouts and precursors to cascading failures. These capabilities can guide the design of efficient communication systems and cascade aware control policies for future smart grids

    Methodologies synthesis

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    This deliverable deals with the modelling and analysis of interdependencies between critical infrastructures, focussing attention on two interdependent infrastructures studied in the context of CRUTIAL: the electric power infrastructure and the information infrastructures supporting management, control and maintenance functionality. The main objectives are: 1) investigate the main challenges to be addressed for the analysis and modelling of interdependencies, 2) review the modelling methodologies and tools that can be used to address these challenges and support the evaluation of the impact of interdependencies on the dependability and resilience of the service delivered to the users, and 3) present the preliminary directions investigated so far by the CRUTIAL consortium for describing and modelling interdependencies

    A Systematic Review of Quantitative Resilience Measures for Water Infrastructure Systems

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    Over the past few decades, the concept of resilience has emerged as an important consideration in the planning and management of water infrastructure systems. Accordingly, various resilience measures have been developed for the quantitative evaluation and decision-making of systems. There are, however, numerous considerations and no clear choice of which measure, if any, provides the most appropriate representation of resilience for a given application. This study provides a critical review of quantitative approaches to measure the resilience of water infrastructure systems, with a focus on water resources and distribution systems. A compilation of 11 criteria evaluating 21 selected resilience measures addressing major features of resilience is developed using the Axiomatic Design process. Existing gaps of resilience measures are identified based on the review criteria. The results show that resilience measures have generally paid less attention to cascading damage to interrelated systems, rapid identification of failure, physical damage of system components, and time variation of resilience. Concluding the paper, improvements to resilience measures are recommended. The findings contribute to our understanding of gaps and provide information to help further improve resilience measures of water infrastructure systems
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