12 research outputs found

    Investigating the Effectiveness of Business Strategic Orientation on Organizational Performance Considering the Intervening Role of Knowledge Management

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    Objective Today competitive condition and quick changes adds to the importance of the need to analyze the companies’ performance in order to reach to higher positions as compared to the opponents’ performance. The present study mainly aims to investigate the role of business strategic tendency in organizational performance considering the intervening role of knowledge management. The researcher seek to evaluate 1) the relationship between strategic tendency and balanced point card; 2) the relationship between strategic tendency and knowledge management mechanisms; 3) knowledge management mechanisms and organizational performance; and 4) the intervening role of knowledge management mechanisms in the relationship between strategies and performance. Such a wholestic investigation has not been applied in the literature before.   Methodology The present study is descriptive-analytic in nature and quantitative-practical in purpose. The data were analyzed based on structural educational modeling. The statistical population of the present study includes all active companies in the supreme informatics. A sample of 250 principals, managers, and directors in the field of information technology were randomly selected. At the end, 181 questionnaires were correctly filled and used for further analysis.   Findings The obtained coefficient for all the tendencies and aspects pertinent to the relationship between organizational strategic tendency and knowledge management is higher than 0.3 which indicated there is a relationship between the two variables. However, regarding risk taking, all the coefficients are negative which shows an opposing relationship between the two variables. The coefficient pertinent to the relationship between tendency and different aspects of performance are almost all fewer than 0.3 which indicates an insignificant relationship between the two. Knowledge management has proved to have a strong relationship with aspects of performance. It should be said that knowledge management acts as an intervening variable between tendency and performance.   Conclusion The results approved the effect of organizational strategic tendency on performance; so, the companies should enhance their strategic tendency in order to improve their performance and make organizational decisions and put them into action based on the business strategies. This may also help improve knowledge management in an organization. Moreover, the companies can exploit knowledge management mechanisms in order to improve their performance (hypothesis 3). Finally, it is recommended that organizations should first improve their analytical tendencies, background and future expectation so as to improve their knowledge along with application of knowledge management mechanisms

    Creación de conocimiento organizacional : aspectos conceptuales, barreras y facilitadores

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    Partiendo de la importancia que representa el conocimiento para las organizaciones como activo intangible generador de innovación y competitividad, junto con el creciente desarrollo sostenible como factor diferenciador, se presenta en este artículo una revisión de modelos teóricos descriptivos de la creación del conocimiento, incluyendo la conceptualización de conocimiento, los mecanismos de barreras y oportunidades que acompañan los procesos de instalación y sostenibilidad en las organizaciones. Como resultado se hace evidente que aunque existen ya modelos definidos y muchos de ellos se fundamentan en parte en la propuesta de Nonaka y Takeuchi, no necesariamente aplican para las organizaciones de manera general, porque cada una tiene una cultura organizacional diferente con un contexto y situación específica.Based on the importance that knowledge represents for organizations as an intangible asset that generates innovation and competitiveness, together with growing sustainable development as a differentiating factor, this article presents a review of descriptive theoretical models of knowledge creation, including conceptualization of knowledge, the mechanisms of barriers and opportunities 3 that accompany the installation and sustainability processes in organizations. As a result, it becomes clear that although there are already defined models and many of them are based in part on the proposal of Nonaka and Takeuchi, they do not necessarily apply to organizations in a general way, because each one has a different organizational culture

    Marketing interno em apoio às práticas de gestão do conhecimento em organizações de base tecnológica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal da Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2014.A implementação de práticas de gestão do conhecimento apresenta, como um de seus principais desafios, a obtenção de adesão e comprometimento por parte dos colaboradores das organizações. Os paradigmas organizacionais foram alterados com a evolução da sociedade do conhecimento, oferecendo contexto favorável à redução de departamentalizações, maior integração e diálogo interdisciplinar, o que por sua vez expressa o valor do conhecimento. Motivada por esta visão, a pesquisa teve como principal objetivo analisar como o marketing interno pode apoiar as práticas de gestão do conhecimento em organizações de base tecnológica, usualmente identificadas como intensivas em conhecimento. O método apropriado de condução dos estudos surgiu a partir da busca e revisão sistemática da literatura, que localizou seis publicações com os termos combinados marketing interno e gestão do conhecimento, sinalizando a necessidade de investigação exploratória. O método de procedimento foi o de estudo qualitativo básico, com definição da estratégia analítica geral com base nas proposições teóricas, cujo agrupamento evidenciou oito focos de análises, sendo eles: 1) Promoção de GC internamente; 2) Cultura organizacional; 3) Alinhamento estratégico; 4) Gestão de pessoas; 5) Liderança; 6) Processos e tecnologias; 7) Interdisciplinaridade; 8) Gestão, comunicação, ação. Em paralelo, com base na literatura sobre o marketing interno, identificou-se como essa atividade pode apoiar as práticas de gestão do conhecimento, correlacionando-se, em resumo: 1) Utilização de campanhas promocionais para "vender" GC internamente; 2) Gestão da mudança e da identidade corporativa; 3) Implementação de estratégias; 4) visão de que o colaborador é um dos principais clientes, endereçando a ele campanhas de integração e de incentivos; 5) Formação de líderes propagadores de GC; 6) Dinâmica da comunicação; 7) Integração e comunicação alicerçada em sinergia; 8) Planejamento integrado, comunicação para difusão do conhecimento, incentivo à ação e aos inter-relacionamentos. Conclui-se que, apesar de não haver um contexto de maturidade de gestão do conhecimento nas organizações pesquisadas, existe significativo número de práticas e ferramentas do conhecimento empregadas, que necessitam ser divulgadas e tornadas visíveis para melhor utilização e envolvimento por parte dos colaboradores. Os casos pesquisados apresentaram um conjunto significativo de práticas e ferramentas de marketing interno que podem oferecer o apoio à GC. Constatou-se, porém, que as abordagens de marketing precisam ser melhor utilizadas no mercado interno, de forma estratégica e estruturada. Recomenda-se, como estudos futuros, o aprofundamento de cada tópico pesquisado, em especial os relacionados às lideranças de GC e à inovação fomentada por cultura de criação do conhecimento em organizações de base tecnológica.Abstract : The implementation of knowledge management practices in organizations shows the obtainement of adhesion and commitment of employees as one of its mais challenges. Organizational paradigms have been changing with the evolution of the knowledge society, now providing a favorable environment for reducing departmentalizations, increasing integration and promoting interdisciplinary dialogue, which in turn expresses the value of knowledge. Driven by this vision, the research aimed at analysing how internal marketing may support the knowledge management practices in technology-based organizations, usually identified as knowledge intensive. The proper method of conducting this study was identified after running a systematic search and review of the literature, which located six publications when combining the internal marketing and knowledge management terms, signaling as such the need for exploratory research. The procedure method was the basic qualitative study, with definition of the general analytical strategy based on theoretical propositions, whose grouping highlighted eight foci of analysis, which are: 1) KM promotion internally; 2) Organizational Culture; 3) Strategic Alignment; 4) People Management; 5) Leadership; 6) processes and technologies; 7) Interdisciplinary; 8) Management, communication, action. At the same time, based on the literature on internal marketing, we identified how this activity can support knowledge management practices, correlating, briefly: 1) Using promotional campaigns to "sell" KM internally; 2) Change management and corporate identity; 3) Strategies implementation; 4) Viewing the employee as the main client, addressing him integration and incentives campaigns; 5) Training KM propagator leaders; 6) Communication dynamic; 7) Integration and communication grounded in synergy; 8) Integrated planning, communication for knowledge diffusion, encouraging action and interrelationships. We conclude that, although there is no context of knowledge management maturity in the organizations studied, there is a significant number of knowledge practices and tools employed that need to be made visibleand disclosed for better use and involvement by employees. The cases studied showed a significant set of internal marketing practices and tools that can provide support for KM. It was found, however, that marketing approaches need to be better used in the internal market, strategically and in a structured way. It is recommended as future work to detail each topic researched, particularly those related to KM leadership, and innovation fostered by knowledge creation culture in technology-based organizations

    Knowledge creation and transfer amongst post-graduate students : a research project.

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    M. Com. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2014.Knowledge is believed to be the last competitive advantage that organizations have, be it academic or corporate, small to medium enterprises, and non-government and government organizations. The knowledge that an organization has stems from the individuals they develop and the tangible and intangible resources available. The skill shortages, hypercompetitive economic environments, and untapped economies that exist have created great deal of focus in knowledge. Continuously creating and transferring the valuable resource of knowledge is integral for every organization. The purpose of the research project is to address by what methods post graduate students are generating along with transferring knowledge in the School of Management, IT, and Governance at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The primary focus of the research project is established from the knowledge (SECI) spiral model which was developed by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), and the knowledge conversion modes that are embedded within the knowledge spiral. An extensive literature review was carried out to gain valuable insight and understanding of the knowledge (SECI) spiral model developed by Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995). The literature review focused on the interpretations of tacit and explicit knowledge, the interplay between the two concepts (knowledge conversion), the knowledge spiral, the theory of Ba, the knowledge enablers, as well as the building blocks of the knowledge spiral - data, information, and knowledge. An e-mail and personally administered questionnaire survey was employed to collect data from post-graduate students at the School of Management, IT and Governance in the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The data was analyzed and utilized to distinguish in Nonaka and Takeuchi's model is in use or not based on the four modes of knowledge conversion. Frequency tables provided the researcher with a means to study differences between respondents. What has been identified is that the School of Management, IT and Governance in the University of KwaZulu-Natal has the mechanisms in place to facilitate knowledge creation and transfer but tend to focus on the four modes of knowledge conversion in varying degrees

    A comunicação como fator homeostático na exploração de TI em contexto empresarial : o caso EDP Distribuição : Direção de Organização e Desenvolvimento

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    A sociedade atual está em progressivo desenvolvimento sobre pilares tecnológicos, estando ao dispor das pessoas e das organizações Tecnologias de Informação (TI) que podem facilitar e melhorar diversos aspetos do seu quotidiano. Contudo, a introdução de TI em organizações é um processo complexo que pode representar uma ameaça às pessoas, à sua segurança laboral, e que se não for bem gerida pode ter resultados negativos. Este trabalho surge da necessidade da EDP Distribuição em melhorar a eficácia na adoção de novas TI de forma a otimizar processos de trabalho. A revisão de literatura sobre a temática e a sua comparação com a realidade vivida na EDP Distribuição permitiu identificar a comunicação organizacional como uma ferramenta chave para a introdução eficaz de TI. Sendo necessária uma boa comunicação organizacional não só para o bom funcionamento de uma organização como para a introdução de novas TI tornou-se clara a necessidade de um estudo aprofundado acerca da construção da comunicação organizacional para que fosse possível auxiliar a EDP Distribuição nessa tarefa. O resultado do estudo propõe duas componentes: um modelo de comunicação genérico e um plano de comunicação específico para uma nova TI que irá ser implementada na EDP Distribuição. Tendo o estudo sido realizado com base na metodologia Soft Sistems Methodology (SSM), que é inspirada na metodologia de investigação-ação, não é possível generalizar as suas conclusões, mas é claramente viável encontrar dimensões de alguma verosimilhança que facilitem a inovação, pela adoção de TI, noutros contextos e organizações.The technology progresses we have been experiencing have shaped our entire society who nowadays has a wide variety of Information Technologies (IT) at its reach which can improve both people and enterprise’s life. Despite the potential benefits of IT, the technology adoption process is both complex and considered a threat to enterprises human resources, for example to their job security, and if it is not well managed can bring forth catastrophic results to enterprises. This study arises from the necessity of EDP Distribution in making their IT adoption process more efficient in order to optimize work processes. The review of literature of this theme and its comparison with the reality of EDP Distribution has made possible to identify organizational communication as a key element to IT success adoption. Given the importance organizational communication has not only on the proper functioning of an enterprise but also on the IT adoption, it was clear the necessity of a profound study about its construction in order to be possible to help EDP Distribution on that task. From this paper two major results are proposed: a generic communication model and a communication plan, drawn specifically to the adoption of an IT which will be introduced in a near future on EPD Distribution. This study’s conclusions should not be generalized to different organizational contexts as it is based on a Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), which is inspired on action-research methodology. However, it is feasible to find some dimensions which will facilitate IT adoption on other organizational contexts


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    The goal of this research is to investigate the importance of technology and knowledge transfer in the oil and gas industry in Libya. It explores the key characteristics and behaviour associated with the foreign companies who are in a position to transfer a substantial amount of knowledge and technology to local partners. This research also aims at exploring the technology and knowledge processes, their significance and how transfers occur. The aim is to identify the most efficient and effective strategies and policies to support local partners. Further, it examines the nature of the transfer, showing the main barriers which might be faced by both parties. Data for this research were collected via two main methods: questionnaires and interviews (unstructured interviews). Two types of questionnaire were prepared for this study. The first type was specifically written for use with the Libyan nationals, while the second was designed for the foreign personnel in the comp oil and gas industry in Libya. Each type of questionnaire was designed to seek different types of information. Unstructured interviews were also conducted with various individuals where ore qualitative information was obtained. The research findings indicate that both closed technology and tacit knowledge have become very important factors for the rapid development of companies. However, this study found that neither closed technology nor tacit knowledge was transferred widely to the oil and gas industry in Libya. It was discovered that tacit knowledge is held within the individuals, it is the skill that adds wealth to the value and significance of knowlwledge; it is also acquired via dialogue, discussion and exchange of ideas. However, the transfer of tacit knowledge is often difficult because of its nature.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Managing resistance to information system (IS) change at the pre-implementation stage from the senior management perspective : a case of a commercial bank in Vietnam

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    User resistance to information system (IS) change is an important issue in the IS literature. However, despite a large body of user adoption literature, there is far less literature addressing user resistance to IS change, especially in organisational contexts. Moreover, there are still left a number of open questions regarding the why and how resistance takes place. Particularly, previous research failed to explain these questions for two reasons. First, none of the previous research explained the reasons for IS resistance from a multilevel perspective. Second, previous research, with few exceptions, was empirically conducted after IS had been implemented in organisations. Hence, it can be considered to be observations made on downstream results of the upstream resistance process. The two reasons above were used as drivers for this research at the AlphaBank during the preliminary phases of its core banking system (CBS) upgrading project. The ultimate purpose of this study is to develop a framework which will be of use to practitioners for understanding and managing resistance to IS change. Given the complexity of the resistance, explanatory theories guiding the study were argued, discussed, and developed. These guiding theories were based on the open system theory, the political variant of the interaction theory, and the status quo bias theory. The study employed an interpretivist philosophical standpoint and a collaborative practice research (CPR) was adopted. During the study, different methods were designed and conducted including informal discussions, documentation, semi-structure interviews, staff meetings and workshop. In total, twenty eight participants covering different levels of the bank’s hierarchy were involved in the study. Based on the findings, it was concluded that comprehending resistance from a multilevel lens helped the AlphaBank’s managers move beyond a search for a simple explanation of this phenomenon and enabled them to create more meaningful and actionable solutions. The findings contribute to knowledge in a multilevel model for understanding and managing resistance to IS change