3,339 research outputs found

    Experiential Learning Programs for the Future of Engineering Education

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    The need for 21st century engineers to be educated as creative innovators is discussed. Three complementary experiential learning programs that help engineering students learn to stretch beyond their comfort zones are described: a multidisciplinary design program; an entrepreneurship program; and an international engineering program. These three interdisciplinary programs each address common educational needs: to create flexible, creative, self-actualized change agents. The approaches we are taking to implement and institutionalize these in a large, comprehensive, research oriented university are described.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86757/1/Sick5.pd

    New Hampshire University Research and Industry Plan: A Roadmap for Collaboration and Innovation

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    This University Research and Industry plan for New Hampshire is focused on accelerating innovation-led development in the state by partnering academia’s strengths with the state’s substantial base of existing and emerging advanced industries. These advanced industries are defined by their deep investment and connections to research and development and the high-quality jobs they generate across production, new product development and administrative positions involving skills in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)

    ME-EM 2007 Annual Report

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    Table of Contents Research Expansion Research Groups Faculty & Staff Students Alumni Resources Graduates Publicationshttps://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/mechanical-annualreports/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Faculty Senate Bill FSB-2013-11-18-01: University Curriculum Committee

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    Faculty Senate Bill FSB-2013-11-18-01: University Curriculum Committe

    Developing innovation competences in engineering education through project-based and challenge-based learning

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    There is a gap between industry needs and engineering graduates’ competences that since the past two decades has been under discussion. Engineering graduates are perceived as “too theoretical” by the industry and face difficulties when adapting to the practical working context. This gap is being mostly tackled by project-based courses. Furthermore, the expected competences of the future engineers go beyond the purely technical skills. Competences like creativity, innovativeness, business skills, sense of responsibility, problem-based thinking, collaboration, ability to communicate and effectively dealing with stress and uncertainty, among others, will be increasingly important in the future. Innovation competences in particular are key to tackle current societal challenges, but there is limited understanding about what innovation competences are developed through different types of project-based courses. An education that remains only in the scope of technical skills traditionally expected from engineers will eventually limit the capabilities of the engineers to influence strategy and management decisions, as well as concept definition for new products and services. Institutions like ABET, CDIO and ENAEE – EUR-ACE®, highlight these demands for future engineers’ competences. Ultimately, the more engineers master the innovation process beyond the technical aspects, the more impact they can have in shaping the society of the future, and the greater chances they have to position themselves as decision makers. This study discusses what are the innovation competences needed for engineering students and pedagogical approaches to develop those competences, with the aim of understanding how to better design educational strategies to improve innovation competences in future engineering graduates. A broad literature review was developed on existing innovation competences models and pedagogical approaches to develop innovation competences, going from problem-based to project-based learning to challenge-based education, from New Product Development to Design Thinking, and through different strategies to measure innovation competences. Through a mixed method approach, combining quantitative analysis of surveys and qualitative content analysis of project results, we compared two experiential learning courses developed at the UPC Telecom school: a project-based course and a challenge- based course. We compared self-perception on innovation competences using the INCODE (Innovation Competences Development) Barometer and we developed a qualitative content analysis of project results and self-reflection documents of two groups of engineering students from Telecom Engineering school from UPC going through CBI (Challenge Based Innovation) course versus PDP (Product Development Project) course. CBI is an innovative learning experience carried out by three institutions: Telecom Engineering School of UPC, ESADE Business School and IED Instituto Europeo di Design in collaboration with CERN, where mixed teams of students from the three institutions face open innovation challenges through Design Thinking, with the objective of designing solutions to complex societal problems, considering the use of CERN technologies if suitable. PDP is the “standard” capstone course taken by Telecom engineering students following a classical project management approach based on the CDIO framework. Results shows that experiential learning approaches like project-based and challenge-based education are good educational strategies for developing competences and, explicitly, innovation competences in engineering education, but each strategy emphasizes some competences more than others. Project-based courses demonstrates better results in Planning and Managing Projects. Creativity, Leadership and Entrepreneurship are more developed through a challenge-based approach combined with Design Thinking.Existe una brecha entre las necesidades de la industria y las competencias de los graduados en ingeniería que se ha estado debatiendo desde las últimas dos décadas. Los graduados en ingeniería son percibidos como "demasiado teóricos" por la industria y encuentran dificultades para adaptarse al contexto laboral real. Esta brecha se aborda principalmente mediante cursos basados en proyectos, desarrollando las competencias esperadas de los futuros ingenieros, que van más allá de las habilidades puramente técnicas. Competencias como la creatividad, la innovación, las habilidades empresariales, el sentido de la responsabilidad, el pensamiento basado en problemas, la colaboración, la capacidad para comunicarse y afrontar eficazmente el estrés y la incertidumbre, entre otras, serán cada vez más importantes en el futuro. Las competencias de innovación en particular son clave para abordar los desafíos sociales actuales. Pero hay una comprensión limitada sobre qué competencias de innovación se desarrollan a través de diferentes tipos de cursos basados en proyectos. Instituciones como ABET, CDIO y ENAEE - EUR-ACE®, destacan estas demandas de competencias de los futuros ingenieros. Este estudio analiza cuáles son las competencias de innovación necesarias para los estudiantes de ingeniería y los enfoques pedagógicos para desarrollar estas competencias, con el objetivo de comprender cómo diseñar mejores estrategias educativas para el desarrollo de competencias de innovación en los futuros graduados en ingeniería. Se desarrolló una extensa revisión de la literatura incluyendo modelos de competencias de innovación y enfoques pedagógicos existentes para desarrollar competencias de innovación, pasando del aprendizaje basado en problemas al aprendizaje basado en proyectos y la educación basada en retos. También se estudió el desarrollo de nuevos productos (NPD) y el pensamiento de diseño (Design Thinking), así como diferentes estrategias para medir competencias de innovación. A través de un enfoque de métodos mixto, combinando el análisis cuantitativo de encuestas y el análisis de contenido cualitativo de resultados de proyectos, se compararon dos cursos de aprendizaje experiencial desarrollados en la escuela Telecomunicaciones de la UPC: un curso basado en proyectos PDP (Proyecto de desarrollo de producto) y un curso basado en retos (CBI-Challenge Based Innovation). Se analizó la autopercepción sobre competencias de innovación utilizando el Barómetro INCODE (Innovation Competences Development), y se desarrolló un análisis de contenido cualitativo de los resultados de proyectos y documentos de autorreflexión. CBI es una experiencia de aprendizaje innovadora llevada a cabo por tres instituciones: Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones de la UPC, ESADE Business School e IED Istituto Europeo di Design en colaboración con CERN, donde equipos mixtos de estudiantes de las tres instituciones enfrentan desafíos de innovación abierta a través del Design Thinking, con el objetivo de diseñar soluciones a problemas sociales complejos, considerando el uso de tecnologías CERN (si es apropiado). PDP es el curso final ¿estándar¿ que toman los estudiantes de ingeniería de telecomunicaciones siguiendo un enfoque clásico de gestión de proyectos basado en el marco CDIO. Los resultados muestran que los enfoques de aprendizaje experiencial como la educación basada en proyectos y la educación basada en retos son buenas estrategias educativas para desarrollar competencias y, específicamente, competencias de innovación en la educación en ingeniería. Pero cada estrategia enfatiza algunas competencias más que otras. Los cursos basados en proyectos demuestran mejores resultados en la planificación y gestión de proyectos. La creatividad, el liderazgo y el espíritu empresarial se desarrollan más a través de un enfoque basado en retos combinado con Design Thinking.Postprint (published version

    Latin American perspectives to internationalize undergraduate information technology education

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    The computing education community expects modern curricular guidelines for information technology (IT) undergraduate degree programs by 2017. The authors of this work focus on eliciting and analyzing Latin American academic and industry perspectives on IT undergraduate education. The objective is to ensure that the IT curricular framework in the IT2017 report articulates the relationship between academic preparation and the work environment of IT graduates in light of current technological and educational trends in Latin America and elsewhere. Activities focus on soliciting and analyzing survey data collected from institutions and consortia in IT education and IT professional and educational societies in Latin America; these activities also include garnering the expertise of the authors. Findings show that IT degree programs are making progress in bridging the academic-industry gap, but more work remains

    November 18, 2013 AASU Faculty Senate Agenda

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    November 18, 2013 AASU Faculty Senate Agend

    A preliminary study of the relationship between complexity, motivation, and design quality.

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    This collection of work comprises a preliminary study of the relationships between product complexity, design motivation, and design quality. Complexity, as it relates to the design process, is largely undefined and there exists no generally accepted method of measurement. This study applies an independent data set to a complexity measurement technique and develops complexity measurements at the pre and post design stages. Pre design is considered when design ideas are in formation and customer needs are being addressed. Post design is considered when a functional prototype is realized, manufacturing and assembly processes have been considered, and the product design is considered finalized. Developing complexity measurements for both stages of design are critical to realizing lean design development. Additionally, this study investigates the effects of personal motivation on design quality outcomes. Taking from the field of sociology, a survey tool is utilized to gauge an individuals’ motivation toward design as a serious leisure activity. Serious leisure is considered an activity in which participants glean an internal reward, pleasure, or satisfaction from participation. Utilizing a proposed design quality survey, this study determines quality metrics based on customer needs, manufacturability, serviceability, and product fit and finish, and considers quality to be the ultimate measure of a design. The intersection of complexity, personal motivation, and design quality is of particular interest in this study, as it may provide insight into engineering team dynamics as it relates to design outcomes