63 research outputs found

    Formation of competitive advantages of iron-ore mining enterprises

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    Розглянуто формування показника конкурентоспроможності гірничозбагачувального підприємства з урахуванням резервів, технологічних і економічних факторів підвищення його конкурентних переваг при реалізації кінцевої продукції на внутрішньому і зовнішньому ринку залізорудної сировини в умовах невизначеності.Рассмотрено формирование показателя конкурентоспособности горно-обогатительного предприятия с учетом резервов, технологических и экономических факторов повышение его конкурентных преимуществ при реализации конечной продукции на внутреннем и внешнем рынке железорудного сырья в условиях неопределенности.The formation of competitiveness mining and processing enterprise including reserves, technological and economic factors ditch increase its competitive advantage in the sales of final products on the domestic and foreign market of iron ore raw materials in conditions of uncertainty


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    Local entrepreneurial potential remains an untapped resource in the economy of Romania,firstly because of the deficient access to information for the majority of the population, and secondly thefear of daring action and taking some risks. Therefore the European Union, through its structuralinstruments, wishes to contribute to the development and promotion of entrepreneurial potential in allMember States, hence the suggestive slogan of the fund: "Invest into people."One of the positive effects of economic crisis that has affected and continues to affect a great deal of the EUMember States' economies is that some have been "cleansed" of inefficient, nonproductive companies,because they could not survive this period, alternatively strengthening the companies that focus on laborproductivity growth, quality products and services, including maintaining a relationship based on trust withtheir primary customers. Thus, after this 'cleaning', due to the needs of today, a number of uncoveredactivity sectors remained and new ones have emerged.entrepreneurial potential, sustainable development, uncovered activity sectors.


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    The core of the economic growth is the nation entrepreneurial potential and itsforce of creation and qualities. The enthusiasm and imagination of the entrepreneurs that arecapable of accomplishing their dreams is the key element that leads a business to successbecoming in this way model of success for the future generations. Building the reliance between desire and reality, beginner entrepreneurs have to relyon solid basis such as business plan well elaborated, good practices and IT instruments. Onceestablished and adopted these elements, entrepreneurs and managers can apply their ownabilities in increasing a business and lead it towards success. So, leader entrepreneurs build success companies that are generating economicchanges and create working places but they are contributing to the improvement of theircommunities. Dynamic, flexibility, innovation spirit, orientation capacity towards the clientsneed or the quick reaction in market adaption represents the definitely characteristics of thesecompanies. Although the small and medium enterprises sector is one of the most affected by theeffects of the economic crisis, present situation can be considered as an opportunity for smalland medium companies in identifying and quick response to the market changes in findingflexible and innovative ways of developing activities.entrepreneurial potential, partnership, entrepreneurial culture

    The modeling of the impact of logistics on the effectiveness of foreign economic activity of the odessa region (on the basis of the state enterprise “Odessa commercial sea port”)

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    The cluster-concept is frequently used to analyse the competitive advantage of countries. Countries are specialised in a few clusters of economic activities. The competitiveness of a cluster depends on the behaviour of firms in the cluster and the interaction between these firms and the whole sectors. Given article considers model of influence of the logistical enterprise on efficiency of foreign economic activity of the Odessa region. In the given article the model is connected with the State enterprise “Odessa Commercial Sea port”. The received results can be used on seaports, at logistical and other branch enterprises, as well as for creation of the marine seaport clusters. Based on the received data some conclusions are made about the effectiveness of these mechanisms for the Ukrainian transitive economy in the globalization era. The model mentioned in this article is universal, therefore it can be used for calculations on increase of efficiency of foreign economic activity of regions. Понятие кластера часто используется для анализа конкурентных преимуществ страны. Страны специализируются на нескольких кластерах экономической деятельности. Конкурентоспособ-ность кластера зависит от поведения фирм в кластере и взаимодействия между этими фирмами и целыми отраслями. Данная статья рассматривает модель влияния логистического предприятия на эффективность внешнеэкономической деятельности Одесской области. В данной статье рассматриваемая модель связана с государственным предприятием "Одесский морской торговый порт". Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в морских портах, в материально-технических и других предприятиях отрасли, а также для создания морского кластера морского порта. На основании полученных данных сделаны некоторые выводы об эффективности этих механизмов для украинской переходной экономики в эпоху глобализации. Модель, приведенная в этой статье, является универсальной, поэтому она может быть использована для расчетов по повышению эффективности внешнеэкономической деятельности регионов. Поняття кластера часто використовується для аналізу конкурентних переваг країни. Країни спеціалізуються на декількох кластерах економічної діяльності. Конкурентоспроможність кластера залежить від поведінки фірм в кластері і взаємодії між цими фірмами і цілими галузями. Дана стаття розглядає модель впливу логістичного підприємства на ефективність зовнішньоекономічної діяльності Одеської області. У даній статті розглянута модель пов'язана з державним підприємством "Одеський морський торговельний порт". Отримані результати можуть бути використані в морських портах, в матеріально-технічних та інших підприємствах галузі, а також для створення морського кластера морського порту. На підставі отриманих даних зроблено висновки про ефективність цих механізмів для української перехідної економіки в епоху глобалізації. Модель, наведена в цій статті, є універсальною, тому вона може бути використана для розрахунків щодо підвищення ефективності зовнішньоекономічної діяльності регіонів

    CCU technologies as a tool to achieve Scope and ESG goals

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    The work examines current methods for the development and study of environmental, social, and governance aspects (ESG factors) in connection with international and governmental measures for sustainable development. It covers the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, which incentivize the consideration of ESG factors, as well as the impact of ESG on the industry and investors, particularly in the oil and gas sector. The authors delve into CO2 utilization technologies (CCS, CCUS, CCU) and the challenges of their implementation in various sectors. The role of oil and gas companies in sustainable development through the implementation of CCU technologies is analyzed; methods for capturing, transporting, and utilizing CO2 are discussed, along with technologies for producing chemicals from CO2 and their efficiency. The influence of CCU technologies on Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions, defining greenhouse gas emissions, is also examined. The challenges of transitioning to sustainable development and the importance of implementing CCU projects to enhance the ESG-rating of companies are highlighted. Sound implementation of CCU projects can determine successful industrial development, especially in the oil and gas sector, by reducing carbon dioxide emissions and creating competitive products

    Efficient All Top-k Computation - A Unified Solution for All Top-k, Reverse Top-k and Top-m Influential Queries

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    Yelling Fire and Hacking: Why the First Amendment Does Not Permit Distributing DVD Decryption Technology?

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    One of the consequences of the black-hole "no-hair" theorem in general relativity (GR) is that gravitational radiation (quasi-normal modes) from a perturbed Kerr black hole is uniquely determined by its mass and spin. Thus, the spectrum of quasi-normal mode frequencies have to be all consistent with the same value of the mass and spin. Similarly, the gravitational radiation from a coalescing binary black hole system is uniquely determined by a small number of parameters (masses and spins of the black holes and orbital parameters). Thus, consistency between different spherical harmonic modes of the radiation is a powerful test that the observed system is a binary black hole predicted by GR. We formulate such a test, develop a Bayesian implementation, demonstrate its performance on simulated data and investigate the possibility of performing such a test using previous and upcoming gravitational wave observations

    The Global Competitiveness Of The Nation: A Conceptual Discussion

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    The recurrent use of the concept of international competitiveness in order to explain differences in performances between firms and between countries induces to wonder about the content at which it refers. The plurality of the involved economic levels is certainly not irrelevant to the vagueness in which the concept is rooted. The subject of this article consists in contributing to break up the vagueness surrounding the concept by showing its richness within the framework of a presentation of the foundations of the nation’s global competitiveness in terms of factors and results

    Typology and inequality between island clusters and development areas in Maluku Province

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    This study aims to analyze patterns of economic growth and island cluster inequality in Maluku Province during the period 2010-2016. The data in this study are secondary data using quantitative descriptive methods and analytical typology analysis tools and theil index. The results showed that the VIII-IX island cluster which was classified as advanced and fast growing but had a very high inequality compared to other island cluster groups was Tual City, Southeast Maluku Regency and Aru Islands Regency. The division of the Maluku region in the Klassen typology is based on the center of growth with the hinterland area. Southern Maluku as a development area is classified as developed and fast-growing where Tual City is a center of growth but has a very high inequality compared to Maluku in the northern region

    Reverse Engineering Under the Semiconductor Chip Protection Act: An Argument in Favor of a Value-Added Approach

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    The purpose of this note is to question whether the SCPA reverse engineering exception adequately protects the rights of chip owners while allowing competitors to develop compatible products. This note concludes that the SCPA reverse engineering exception falls short of providing meaningful protection. The note also concludes that a value-added approach to the reverse engineering exception is superior to the existing approach (which is too closely allied with copyright law and fosters lengthy and expensive litigation). Part III is a discussion of the practice of reverse engineering in general and under the SCPA. Part IV, using Atari v. Nintendo as a factual basis, analyzes reverse engineering in the compatible computer products industry. Subsection A of Part IV reviews the facts of Atari v. Nintendo, and Subsection B analyzes the decision which was argued and decided under copyright law. Subsection C of Part IV analyzes the Atari v. Nintendo fact situation under the SCPA reverse engineering exception. Part V reviews a proposed alternative to the existing SCPA and applies the alternative to the Atari v. Nintendo fact situation