11 research outputs found

    On the complexity of curve fitting algorithms

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    We study a popular algorithm for fitting polynomial curves to scattered data based on the least squares with gradient weights. We show that sometimes this algorithm admits a substantial reduction of complexity, and, furthermore, find precise conditions under which this is possible. It turns out that this is, indeed, possible when one fits circles but not ellipses or hyperbolas.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Geometric BIC

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    The author introduced the "geometric AIC" and the "geometric MDL" as model selection criteria for geometric fitting problems. These correspond to Akaike’s "AIC" and Rissanen's "BIC", respectively, well known in the statistical estimation framework. Another criterion well known is Schwarz’ "BIC", but its counterpart for geometric fitting has been unknown. This paper introduces the corresponding criterion, which we call the "geometric BIC", and shows that it is of the same form as the geometric MDL. We present the underlying logical reasoning of Bayesian estimation

    Optimality of Maximum Likelihood Estimation for GeometricFitting and the KCR Lower Bound

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    Geometric fitting is one of the most fundamental problems of computer vision. In [8], the author derived a theoretical accuracy bound (KCR lower bound) for geometric fitting in general and proved that maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is statistically optimal. Recently, Chernov and Lesort [3] proved a similar result, using a weaker assumption. In this paper, we compare their formulation with the author’s and describe the background of the problem. We also review recent topics including semiparametric models and discuss remaining issues

    Optimization in Differentiable Manifolds in Order to Determine the Method of Construction of Prehistoric Wall-Paintings

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    In this paper a general methodology is introduced for the determination of potential prototype curves used for the drawing of prehistoric wall-paintings. The approach includes a) preprocessing of the wall-paintings contours to properly partition them, according to their curvature, b) choice of prototype curves families, c) analysis and optimization in 4-manifold for a first estimation of the form of these prototypes, d) clustering of the contour parts and the prototypes, to determine a minimal number of potential guides, e) further optimization in 4-manifold, applied to each cluster separately, in order to determine the exact functional form of the potential guides, together with the corresponding drawn contour parts. The introduced methodology simultaneously deals with two problems: a) the arbitrariness in data-points orientation and b) the determination of one proper form for a prototype curve that optimally fits the corresponding contour data. Arbitrariness in orientation has been dealt with a novel curvature based error, while the proper forms of curve prototypes have been exhaustively determined by embedding curvature deformations of the prototypes into 4-manifolds. Application of this methodology to celebrated wall-paintings excavated at Tyrins, Greece and the Greek island of Thera, manifests it is highly probable that these wall-paintings had been drawn by means of geometric guides that correspond to linear spirals and hyperbolae. These geometric forms fit the drawings' lines with an exceptionally low average error, less than 0.39mm. Hence, the approach suggests the existence of accurate realizations of complicated geometric entities, more than 1000 years before their axiomatic formulation in Classical Ages

    Model Selection for Geometric Fitting: Geometric Ale and Geometric MDL

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    Contrasting "geometric fitting", for which the noise level is taken as the asymptotic variable, with "statistical inference", for which the number of observations is taken as the asymptotic variable, we give a new definition of the "geometric AIC" and the "geometric MDL" as the counterparts of Akaike's AIC and Rissanen's MDL. We discuss various theoretical and practical problems that emerge from our analysis. Finally, we show, doing experiments using synthetic and real images, that the geometric MDL does not necessarily outperform the geometric AIC and that the two criteria have very different characteristics

    Human-Centric Machine Vision

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    Recently, the algorithms for the processing of the visual information have greatly evolved, providing efficient and effective solutions to cope with the variability and the complexity of real-world environments. These achievements yield to the development of Machine Vision systems that overcome the typical industrial applications, where the environments are controlled and the tasks are very specific, towards the use of innovative solutions to face with everyday needs of people. The Human-Centric Machine Vision can help to solve the problems raised by the needs of our society, e.g. security and safety, health care, medical imaging, and human machine interface. In such applications it is necessary to handle changing, unpredictable and complex situations, and to take care of the presence of humans