25,188 research outputs found

    Adolescents’ engagement with social media

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    Social media plays an increasingly important role in the daily lives of adolescents. Yet evidence of its effects are mixed, and the field lacks underlying theory to guide more nuanced research. This study explored the psychosocial processes underpinning adolescent engagement with social media. Adolescents (n = 28) were interviewed regarding their experiences of social media, and interview transcripts were analysed using grounded theory methodology. The emergent theory describes a cyclical process of evaluating the risks vs rewards of social media use, experimenting, learning from experiences, and re-calibrating one’s stance towards social media. Two styles of use, active and passive, became apparent, each maintained and defended by numerous strategies employed consciously and unconsciously, with the overarching goal of maintaining a sense of safety regarding their sense of self and status within their social hierarchy. This study depicts a complex, nuanced picture of adolescent engagement with SM, one that encompasses both positive and negative experiences. The model points to the importance of identity and social identity theories, and raises important questions about identity development in this evolving context

    The Socio-economic Impact of Social Computing: Proceedings of a Validation and Policy Options Workshop

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    This report presents the major outcomes of a validation and policy options workshop on social computing, held at IPTS in Seville, on 26-27 February 2008. It points to a number of relevant issues (including methodological and conceptual ones) that need to be taken into account in a study of the socio-economic impacts of social computing. It argues that there is little room for direct policy interventions in social computing but that framework conditions and impacts at sector-level (e.g. education, government) need to be considered. The report also discusses the future of social computing and the opportunities it offers Europe.JRC.J.4-Information Societ

    Enhancing the social issues components in our computing curriculum: Computing for the social good

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    The acceptance and integration of social issues into computing curricula is still a work in progress twenty years after it was first incorporated into the ACM Computing Curricula. Through an international survey of computing instructors, this paper corroborates prior work showing that most institutions include the societal impact of ICT in their programs. However, topics often concentrate on computer history, codes of ethics and intellectual property, while neglecting broader issues of societal impact. This paper explores how these neglected topics can be better developed through a subtle change of focus to the significant role that ICT plays in addressing the needs of the community. Drawing on the survey and a set of implementation cases, the paper provides guidance by means of examples and resources to empower teaching teams to engage students in the application of ICT to bring about positive social outcomes – computing for the social good

    Prototyping AI-Powered Social Innovation in an Undergraduate MIS course

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    While implementing with caution, Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds potential to help nations address pressing social issues, such as homelessness, climate change, and healthcare accessibility. With the existing and potential economic and social benefits of AI, it is crucial to integrate AI learning in undergraduate education. This paper presents the preliminary findings of a course project that engages students to learn AI by prototyping solutions to address important social issues in their communities among 120 undergraduate MIS students. Students worked in groups and developed chatbots that addressed a variety of community issues during COVID-19. A survey study shows students’ enhanced understanding and mastery of AI concepts and applications, empowerment of contributing to their communities through AI innovation, and an emerging awareness of diversity, equity, and ethical issues in the community and AI technologies. We conclude with implications of learning AI, innovation, and ethics through the lens of AI for social good

    Ethical issues and pervasive computing

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    There is a growing concern both publicly and professionally surrounding the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and their social and ethical impact. As these technologies become increasingly pervasive and less visible to the user, there is a greater need for professionals to address the concerns in order to regain public trust and maximise the benefits that these technologies can bring. This chapter explores the ethical aspects of the world of pervasive computing and shows the need for an ethical perspective when considering the design and implementation of complex, integrated, multiple systems. We present the background to ethics and technology to give the foundation for our discussion, and refer to current research and ethical principles to provide the argument for ethical consideration. Finally, codes of professional conduct provide the standards, and endorsement, for professional responsibility

    Ubiquitous systems and the family: Thoughts about the networked home

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    Developments in ubiquitous and pervasive computing herald a future in which computation is embedded into our daily lives. Such a vision raises important questions about how people, especially families, will be able to engage with and trust such systems whilst maintaining privacy and individual boundaries. To begin to address such issues, we have recently conducted a wide reaching study eliciting trust, privacy and identity concerns about pervasive computing. Over three hundred UK citizens participated in 38 focus groups. The groups were shown Videotaped Activity Scenarios [11] depicting pervasive or ubiquitous computing applications in a number of contexts including shopping. The data raises a number of important issues from a family perspective in terms of access, control, responsibility, benefit and complexity. Also findings highlight the conflict between increased functionality and the subtle social interactions that sustain family bonds. We present a Pre-Concept Evaluation Tool (PRECET) for use in design and implementation of ubicomp systems

    The Next Paradigm Shift in the Mobile Ecosystem: Mobile Social Computing and the Increasing Relevance of Users

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    Social computing has become the paradigm for the increasingly relevant role of users in the Internet world. In this paper, it is argued that mobile social computing will eventually cause an even bigger impact in the mobile ecosystem. We are already at the beginning of the "transference" of a significant part of Internet social computing usage to the mobile domain, where users are no longer passive consumers of content andapplications, but co-creators and even innovators of them. However, mobile social computing will go one step further in the contribution to the development of the mobile ecosystem, since it will put the many situations of users' daily activities at the centre stage. To prove this case, this paper gathers available data and evidence on the patterns of mobile social computing usage and discusses user innovation and user empowerment in the framework of the current mobile ecosystem.Mobile social computing, user innovation, mobile ecosystem.

    Socialification: Social Software Elements Analysis and Design

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    The goal of this paper is to initiate a ‎conversation on the undergraduate teaching of ‎social software analysis and design in applications ‎which are non-social-media specific. This course ‎covers the topics required to strategically ‎‎“socialify” organizational applications to engage ‎users in the most productive way for the ‎organization. To capture this effort, we suggest the ‎term “socialification” which means the use of social ‎software design features in non-social-media ‎applications. We provide some background and ‎course goals and learning objectives as well as a ‎course structure. We then discuss issues to consider ‎when implementing a course in social software ‎elements development. We also cover the theoretical ‎grounding related to the interdisciplinary process ‎and explain how it contributes to the design of the ‎course.

    Agent-Based Computing: Promise and Perils

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    Agent-based computing represents an exciting new synthesis both for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, more generally, Computer Science. It has the potential to significantly improve the theory and practice of modelling, designing and implementing complex systems. Yet, to date, there has been little systematic analysis of what makes an agent such an appealing and powerful conceptual model. Moreover, even less effort has been devoted to exploring the inherent disadvantages that stem from adopting an agent-oriented view. Here both sets of issues are explored. The standpoint of this analysis is the role of agent-based software in solving complex, real-world problems. In particular, it will be argued that the development of robust and scalable software systems requires autonomous agents that can complete their objectives while situated in a dynamic and uncertain environment, that can engage in rich, high-level social interactions, and that can operate within flexible organisational structures
