3,950 research outputs found

    Real-Time Anisotropic Diffusion using Space-Variant Vision

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    Many computer and robot vision applications require multi-scale image analysis. Classically, this has been accomplished through the use of a linear scale-space, which is constructed by convolution of visual input with Gaussian kernels of varying size (scale). This has been shown to be equivalent to the solution of a linear diffusion equation on an infinite domain, as the Gaussian is the Green's function of such a system (Koenderink, 1984). Recently, much work has been focused on the use of a variable conductance function resulting in anisotropic diffusion described by a nonlinear partial differential equation (PDF). The use of anisotropic diffusion with a conductance coefficient which is a decreasing function of the gradient magnitude has been shown to enhance edges, while decreasing some types of noise (Perona and Malik, 1987). Unfortunately, the solution of the anisotropic diffusion equation requires the numerical integration of a nonlinear PDF which is a costly process when carried out on a fixed mesh such as a typical image. In this paper we show that the complex log transformation, variants of which are universally used in mammalian retino-cortical systems, allows the nonlinear diffusion equation to be integrated at exponentially enhanced rates due to the non-uniform mesh spacing inherent in the log domain. The enhanced integration rates, coupled with the intrinsic compression of the complex log transformation, yields a seed increase of between two and three orders of magnitude, providing a means of performing real-time image enhancement using anisotropic diffusion.Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-I-0409

    Discontinuity Preserving Noise Removal Method based on Anisotropic Diffusion for Band Pass Signals

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    nonlinear discontinuity-preserving method for noise removal for band pass signals such as signals modulated with Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK) modulation is proposed in this paper. This method is inspired by the anisotropic diffusion algorithm to remove noise and preserve discontinuities in band pass signals modulated with a single frequency. It is demonstrated here that nonlinear noise removal method for a real valued band pass signal requires a solution for a nonlinear partial differential equation which is of fourth order in space and second order in time. The results presented in this work show better performance in nonlinear noise removal for real valued band pass signals in comparison with the previous work in the literature

    Non-linear coupled CNN models for multiscale image analysis

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    A CNN model of partial differential equations (PDEs) for image multiscale analysis is proposed. The model is based on a polynomial representation of the diffusivity function and defines a paradigm of polynomial CNNs,for approximating a large class of nonlinear isotropic and/or anisotropic PDEs. The global dynamics of spacediscrete polynomial CNN models is analyzed and compared with the dynamic behavior of the corresponding space-continuous PDE models. It is shown that in the isotropic case the two models are not topologically equivalent: in particular discrete CNN models allow one to obtain the output image without stopping the image evolution after a given time (scale). This property represents an advantage with respect to continuous PDE models and could simplify some image preprocessing algorithm

    A new nonlocal nonlinear diffusion equation for image denoising and data analysis

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    In this paper we introduce and study a new feature-preserving nonlinear anisotropic diffusion for denoising signals. The proposed partial differential equation is based on a novel diffusivity coefficient that uses a nonlocal automatically detected parameter related to the local bounded variation and the local oscillating pattern of the noisy input signal. We provide a mathematical analysis of the existence of the solution of our nonlinear and nonlocal diffusion equation in the two dimensional case (images processing). Finally, we propose a numerical scheme with some numerical experiments which demonstrate the effectiveness of the new method

    Introduction to the Special Issue on Partial Differential Equations and Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Image Processing and Analysis

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    ©1998 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.1998.66117

    PDEs for tensor image processing

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    Methods based on partial differential equations (PDEs) belong to those image processing techniques that can be extended in a particularly elegant way to tensor fields. In this survey paper the most important PDEs for discontinuity-preserving denoising of tensor fields are reviewed such that the underlying design principles becomes evident. We consider isotropic and anisotropic diffusion filters and their corresponding variational methods, mean curvature motion, and selfsnakes. These filters preserve positive semidefiniteness of any positive semidefinite initial tensor field. Finally we discuss geodesic active contours for segmenting tensor fields. Experiments are presented that illustrate the behaviour of all these methods
