30 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds for the Graph Homomorphism Problem

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    The graph homomorphism problem (HOM) asks whether the vertices of a given nn-vertex graph GG can be mapped to the vertices of a given hh-vertex graph HH such that each edge of GG is mapped to an edge of HH. The problem generalizes the graph coloring problem and at the same time can be viewed as a special case of the 22-CSP problem. In this paper, we prove several lower bound for HOM under the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) assumption. The main result is a lower bound 2Ω(nloghloglogh)2^{\Omega\left( \frac{n \log h}{\log \log h}\right)}. This rules out the existence of a single-exponential algorithm and shows that the trivial upper bound 2O(nlogh)2^{{\mathcal O}(n\log{h})} is almost asymptotically tight. We also investigate what properties of graphs GG and HH make it difficult to solve HOM(G,H)(G,H). An easy observation is that an O(hn){\mathcal O}(h^n) upper bound can be improved to O(hvc(G)){\mathcal O}(h^{\operatorname{vc}(G)}) where vc(G)\operatorname{vc}(G) is the minimum size of a vertex cover of GG. The second lower bound hΩ(vc(G))h^{\Omega(\operatorname{vc}(G))} shows that the upper bound is asymptotically tight. As to the properties of the "right-hand side" graph HH, it is known that HOM(G,H)(G,H) can be solved in time (f(Δ(H)))n(f(\Delta(H)))^n and (f(tw(H)))n(f(\operatorname{tw}(H)))^n where Δ(H)\Delta(H) is the maximum degree of HH and tw(H)\operatorname{tw}(H) is the treewidth of HH. This gives single-exponential algorithms for graphs of bounded maximum degree or bounded treewidth. Since the chromatic number χ(H)\chi(H) does not exceed tw(H)\operatorname{tw}(H) and Δ(H)+1\Delta(H)+1, it is natural to ask whether similar upper bounds with respect to χ(H)\chi(H) can be obtained. We provide a negative answer to this question by establishing a lower bound (f(χ(H)))n(f(\chi(H)))^n for any function ff. We also observe that similar lower bounds can be obtained for locally injective homomorphisms.Comment: 19 page

    On List Coloring and List Homomorphism of Permutation and Interval Graphs

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    List coloring is an NP-complete decision problem even if the total number of colors is three. It is hard even on planar bipartite graphs. We give a polynomial-time algorithm for solving list coloring of permutation graphs with a bounded total number of colors. More generally, we give a polynomial-time algorithm that solves the list-homomorphism problem to any fixed target graph for a large class of input graphs, including all permutation and interval graphs.&nbsp

    Expectation-Complete Graph Representations with Homomorphisms

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    We investigate novel random graph embeddings that can be computed in expected polynomial time and that are able to distinguish all non-isomorphic graphs in expectation. Previous graph embeddings have limited expressiveness and either cannot distinguish all graphs or cannot be computed efficiently for every graph. To be able to approximate arbitrary functions on graphs, we are interested in efficient alternatives that become arbitrarily expressive with increasing resources. Our approach is based on Lov\'asz' characterisation of graph isomorphism through an infinite dimensional vector of homomorphism counts. Our empirical evaluation shows competitive results on several benchmark graph learning tasks.Comment: accepted for publication at ICML 202

    Exact and Approximate Digraph Bandwidth

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    In this paper, we introduce a directed variant of the classical Bandwidth problem and study it from the view-point of moderately exponential time algorithms, both exactly and approximately. Motivated by the definitions of the directed variants of the classical Cutwidth and Pathwidth problems, we define Digraph Bandwidth as follows. Given a digraph D and an ordering sigma of its vertices, the digraph bandwidth of sigma with respect to D is equal to the maximum value of sigma(v)-sigma(u) over all arcs (u,v) of D going forward along sigma (that is, when sigma(u) < sigma (v)). The Digraph Bandwidth problem takes as input a digraph D and asks to output an ordering with the minimum digraph bandwidth. The undirected Bandwidth easily reduces to Digraph Bandwidth and thus, it immediately implies that Directed Bandwidth is {NP-hard}. While an O^*(n!) time algorithm for the problem is trivial, the goal of this paper is to design algorithms for Digraph Bandwidth which have running times of the form 2^O(n). In particular, we obtain the following results. Here, n and m denote the number of vertices and arcs of the input digraph D, respectively. - Digraph Bandwidth can be solved in O^*(3^n * 2^m) time. This result implies a 2^O(n) time algorithm on sparse graphs, such as graphs of bounded average degree. - Let G be the underlying undirected graph of the input digraph. If the treewidth of G is at most t, then Digraph Bandwidth can be solved in time O^*(2^(n + (t+2) log n)). This result implies a 2^(n+O(sqrt(n) log n)) algorithm for directed planar graphs and, in general, for the class of digraphs whose underlying undirected graph excludes some fixed graph H as a minor. - Digraph Bandwidth can be solved in min{O^*(4^n * b^n), O^*(4^n * 2^(b log b log n))} time, where b denotes the optimal digraph bandwidth of D. This allow us to deduce a 2^O(n) algorithm in many cases, for example when b <= n/(log^2n). - Finally, we give a (Single) Exponential Time Approximation Scheme for Digraph Bandwidth. In particular, we show that for any fixed real epsilon > 0, we can find an ordering whose digraph bandwidth is at most (1+epsilon) times the optimal digraph bandwidth, in time O^*(4^n * (ceil[4/epsilon])^n)