35 research outputs found

    Putting research into practice: An exploration of Sheffield iSchool approaches to connecting research with practice

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    The relationship between research and practice in the work of members of the University of Sheffield's Information School (iSchool) was examined through a mixed-methods study carried out in two stages. Two focus groups with doctoral students and faculty members explored motivations for undertaking research, views about the impact of research, and the role of social media in its dissemination. Personal enjoyment and pursuit of knowledge for its own sake emerged as strong motivators but were also linked with expressing professional identity and contributing something useful to practice in the field. Differing stakeholder definitions of research impact were perceived as problematic, and multiple channels of communication were advocated, including judicious use of professional and social networks. A content analysis of journal articles written by iSchool faculty collected qualitative and quantitative data on the subject matter, methodology, references, and other dimensions of published output, including statements relating the research to practice. Published outputs highlighted diversity in the methods used, demonstrated collaboration with practitioners in conducting and communicating research, and identified five distinct ways of connecting research with practice. The study concludes with ten recommendations for strengthening the research-practice relationship in library and information studies. © 2013 The Board of Trustees, University of Illinois

    Determinants of Effective E-Procurement System: Empirical Evidence from Indonesian Local Governments

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    This study investigates the effect of the strategy-technology-organization-people-environment (STOPE) variables on the effectiveness of e-procurement implementation in improving accountability, transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness of local governments in Indonesia. The population of this study is local government procurement services (or LPSE) in Indonesia. The sample, 96 LPSE, was selected using simple random sampling method. The data was collected through questionnaires distributed via email to 289 LPSE. The respondents were 33 managers and 63 information technology professionals of local government procurement services (33% response rate). Partial least squares (PLS) was used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. The findings showed that strategies, objectives, integration between organizations and systems, and human resource assistance can improve the accountability, transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness of the government in implementing procurement activitie

    Internal market orientation determinants of employee brand enactment

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    This study aims to explore how the adoption of internal market orientation (IMO) can enhance front-line employee brand enactment within an interpersonal service setting. Insights from equity theory and the person – environment paradigm are drawn upon to develop a theoretical model describing the impact of IMO on employee – organization fit, employee – supervisor fit and employee – job fit and the consequences of IMO on employee brand knowledge and brand identification. Second, the role of various types of fit and brand knowledge/identification for front-line employee brand enactment is confirmed

    Network evolution and the spatiotemporal dynamics of knowledge sourcing

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    Knowledge accessing from external organisations is important to firms, especially entrepreneurial ones which often cannot generate internally all the knowledge necessary for innovation. There is, however, a lack of evidence concerning the association between the evolution of firms and the evolution of their networks. The aim of this paper is to begin to fill this gap by undertaking an exploratory analysis of the relationship between the vintage of firms and their knowledge sourcing networks. Drawing on an analysis of firms in the UK, the paper finds some evidence of a U-shaped relationship existing between firm age and the frequency of accessing knowledge from certain sources. Emerging entrepreneurial firms tend to be highly active with regard to accessing knowledge for a range of sources and geographic locations, with the rate of networking dropping somewhat during the period of peak firm growth. For instance, it is found that firms tend to less frequently access knowledge sources such as universities and research institutes in their own region during a stage of peak turnover growth. Overall, the results suggest a complex relationship between the lifecycle of the firm and its networking patterns. It is concluded that policymakers need to become more aware that network formation and utilisation by firms is likely to vary dependent upon their lifecycle position

    Closing the Loop: An Examination of Consumer Attitudes and Motivation for Sustainable Behaviors

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    Smartphones and related electronic devices are a recently growing area of ethical, environmental, and social responsibility concern. Specifically, these products generate large quantities of electronic waste (e-waste) and are increasingly produced under questionable working conditions. These social and environmental impacts can potentially be mitigated through the adoption of sustainable consumer behaviors, such as e-waste recycling and purchasing sustainably- produced devices. However, although we are years into the modern sustainability movement, there still exists an attitude-behaviors gap where many consumers report that they are concerned about environmental and social responsibility issues, but they fail to translate these concerns into consumption behaviors. This manuscript examines the factors that should drive consumers to purchase electronic devices that have been manufactured by sustainable processes as well as engage in e-waste recycling behaviors. The study explores the relationship between consumers’ attitudes and beliefs towards sustainability and their overall motivation to engage in sustainable behaviors. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) is used to investigate the direct, mediated, and moderated relationships among the variables studied using data from 343 respondents in the United States. Results suggest that consumers’ awareness and consciousness for sustainable consumption does positively influence motivation to engage in sustainable consumption behaviors

    Factors that impact microfinance institutions performances in Sudan

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    Microfinance has attained a universal avowal as a vital tool for poverty alleviation. Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) provide financial services to the poor people who are deprived by mainstream commercial banks. MFIs face unique and unparalleled challenges of financial sustainability and outreach; therefore, a debate arises of whether microfinance worthwhile or worthless? Moreover, there are gaps in the existing literature of MFIs in less developed countries and Islamic MFIs. Consequently, this research studies the factors that influence the performances of microfinance sector in Sudan. The first three objectives of this research are to pursue an understanding of how microfinance interventions are implemented and how the mechanisms of the involvement namely; interest rate, client protection, financing method, microinsurance and institutional characteristic affect MFI’s performance from financial sustainability and outreach perspectives. The fourth objective is to assess the impacts of microfinance loans on the clients. This study deployed mixed methods, in the quantitative study 123 MFIs and 228 clients participated in two separate survey questionnaires and in qualitative study 18 managers from MFIs participated in the semi-structured interview. Smart PLS-SEM, Descriptive, and Chisquare techniques of analysis, were used to analyse the data collected. While comparing the results of qualitative data integrated along with quantitative results, it was found that predictors of interest rate, client protection, and lending method have significant and positive relationship with the performance of MFIs from financial sustainability and outreach perspectives, however, the predictor microinsurance shown no relationship with the performances of MFIs. Moreover, results of the structural analysis provided sufficient support that the institutional characteristics of client type, the type of organization and the years of establishment of MFIs have an effect on the performances of MFIs. On the other hand, results from client’s survey stated that microfinance loan has positive impact on MFI clients. This study contributes to the literature of microfinance industry by determining the factors that have impact in the performance of MFIs. In addition, the results proved that microfinance loans have significant effect on clients and provided social and economic security. This study contributed also to MFIs by proposing, as a future work, a theoretical Performance Measurement Frameworks (PMF), that is recognized by Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP). One of the recommendations for policy makers is that; encouraging institutional diversification, making MFIs a taxfree income, revising microinsurance policies, client-oriented regulations, and enforcing a positive interest rate ceiling, can assist MFIs in achieving their core objectives. Moreover, Government should not politicize microfinance programs

    The relationships of temperament, character, and depressive symptoms with paranoid ideation

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    This study investigated i) the relationship of temperament and character with paranoid ideation over age in adulthood ii) the association of explosive temperament profile with the development of character dimensions self-directedness and cooperativeness, and whether this association is modified by social support and attachment security iii) the co-occurrence of depressive symptoms with paranoid ideation from late adolescence to middle age in the general population. The participants (n = 2028, 2137, and 2109 in Studies I‒III) were selected from the prospective Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study, which started in 1980. Paranoid ideation and depressive symptoms were assessed at several time points over a 20-year follow-up in 1992‒2012. Temperament and character, social support, and attachment security were measured multiple times between 1997‒2012. We used multilevel models for repeated measurements, which were controlled for participants’ age, gender, and socioeconomic status both in childhood and adulthood. The results revealed that single temperament dimensions of high novelty seeking, high harm avoidance and low reward dependence and also explosive temperament profile (consisting of high novelty seeking, high harm avoidance, and low reward dependence) were related to a higher level of paranoid ideation in adulthood. These associations appeared to be mediated by character dimensions. Specifically, high self-directedness, high cooperativeness, and low self-transcendence could protect individuals with temperament-related susceptibilities from paranoid ideation. Explosive temperament was associated with lower self-directedness and cooperativeness as compared to other temperaments, but high social support and secure attachment had a positive influence on character development in individuals with explosive temperaments. Additionally, we found that depressive symptoms were linked with the course of higher paranoid ideation, especially in late adolescence and early adulthood. Regarding various depressive subsymptoms, high negative attitude and high performance difficulties were associated with the course of more severe paranoid ideation over age in adulthood, whereas the influence of somatic symptoms became significant only after early adulthood. Finally, depressive symptoms appeared to be more strongly related to the development of trait- than state-level paranoid ideation. Specific variants of single temperament dimensions and profiles represented susceptibilities for paranoid ideation. The presence of supportive and confidential relationships was linked with more mature character (i.e. higher self-directedness and higher cooperativeness), which appeared to have a protective role against paranoid ideation in individuals with risky temperaments. The co-occurrence between depressive symptoms and paranoid ideation was especially evident in late adolescence and early adulthood. Individuals, who have temperament-related susceptibilities for paranoid ideation, might benefit from interventions, which promote the abilities to form confidential and supportive social relationships. This might help them to internalize more mature concepts about the self and interpersonal relationships, which, in turn, could enhance the self-regulation of temperament-related susceptibilities and lower the risk for paranoid ideation. Individuals with co-occurring depressive symptoms and paranoid ideation might benefit from neurocognitive rehabilitation, social skills training, and community-based treatments in order to enhance interpersonal activities and metacognitive abilities.Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin i) temperamentin ja luonteen yhteyttä paranoidiseen ajatteluun aikuisuudessa ii) eksplosiivisen temperamenttiprofiilin yhteyttä itseohjautuvuuteen ja yhteistyöhakuisuuteen, ja sosiaalisen tuen ja kiintymystyylin muokkaavaa vaikutusta tähän yhteyteen iii) masennusoireiden ja paranoidisen ajattelun yhteisvaihtelua myöhäisnuoruudesta keski-ikään saakka yleisessä väestössä. Tutkittavat (n = 2028, 2137, ja 2109 tutkimuksissa I‒III) valittiin v. 1980 alkaneen prospektiivisen Lasten Sepelvaltimotaudin Riskitekijät -tutkimuksen aineistosta. Paranoidista ajattelua ja masennusoireita mitattiin useaan kertaan 20 vuoden seurannan aikana v. 1992‒2012, ja temperamentti ja luonne, sosiaalinen tuki sekä kiintymystyyli mitattiin useaan kertaan v. 1997‒2012. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin pitkittäisasetelmiin soveltuvia monitasomalleja, joissa kontrolloitiin tutkittavien ikä, sukupuoli sekä sosioekonominen asema lapsuudessa ja aikuisuudessa. Yksittäisistä temperamenttidimensioista korkea elämyshakuisuus, korkea harmin välttäminen ja matala palkintoriippuvuus sekä eksplosiivinen temperamenttiprofiili (sisältäen korkean elämyshakuisuuden, korkean harmin välttämisesen ja matalan palkintoriippuvuuden) olivat yhteydessä korkeampaan paranoidiseen ajatteluun. Luonnedimensiot vaikuttivat välittävän tätä yhteyttä. Korkea itseohjautuvuus, korkea yhteistyöhakuisuus sekä matala henkisyys suojasivat paranoidiselta ajattelulta yksilöitä, joilla oli temperamenttisidonnainen alttius paranoidisuudelle. Eksplosiivinen temperamentti oli yhteydessä matalampaan itseohjautuvuuteen ja yhteistyöhakuisuuteen kuin muut temperamenttiprofiilit, mutta korkealla sosiaalisella tuella ja turvallisella kiintymystyylillä oli positiivinen vaikutus luonteen kehittymiseen eksplosiivisen temperamentin omaavilla yksilöillä. Lisäksi havaittiin, että masennusoireet liittyivät korkeampaan paranoidiseen ajatteluun etenkin myöhäisnuoruudessa ja varhaisaikuisuudessa. Tarkasteltaessa masennuksen oireryhmiä havaittiin, että korkea negatiivinen asennoituminen sekä vakavat toimintakyvyn vaikeudet liittyivät korkeampaan paranoidiseen ajatteluun nuoruudesta keski-ikään saakka, kun taas somaattisten oireiden yhteys paranoidiseen ajatteluun ilmeni vasta varhaisaikuisuuden jälkeen. Masennusoireet näyttivät liittyvän voimakkaammin piirretason paranoidiseen ajatteluun kuin hetkellisiin paranoidisiin tiloihin. Tietyt variantit yksittäisistä persoonallisuusdimensioista ja eksplosiivinen temperamenttiprofiili vaikuttivat ilmentävän alttiustekijöitä paranoidiselle ajattelulle. Kuitenkin supportiiviset ja luottamukselliset sosiaaliset suhteet olivat yhteydessä kypsempiin luonnepiirteisiin (eli korkeaan itseohjautuvuuteen ja korkeampaan yhteistyöhakuisuuteen), jotka puolestaan suojasivat paranoidisen ajattelun kehittymiseltä yksilöitä, joilla oli temperamenttisidonnainen riski paranoidiselle ajattelulle. Masennusoireiden yhteys paranoidiseen ajatteluun ilmeni etenkin myöhäisnuoruudessa ja varhaisaikuisuudessa. Yksilöt, joiden temperamenttiin sisältyy alttiustekijöitä paranoidiselle ajattelulle, saattaisivat hyötyä interventioista, jotka kehittävät kykyjä muodostaa luottamuksellisia ja supportiivisia sosiaalisia suhteita. Tällaiset interventiot voisivat auttaa heitä sisäistämään kypsemmät käsitykset itsestä ja interpersonaalisista suhteista, jotka puolestaan saattaisivat kehittää paranoidiselle ajattelulle altistavien temperamenttipiirteiden itsesäätelyä ja pienentää riskiä paranoidiselle ajattelulle. Yksilöt, joilla ilmenee samanaikaisesti masennusoireita ja paranoidista ajattelua, saattaisivat hyötyä neurokognitiivisesta kuntoutuksesta, sosiaalisten taitojen harjoituksista sekä yhteisöllisistä hoitomuodoista, jotka lisäisivät sosiaalista aktiivisuutta ja kehittäisivät metakognitiivisia taitoja

    Relationship quality and service quality between contractor and construction client

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    Thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of M.Sc. (Building) to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, School of Construction Economics and Management at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2017Purpose Existing studies demonstrate that contractors have not fully embraced the idea of forming relationships with their clients and providing superior service quality through improved project performance. Performance on projects has been poor and client contractor relationships have become adversarial as a result of the short term, profit orientated approach adopted by many construction firms. To improve client value and construction business sustainability, it is necessary that construction firms adopt a client- orientated approach to managing projects and this can be achieved through understanding the client’s needs closely. In line with the foregoing, the aim of the current research is to investigate South African public sector construction client’s perspectives on relationship quality between contractors and construction clients and their perceived shortcomings in service quality. Having this understanding will help contractors improve their service quality and their relationship with clients. This is likely to improve the competitiveness of contracting firms, thereby improving business sustainability. Methodology/ Approach A survey research design was adopted for this study. Adopting a semi-structured mailed questionnaire survey, 45 different construction client representatives, from 11 public sector organisations in South Africa were approached, out of which 10 client representatives of different roles and responsibilities responded (22% response rate). Public sector clients targeted were those who have mainly worked with contractors undertaking medium to large scale construction projects. The respondents incorporated project managers/ leaders and middle and senior management who have experience on construction projects. Initial contact was made telephonically and this was followed by the distribution of survey questionnaires through email. Findings Based on the responses from client representatives, the primary factors influencing relationship quality between client and contractor was found to be open and honest communication, followed by trust and fairness. The primary shortcoming in service quality was found to be competency, followed by a lack of open and honest communication. Competency related shortcomings incorporated the contractor’s inability to manage resources, time and cost on projects. The findings have also revealed that a small percentage of public sector clients are aware of the problems in service quality and have started to consider alternative procurement approaches to offset performance related risks and consequently, improve contractor client relationship quality and service quality. However, some public sector clients still support traditional procurement approaches and others are not knowledgeable on how ongoing challenges in relationship quality and service quality may be mitigated though adopting appropriate procurement strategies. Practical Implications Client contractor relationships are likely to improve when there is open and honest communication at all times and where there is a level of trust between contractors and clients. Service quality is likely to improve if contractor competence issues are addressed to effect better service quality through improved project delivery. Contractors engaging in open and honest communication with their clients is also likely to improve the service quality of contractors. To effect change it is necessary for clients to consider alternative procurement approaches to achieve better service quality and client contractor relationships. The consultant’s role becomes pivotal in ensuring quality service delivery and harmonious client contractor relationships. Originality This research adds to the limited studies in South Africa on the client’s perspectives on relationship quality and service quality. It bridges a gap in the previous studies, which have not investigated public sector clients’ views on relationship quality and service quality. Keywords: Construction Industry, Construction Projects, Contractor Performance, Relationships, Service qualityMT201

    Countering method bias in questionnaire-based user studies

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    Purpose - This paper seeks to discuss reliability problems associated with questionnaires, commonly employed in library and information science. It aims to focus on the effects of "common method variance" (CMV), which is a form of bias, and ways of countering these effects. Design/methodology/approach - The paper critically reviews the use of existing tools for demonstrating reliability in questionnaire-based studies. In particular, it focuses on Cronbach's alpha, "Harman's single factor test" and Lindell and Whitney's "marker variable" approach. The paper introduces an illustrative case study based on the work on metacognition and web searching. It goes on to make recommendations for researchers considering using a questionnaire-based approach. Findings - CMV is a problem affecting questionnaire-based studies in different disciplines across social and information science. Where questionnaire items are more abstract, CMV has been found to be more of a problem. The widely used Cronbach alpha measure, of the reliability of a questionnaire, may often be affected by CMV. Where method bias dominates the results, a high alpha score may do no more than indicate that the questionnaire consistently allows participants to accede to their biases. "Harman's single factor test" is criticised as lacking sufficient foundation, and it is concluded that it should not be used. The marker variable approach is a useful option but must be applied with caution. Practical implications - A number of practical implications for researchers are drawn. Questionnaire-based work investigating abstract constructs should be assumed to carry a high likelihood of CMV, and therefore should attempt to avoid it and demonstrate the degree of success in this regard. Otherwise, interpretation of the results should assume CMV. A number of approaches to assessing and isolating CMV are discussed. Originality/value - The paper draws attention to a problem that is arguably often overlooked in questionnaire-based studies, namely method bias. It discusses a number of approaches whereby it may be identified and controlled

    The Experiences of Successful Small Business Owners in Ghana

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    There is a high failure rate of small and medium enterprises that results in high unemployment rate and poverty in Ghana. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the experiences of small business owners in Ghana. The conceptual framework was based on the theory of disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation describes a method that enables business owners to create a new market. Data were collected through interviews from 20 participants who owned small businesses and succeeded beyond 5 years in Accra, Ghana. Member checking was used to strengthen the credibility and trustworthiness of the interpretation of the participants\u27 responses. The findings highlighted 19 skills, which coalesced into 6 emerging themes: business model, innovative strategies, marketing skills, effective supervision, human relations, and commitment, punctuality, and focus. The findings from this study may contribute to social change by indicating some skills and strategies that business owners could use to sustain the profitability of their companies. The data from this study may contribute to the prosperity of small business owners, their employees, and the surrounding community