16 research outputs found

    Higher Education Efficiency and Quality

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    W pracy przedstawiono propozycję metodyki badania efektywności i jakości procesów głównych realizowanych przez uczelnie wyższe: dydaktyki i badań. Dodatkowo przeprowadzono również analizę skuteczności organizacyjnej w oparciu o wskaźniki finansowe. Problematyka funkcjonowania uczelni wyższej nabiera szczególnego znaczenia w kontekście jednego z priorytetów realizowanej1 strategii Europa 2020: („rozwój inteligentny: rozwój gospodarki opartej na wiedzy i innowacji”). Uczelnie powinny sprostać nowym wymaganiom społecznym, zwłaszcza w obszarze jakości. Dla pełnienia roli zarządczej przez kierownictwo uczelni i sprostania presji pracodawców kluczowe jest zwracanie uwagi na takie czynniki jak: dostosowanie treści nauczania i przewidywanych efektów edukacyjnych do potrzeb gospodarki, pojawiające się niejednolite perspektywy demograficzne, szczególnie w kontekście przyrostu naturalnego oraz struktury wiekowej ludności oraz konieczność uwzględniania rachunku ekonomicznego w podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących funkcjonowania jednostki. Powyższe dylematy stwarzają konieczność wprowadzenia stałego monitorowania efektywności oraz rzadko wspominanej jakości uczelni wyższej.The paper presents the methodology proposal for measurement the efficiency and quality of main processes (didactics and research) carried out by higher schools. In addition, an analysis of organizational effectiveness was carried out based on financial indicators. The issue of the functioning of a university is particularly important in the context of one of the priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy1 : ("smart development: development of a knowledge-based economy and innovation"). Universities should meet new social requirements, especially in the area of quality. For the management by the university management and coping with the pressure of employers, it is crucial to pay attention to such factors as: adjusting the teaching content and anticipated educational effects to the needs of the economy, inconsistent demographic prospects, especially in the context of population growth and the age structure of the population economic in making decisions regarding the functioning of the unit. The above dilemmas create the necessity of introducing constant monitoring of efficiency and the rarely mentioned quality of the university

    Does economic policy uncertainty reduce financial inclusion?

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    This paper examines whether economic policy uncertainty (EPU) reduces the level of financial inclusion. I predict that high EPU should have a negative effect on the level of financial inclusion. I argue that high EPU will discourage financial institutions from providing basic financial services to low end customers and unbanked adults, and this will lead to a decrease in the level of financial inclusion. Using a sample of 22 countries, I find that EPU does not have a significant impact on financial inclusion. None of the nine indicators of financial inclusion have a significant direct relationship with EPU. Also, I find some evidence that the combined effect of high EPU and high nonperforming loans reduces financial inclusion, particularly through bank branch contraction and a reduction in the use of electronic payments. Meanwhile, the use of formal accounts and credit cards increases in times of high credit supply and high EPU


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    O objetivo desse artigo é investigar a eficiência do setor bancário público brasileiro no período recente, caracterizado por maior utilização dos bancos federais como mecanismo de execução de políticas públicas. Scores de eficiências na dimensão de rentabilidade são calculados semestralmente por DEA para os 20 maiores bancos entre 2008:1 e 2013:2 e analisados fazendo uso de regressão logística ordenada. Dentre os resultados destaca-se a maior dispersão na eficiência dos públicos e os indícios de que a maior complexidade na estrutura organizacional dos grandes conglomerados agrega ineficiência. Apesar dos bancos privados se mostrarem mais eficientes, os resultados, em geral, sugerem que as instituições federais estariam cumprindo com a estratégia de obtenção de padrões de eficiência comparáveis com os do setor privado

    Avaliação de uma nova abordagem comercial na banca de retalho com recurso à metodologia DEA

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    O presente trabalho, além de dar a conhecer o grupo BCP e de caracterizar as minhas atuais funções no seio de uma agência do Millennium bcp, tem como objetivo analisar se a nova abordagem comercial aos clientes, que este banco se encontra a implementar, permite melhorar a eficiência das suas agências. A eficiência é analisada através do estudo da produtividade técnica, com recurso à técnica de programação linear: Data Envelopment Analysis – DEA, na abordagem do modelo BCC, com orientação output. Considerou-se como variáveis input: o número de empregados, os gastos com pessoal e o total dos gastos operacionais, e como variáveis output: o número de contactos telefónicos, o número de transações e o número de vendas. Foram analisadas 109 agências, 9 que já implementaram a nova abordagem comercial e 100 que ainda utilizam a abordagem comercial tradicional. Verificou-se que até ao ano 2011, as agências que implementaram a nova abordagem comercial detinham um nível de eficiência significativamente inferior ao das agências que utilizam a abordagem comercial tradicional. Em 2012, ano em que foi implementada a nova abordagem comercial nas 9 agências, verificou-se que estas conseguiram melhorar significativamente o seu nível de eficiência, enquanto as agências que continuaram a usar a abordagem comercial tradicional diminuíram-no ligeiramente

    O uso do data envelopment analysis para avaliação e melhoria de desempenho no setor bancário: estudo de caso

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    O presente estudo aborda o uso do Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) para avaliar e melhorar o desempenho no setor bancário. Consiste num estudo de caso aplicado a um dos maiores bancos portugueses. O seu objetivo, é avaliar a eficiência relativa das 333 agências bancárias que formam um dos dois departamentos comerciais do banco. Pretende-se identificar boas práticas e verificar a sua aplicabilidade nas unidades menos eficientes por forma a contribuir para a melhoria do desempenho global da instituição. Ao mesmo tempo, comparam-se os resultados de eficiência obtidos com o desempenho das unidades de negócio no cumprimento dos seus objetivos comerciais. Procura-se, assim, analisar a eventual existência de correlação entre eficiência e eficácia, ou seja, se as agências bancárias mais eficientes são também as mais eficazes. Para o efeito, é construído um modelo DEA que, considera em simultâneo, vários inputs e outputs. No modelo, as variáveis de input agregam os custos das unidades de negócio e as variáveis de output, os seus principais proveitos e alguns dos aspetos estratégicos que o banco pretende maximizar. Os resultados obtidos, identificam não só as agências bancárias menos eficientes, como assinalam aquelas que sendo semelhantes e eficientes, lhes podem servir de referência para a melhoria do seu desempenho. Tendo em conta, o caráter formativo que se pretende para o estudo, e de modo a facilitar a aceitação pelos decisores, procura-se verificar a exequibilidade das propostas apresentadas. O documento conclui pela existência, nas unidades de negócio analisadas, de uma correlação positiva fraca entre eficiência e eficácia, ainda assim estatisticamente significante. Por último, assinala a importância da metodologia DEA, enquanto medida de complementaridade de outras técnicas de controlo de gestão, em particular nas organizações que adotam a gestão por [email protected]

    Simbiose entre DEA e BSC na melhoria do desempenho dos bancos: o caso dos gabinetes de empresas do Banco Alfa

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    A avaliação de desempenho está no topo da agenda actual. Todos os dias é publicado um artigo científico, existem mais de cinquenta milhões de sítios na internet e mais de três mil e setecentos livros listados na Amazon. É um negócio de milhões de dólares. Porém, não existem estudos de eficiência comparativa, com recurso ao Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), para o segmento da banca de empresas, que, genericamente, recebe pouca atenção sobre a proficiência de uma simbiose entre o DEA e o Balanced Scorecard (BSC), combinando conceitos de programação matemática linear com uma conceptualização estratégica. O objectivo deste trabalho é o de testar a simbiose do DEA com o BSC para desenvolver um modelo de avaliação e aperfeiçoamento do desempenho de uma rede de distribuição bancária a actuar no segmento Business to Business. E analisar o impacto da integração daqueles dois instrumentos, no caso de uma instituição financeira portuguesa e de duas ópticas de interessados, para aferir a eficiência, identificar as melhores práticas e fomentar a aprendizagem. Conclui-se que o modelo sobrepõe a gestão à avaliação de desempenho, é compatível com a estratégia e a cultura do banco, a perspectiva longitudinal é preferível ao exercício anual e a avaliação das duas ópticas de interessados é semelhante. Os resultados foram escrutinados por gestores de topo e colaboradores da respectiva banca de empresas e estão em consonância com a realidade que pretendem interpretar e gerir; ressalvadas adaptações concretas, o modelo é passível de ser replicado em qualquer negócio da banca de empresas.Performance measurement is on the agenda. An article is published everyday, there are over fifty million websites and over three thousand and seven hundred books listed on Amazon. It is a business worth billions of dollars. However, studies of comparative efficiency, using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for the Business to Business commercial banks, which generally receives little attention on the proficiency of a symbiosis between DEA and Balanced Scorecard (BSC), combining concepts of linear mathematical programming with strategic conceptualization. The purpose of this research is to test the symbiosis of the DEA with the BSC to develop a framework to evaluate and improve the performance of a corporate banking network. It is also objective of this research, to analyze the effect of integration of those two instruments, in the case of a Portuguese financial institution and two stakeholders’ evaluation, in order to assess the effectiveness, identify the best practices and foster learning. With this research project it was possible to conclude that the framework overlaps management with performance measurement, it is compatible with the bank's strategy and culture, the longitudinal perspective is preferable to the annual one and the stakeholders’ evaluation is similar. The results were examined by a corporate banking committee of top managers and their employees and are in line with the reality they wish to interpret and manage, except for specific adaptations the framework is able to be replicated in any corporate banking operation

    Cost efficiency, production and value-added models in the analysis of bank branch performance

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    This paper develops a framework for performance appraisal in the context of a bank branch network. A data envelopment analysis model is advocated that can identify both input and output inefficiencies from a cost minimization perspective. The model is then applied to the analysis of a bank branch network and the production and value-added approaches are deployed jointly to give a comprehensive assessment of bank branch efficiency. The sources of underperformance are identified and their managerial implications are explored

    Measuring the performance of the banking sector in Zimbabwe

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    The measurement of the banking sector performance in Zimbabwe is motivated by the unique developments that typified the sector during the period 2009-2014 after emerging from an economic crisis. The Zimbabwean economy returned to stability and growth in 2009, after a decade long economic decline. Economic stability brought about growth in deposits, loans, assets, capitalization and profits during this period. The banking sector has been accused of excessive profiteering through overpricing their products, which culminated in the intervention by the authorities in the sector. The interest rates spread, fees and other charges were presumed to be high which motivated the need to understand whether the banking sector is efficient or inefficient given the high interest rate spreads between the deposit rates and lending rates. Furthermore the high interest rates have raised the question of whether banks were exploiting their market power to price their products highly or whether their prices were determined by the dictates of market forces. Continued profitability of the sector also called for an investigation into what was driving the persistence of profitability over time. The primary objective of this research was to measure the performance of the banking sector during the period 2009-2014. The study contributes to the empirical literature by measuring and assessing the drivers of banking sector competition, efficiency and profitability and applying them at much disaggregated levels. This study also contributes to the debate on the relationships among the performance measures of competition, profitability and efficiency. The study adopted a number of methods which contributes to the array of tools central banks can employ to measure bank performance. The study employed a number of methodologies to measure the competition, efficiency and profitability performance of the banking sector. Competition was estimated using the new empirical industrial organisation methods of Panza and Rose (1987) and the Lerner (1934) Index was used. Cost and revenue efficiency was estimated using the two step methods of Data Envelopment Analysis followed by the Tobit regression method. An assessment of the persistence and drivers of profitability was measured using the Generalised Method of Moments. This study shows that the banking sector was operating under monopolistic competition market structure. This implies that banks held some market power as a result of product differentiation due to unique features such as brands, image and advertising, among others. The study indicates that competition increased during the period 2009-2014. Market power/competition in the banking sector during the study period was driven by capital adequacy, non-performing loans, liquidity risk, cost-income ratio, economic growth and government policy on pricing of bank products. The study suggests that the banking sector experienced an average inefficiency level of approximately 35 per cent in relationship with the best performing institutions in the sample. As a result of stability experienced in the economy, the average revenue and cost efficiency increased between 2009 and 2014. The study further established that the discord around the implementation of the indigenisation and empowerment law, coupled with the government intervention in the banking sector had a negative impact on the banking sector efficiency. It also found that efficiency is determined by market power, capital adequacy, cost income ratio, economic growth, inflation, market share and profitability. The Granger Causality test between cost efficiency and market power suggests that causality is bidirectional. On the other hand granger causality between revenue efficiency and market power is unidirectional and positive, running from revenue efficiency to market power. The result implies that policy measures should bring a balance between increasing competition and improving the revenue efficiency. The study shows that the banking sector was profitable during the period 2009 to 2014. The profitability was a reflection of a stable macroeconomic environment, typified by low inflation levels, despite the crises during this period. It further reveals that the banking sector‟s profitability persisted over time, reflecting the regulatory structure of the sector. The study established that profitability was determined by market power, non-performing loans, liquidity risk, capital adequacy, bank size and cost efficiency. This implies profitability was driven by bank specific determinants. There are a number of policy implications derived from the study. Regulatory measures such as forced consolidations can lead to excessive market power by the banking institution; hence it should be moderated. Banks should enhance credit risk because NPLs has been dragging profits. Banks should take advantage of the various measures introduced, such as the setting up of the special purpose vehicle and credit reference bureau. The government should avoid tampering with market forces as this reduces competition, efficiency and profitability and put in place measures that grow the economy as it increases the efficiency and profitability of the banking sector