409 research outputs found

    Privatization-Safe Transactional Memories

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    Transactional memory (TM) facilitates the development of concurrent applications by letting the programmer designate certain code blocks as atomic. Programmers using a TM often would like to access the same data both inside and outside transactions, and would prefer their programs to have a strongly atomic semantics, which allows transactions to be viewed as executing atomically with respect to non-transactional accesses. Since guaranteeing such semantics for arbitrary programs is prohibitively expensive, researchers have suggested guaranteeing it only for certain data-race free (DRF) programs, particularly those that follow the privatization idiom: from some point on, threads agree that a given object can be accessed non-transactionally. In this paper we show that a variant of Transactional DRF (TDRF) by Dalessandro et al. is appropriate for a class of privatization-safe TMs, which allow using privatization idioms. We prove that, if such a TM satisfies a condition we call privatization-safe opacity and a program using the TM is TDRF under strongly atomic semantics, then the program indeed has such semantics. We also present a method for proving privatization-safe opacity that reduces proving this generalization to proving the usual opacity, and apply the method to a TM based on two-phase locking and a privatization-safe version of TL2. Finally, we establish the inherent cost of privatization-safety: we prove that a TM cannot be progressive and have invisible reads if it guarantees strongly atomic semantics for TDRF programs

    A speculative execution approach to provide semantically aware contention management for concurrent systems

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    PhD ThesisMost modern platforms offer ample potention for parallel execution of concurrent programs yet concurrency control is required to exploit parallelism while maintaining program correctness. Pessimistic con- currency control featuring blocking synchronization and mutual ex- clusion, has given way to transactional memory, which allows the composition of concurrent code in a manner more intuitive for the application programmer. An important component in any transactional memory technique however is the policy for resolving conflicts on shared data, commonly referred to as the contention management policy. In this thesis, a Universal Construction is described which provides contention management for software transactional memory. The technique differs from existing approaches given that multiple execution paths are explored speculatively and in parallel. In the resolution of conflicts by state space exploration, we demonstrate that both concur- rent conflicts and semantic conflicts can be solved, promoting multi- threaded program progression. We de ne a model of computation called Many Systems, which defines the execution of concurrent threads as a state space management problem. An implementation is then presented based on concepts from the model, and we extend the implementation to incorporate nested transactions. Results are provided which compare the performance of our approach with an established contention management policy, under varying degrees of concurrent and semantic conflicts. Finally, we provide performance results from a number of search strategies, when nested transactions are introduced

    Opacity: A Correctness Condition for Transactional Memory

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    Transactional memory is perceived as an appealing alternative to critical sections for general purpose concurrent programming. Despite the large amount of recent work on transactional memory implementations, however, its actual specification has never been precisely defined. This paper presents \emph{opacity}, a new correctness criterion for transactional memory systems. Opacity extends the notion of strict serializability, itself a strong form of the classical serializability property, with the requirement that even \emph{non-committed} transactions are prevented from accessing inconsistent state. Yet opacity does not preclude versioning, invisible reads and lazy updates, often used by modern TM implementations. In fact, most transactional memory systems we know of ensure opacity. We prove a tight bound on the inherent cost of implementing opacity. The bound highlights a trade-off that explains some of the differences between current transactional memory systems, and also draws a sharp complexity line between opacity on one hand, and the combination of strict serializability and strict recoverability on the other hand

    A Correctness Criterion for Eager Approach Validation for Transactional Memory System

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    With rise of multicore systems, software transactional memory (STM) has garnered significant interest as an elegant alternative for developing concurrent code. A (memory) transaction is an unit of code in execution in memory. A software transactional memory system (STM) ensures that a transaction appears either to execute atomically (even in presence of other concurrent transactions) or to never have executed at all. To achieve this property, a commonly used approach by STM systems is eager validation approach. In this approach, when a transaction performs a write operation the update is immediately written to the memory and is visible to other transactions. If the transaction aborts, then the writes performed by it previously are undone with the aid of undo logs. In this paper, we have presented a new correctness criterion EAC for eager approach validation systems. We have developed a STM system that implements this criterion. The STM system uses database recovery criterion strictness and the notion of conflict graphs used for testing conflict serializability

    Correctness and Progress Verification of Non-Blocking Programs

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    The progression of multi-core processors has inspired the development of concurrency libraries that guarantee safety and liveness properties of multiprocessor applications. The difficulty of reasoning about safety and liveness properties in a concurrent environment has led to the development of tools to verify that a concurrent data structure meets a correctness condition or progress guarantee. However, these tools possess shortcomings regarding the ability to verify a composition of data structure operations. Additionally, verification techniques for transactional memory evaluate correctness based on low-level read/write histories, which is not applicable to transactional data structures that use a high-level semantic conflict detection. In my dissertation, I present tools for checking the correctness of multiprocessor programs that overcome the limitations of previous correctness verification techniques. Correctness Condition Specification (CCSpec) is the first tool that automatically checks the correctness of a composition of concurrent multi-container operations performed in a non-atomic manner. Transactional Correctness tool for Abstract Data Types (TxC-ADT) is the first tool that can check the correctness of transactional data structures. TxC-ADT elevates the standard definitions of transactional correctness to be in terms of an abstract data type, an essential aspect for checking correctness of transactions that synchronize only for high-level semantic conflicts. Many practical concurrent data structures, transactional data structures, and algorithms to facilitate non-blocking programming all incorporate helping schemes to ensure that an operation comprising multiple atomic steps is completed according to the progress guarantee. The helping scheme introduces additional interference by the active threads in the system to achieve the designed progress guarantee. Previous progress verification techniques do not accommodate loops whose termination is dependent on complex behaviors of the interfering threads, making these approaches unsuitable. My dissertation presents the first progress verification technique for non-blocking algorithms that are dependent on descriptor-based helping mechanisms

    A Transaction Model for Executions of Compositions of Internet of Things Services

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    AbstractInternet of Things (IoT) is about making “things” smart in some functionality, and connecting and enabling them to perform complex tasks by themselves. The functionality can be encapsulated as services and the task executed by composing the services. Two noteworthy functionalities of IoT services are monitoring and actuation. Monitoring implies continuous executions, and actuation is by triggering. Continuous executions typically involve stream processing. Stream input data are accumulated into batches and each batch is subjected to a sequence of computations, structured as a dataflow graph. The composition may be processing several batches simultaneously. Additionally, some non-stream OLTP transactions may also be executing concurrently. Thus, several composite transactions may be executing concurrently. This is in contrast to a typical Web services composition, where just one composite transaction is executed on each invocation. Therefore, defining transactional properties for executions of IoT service compositions is much more complex than for those of conventional Web service compositions. In this paper, we propose a transaction model and a correctness criterion for executions of IoT service compositions. Our proposal defines relaxed atomicity and isolation properties for transactions in a flexible manner and can be adapted for a variety of IoT applications

    On Atomic Batch Executions in Stream Processing

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    AbstractStream processing is about processing continuous streams of data by programs in a workflow. Continuous execution is discretized by grouping input stream tuples into batches and using one batch at a time for the execution of programs. As source input batches arrive continuously, several batches may be processed in the workflow simultaneously. A general requirement is that each batch be processed completely in the workflow. That is, all the programs triggered by the batch, directly and transitively, in the workflow must be executed successfully. Executing only a prefix of the workflow amounts to dropping (discarding) the batches that were derived by the executed part and were supposed to be input to the rest of the workflow. In some cases, such partial executions may not be acceptable and may have to be rolled back, amounting to dropping the source input batches that were processed by the partial execution. We refer to this property of processing the batches either completely or not at all as atomic execution of the batches. We also attribute the property to the batches themselves, calling them atomic batches, meaning that the property applies to the set of transactions that are executed due to that batch. If batches are processed in isolation in the workflow, preserving atomicity is fairly straightforward. When batches are split or merged along the workflow computation, the problem becomes complicated. In this paper, we study issues relating to the atomicity of batches. We illustrate that, in general, preserving atomicity of some batches may affect the atomicity of some other batches, and suggest trade-offs

    A Flexible Framework For Implementing Multi-Nested Software Transaction Memory

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    Programming with locks is very difficult in multi-threaded programmes. Concurrency control of access to shared data limits scalable locking strategies otherwise provided for in software transaction memory. This work addresses the subject of creating dependable software in the face of eminent failures. In the past, programmers who used lock-based synchronization to implement concurrent access to shared data had to grapple with problems with conventional locking techniques such as deadlocks, convoying, and priority inversion. This paper proposes another advanced feature for Dynamic Software Transactional Memory intended to extend the concepts of transaction processing to provide a nesting mechanism and efficient lock-free synchronization, recoverability and restorability. In addition, the code for implementation has also been researched, coded, tested, and implemented to achieve the desired objectives
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