322 research outputs found

    Using synthetic MR images for distortion correction

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    Functional MRI (fMRI) data acquired using echo-planar imaging (EPI) are highly distorted by magnetic field inhomogeneities. Distortion and differences in image contrast between EPI and T1-weighted and T2-weighted (T1w/T2w) images makes their alignment a challenge. Typically, field map data are used to correct EPI distortions. Alignments achieved with field maps can vary greatly and depends on the quality of field map data. However, many public datasets lack field map data entirely. Additionally, reliable field map data is often difficult to acquire in high-motion pediatric or developmental cohorts. To address this, we developed Synth, a software package for distortion correction and cross-modal image registration that does not require field map data. Synth combines information from T1w and T2w anatomical images to construct an idealized undistorted synthetic image with similar contrast properties to EPI data. This synthetic image acts as an effective reference for individual-specific distortion correction. Using pediatric (ABCD: Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development) and adult (MSC: Midnight Scan Club; HCP: Human Connectome Project) data, we demonstrate that Synth performs comparably to field map distortion correction approaches, and often outperforms them. Field map-less distortion correction with Synth allows accurate and precise registration of fMRI data with missing or corrupted field map information

    The clinical relevance of distortion correction in presurgical fMRI at 7 T

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    Presurgical planning with fMRI benefits from increased reliability and the possibility to reduce measurement time introduced by using ultra-high field. Echo-planar imaging suffers, however, from geometric distortions which scale with field strength and potentially give rise to clinically significant displacement of functional activation. We evaluate the effectiveness of a dynamic distortion correction (DDC) method based on unmodified single-echo EPI in the context of simulated presurgical planning fMRI at 7 T and compare it with static distortion correction (SDC). The extent of distortion in EPI and activation shifts are investigated in a group of eleven patients with a range of neuropathologies who performed a motor task. The consequences of neglecting to correct images for susceptibility-induced distortions are assessed in a clinical context. It was possible to generate time series of EPI-based field maps which were free of artifacts in the eloquent brain areas relevant to presurgical fMRI, despite the presence of signal dropouts caused by pathologies and post-operative sites. Distortions of up to 5.1 mm were observed in the primary motor cortex in raw EPI. These were accurately corrected with DDC and slightly less accurately with SDC. The dynamic nature of distortions in UHF clinical fMRI was demonstrated via investigation of temporal variation in voxel shift maps, confirming the potential inadequacy of SDC based on a single reference field map, particularly in the vicinity of pathologies or in the presence of motion. In two patients, the distortion correction was potentially clinically significant in that it might have affected the localization or interpretation of activation and could thereby have influenced the treatment plan. Distortion correction is shown to be effective and clinically relevant in presurgical planning at 7 T

    Mitigating susceptibility-induced distortions in high-resolution 3DEPI fMRI at 7T

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    Geometric distortion is a major limiting factor for spatial specificity in high-resolution fMRI using EPI readouts and is exacerbated at higher field strengths due to increased B0 field inhomogeneity. Prominent correction schemes are based on B0 field-mapping or acquiring reverse phase-encoded (reversed-PE) data. However, to date, comparisons of these techniques in the context of fMRI have only been performed on 2DEPI data, either at lower field or lower resolution. In this study, we investigate distortion compensation in the context of sub-millimetre 3DEPI data at 7T. B0 field-mapping and reversed-PE distortion correction techniques were applied to both partial coverage BOLD-weighted and whole brain MT-weighted 3DEPI data with matched distortion. Qualitative assessment showed overall improvement in cortical alignment for both correction techniques in both 3DEPI fMRI and whole-brain MT-3DEPI datasets. The distortion-corrected MT-3DEPI images were quantitatively evaluated by comparing cortical alignment with an anatomical reference using dice coefficient (DC) and correlation ratio (CR) measures. These showed that B0 field-mapping and reversed-PE methods both improved correspondence between the MT-3DEPI and anatomical data, with more substantial improvements consistently obtained using the reversed-PE approach. Regional analyses demonstrated that the largest benefit of distortion correction, and in particular of the reversed-PE approach, occurred in frontal and temporal regions where susceptibility-induced distortions are known to be greatest, but had not led to complete signal dropout. In conclusion, distortion correction based on reversed-PE data has shown the greater capacity for achieving faithful alignment with anatomical data in the context of high-resolution fMRI at 7T using 3DEPI

    Advances in Concurrent Motion and Field-Inhomogeneity Correction in Functional MRI.

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    Head motion and static magnetic field (B0) inhomogeneity are two important sources of image intensity variability in functional MRI (fMRI). Ideally, in MRI, any deviation in B0 homogeneity in an object occurs only by design. However, due to imperfections in the main magnet and gradient coils, and, magnetic susceptibility differences in the object, undesired B0 deviations may occur. This causes geometric distortion in Cartesian EPI images. In addition to spatial shifts and rotations of images, head motion during an fMRI experiment may induce time-varying field-inhomogeneity changes in the brain. As a result, correcting for motion and field-inhomogeneity effects independently of each other with a static field map may be insufficient, especially in the presence of large out-of-plane rotations. Our primary concern is the correction of the combined effects of motion and field-inhomogeneity induced geometric distortion in Cartesian EPI fMRI images. We formulate a concurrent field-inhomogeneity with map-slice-to-volume motion correction, and develop a motion-robust dual-echo bipolar gradient echo static field map estimation method. We also propose and evaluate a penalized weighted least squares approach to dynamic field map estimation using the susceptibility voxel convolution method. This technique accounts for field changes due to out-of-plane rotations, and estimates dynamic field maps from a high resolution static field map without requiring accurate image segmentation, or the use of literature susceptibility values. Experiments with simulated data suggest that the technique is promising, and the method will be applied to real data in future work. In a separate clinical fMRI project, which is independent of the above work, we also formulate a current density weighted index to quantify correspondence between electrocortical stimulation and fMRI maps for brain presurgical planning. The proposed index is formulated with the broader goal of defining safe limits for lesion resection, and is characterized extensively with simulated data. The index is also computed for real human datasets.Ph.D.Electrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/60787/1/tbyeo_1.pd

    The minimal preprocessing pipelines for the Human Connectome Project

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    The Human Connectome Project (HCP) faces the challenging task of bringing multiple magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities together in a common automated preprocessing framework across a large cohort of subjects. The MRI data acquired by the HCP differ in many ways from data acquired on conventional 3 Tesla scanners and often require newly developed preprocessing methods. We describe the minimal preprocessing pipelines for structural, functional, and diffusion MRI that were developed by the HCP to accomplish many low level tasks, including spatial artifact/distortion removal, surface generation, cross-modal registration, and alignment to standard space. These pipelines are specially designed to capitalize on the high quality data offered by the HCP. The final standard space makes use of a recently introduced CIFTI file format and the associated grayordinate spatial coordinate system. This allows for combined cortical surface and subcortical volume analyses while reducing the storage and processing requirements for high spatial and temporal resolution data. Here, we provide the minimum image acquisition requirements for the HCP minimal preprocessing pipelines and additional advice for investigators interested in replicating the HCP's acquisition protocols or using these pipelines. Finally, we discuss some potential future improvements to the pipelines

    The Open-Access European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia (EPAD) MRI dataset and processing workflow

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    The European Prevention of Alzheimer Dementia (EPAD) is a multi-center study that aims to characterize the preclinical and prodromal stages of Alzheimer's Disease. The EPAD imaging dataset includes core (3D T1w, 3D FLAIR) and advanced (ASL, diffusion MRI, and resting-state fMRI) MRI sequences. Here, we give an overview of the semi-automatic multimodal and multisite pipeline that we developed to curate, preprocess, quality control (QC), and compute image-derived phenotypes (IDPs) from the EPAD MRI dataset. This pipeline harmonizes DICOM data structure across sites and performs standardized MRI preprocessing steps. A semi-automated MRI QC procedure was implemented to visualize and flag MRI images next to site-specific distributions of QC features - i.e. metrics that represent image quality. The value of each of these QC features was evaluated through comparison with visual assessment and step-wise parameter selection based on logistic regression. IDPs were computed from 5 different MRI modalities and their sanity and potential clinical relevance were ascertained by assessing their relationship with biological markers of aging and dementia. The EPAD v1500.0 data release encompassed core structural scans from 1356 participants 842 fMRI, 831 dMRI, and 858 ASL scans. From 1356 3D T1w images, we identified 17 images with poor quality and 61 with moderate quality. Five QC features - Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR), Coefficient of Joint Variation (CJV), Foreground-Background energy Ratio (FBER), and Image Quality Rate (IQR) - were selected as the most informative on image quality by comparison with visual assessment. The multimodal IDPs showed greater impairment in associations with age and dementia biomarkers, demonstrating the potential of the dataset for future clinical analyses

    Feasibility of Using Ultra-High Field (7 T) MRI for Clinical Surgical Targeting

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    The advantages of ultra-high magnetic field (7 Tesla) MRI for basic science research and neuroscience applications have proven invaluable. Structural and functional MR images of the human brain acquired at 7 T exhibit rich information content with potential utility for clinical applications. However, (1) substantial increases in susceptibility artifacts, and (2) geometrical distortions at 7 T would be detrimental for stereotactic surgeries such as deep brain stimulation (DBS), which typically use 1.5 T images for surgical planning. Here, we explore whether these issues can be addressed, making feasible the use of 7 T MRI to guide surgical planning. Twelve patients with Parkinson's disease, candidates for DBS, were scanned on a standard clinical 1.5 T MRI and a 7 T MRI scanner. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of global and regional distortion were evaluated based on anatomical landmarks and transformation matrix values. Our analyses show that distances between identical landmarks on 1.5 T vs. 7 T, in the mid-brain region, were less than one voxel, indicating a successful co-registration between the 1.5 T and 7 T images under these specific imaging parameter sets. On regional analysis, the central part of the brain showed minimal distortion, while inferior and frontal areas exhibited larger distortion due to proximity to air-filled cavities. We conclude that 7 T MR images of the central brain regions have comparable distortions to that observed on a 1.5 T MRI, and that clinical applications targeting structures such as the STN, are feasible with information-rich 7 T imaging

    Correction of spatial distortion in magnetic resonance imaging

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    Dissertation to Obtain the Degree of Master in Biomedical EngineeringMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been a major investigation and research focus among scientific and medical communities. So, new hardware with superior magnetic fields and faster sequences has been developed. However, these improvements result in intensity and spatial distortions, particularly in fast sequences, as Echo Plana Imaging (EPI), used in functional and diffusion-weighed MRI (fMRI and DW-MRI). Therefore, correction of spatial distortion is useful to obtain a higher quality in this kind of images. This project contains two major parts. The first part consists in simulating MRI data required for assessing the performance of Registration methods and optimizing parameters. To assess the methods five evaluation metrics were calculated between the corrected data and an undistorted EPI, namely: Root Mean Square (RMS); Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), Squared Correlation Coefficient(SCC); Euclidean Distance of Centres of Mass (CM) and Dice Coefficient of segmented images. In brief, this part validates the applied Registration correction method. The project’s second part includes correction of real images, obtained at a Clinical Partner. Real images are diffusion weighted MRI data with different b-values (gradient strength coefficient), allowing performance assessment of different methods on images with increasing b-values and decreasing SNR. The methods tested on real data were Registration, Field Map correction and a new proposed pipeline, which consists in performing a Field Map correction after a registration process. To assess the accuracy of these methods on real data, we used the same evaluation metrics, as for simulated data, except RMS and Dice Coefficient. At the end, it was concluded that Registration-based methods are better than Field Map, and that the new proposed pipeline produces some improvements in the registration. Regarding the influence of b-value on the correction, it is important to say that the methods performed using images with higher b’s showed more improvements in regarding metric values, but the behaviour is similar for all b-values

    Prediction of motion induced magnetic fields for human brain MRI at 3T

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    Objective Maps of B0 field inhomogeneities are often used to improve MRI image quality, even in a retrospective fashion. These field inhomogeneities depend on the exact head position within the static field but acquiring field maps (FM) at every position is time consuming. Here we explore different ways to obtain B0 predictions at different head positions. Methods FM were predicted from iterative simulations with four field factors: 1) sample induced B0 field, 2) system's spherical harmonic shim field, 3) perturbing field originating outside the field of view, 4) sequence phase errors. The simulation was improved by including local susceptibility sources estimated from UTE scans and position-specific masks. The estimation performance of the simulated FMs and a transformed FM, obtained from the measured reference FM, were compared with the actual FM at different head positions. Results The transformed FM provided inconsistent results for large head movements (>5 degree rotation), while the simulation strategy had a superior prediction accuracy for all positions. The simulated FM was used to optimize B0 shims with up to 22.2% improvement with respect to the transformed FM approach. Conclusion The proposed simulation strategy is able to predict movement induced B0 field inhomogeneities yielding more precise estimates of the ground truth field homogeneity than the transformed FM
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