13 research outputs found

    Principles of error tagging for building Russian learner corpora

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    В статье рассматривается актуальная проблема разметки ошибок, которая является трудоемкой задачей, выполняемой при создании учебных корпусов русских текстов. Обобщаются основные принципы разметки, принятые при создании учебного корпуса. Основное внимание уделено выяснению установлению принципов разметки ошибок в русских текстах в сочетании с характеристиками учебного корпуса и знаний китайских студентов

    Applying digital sensor technology: A problem-solving approach

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    There is currently an explosion in the number and range of new devices coming onto the technology market that use digital sensor technology to track aspects of human behaviour. In this article, we present and exemplify a three-stage model for the application of digital sensor technology in applied linguistics that we have developed, namely, Technology–Problem–Iterative Development and Research. We present three projects that have used this model. In the first and second, a language learning environment was facilitated and tracked by digital sensor technology, while in the second and third projects, the technology enabled multimodal data collection and analysis. All projects investigated how a digital learning environment might be designed, implemented, and evaluated. The research focus has been on how to record and analyse the process of language learning through spoken interaction using digital sensor technology. This model is amenable to a variety of methodological approaches, as we see conversation analysis used in the first two projects and multimodal corpus linguistics in the third

    Corpus-Based Generation of Head and Eyebrow Motion for an Embodied Conversational Agent

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    Humans are known to use a wide range of non-verbal behaviour while speaking. Generating naturalistic embodied speech for an artificial agent is therefore an application where techniques that draw directly on recorded human motions can be helpful. We present a system that uses corpus-based selection strategies to specify the head and eyebrow motion of an animated talking head. We first describe how a domain-specific corpus of facial displays was recorded and annotated, and outline the regularities that were found in the data. We then present two different methods of selecting motions for the talking head based on the corpus data: one that chooses the majority option in all cases, and one that makes a weighted choice among all of the options. We compare these methods to each other in two ways: through cross-validation against the corpus, and by asking human judges to rate the output. The results of the two evaluation studies differ: the cross-validation study favoured the majority strategy, while the human judges preferred schedules generated using weighted choice. The judges in the second study also showed a preference for the original corpus data over the output of either of the generation strategies

    Un estudio multimodal de las perífrasis verbales del español: los gestos asociados a ir + gerundio, dejar de + infinitivo, volver a + infinitivo y ponerse a + infinitivo

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Formació de Professor d'Espanyol com a Llengua Estrangera, Facultat d'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2018-2019, Tutor: Mar Garachana CamareroFrente a la tendencia tradicional de posicionar el lenguaje verbal en el centro de la comunicación, la multimodalidad defiende que la interacción comunicativa se compone, aparte del lenguaje verbal, de otros modos comunicativos que son todos los recursos que los hablantes utilizan para comunicarse o que influyen en el acto comunicativo. Son también los gestos, la mirada, la posición del cuerpo y la proxémica, entre otros, los modos comunicativos que pueden tener el mismo potencial comunicativo que las palabras o que tienen la capacidad de extender o cambiar el sentido de estas. Esta investigación estudia dos de los recursos comunicativos: el lenguaje verbal y los gestos. En concreto, se realiza un análisis multimodal de las perífrasis verbales del español ir + gerundio, dejar de + infinitivo, volver a + infinitivo y ponerse a + infinitivo. De esta manera, el objetivo principal de este estudio consiste en averiguar si existen gestos específicos asociados a estas estructuras perifrásticas.Opposite to the traditional tendency that positions the language in the centre of the communication, the multimodality defines that the communicative interaction is composed, apart from the verbal language, by other communicative modes which are all the resources that the speakers use to communicate or that influence the communication act. The communicative modes like, for example, the gestures, the gaze, the body position and the proxemics can have the same communicative potential as words or the capacity of extending or changing their meaning. This study focuses on two of these communicative resources: the verbal language and the gestures. In particular, the multimodal analysis is applied on Spanish verbal periphrasis ir + gerundio, dejar de + infinitive, volver a + infinitive and ponerse a + infinitive. Thus, the main objective of this study is to find out whether there exist specific gestures related to the use of these periphrastic constructions

    An introduction to informatics (not only) for the humanities

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    The multimodality of advertising discourse in English and Serbian ; Мультимодальность рекламного дискурса на английском и сербском языках

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    У дисертацији се под окриљем литературе посвећене мултимодалности савременог дискурса, прагматичким теоријама и анализи дискурса разматра и испитује улога језика, али и осталих елемената који доприносе успешности рекламног дискурса, као и утицај рекламног дискурса на друштво. Дакле, посматрано превасходно са становишта анализе дискурса и социопрагматике, предмет овог истраживања јесу сличности и разлике између три рекламна дискурса (америчког, британског и српског). Појам мултимодалност у науци о језику односи се на проучавање језика у комбинацији са другим елементима попут музике, слика, покрета, симбола итд. Захваљујући чињеници да једну телевизијску рекламу можемо посматрати као калеидоскоп наведених елемената, рекламни дискурс пружа велики број могућности за мултимодалну социопрагматичку анализу...Leaning on previous works on the multimodality of contemporary discourse, pragmatics and discourse analysis, this dissertation aims to explore the role of language and other elements contributing to the successfulness of advertising discourse, as well as its impact on the society. The prevailing goal of this research, therefore, is to establish the similarities and differences in American, British and Serbian advertising discourses from the perspective of discourse analysis and sociopragmatics. The term multimodality in linguistics refers to investigating language not in isolation but in interaction with other modes such as music, images, gestures, symbols etc. Due to the fact that a television commercial is to be perceived as a kaleidoscopic representation of the above elements, it is clear that it offers an abundance of opportunities for multimodal research..