121 research outputs found

    The Benefit Corporation: An Economic Analysis with Recommendations to Courts, Boards, and Legislatures

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    The benefit corporation legislation can be seen as a system of new formal rules, which at once seeks to complement and increase the effectiveness of the corporate social responsibility and sustainable business trends, and also disrupt the longstanding, informal constraint of shareholder wealth maximization. This legislation is designed to reduce transaction costs for both consumers and investors who subscribe to the ethical consumer and impact investing trends, respectively

    Towards a redesign of the fashion and textile industry? : corporate perspectives on the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles

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    The EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles aims at reducing the harmful environmental impacts of the fashion and textile industry. This master thesis investigates fashion companies' experiences and views on the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles, with emphasis on the opportunities and challenges that companies see with regard to the future implementation of this environmental policy. Additionally, it explores how companies organize themselves to adapt to climate change as addressed in the EU Strategy. Finally, it explores whether these actions are likely to lead to greater sustainability and circularity in the fashion industry by 2030. The study was conducted by interviewing sustainability representatives of four fashion companies operating in the European market and with a particular focus on sports and outdoor activities. Interviews provided knowledge and views on the potential scenarios and outcomes of the EU Strategy. The findings suggest that the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles represents a significant step towards increased sustainability and circularity in the fashion and textile industry. However, various barriers to its implementation have to be considered by policymakers and industry professionals. The implementation of the policy has just started, with much progress and development ahead: considerable efforts, motivation, time, cooperation, and resources are required in order to achieve progress toward sustainability and a more circular economy. Overall, this research sheds light on the potential challenges and opportunities associated with the upcoming implementation of the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles, offering insights into the fashion companies' journey towards sustainability and circularity. This research aspires to provide an initial assessment of relevance for policymakers, fashion companies, and consumers while paving the way for further research in the realm of the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles.M-IE

    The Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility in Saudi Arabia

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    In this article we have briefly discussed about the corporate social responsibilities in Saudi Arabia and their effectiveness After the introduction advantages and disadvantages of CSR are discussed After that implementation of CSR in Saudi Arabia is discussed giving an overview of how it is executed After giving some positive developments seen after CSR the drawbacks of improperly governed CSR are discussed In the end a conclusion is made highlighting what steps should Saudi Arabia should take in order to overcome these problem

    The importance of corporate social responsibility and financial performance for the value of banking companies in Indonesia

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine the influence of the importance of corporate social responsibility and financial performance to the value of banking companies in Indonesia. Design/Methodology/Approach: This research was conducted on 30 companies engaged in Banking in Indonesia listing on JSE 2010-2016. Findings: The results show that corporate social responsibility and financial performance have influenced the value firm of banking companies in Indonesia. Practical Implications: Indonesian banks must strengthen their capital structure and improve efficiency in order to compete with foreign banks. The company's goal is to increase the company's value or the growth of the company. Originality/Value: The results highlighted that the higher the value of corporate social responsibility issued by the company the better the performance of the company, the better the value of firm generated by Indonesian Banking companies.peer-reviewe

    Rethinking the Role of Regulation in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis: The Case of the UK

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    Following the global financial crisis, many countries have embarked on fundamental reviews of their regulatory systems in an attempt to identify the causes of the near collapse in financial systems and to pave the way for a new approach to regulation. The focus of this paper concerns the intellectual assumptions on which previous regulatory approaches have largely been built, both in the UK and in a number of other countries. We examine the analysis provided by the UK’s Turner Review (2009) which follows the “market failure†approach to regulation and we contrast this with the alternative “state failure†approach. Both approaches only offer partial and polarised views into the causes of the crisis. We offer a synthesis and argue that a new conceptual approach to the management of financial markets is required. The essence of this new approach is the recognition that the state and regulation are not external to the market. While this paper largely relates to the UK, it provides potentially important lessons for many other countries.Regulation, Global financial crisis, Market failure, State failures

    The importance of corporate social responsibility and financial performance for the value of banking companies in Indonesia

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    Purpose: This study aims to determine the influence of the importance of corporate social responsibility and financial performance to the value of banking companies in Indonesia. Design/Methodology/Approach: This research was conducted on 30 companies engaged in Banking in Indonesia listing on JSE 2010-2016. Findings: The results show that corporate social responsibility and financial performance have influenced the value firm of banking companies in Indonesia. Practical Implications: Indonesian banks must strengthen their capital structure and improve efficiency in order to compete with foreign banks. The company's goal is to increase the company's value or the growth of the company. Originality/Value: The results highlighted that the higher the value of corporate social responsibility issued by the company the better the performance of the company, the better the value of firm generated by Indonesian Banking companies

    Społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu przez zarządzanie wiedzą na przykładzie przedsiębiorstw sektora produktów informatycznych

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    The article identifis and describes the way in which the concept of corporate social responsibility is implemented in the group of selected IT sector entities applied in response to conditions of the environment of functioning. It is perceived through the prism of management of partners’ knowledge in the eco-system of relationships of sample enterprises, IT sector leaders and their cooperants, including customers The problem gained special signifiance in the dynamic environment of functioning of enterprises, determined by social changes (according to the paradigm of the so-called decent society, intergenerational ethics and share consumption), economic changes (economics of moderation, deconsumption as the response to excessive consumerism) and environmental changes (ecologisation and eco-effectiveness in opposition to “exploitation of resources without limits”).W artykule zidentyfiowano i scharakteryzowano sposoby realizacji koncepcji społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu w grupie wybranych podmiotów sektora IT, stosowane w odpowiedzi na warunki środowiska funkcjonowania ujętego przez pryzmat zarządzania wiedzą partnerów w ekosystemie relacji przykładowych przedsiębiorstw, liderów sektora IT i ich kooperantów, w tym klientów. Problem ten zyskał szczególnego znaczenia w dynamicznym otoczeniu funkcjonowania podmiotów warunkowanym zmianami społecznymi (zgodnie z paradygmatem tzw. godnego społeczeństwa, etyki międzypokoleniowej, share consumption), ekonomicznymi (ekonomii umiaru, dekonsumpcji jako odpowiedzi na nadmierny konsumpcjonizm), środowiskowymi (ekologizacji i ekoefektywności, w opozycji do „eksploatacji zasobów bez granic”)

    The business management training needs of South African Biokineticists to ensure business sustainability

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    Background: Business management training is essential for success in the modern era. Health and medical professionals are exposed to knowledge that allows them to treat pathologies. However, their training does not prepare them to manage their practices as businesses and in a sustainable, effective, and efficient manner. Objectives: To investigate the business management training needs of registered South African Biokineticists. Methods: A quantitative and descriptive research design was used. Sixty-nine registered Biokineticists answered the emailed survey. The survey was sent out on two separate days, two weeks apart. Participants could only answer the survey once. The survey was sent out by the Biokinetics Association of South Africa (BASA). The sample in this study consisted of both male and female participants who graduated between the years of 1985-2019. The survey consisted of demographic questions about their study methods. It also included a 5-point Likert Scale where a score of 1 indicated an exceptionally low need and a score of 5 indicated a very high need for corresponding business processes. The business processes included accounting, business sustainability, corporate social responsibility, ethics, financial management, human resource management, leadership and managerial decision-making, marketing, operational management, and strategic management. A final open-ended question on what other business management training the participant needed was asked at the end of the survey. Results: Combined high to very high needs (X≥4 on the Likert Scale) for the business management processes explored were: accounting: 28%, business sustainability: 33%, corporate social responsibility: 23%, ethics: 55%, financial management: 35%, human resource management: 29%, leadership and managerial decision-making: 43%, marketing: 41%, operational management: 39%, and strategic management: 33%. Seventy-one percent of the participants who took part in the study suggested that they needed other business management training needs, providing suggestions in the final question. Of the 71% of participants who answered this question, the most important requests identified included information technology (17%), tax- related management and knowledge (19%) and medical aid training for ICD-10 coding (13%). The other 51% of the participants that answered the final question provided suggestions that could be categorised into the areas of business already reported on in the Likert Scale. Sixty-nine out of a possible ±1600 registered Biokineticists who were BASA members completed the survey. This represents a response rate of about 4%. Conclusion: Business management training needs exist for South African Biokineticists. By addressing these needs, it may lead to improvements in overall patient care, practice management and small business growth which in return can lead to the socioeconomic stimulation of the country

    The Role of the Hidden Curriculum: Institutional Messages of Inclusivity

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    Significant attention is rightly given in literature concerning institutional curricular change to the design and delivery of the formal curriculum. Particularly influential in this area has been Biggs’ work on constructive alignment (Biggs, 1999, and subsequent editions) and the learning taxonomies which higher education has sought to utilise in the alignment process (Biggs & Collins, 1982; Bloom, 1956). However, the role of the hidden curriculum (Giroux & Purpel, 1983), much discussed in the context of school education for many years, has barely featured in the discourse around learning and teaching in higher education. In this reflective analysis, I consider the question, ‘To what extent do the learning communities we create and the hidden curriculum which frames them foster or fight the development of capabilities needed by our global students?’ and propose the hidden curriculum to be an area we can no longer neglect

    Anthropology Department Annual Newsletter

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    Anthropology is the study of humans. Anthropologists study the entire spectrum of human existence from 6.5 million years ago when the first hominid set foot on the African continent, the process of human evolution, domestication of plants and animals, development of civilization, migration to the ends of the earth, and the present day diversity of cultures, religions, economies, and kinship systems seen around the world. Anthropology provides a well-rounded, generalist education that enhances wide career choices and provides students with the ability to critically evaluate theories, options, and actions that affect humankind