1,685 research outputs found

    Cost Model-Driven Test Resource Partitioning for SoCs

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    The increasing complexity of modern SoCs and quality expectations are making the cost of test represent an significant fraction of the manufacturing cost. The main factors contributing to the cost of test are the required number of tester pins, the test application time, the tester memory requirements and the area overhead required by the test resources. These factors contribute with different weights, depending on the cost model of each product. Several methods have been proposed to optimize each of these factors, however none of them allows an objective function derived from the actual cost model of each product. In this paper, we propose a cost model-driven test resource allocation and scheduling method that minimizes the cost of test


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    System-on-chip (SOC) enables the reuse of existing IP blocks in a system, thereby making it possible to design complex systems within a short period of time. With the complexity of the design comes the problem of testing the SOC. A typical SOC can integrate many modules, therefore making it difficult to test these individual modules by accessing from the primary interfaces of the chip. To aleviate this test access issue for SOC‟s, the IEEE 1500 standard has been introduced. There are commercial tools from main EDA players such as Synopsys that can help with the insertion of the IEEE 1500 wrapper. However, most researchers have no access to the expensive tool. Even if they do, the tools are protected so they do not allow researchers access to the internal features to explore potential enhancements. There is no open source tools that can assist test researchers with the 1500 wrapper insertion. In this thesis, we illustrate our effort at automating the IEEE 1500 wrapper insertion. The design of the IEEE 1500 wrapper is done in Verilog and the automation is done using the Perl scripting language. The inserted wrapper modules are validated and an efficient approach of executing wrapper external tests is also illustrated in this thesis

    Studies on Core-Based Testing of System-on-Chips Using Functional Bus and Network-on-Chip Interconnects

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    The tests of a complex system such as a microprocessor-based system-onchip (SoC) or a network-on-chip (NoC) are difficult and expensive. In this thesis, we propose three core-based test methods that reuse the existing functional interconnects-a flat bus, hierarchical buses of multiprocessor SoC's (MPSoC), and a N oC-in order to avoid the silicon area cost of a dedicated test access mechanism (TAM). However, the use of functional interconnects as functional TAM's introduces several new problems. During tests, the interconnects-including the bus arbitrator, the bus bridges, and the NoC routers-operate in the functional mode to transport the test stimuli and responses, while the core under tests (CUT) operate in the test mode. Second, the test data is transported to the CUT through the functional bus, and not directly to the test port. Therefore, special core test wrappers that can provide the necessary control signals required by the different functional interconnect are proposed. We developed two types of wrappers, one buffer-based wrapper for the bus-based systems and another pair of complementary wrappers for the NoCbased systems. Using the core test wrappers, we propose test scheduling schemes for the three functionally different types of interconnects. The test scheduling scheme for a flat bus is developed based on an efficient packet scheduling scheme that minimizes both the buffer sizes and the test time under a power constraint. The schedulingscheme is then extended to take advantage of the hierarchical bus architecture of the MPSoC systems. The third test scheduling scheme based on the bandwidth sharing is developed specifically for the NoC-based systems. The test scheduling is performed under the objective of co-optimizing the wrapper area cost and the resulting test application time using the two complementary NoC wrappers. For each of the proposed methodology for the three types of SoC architec .. ture, we conducted a thorough experimental evaluation in order to verify their effectiveness compared to other methods

    A Hardware Security Solution against Scan-Based Attacks

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    Scan based Design for Test (DfT) schemes have been widely used to achieve high fault coverage for integrated circuits. The scan technique provides full access to the internal nodes of the device-under-test to control them or observe their response to input test vectors. While such comprehensive access is highly desirable for testing, it is not acceptable for secure chips as it is subject to exploitation by various attacks. In this work, new methods are presented to protect the security of critical information against scan-based attacks. In the proposed methods, access to the circuit containing secret information via the scan chain has been severely limited in order to reduce the risk of a security breach. To ensure the testability of the circuit, a built-in self-test which utilizes an LFSR as the test pattern generator (TPG) is proposed. The proposed schemes can be used as a countermeasure against side channel attacks with a low area overhead as compared to the existing solutions in literature

    Optimal Test Access Mechanism (TAM) for Reducing Test Application Time of Core-Based SOCs

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we propose an algorithm based on a framework of reconfigurable multiple scan chains for system-on-chip to minimize test application time. The control signal combination causes the computing time increasing exponentially, and the algorithm we proposed introduces a heuristic control signal selecting method to solve this serious problem. We also minimize the test application time by using the balancing method to assign registers into multiple scan chains. The results show that it could significantly reduces both the test application time and the computation time.[[notice]]補正完畢[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙

    Master of Science

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    thesisThis thesis designs, implements, and evaluates modular Open Core Protocol (OCP) interfaces for Intellectual Property (IP) cores and Network-on-Chip (NoC) that re- duces System-On-Chip (SoC) design time and enables research on di erent architectural sequencing control methods. To utilize the NoCs design time optimization feature at the boundaries, a standardized industry socket was required, which can address the SoC shorter time-to-market requirements, design issues, and also the subsequent reuse of developed IP cores. OCP is an open industry standard socket interface speci cation used in this research to enable the IP cores reusability across multiple SoC designs. This research work designs and implements clocked OCP interfaces between IP cores and On-Chip Network Fabric (NoC), in single- and multi- frequency clocked domains. The NoC interfaces between IP cores and on-chip network fabric are implemented using the standard network interface structure. It consists of back-end and front-end submodules corresponding to customized interfaces to IP cores or network fabric and OCP Master and Slave entities, respectively. A generic domain interface (DI) protocol is designed which acts as the bridge between back-end and front-end submodules for synchronization and data ow control. Clocked OCP interfaces are synthesized, placed and routed using IBM's 65nm process technology. The implemented designs are veri ed for OCP compliance using SOLV (Sonics OCP Library for Veri cation). Finally, this thesis reports the performance metrics such as design target frequency of operation, latency, area, energy per transaction, and maximum bandwidth across network on-chip for single- and multifrequency clocked designs

    Infrastructures and Algorithms for Testable and Dependable Systems-on-a-Chip

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    Every new node of semiconductor technologies provides further miniaturization and higher performances, increasing the number of advanced functions that electronic products can offer. Silicon area is now so cheap that industries can integrate in a single chip usually referred to as System-on-Chip (SoC), all the components and functions that historically were placed on a hardware board. Although adding such advanced functionality can benefit users, the manufacturing process is becoming finer and denser, making chips more susceptible to defects. Today’s very deep-submicron semiconductor technologies (0.13 micron and below) have reached susceptibility levels that put conventional semiconductor manufacturing at an impasse. Being able to rapidly develop, manufacture, test, diagnose and verify such complex new chips and products is crucial for the continued success of our economy at-large. This trend is expected to continue at least for the next ten years making possible the design and production of 100 million transistor chips. To speed up the research, the National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors identified in 1997 a number of major hurdles to be overcome. Some of these hurdles are related to test and dependability. Test is one of the most critical tasks in the semiconductor production process where Integrated Circuits (ICs) are tested several times starting from the wafer probing to the end of production test. Test is not only necessary to assure fault free devices but it also plays a key role in analyzing defects in the manufacturing process. This last point has high relevance since increasing time-to-market pressure on semiconductor fabrication often forces foundries to start volume production on a given semiconductor technology node before reaching the defect densities, and hence yield levels, traditionally obtained at that stage. The feedback derived from test is the only way to analyze and isolate many of the defects in today’s processes and to increase process’s yield. With the increasing need of high quality electronic products, at each new physical assembly level, such as board and system assembly, test is used for debugging, diagnosing and repairing the sub-assemblies in their new environment. Similarly, the increasing reliability, availability and serviceability requirements, lead the users of high-end products performing periodic tests in the field throughout the full life cycle. To allow advancements in each one of the above scaling trends, fundamental changes are expected to emerge in different Integrated Circuits (ICs) realization disciplines such as IC design, packaging and silicon process. These changes have a direct impact on test methods, tools and equipment. Conventional test equipment and methodologies will be inadequate to assure high quality levels. On chip specialized block dedicated to test, usually referred to as Infrastructure IP (Intellectual Property), need to be developed and included in the new complex designs to assure that new chips will be adequately tested, diagnosed, measured, debugged and even sometimes repaired. In this thesis, some of the scaling trends in designing new complex SoCs will be analyzed one at a time, observing their implications on test and identifying the key hurdles/challenges to be addressed. The goal of the remaining of the thesis is the presentation of possible solutions. It is not sufficient to address just one of the challenges; all must be met at the same time to fulfill the market requirements

    Design for pre-bond testability in 3D integrated circuits

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    In this dissertation we propose several DFT techniques specific to 3D stacked IC systems. The goal has explicitly been to create techniques that integrate easily with existing IC test systems. Specifically, this means utilizing scan- and wrapper-based techniques, two foundations of the digital IC test industry. First, we describe a general test architecture for 3D ICs. In this architecture, each tier of a 3D design is wrapped in test control logic that both manages tier test pre-bond and integrates the tier into the large test architecture post-bond. We describe a new kind of boundary scan to provide the necessary test control and observation of the partial circuits, and we propose a new design methodology for test hardcore that ensures both pre-bond functionality and post-bond optimality. We present the application of these techniques to the 3D-MAPS test vehicle, which has proven their effectiveness. Second, we extend these DFT techniques to circuit-partitioned designs. We find that boundary scan design is generally sufficient, but that some 3D designs require special DFT treatment. Most importantly, we demonstrate that the functional partitioning inherent in 3D design can potentially decrease the total test cost of verifying a circuit. Third, we present a new CAD algorithm for designing 3D test wrappers. This algorithm co-designs the pre-bond and post-bond wrappers to simultaneously minimize test time and routing cost. On average, our algorithm utilizes over 90% of the wires in both the pre-bond and post-bond wrappers. Finally, we look at the 3D vias themselves to develop a low-cost, high-volume pre-bond test methodology appropriate for production-level test. We describe the shorting probes methodology, wherein large test probes are used to contact multiple small 3D vias. This technique is an all-digital test method that integrates seamlessly into existing test flows. Our experimental results demonstrate two key facts: neither the large capacitance of the probe tips nor the process variation in the 3D vias and the probe tips significantly hinders the testability of the circuits. Taken together, this body of work defines a complete test methodology for testing 3D ICs pre-bond, eliminating one of the key hurdles to the commercialization of 3D technology.PhDCommittee Chair: Lee, Hsien-Hsin; Committee Member: Bakir, Muhannad; Committee Member: Lim, Sung Kyu; Committee Member: Vuduc, Richard; Committee Member: Yalamanchili, Sudhaka
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