2,684 research outputs found

    Digital Watermarking as Content Protection Scheme

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    Nowadays, as the Internet grows rapidly, the copyright laws are not effective anymore, since a lot of copyrighted products (picture, audio, video, document, etc.) are available as digital data. Any unauthorized parties able to produce identical copies of digital data without degrading the original contents and to distribute the copies over the network. This condition has led to a strong demand for reliable and secure distribution of digital data over networks. Such a technique developed to overcome this problem is digital watermarking. Digital watermarking is a process in digital domain, which embeds a watermark into a copyrighted digital data, to protect its value, so that it cannot be used by unauthorized parties. This paper is intended to give an overview on digital watermarking. First, three application fields of watermarking are described and illustrated with some scenarios, namely watermarking for copyright protection, watermarking for copy protection, and watermarking for image authentication. Then watermarking techniques are discussed, starting from the basic watermarking procedure, followed by review of some watermarking techniques. And later, some attacks and obstacles to watermarking are highlighted. In conclusion, digital watermarking technology plays important role in content protection issues. Attacks and obstacles are also had to be faced by this technology. The main obstacle is that there is no standard available for watermarking techniques. Without any specific standard, it is difficult to determine how robust a watermarking technique should be

    An Improved Alpha Blending Technique in DCT&DWT domain using Image Blocking

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    Digital Watermarking is an arm of data obscuring which is employed to multimedia, copyright tribute (protection). It is a technique for engrafting data into digital signal. The efficiency of watermarking summons reckon on the security of visually significant information. In this paper we employed, Alpha Blending technique on the image by sectionalize of an image into quatern quadrants. The interpolation and extraction of the watermark into gray scale cover image is recovered into less complicated way. The proposed method is compared with simple DCT & DWT method by employing statistical parameter such as PSNR, MSE, and RMSE. The observation efforts of watermark image are improved

    Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm Using the Intermediate Frequency

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    Digital image watermarking is one of the proposed solutions for copyright protection of multimedia data. This technique is better than Digital Signatures and other methods because it does not increase overhead. Watermarking adds the additional requirement of robustness. To improve the robustness of digital image watermarking method based on the image frequency, this paper adopts the intermediate frequency to embed the watermarking and proposes an digital image watermarking algorithm based on robust principal component analysis (RPCA) and discrete cosine transform (DCT). Firstly, the high frequency part and the low frequency part of the image are extracted by the RPCA algorithm. Because the high frequency part has complex statistical characteristics, this paper processes the high frequency part with "8×8" DCT method to obtain intermediate frequency coefficients and then the watermarking information is embedded into the obtained intermediate frequency coefficients. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm leads to satisfactory robustness to the attacks of impulse noise and cropping

    Digital Image Watermarking in Wavelet Domain

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    Internet allows individuals to share the information.  The shared information is like text, image, audio and video files.  This information sharing results in some problems such as copyright violation, unauthorized use of documents. Such problems can be solved by using a technique called as digital watermarking. This paper presents different aspects of watermarking and how it is useful for intellectual property protection on internet.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i1.174

    A Study of Image Fingerprinting by Using Visual Cryptography

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    As digital media has made our life more colourful because of its advantages like easier to access, copy and distribute. But as what we have seen, series of malice activities like copyright infringement, counterfeiting, piracy and information distortion make damages to both the producers and the users of digital products. So we really need some technology to protect the copyright, authenticity, integrity of the digital products and the intellectual property of the users. There are many techniques such as Digital watermarking and Visual Cryptography both have been widely used for protection of data either in text, video, sound or digital images form in modern network time. Digital watermarking is an evolving field that requires continuous effort to find for the best possible method in protecting multimedia content. But Visual Cryptography is a special encryption technique to hide information in images in such a way that it can be decrypted by the human vision if the correct key image is used. Both techniques addresses the growing concerns of theft and tampering of digital media through the use of advanced signal processing strategies to embed copyright and authentication information within media content in their respective manner. In this paper we have discussed image fingerprinting with the help of visual cryptography technique. Keywords: Authentication, Digital Media, Digital Watermarking, Fingerprinting, Image, Piracy, Visual Cryptograph

    Tchebichef image watermarking along the edge using YCoCg-R color space for copyright protection

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    Easy creation and manipulation of digital images present the potential danger of counterfeiting and forgery. Watermarking technique which embeds a watermark into the images can be used to overcome these problems and to provide copyright protection. Digital image watermarking should meet requirements, e.g. maintain image quality, difficult to remove the watermark, quality of watermark extraction, and applicable. This research proposes Tchebichef watermarking along the edge based on YCoCg-R color space. The embedding region is selected by considering the human visual characteristics (HVC) entropy. The selected blocks with minimum of HVC entropy values are transformed by Tchebichef moments. The locations of C(0,1), C(1,0), C(0,2) and C(2,0) of the matrix moment are randomly embedded for each watermark bit. The proposed watermarking scheme produces a good imperceptibility by average SSIM value around 0.98. The watermark recovery has greater resistant after several types of attack than other schemes. © 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved

    Watermarked and Noisy Images identification Based on Statistical Evaluation Parameters

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    Abstract: A watermark scheme is an important technique for copyright protection of digital images. Digital watermarking is the process of computer-aided information hiding in a carrier signal. The main interest of this paper is copyright protection, and it takes into consideration four important aspects: (i) Implementation the images watermarking by Least Significant Bit method (LSB) for JPEG gray images using invisible watermark, (ii) Evaluation the watermarking images using different statistical parameters, (iii) Identifying watermark images from noisy images by showing that the difference in results using open set identification, (iv) Proposing threshold equations that can be used to differentiate among noisy and watermarked images based on the used statistical parameters of the tested images. By comparing the image quality, obtained by the proposed method with the calculated statistical metrics like Variance, Standard Deviation, Kurtosis and Skewness. The results are promising and give us a great indication to differentiate between the images of watermarking and noisy images

    Reversible Digital Watermarking In Digital Images with Recovery Scheme

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    Digital watermark is a signal that contains information that is inserted into a digital medium such as images, videos, audios and etc. Digital watermarking is the process of embedding a digital watermark into the digital medium. Watermarking is commonly applied for copyright protection, copy protection and authentication of the digital media. A reversible watermark can provide all this with some extra features which include removal of the watermark safely from the watermarked media to return back the original media. Current practise of watermarking is that the watermark was directly embedded into the digital image by altering the image pixel bit. However, the image pixels may not be able to restore to its original value when the watermark is removed from the image. Memory Watermarking technique is proposed where the watermarking process are conducted in the memory. The image and watermark are read as memory bytes and the watermark are drawn to the image in the memory without affecting the physical image file. The watermarked image in the memory is displayed to the users while the physical file of the original image and watermark remain separated. The watermark can be added and removed with the restored image pixels one hundred per cent (I 00%) matched the original image pixels. A simple recovery procedure was built in to restored the original image if found the image of the watermark file was tempered
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