510 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Meta-heuristics Optimization Algorithm using Benchmark Function

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    Meta-heuristics optimization is becoming a popular tool for solving numerous problems in real-world application due to the ability to overcome many shortcomings in traditional optimization. Despite of the good performance, there is limitation in some algorithms that deteriorates by certain degree of problem type. Therefore it is necessary to compare the performance of these algorithms with certain problem type. This paper compares 7 meta-heuristics optimization with 11 benchmark functions that exhibits certain difficulties and can be assumed as a simulation relevant to the real-world problems. The tested benchmark function has different type of problem such as modality, separability, discontinuity and surface effects with steep-drop global optimum, bowl- and plateau-typed function. Some of the proposed function has the combination of these problems, which might increase the difficulty level of search towards global optimum. The performance comparison includes computation time and convergence of global optimum

    Cooperative Particle Swarm Optimization for Combinatorial Problems

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    A particularly successful line of research for numerical optimization is the well-known computational paradigm particle swarm optimization (PSO). In the PSO framework, candidate solutions are represented as particles that have a position and a velocity in a multidimensional search space. The direct representation of a candidate solution as a point that flies through hyperspace (i.e., Rn) seems to strongly predispose the PSO toward continuous optimization. However, while some attempts have been made towards developing PSO algorithms for combinatorial problems, these techniques usually encode candidate solutions as permutations instead of points in search space and rely on additional local search algorithms. In this dissertation, I present extensions to PSO that by, incorporating a cooperative strategy, allow the PSO to solve combinatorial problems. The central hypothesis is that by allowing a set of particles, rather than one single particle, to represent a candidate solution, combinatorial problems can be solved by collectively constructing solutions. The cooperative strategy partitions the problem into components where each component is optimized by an individual particle. Particles move in continuous space and communicate through a feedback mechanism. This feedback mechanism guides them in the assessment of their individual contribution to the overall solution. Three new PSO-based algorithms are proposed. Shared-space CCPSO and multispace CCPSO provide two new cooperative strategies to split the combinatorial problem, and both models are tested on proven NP-hard problems. Multimodal CCPSO extends these combinatorial PSO algorithms to efficiently sample the search space in problems with multiple global optima. Shared-space CCPSO was evaluated on an abductive problem-solving task: the construction of parsimonious set of independent hypothesis in diagnostic problems with direct causal links between disorders and manifestations. Multi-space CCPSO was used to solve a protein structure prediction subproblem, sidechain packing. Both models are evaluated against the provable optimal solutions and results show that both proposed PSO algorithms are able to find optimal or near-optimal solutions. The exploratory ability of multimodal CCPSO is assessed by evaluating both the quality and diversity of the solutions obtained in a protein sequence design problem, a highly multimodal problem. These results provide evidence that extended PSO algorithms are capable of dealing with combinatorial problems without having to hybridize the PSO with other local search techniques or sacrifice the concept of particles moving throughout a continuous search space

    Hybrid Algorithm for Solving the Quadratic Assignment Problem

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    The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) is a combinatorial optimization problem; it belongs to the class of NP-hard problems. This problem is applied in various fields such as hospital layout, scheduling parallel production lines and analyzing chemical reactions for organic compounds. In this paper we propose an application of Golden Ball algorithm mixed with Simulated Annealing (GBSA) to solve QAP. This algorithm is based on different concepts of football. The simulated annealing search can be blocked in a local optimum due to the unacceptable movements; our proposed strategy guides the simulated annealing search to escape from the local optima and to explore in an efficient way the search space. To validate the proposed approach, numerous simulations were conducted on 64 instances of QAPLIB to compare GBSA with existing algorithms in the literature of QAP. The obtained numerical results show that the GBSA produces optimal solutions in reasonable time; it has the better computational time. This work demonstrates that our proposed adaptation is effective in solving the quadratic assignment problem

    A Framework for Automatic Behavior Generation in Multi-Function Swarms

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    Multi-function swarms are swarms that solve multiple tasks at once. For example, a quadcopter swarm could be tasked with exploring an area of interest while simultaneously functioning as ad-hoc relays. With this type of multi-function comes the challenge of handling potentially conflicting requirements simultaneously. Using the Quality-Diversity algorithm MAP-elites in combination with a suitable controller structure, a framework for automatic behavior generation in multi-function swarms is proposed. The framework is tested on a scenario with three simultaneous tasks: exploration, communication network creation and geolocation of RF emitters. A repertoire is evolved, consisting of a wide range of controllers, or behavior primitives, with different characteristics and trade-offs in the different tasks. This repertoire would enable the swarm to transition between behavior trade-offs online, according to the situational requirements. Furthermore, the effect of noise on the behavior characteristics in MAP-elites is investigated. A moderate number of re-evaluations is found to increase the robustness while keeping the computational requirements relatively low. A few selected controllers are examined, and the dynamics of transitioning between these controllers are explored. Finally, the study develops a methodology for analyzing the makeup of the resulting controllers. This is done through a parameter variation study where the importance of individual inputs to the swarm controllers is assessed and analyzed

    Predicting Corporate Forward 2 Month Earnings

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