11,137 research outputs found

    Cooperative Binding

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    Molecular binding is an interaction between molecules that results in a stable association between those molecules. Cooperative binding occurs if the number of binding sites of a macromolecule that are occupied by a specific type of ligand is a nonlinear function of this ligand’s concentration. This can be due, for instance, to an affinity for the ligand that depends on the amount of ligand bound. Cooperativity can be positive (supralinear) or negative (infralinear). Cooperative binding is most often observed in proteins, but nucleic acids can also exhibit cooperative binding, for instance of transcription factors. Cooperative binding has been shown to be the mechanism underlying a large range of biochemical and physiological processes

    Intrinsically Disordered C-Terminal Tails of \u3cem\u3eE. coli\u3c/em\u3e Single-Stranded DNA Binding Protein Regulate Cooperative Binding to Single-Stranded DNA

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    The homotetrameric Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) plays a central role in DNA replication, repair and recombination. E. coli SSB can bind to long single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in multiple binding modes using all four subunits [(SSB)65 mode] or only two subunits [(SSB)35 binding mode], with the binding mode preference regulated by salt concentration and SSB binding density. These binding modes display very different ssDNA binding properties with the (SSB)35 mode displaying highly cooperative binding to ssDNA. SSB tetramers also bind an array of partner proteins, recruiting them to their sites of action. This is achieved through interactions with the last 9 amino acids (acidic tip) of the intrinsically disordered linkers (IDLs) within the four C-terminal tails connected to the ssDNA binding domains. Here, we show that the amino acid composition and length of the IDL affects the ssDNA binding mode preferences of SSB protein. Surprisingly, the number of IDLs and the lengths of individual IDLs together with the acidic tip contribute to highly cooperative binding in the (SSB)35 binding mode. Hydrodynamic studies and atomistic simulations suggest that the E. coli SSB IDLs show a preference for forming an ensemble of globular conformations, whereas the IDL from Plasmodium falciparum SSB forms an ensemble of more extended random coils. The more globular conformations correlate with cooperative binding

    Lambda-prophage induction modeled as a cooperative failure mode of lytic repression

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    We analyze a system-level model for lytic repression of lambda-phage in E. coli using reliability theory, showing that the repressor circuit comprises 4 redundant components whose failure mode is prophage induction. Our model reflects the specific biochemical mechanisms involved in regulation, including long-range cooperative binding, and its detailed predictions for prophage induction in E. coli under ultra-violet radiation are in good agreement with experimental data.Comment: added referenc

    Binding cooperativity of membrane adhesion receptors

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    The adhesion of cells is mediated by receptors and ligands anchored in apposing membranes. A central question is how to characterize the binding affinity of these membrane-anchored molecules. For soluble molecules, the binding affinity is typically quantified by the binding equilibrium constant K3D in the linear relation [RL] = K3D [R][L] between the volume concentration [RL] of bound complexes and the volume concentrations [R] and [L] of unbound molecules. For membrane-anchored molecules, it is often assumed by analogy that the area concentration of bound complexes [RL] is proportional to the product [R][L] of the area concentrations for the unbound receptor and ligand molecules. We show here (i) that this analogy is only valid for two planar membranes immobilized on rigid surfaces, and (ii) that the thermal roughness of flexible membranes leads to cooperative binding of receptors and ligands. In the case of flexible membranes, the area concentration [RL] of receptor-ligand bonds is proportional to the square of [R][L] for typical lengths and concentrations of receptors and ligands in cell adhesion zones. The cooperative binding helps to understand why different experimental methods for measuring the binding affinity of membrane-anchored molecules have led to values differing by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Soft Matte

    Structural insights into the autoregulation and cooperativity of the human transcription factor Ets-2

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    Ets-2, like its closely related homologue Ets-1, is a member of the Ets family of DNA binding transcription factors. Both proteins are subject to multiple levels of regulation of their DNA binding and transactivation properties. One such regulatory mechanism is the presence of an autoinhibitory module, which in Ets-1 allosterically inhibits the DNA binding activity. This inhibition can be relieved by interaction with protein partners or cooperative binding to closely separated Ets binding sites in a palindromic arrangement. In this study we describe the 2.5 Ã… resolution crystal structure of a DNA complex of the Ets-2 Ets domain. The Ets domain crystallized with two distinct species in the asymmetric unit, which closely resemble the autoinhibited and DNA bound forms of Ets-1. This discovery prompted us to re-evaluate the current model for the autoinhibitory mechanism and the structural basis for cooperative DNA binding. In contrast to Ets-1, in which the autoinhibition is caused by a combination of allosteric and steric mechanisms, we were unable to find clear evidence for the allosteric mechanism in Ets-2. We also demonstrated two possibly distinct types of cooperative binding to substrates with Ets binding motifs separated by four and six base pairs and suggest possible molecular mechanisms for this behavior

    Using competition assays to quantitatively model cooperative binding by transcription factors and other ligands.

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    BACKGROUND: The affinities of DNA binding proteins for target sites can be used to model the regulation of gene expression. These proteins can bind to DNA cooperatively, strongly impacting their affinity and specificity. However, current methods for measuring cooperativity do not provide the means to accurately predict binding behavior over a wide range of concentrations. METHODS: We use standard computational and mathematical methods, and develop novel methods as described in Results. RESULTS: We explore some complexities of cooperative binding, and develop an improved method for relating in vitro measurements to in vivo function, based on ternary complex formation. We derive expressions for the equilibria among the various complexes, and explore the limitations of binding experiments that model the system using a single parameter. We describe how to use single-ligand binding and ternary complex formation in tandem to determine parameters that have thermodynamic relevance. We develop an improved method for finding both single-ligand dissociation constants and concentrations simultaneously. We show how the cooperativity factor can be found when only one of the single-ligand dissociation constants can be measured. CONCLUSIONS: The methods that we develop constitute an optimized approach to accurately model cooperative binding. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: The expressions and methods we develop for modeling and analyzing DNA binding and cooperativity are applicable to most cases where multiple ligands bind to distinct sites on a common substrate. The parameters determined using these methods can be fed into models of higher-order cooperativity to increase their predictive power

    The Power of Duples (in Self-Assembly): It's Not So Hip To Be Square

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    In this paper we define the Dupled abstract Tile Assembly Model (DaTAM), which is a slight extension to the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM) that allows for not only the standard square tiles, but also "duple" tiles which are rectangles pre-formed by the joining of two square tiles. We show that the addition of duples allows for powerful behaviors of self-assembling systems at temperature 1, meaning systems which exclude the requirement of cooperative binding by tiles (i.e., the requirement that a tile must be able to bind to at least 2 tiles in an existing assembly if it is to attach). Cooperative binding is conjectured to be required in the standard aTAM for Turing universal computation and the efficient self-assembly of shapes, but we show that in the DaTAM these behaviors can in fact be exhibited at temperature 1. We then show that the DaTAM doesn't provide asymptotic improvements over the aTAM in its ability to efficiently build thin rectangles. Finally, we present a series of results which prove that the temperature-2 aTAM and temperature-1 DaTAM have mutually exclusive powers. That is, each is able to self-assemble shapes that the other can't, and each has systems which cannot be simulated by the other. Beyond being of purely theoretical interest, these results have practical motivation as duples have already proven to be useful in laboratory implementations of DNA-based tiles
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