315 research outputs found

    Cooperative announcement-based caching for video-on-demand streaming

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    Recently, video-on-demand (VoD) streaming services like Netflix and Hulu have gained a lot of popularity. This has led to a strong increase in bandwidth capacity requirements in the network. To reduce this network load, the design of appropriate caching strategies is of utmost importance. Based on the fact that, typically, a video stream is temporally segmented into smaller chunks that can be accessed and decoded independently, cache replacement strategies have been developed that take advantage of this temporal structure in the video. In this paper, two caching strategies are proposed that additionally take advantage of the phenomenon of binge watching, where users stream multiple consecutive episodes of the same series, reported by recent user behavior studies to become the everyday behavior. Taking into account this information allows us to predict future segment requests, even before the video playout has started. Two strategies are proposed, both with a different level of coordination between the caches in the network. Using a VoD request trace based on binge watching user characteristics, the presented algorithms have been thoroughly evaluated in multiple network topologies with different characteristics, showing their general applicability. It was shown that in a realistic scenario, the proposed election-based caching strategy can outperform the state-of-the-art by 20% in terms of cache hit ratio while using 4% less network bandwidth

    Quality-driven management of video streaming services in segment-based cache networks

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    System analysis of a Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand architecture : Kangaroo

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    Architectural design and deployment of Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand (P2PVoD) systems which support VCR functionalities is attracting the interest of an increasing number of research groups within the scientific community; especially due to the intrinsic characteristics of such systems and the benefits that peers could provide at reducing the server load. This work focuses on the performance analysis of a P2P-VoD system considering user behaviors obtained from real traces together with other synthetic user patterns. The experiments performed show that it is feasible to achieve a performance close to the best possible. Future work will consider monitoring the physical characteristics of the network in order to improve the design of different aspects of a VoD system.El disseny arquitectònic i el desplegament de sistemes de Vídeo sota Demanda "Peer-to-Peer" que soporten funcionalitats VCR està captant l'interès d'un nombre creixent de grups de recerca a la comunitat científica, degut especialment a les característiques intrínsiques dels mencionats sistemes i als beneficis que els peers podrien proporcionar a la reducció de la càrrega en el servidor. Aquest treball tracta l'anàlisi del rendiment d'un sistema P2P-VoD considerant el comportament d'usuaris obtingut amb traçes reals i amb patrons sintètics. Els experiments realitzats mostren que és viable assolir un rendiment proper al cas més óptim. Com treball futur es considerarà la monitorització de les característiques físiques de la xarxa per a poder millorar el disseny dels diferents aspectes que formen un sistema de VoD.El diseño arquitectónico y el despliegue de sistemas de Video bajo Demanda "Peer-to-Peer" que soportan funcionalidades VCR está captando el interés de un número creciente de grupos de investigación dentro de la comunidad científica; especialmente debido a las características intrínsecas de tales sistemas y a los beneficios que los peers podrían proporcionar en la reducción de la carga en el servidor. Este trabajo se enfoca en el análisis de rendimiento de un sistema P2PVoD considerando el comportamiento de usuarios obtenido de trazas reales, junto a otros patrones sintéticos. Los experimentos realizados muestran que es viable lograr un rendimiento cercano al caso más óptimo. El trabajo futuro considerará la monitorización de las características físicas de la red para poder mejorar el diseño de los diferentes aspectos que conforman un sistema de VoD

    Proactive content caching in future generation communication networks: Energy and security considerations

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    The proliferation of hand-held devices and Internet of Things (IoT) applications has heightened demand for popular content download. A high volume of content streaming/downloading services during peak hours can cause network congestion. Proactive content caching has emerged as a prospective solution to tackle this congestion problem. In proactive content caching, data storage units are used to store popular content in helper nodes at the network edge. This contributes to a reduction of peak traffic load and network congestion. However, data storage units require additional energy, which offers a challenge to researchers that intend to reduce energy consumption up to 90% in next generation networks. This thesis presents proactive content caching techniques to reduce grid energy consumption by utilizing renewable energy sources to power-up data storage units in helper nodes. The integration of renewable energy sources with proactive caching is a significant challenge due to the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources and investment costs. In this thesis, this challenge is tackled by introducing strategies to determine the optimal time of the day for content caching and optimal scheduling of caching nodes. The proposed strategies consider not only the availability of renewable energy but also temporal changes in network trac to reduce associated energy costs. While proactive caching can facilitate the reduction of peak trac load and the integration of renewable energy, cached content objects at helper nodes are often more vulnerable to malicious attacks due to less stringent security at edge nodes. Potential content leakage can lead to catastrophic consequences, particularly for cache-equipped Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications. In this thesis, the concept of \trusted caching nodes (TCNs) is introduced. TCNs cache popular content objects and provide security services to connected links. The proposed study optimally allocates TCNs and selects the most suitable content forwarding paths. Furthermore, a caching strategy is designed for mobile edge computing systems to support IoT task offloading. The strategy optimally assigns security resources to offloaded tasks while satisfying their individual requirements. However, security measures often contribute to overheads in terms of both energy consumption and delay. Consequently, in this thesis, caching techniques have been designed to investigate the trade-off between energy consumption and probable security breaches. Overall, this thesis contributes to the current literature by simultaneously investigating energy and security aspects of caching systems whilst introducing solutions to relevant research problems

    Quality of experience-centric management of adaptive video streaming services : status and challenges

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    Video streaming applications currently dominate Internet traffic. Particularly, HTTP Adaptive Streaming ( HAS) has emerged as the dominant standard for streaming videos over the best-effort Internet, thanks to its capability of matching the video quality to the available network resources. In HAS, the video client is equipped with a heuristic that dynamically decides the most suitable quality to stream the content, based on information such as the perceived network bandwidth or the video player buffer status. The goal of this heuristic is to optimize the quality as perceived by the user, the so-called Quality of Experience (QoE). Despite the many advantages brought by the adaptive streaming principle, optimizing users' QoE is far from trivial. Current heuristics are still suboptimal when sudden bandwidth drops occur, especially in wireless environments, thus leading to freezes in the video playout, the main factor influencing users' QoE. This issue is aggravated in case of live events, where the player buffer has to be kept as small as possible in order to reduce the playout delay between the user and the live signal. In light of the above, in recent years, several works have been proposed with the aim of extending the classical purely client-based structure of adaptive video streaming, in order to fully optimize users' QoE. In this article, a survey is presented of research works on this topic together with a classification based on where the optimization takes place. This classification goes beyond client-based heuristics to investigate the usage of server-and network-assisted architectures and of new application and transport layer protocols. In addition, we outline the major challenges currently arising in the field of multimedia delivery, which are going to be of extreme relevance in future years

    Charting an intent driven network

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    The current strong divide between applications and the network control plane is desirable for many reasons; but a downside is that the network is kept in the dark regarding the ultimate purposes and intentions of applications and, as a result, is unable to optimize for these. An alternative approach, explored in this paper, is for applications to declare to the network their abstract intents and assumptions; e.g. "this is a Tweet", or "this application will run within a local domain". Such an enriched semantic has the potential to enable the network better to fulfill application intent, while also helping optimize network resource usage across applications. We refer to this approach as 'intent driven networking' (IDN), and we sketch an incrementally-deployable design to serve as a stepping stone towards a practical realization of the IDN concept within today's Internet

    Video Caching, Analytics and Delivery at the Wireless Edge: A Survey and Future Directions

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    Future wireless networks will provide high bandwidth, low-latency, and ultra-reliable Internet connectivity to meet the requirements of different applications, ranging from mobile broadband to the Internet of Things. To this aim, mobile edge caching, computing, and communication (edge-C3) have emerged to bring network resources (i.e., bandwidth, storage, and computing) closer to end users. Edge-C3 allows improving the network resource utilization as well as the quality of experience (QoE) of end users. Recently, several video-oriented mobile applications (e.g., live content sharing, gaming, and augmented reality) have leveraged edge-C3 in diverse scenarios involving video streaming in both the downlink and the uplink. Hence, a large number of recent works have studied the implications of video analysis and streaming through edge-C3. This article presents an in-depth survey on video edge-C3 challenges and state-of-the-art solutions in next-generation wireless and mobile networks. Specifically, it includes: a tutorial on video streaming in mobile networks (e.g., video encoding and adaptive bitrate streaming); an overview of mobile network architectures, enabling technologies, and applications for video edge-C3; video edge computing and analytics in uplink scenarios (e.g., architectures, analytics, and applications); and video edge caching, computing and communication methods in downlink scenarios (e.g., collaborative, popularity-based, and context-aware). A new taxonomy for video edge-C3 is proposed and the major contributions of recent studies are first highlighted and then systematically compared. Finally, several open problems and key challenges for future research are outlined

    Enabling Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Stored Video Streaming Service with QoS Support

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    This research aims to enable a large-scale, high-volume, peer-to-peer, stored-video streaming service over the Internet, such as on-line DVD rentals. P2P allows a group of dynamically organized users to cooperatively support content discovery and distribution services without needing to employ a central server. P2P has the potential to overcome the scalability issue associated with client-server based video distribution networks; however, it brings a new set of challenges. This research addresses the following five technical challenges associated with the distribution of streaming video over the P2P network: 1) allow users with limited transmit bandwidth capacity to become contributing sources, 2) support the advertisement and discovery of time-changing and time-bounded video frame availability, 3) Minimize the impact of distribution source losses during video playback, 4) incorporate user mobility information in the selection of distribution sources, and 5) design a streaming network architecture that enables above functionalities.To meet the above requirements, we propose a video distribution network model based on a hybrid architecture between client-server and P2P. In this model, a video is divided into a sequence of small segments and each user executes a scheduling algorithm to determine the order, the timing, and the rate of segment retrievals from other users. The model also employs an advertisement and discovery scheme which incorporates parameters of the scheduling algorithm to allow users to share their life-time of video segment availability information in one advertisement and one query. An accompanying QoS scheme allows reduction in the number of video playback interruptions while one or more distribution sources depart from the service prematurely.The simulation study shows that the proposed model and associated schemes greatly alleviate the bandwidth requirement of the video distribution server, especially when the number of participating users grows large. As much as 90% of load reduction was observed in some experiments when compared to a traditional client-server based video distribution service. A significant reduction is also observed in the number of video presentation interruptions when the proposed QoS scheme is incorporated in the distribution process while certain percentages of distribution sources depart from the service unexpectedly