884 research outputs found

    Attacks on self-driving cars and their countermeasures : a survey

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    Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) are currently evolving in the form of a cooperative ITS or connected vehicles. Both forms use the data communications between Vehicle-To-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-To-Infrastructure (V2I/I2V) and other on-road entities, and are accelerating the adoption of self-driving cars. The development of cyber-physical systems containing advanced sensors, sub-systems, and smart driving assistance applications over the past decade is equipping unmanned aerial and road vehicles with autonomous decision-making capabilities. The level of autonomy depends upon the make-up and degree of sensor sophistication and the vehicle's operational applications. As a result, self-driving cars are being compromised perceived as a serious threat. Therefore, analyzing the threats and attacks on self-driving cars and ITSs, and their corresponding countermeasures to reduce those threats and attacks are needed. For this reason, some survey papers compiling potential attacks on VANETs, ITSs and self-driving cars, and their detection mechanisms are available in the current literature. However, up to our knowledge, they have not covered the real attacks already happened in self-driving cars. To bridge this research gap, in this paper, we analyze the attacks that already targeted self-driving cars and extensively present potential cyber-Attacks and their impacts on those cars along with their vulnerabilities. For recently reported attacks, we describe the possible mitigation strategies taken by the manufacturers and governments. This survey includes recent works on how a self-driving car can ensure resilient operation even under ongoing cyber-Attack. We also provide further research directions to improve the security issues associated with self-driving cars. © 2013 IEEE

    Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security

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    Modern critical infrastructures comprise of many interconnected cyber and physical assets, and as such are large scale cyber-physical systems. Hence, the conventional approach of securing these infrastructures by addressing cyber security and physical security separately is no longer effective. Rather more integrated approaches that address the security of cyber and physical assets at the same time are required. This book presents integrated (i.e. cyber and physical) security approaches and technologies for the critical infrastructures that underpin our societies. Specifically, it introduces advanced techniques for threat detection, risk assessment and security information sharing, based on leading edge technologies like machine learning, security knowledge modelling, IoT security and distributed ledger infrastructures. Likewise, it presets how established security technologies like Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), pen-testing, vulnerability assessment and security data analytics can be used in the context of integrated Critical Infrastructure Protection. The novel methods and techniques of the book are exemplified in case studies involving critical infrastructures in four industrial sectors, namely finance, healthcare, energy and communications. The peculiarities of critical infrastructure protection in each one of these sectors is discussed and addressed based on sector-specific solutions. The advent of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is expected to increase the cyber-physical nature of critical infrastructures as well as their interconnection in the scope of sectorial and cross-sector value chains. Therefore, the demand for solutions that foster the interplay between cyber and physical security, and enable Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence is likely to explode. In this book, we have shed light on the structure of such integrated security systems, as well as on the technologies that will underpin their operation. We hope that Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection stakeholders will find the book useful when planning their future security strategies

    Integration of body sensor networks and vehicular ad-hoc networks for traffic safety

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    The emergence of Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) constitutes a new and fast growing trend for the development of daily routine applications. However, in the case of heterogeneous BSNs integration with Vehicular ad hoc Networks (VANETs) a large number of difficulties remain, that must be solved, especially when talking about the detection of human state factors that impair the driving of motor vehicles. The main contributions of this investigation are principally three: (1) an exhaustive review of the current mechanisms to detect four basic physiological behavior states (drowsy, drunk, driving under emotional state disorders and distracted driving) that may cause traffic accidents is presented; (2) A middleware architecture is proposed. This architecture can communicate with the car dashboard, emergency services, vehicles belonging to the VANET and road or street facilities. This architecture seeks on the one hand to improve the car driving experience of the driver and on the other hand to extend security mechanisms for the surrounding individuals; and (3) as a proof of concept, an Android real-time attention low level detection application that runs in a next-generation smartphone is developed. The application features mechanisms that allow one to measure the degree of attention of a driver on the base of her/his EEG signals, establish wireless communication links via various standard wireless means, GPRS, Bluetooth and WiFi and issue alarms of critical low driver attention levels.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Future worlds: threats and opportunities for policing and security

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    An article about the threats and opportunities for policing and security in the future operating environment for public and private sector capabilities and capacities

    Security Risk Management for the Internet of Things

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    In recent years, the rising complexity of Internet of Things (IoT) systems has increased their potential vulnerabilities and introduced new cybersecurity challenges. In this context, state of the art methods and technologies for security risk assessment have prominent limitations when it comes to large scale, cyber-physical and interconnected IoT systems. Risk assessments for modern IoT systems must be frequent, dynamic and driven by knowledge about both cyber and physical assets. Furthermore, they should be more proactive, more automated, and able to leverage information shared across IoT value chains. This book introduces a set of novel risk assessment techniques and their role in the IoT Security risk management process. Specifically, it presents architectures and platforms for end-to-end security, including their implementation based on the edge/fog computing paradigm. It also highlights machine learning techniques that boost the automation and proactiveness of IoT security risk assessments. Furthermore, blockchain solutions for open and transparent sharing of IoT security information across the supply chain are introduced. Frameworks for privacy awareness, along with technical measures that enable privacy risk assessment and boost GDPR compliance are also presented. Likewise, the book illustrates novel solutions for security certification of IoT systems, along with techniques for IoT security interoperability. In the coming years, IoT security will be a challenging, yet very exciting journey for IoT stakeholders, including security experts, consultants, security research organizations and IoT solution providers. The book provides knowledge and insights about where we stand on this journey. It also attempts to develop a vision for the future and to help readers start their IoT Security efforts on the right foot

    Protecting the infrastructure: 3rd Australian information warfare & security conference 2002

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    The conference is hosted by the We-B Centre (working with a-business) in the School of Management Information System, the School of Computer & Information Sciences at Edith Cowan University. This year\u27s conference is being held at the Sheraton Perth Hotel in Adelaide Terrace, Perth. Papers for this conference have been written by a wide range of academics and industry specialists. We have attracted participation from both national and international authors and organisations. The papers cover many topics, all within the field of information warfare and its applications, now and into the future. The papers have been grouped into six streams: • Networks • IWAR Strategy • Security • Risk Management • Social/Education • Infrastructur

    Applications of aerospace technology in the public sector

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    Current activities of the program to accelerate specific applications of space related technology in major public sector problem areas are summarized for the period 1 June 1971 through 30 November 1971. An overview of NASA technology, technology applications, and supporting activities are presented. Specific technology applications in biomedicine are reported including cancer detection, treatment and research; cardiovascular diseases, diagnosis, and treatment; medical instrumentation; kidney function disorders, treatment, and research; and rehabilitation medicine

    Technologies and Applications for Big Data Value

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    This open access book explores cutting-edge solutions and best practices for big data and data-driven AI applications for the data-driven economy. It provides the reader with a basis for understanding how technical issues can be overcome to offer real-world solutions to major industrial areas. The book starts with an introductory chapter that provides an overview of the book by positioning the following chapters in terms of their contributions to technology frameworks which are key elements of the Big Data Value Public-Private Partnership and the upcoming Partnership on AI, Data and Robotics. The remainder of the book is then arranged in two parts. The first part “Technologies and Methods” contains horizontal contributions of technologies and methods that enable data value chains to be applied in any sector. The second part “Processes and Applications” details experience reports and lessons from using big data and data-driven approaches in processes and applications. Its chapters are co-authored with industry experts and cover domains including health, law, finance, retail, manufacturing, mobility, and smart cities. Contributions emanate from the Big Data Value Public-Private Partnership and the Big Data Value Association, which have acted as the European data community's nucleus to bring together businesses with leading researchers to harness the value of data to benefit society, business, science, and industry. The book is of interest to two primary audiences, first, undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers in various fields, including big data, data science, data engineering, and machine learning and AI. Second, practitioners and industry experts engaged in data-driven systems, software design and deployment projects who are interested in employing these advanced methods to address real-world problems

    A multi-hierarchical symbolic model of the environment for improving mobile robot operation

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    El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis se centra en el estudio y aplicación de estructuras multijerárquicas, que representan el entorno de un robot móvil, con el objetivo de mejorar su capacidad de realizar tareas complejas en escenarios humanos. Un robot móvil debe poseer una representación simbólica de su entorno para poder llevar a cabo operaciones deliberativas, por ejemplo planificar tareas. Sin embargo a la hora de representar simbólicamente entornos reales, dado su complejidad, es imprescindible contar con mecanismos capaces de organizar y facilitar el acceso a la ingente cantidad de información que de ellos se deriva. Aparte del inconveniente de tratar con grandes cantidades de información, existen otros problemas subyacentes de la representación simbólica de entornos reales, los cuales aún no han sido resueltos por completo en la literatura científica. Uno de ellos consiste en el mantenimiento de la representación simbólica optimizada con respecto a las tareas que el robot debe realizar, y coherente con el entorno en el que se desenvuelve. Otro problema, relacionado con el anterior es la creación/modificación de la información simbólica a partir de información meramente sensorial (este problema es conocido como symbol-grounding). Esta tesis estudia estos problemas y aporta soluciones mediante estructuras multijerárquicas. Estas estructuras simbólicas, basadas en el concepto de abstracción, imitan la forma en la que los humanos organizamos la información espacial y permite a un robot móvil mejorar sus habilidades en entornos complejos. Las principales contribuciones de este trabajo son: - Se ha formalizado matemáticamente un modelo simbólico basado en múltiples abstracciones (multijerarquías) mediante Teoría de Categorías. Se ha desarrollado un planificador de tareas eficiente que es capaz de aprovechar la organización jerárquica del modelo simbólico del entorno. Nuestro método ha sido validado matemáticamente y se han implementado y comparado dos variantes del mismo (HPWA-1 y HPWA-2). - Una instancia particular del modelo multijerárquico ha sido estudiada e implementada para organizar información simbólica con el objetivo de mejorar simultáneamente diferentes tareas a realizar por un robot móvil. - Se ha desarrollado un procedimiento que (1) construye un modelo jerárquico del entorno de un robot, (2) lo mantiene coherente y actualizado y (3) lo optimiza con el fin de mejorar las tareas realizadas por un robot móvil. - Finalmente, se ha implementado una arquitectura robótica que engloba todas las cuestiones anteriormente citadas. Se han realizado pruebas reales con una silla de ruedas robotizada que ponen de manifiesto la utilidad del uso de estructuras multijerárquicas en robótica móvil