97 research outputs found

    Two-Level Replacement Decisions in Paging Stores

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    Address spaces and virtual memory : specification, implementation, and correctness

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    In modern operating systems tasks operate concurrently on a logical memory. Address spaces control access rights to and the sharing of that memory. They are associated with tasks and manipulated dynamically by memory management operations of the operating system. For cost reasons, logical memory and address spaces are not implemented directly but simulated. The contents of the logical memory are placed in two different memories, the main and the swap memory. Tasks access their address space by using an architecturally defined address translation mechanism, which is implemented by the memory management unit (MMU) and optimized with a translation look-aside buffer (TLB). This mechanism either redirects a memory access to some main memory location or generates a page fault exception resulting in a call to the page fault handler, a low-level operating system procedure. This construction is correct iff it is transparent to the tasks, so that they behave as if they would operate directly on the logical memory under control of their address spaces. We call the formalization of this correctness criterion a virtual memory simulation theorem. In our thesis we formulate and prove such a theorem for an abstract multiprocessor. We apply the theorem to a concrete implementation, a VAMP [BJK+03] with a singlelevel address translation mechanism and an exemplary page fault handler. We show how to extend the architecture and proofs to support TLBs, multi-level translation, and multiprocessing.In modernen Betriebssystemen operieren Programme nebenläufig auf einem logischen Speicher. Der Zugriff auf diesen Speicher und seine gemeinsame Nutzung wird durch Adressräume geregelt. Diese sind den Programmen zugeordnet und können durch Speicherverwaltungsoperationen des Betriebssystems dynamisch manipuliert werden. Logischer Speicher und Adressräume werden aus Kostengründen nicht direkt implementiert sondern simuliert. Hierbei verteilen sich die Inhalte des logischen Speichers auf zwei verschiedene Speicher, den Haupt- und den Auslagerungsspeicher. Zugriff auf ihren Adressraum wird den Programmen nur unter Nutzung eines durch die Rechnerarchitektur definierten Adressübersetzungsmechanismus gewährt, der durch die Memory Management Unit (MMU) und den Translation Look-Aside Buffer (TLB) implementiert wird. Dieser Mechanismus lenkt einen Zugriff entweder auf eine Hauptspeicheradresse um, oder er erzeugt einen Seitenfehler, der den Aufruf der Seitenfehlerbehandlung, eines hardware-nahen Betriebssystemteils, einleitet. Diese Konstruktion ist korrekt, wenn sie für die Programme transparent ist, das heißt, wenn diese sich mit ihr so verhalten, als griffen sie direkt auf den logischen Speicher unter Kontrolle ihrer Adressräume zu. Die Formalisierung dieser Korrektheitsaussage heißt Simulationssatz für virtuellen Speicher. In der vorliegenden Arbeit formulieren und beweisen wir einen derartigen Satz für ein abstraktes Mehrprozessorsystem. Wir wenden ihn auf eine konkrete Implementierung an, den VAMP [BJK+03] mit einem einstufigen Adressübersetzungsmechanismus und einer exemplarischen Seitenfehlerbehandlung. Wir zeigen, wie Rechnerarchitektur und Korrektheitsbeweise für die Unterstützung von TLBs, mehrstufiger Übersetzung und Mehrprozessorbetrieb erweitert werden können

    The design and implementation of a prototype exokernel operating system

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1996.Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-106).by Dawson R. Engler.M.S

    ACR: An Adaptive Cost-Aware Buffer Replacement Algorithm for Flash Storage Devices

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    Abstract—Flash disks are being widely used as an important alternative to conventional magnetic disks, although accessed through the same interface by applications, their distinguished feature, i.e., different read and write cost in the aspects of time, makes it necessary to reconsider the design of existing replacement algorithms to leverage their performance potential. Different from existing flash-aware buffer replacement policies that focus on the asymmetry of read and write operations, we address the “discrepancy ” of the asymmetry for different flash disks, which is the fact that exists for a long time, while has drawn little attention by researchers since most existing flash-aware buffer replacement polices are somewhat based on the assumption that the cost of read operation is neglectable compared with that of write operation. In fact, this is not true for current flash disks on the market. We propose an adaptive cost-aware replacement policy (ACR) that uses three cost-based heuristics to select the victim page, thus can fairly make trade off between clean pages (their content remain unchanged) and dirty pages (their content is modified), and hence, can work well for different type of flash disks of large discrepancy. Further, in ACR, buffer pages are divided into clean list and dirty list, the newly entered pages will not be inserted at the MRU position of either list, but at some position in the middle, thus the once-requested pages can be flushed out from the buffer quickly and the frequently-requested pages can stay in buffer for a longer time. Such mechanism makes ACR adaptive to workloads of different access patterns. The experimental results on different traces and flash disks show that ACR not only adaptively tunes itself to workloads of different access patterns, but also works well for different kind of flash disks compared with existing methods. I

    A Solder-Defined Computer Architecture for Backdoor and Malware Resistance

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    This research is about securing control of those devices we most depend on for integrity and confidentiality. An emerging concern is that complex integrated circuits may be subject to exploitable defects or backdoors, and measures for inspection and audit of these chips are neither supported nor scalable. One approach for providing a “supply chain firewall” may be to forgo such components, and instead to build central processing units (CPUs) and other complex logic from simple, generic parts. This work investigates the capability and speed ceiling when open-source hardware methodologies are fused with maker-scale assembly tools and visible-scale final inspection. The author has designed, and demonstrated in simulation, a 36-bit CPU and protected memory subsystem that use only synchronous static random access memory (SRAM) and trivial glue logic integrated circuits as components. The design presently lacks preemptive multitasking, ability to load firmware into the SRAMs used as logic elements, and input/output. Strategies are presented for adding these missing subsystems, again using only SRAM and trivial glue logic. A load-store architecture is employed with four clock cycles per instruction. Simulations indicate that a clock speed of at least 64 MHz is probable, corresponding to 16 million instructions per second (16 MIPS), despite the architecture containing no microprocessors, field programmable gate arrays, programmable logic devices, application specific integrated circuits, or other purchased complex logic. The lower speed, larger size, higher power consumption, and higher cost of an “SRAM minicomputer,” compared to traditional microcontrollers, may be offset by the fully open architecture—hardware and firmware—along with more rigorous user control, reliability, transparency, and auditability of the system. SRAM logic is also particularly well suited for building arithmetic logic units, and can implement complex operations such as population count, a hash function for associative arrays, or a pseudorandom number generator with good statistical properties in as few as eight clock cycles per 36-bit word processed. 36-bit unsigned multiplication can be implemented in software in 47 instructions or fewer (188 clock cycles). A general theory is developed for fast SRAM parallel multipliers should they be needed

    Dynamic encapsulation of C++ objects

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    Classes in C++ provide static encapsulation of objects, by generating code which contains specific knowledge about the internals of encapsulated objects. Static encapsulation occurs at compile time, and therefore cannot directly support the evolution of objects, since recompilation of source code is required if the internal layout changes. This also prohibits the use of distributed or persistent objects without first ensuring that the internal representations of the objects match the ones in the compiled code. Dynamic encapsulation occurs at run-time, and allows the compiled code to exist without the knowledge of any particular object representation. Abstract base classes with C++ virtual functions support a limited form of dynamic encapsulation, but only for objects originally designated to inherit from those classes. Some languages, such as Smalltalk, support dynamic encapsulation, but with significantly less performance than statically encapsulated languages. An object model using dynamic type-binding is presented which allows the flexibility of dynamic encapsulation with much of the efficiency of static encapsulation. With this model, objects can potentially communicate and migrate across address space and network boundaries without specific prior knowledge of representations, and can invoke functions on local objects with no more run-time overhead than standard C++ virtual function calls. This dynamic encapsulation model is incorporated into DC++, a C++-based language with extensions that allow for the dynamic encapsulation of existing C++ objects, and DECO (the Dynamic Encapsulator of C++ Objects), a utility for converting DC++ source code into C++

    Persistent object stores

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    The design and development of a type secure persistent object store is presented as part of an architecture to support experiments in concurrency, transactions and distribution. The persistence abstraction hides the physical properties of data from the programs that manipulate it. Consequently, a persistent object store is required to be of unbounded size, infinitely fast and totally reliable. A range of architectural mechanisms that can be used to simulate these three features is presented. Based on a suitable selection of these mechanisms, two persistent object stores are presented. The first store is designed for use with the programming language PS-algol. Its design is evolved to yield a more flexible layered architecture. The layered architecture is designed to provide each distinct architectural mechanism as a separate architectural layer conforming to a specified interface. The motivation for this design is two-fold. Firstly, the particular choice of layers greatly simplifies the resulting implementation and secondly, the layered design can support experimental architecture implementations. Since each layer conforms to a specified interface, it is possible to experiment with the implementation of an individual layer without affecting the implementation of the remaining architectural layers. Thus, the layered architecture is a convenient vehicle for experimenting with the implementation of persistent object stores. An implementation of the layered architecture is presented together with an example of how it may be used to support a distributed system. Finally, the architecture's ability to support a variety of storage configurations is presented
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