10 research outputs found

    GGrey Wolf Optimizer For Identification Of Liquid Slosh Behavior Using Continuous-Time Hammerstein Model

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    This paper presents the identification of liquid slosh plant using the Hammerstein model based on Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) method. A remote car that carrying a container of liquid is considered as the liquid slosh experimental rig. In contrast to other research works, this paper consider a piece-wise affine function in the nonlinear function of the Hammerstein model, which is more generalized function. Moreover, a continuous-time transfer function is utilized in the Hammerstein model, which is more suitable to represent a real system. The GWO method is used to tune both coefficients in the nonlinear function and transfer function of the Hammerstein model such that the error between the identified output and the real experimental output is minimized. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is assessed in terms of the convergence curve response, output response, and the stability of the identified model through the bode plot and pole zero map. The results show that the GWO based method is able to produce a Hammerstein model that yields identified output response close to the real experimental slosh output

    Smooth Adaptive Internal Model Control Based on U

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    Hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) networks are used around the world to distribute cable television and broadband internet services to customers. These networks are governed by the Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) family of standards, with the most recent version at the time of this writing being DOCSIS 3.1. A frequency division duplex (FDD) spectrum is used in DOCSIS 3.1, where the upstream and downstream signals are separated in frequency to eliminate interference. A possible method to increase signal bandwidths is to use a full-duplex (FDX) spectrum, in which the US and DS signals use the same frequencies at the same time. A main challenge faced when implementing FDX in a DOCSIS node is eliminating the interference in the received US signal caused by the transmitted DS signal. One possible method for eliminating the interference is utilizing an echo-canceling algorithm, which predicts the self-interference (SI) based on the known DS signal and cancels it from the received US signal. Although echo-cancellation algorithms exist for fundamentally similar applications, the DOCSIS FDX case is more complicated for two main reasons. First, the DOCSIS node uses a nonlinear power amplifier to amplify the DS signal. Second, the DS signal is an ultra-wideband signal spanning a frequency range of up to 1.2 GHz. Most of the amplifier modeling techniques discussed in the literature were designed for narrowband wireless signals and will have limited performance when used with ultra-wideband signals. This thesis develops an algorithm to characterize the power amplifier and to predict the harmonics it generates for a given DS signal. These predicted harmonics can be used to cancel the SI signal in a full duplex DOCSIS system. The algorithm, which is referred to as the ultra-wideband memory polynomial (UWB-MP) model, is based on the well-known memory polynomial model with adaptations which allow the model to predict harmonics for ultra-wideband signals. Since a direct implementation of the UWB-MP model in an FPGA would result in very high resource usage, system architecture recommendations are provided. Our proposed implementation of the model compensates for harmonics up to and including the 3rd order, which has a power spectrum extending above 3600 MHz. Using the techniques discussed in this thesis, it is shown that a sampling rate of 4 GHz allows for cancellation of the SI signal while providing a reasonable balance between performance and resource usage. Matlab simulations of a DOCSIS node with various parameters and PA simulation models were conducted. The simulations showed that over 75 dB of cancellation of the SI signal is possible in an idealized hardware setup. It is also demonstrated that AWGN injected into the received signal does not reduce the ability of the model to estimate the PA harmonics, although the noise itself cannot be canceled. Further simulations showed that the UWB-MP model could cancel harmonics whose power is much higher than that specified in DOCSIS. Although the UWB-MP model was designed with memory polynomial type PAs in mind, simulation results show that significant cancellation is possible with PAs that are represented by Wiener models as well. Based on the simulation results, we recommend using a filter of length 20 coefficients for each harmonic in the UWB-MP model, and 60 iterations with 500 samples for estimating the coefficients with the least squares method

    Parameter Identification of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

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    V rámci dizertační práce byly navrženy identifikační metody pro synchronní motor s permanentními magnety. Celá identifikace i řízení motoru probíhalo v dq souřadnicích a pro zpracovaní bylo použito prostředí Matlab Simulink spolu s realtime platformou Dspace. Práce se zaměřila na dvě hlavní odvětví identifikace a to off-line a online identifikaci. K off-line identifikaci byla použita frekvenční analýza využívající lock rotor test pro získání třech parametrů. Jedná se o příčnou a podélnou indukčnost a odpor statoru. V online metodě byly tyto parametry ještě rozšířeny o magnetický tok magnetu _f identifikovaného pomocí metody MRAS. Zbylé parametry byly opět identifikovány pomocí frekvenční analýzy, která byla upravena pro online režim a zároveň aplikována na identifikaci více složek najednou. Poslední metodou, která se v práci nachází, je Newtonova metoda, která se využívá pro odhad odporu statoru, aniž by se do motoru musel injektovat jakýkoli signál.The purpose of this dissertation is to design identification methods for identifying a permanent magnet synchronous motor. The whole identification and motor control is carried out in d-q coordinates, and the program used for processing and control was the matlab simulink, together with the real time platform DSpace. The work focuses on two main areas of identification, off-line identification and on-line identification. For offline identification the frequency analysis was used with the lock rotor test to get three main parameters. They are the quadrature and direct inductances and stator resistance. In the online mode, the identified parameters were extended to magnet flux _f identified by MRAS method. The remaining parameters were again identified by frequency analysis, which was adapted into online mode, and simultaneously applied to the identification of several part in one time. The next method is Newton method, which is used for estimating stator resistance of the motor, without the need to apply any signal.

    System Engineering Applied to Fuenmayor Karst Aquifer (San Julián de Banzo, Huesca) and Collins Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica)

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    La ingeniería de sistemas, definida generalmente como arte y ciencia de crear soluciones integrales a problemas complejos, se aplica en el presente documento a dos sistemas naturales, a saber, un sistema acuífero kárstico y un sistema glaciar, desde una perspectiva hidrológica. Las técnicas de identificación, desarrolladas típicamente en ingeniería para representar sistemas artificiales por medio de modelos lineales y no lineales, pueden aplicarse en el estudio de los sistemas naturales donde se producen fenómenos de acoplamiento entre el clima y la hidrosfera. Los métodos evolucionan para afrontar nuevos campos de identificación donde se requieren estrategias para encontrar el modelo idóneo adaptado a las peculiaridades del sistema. En este sentido, se han considerado especialmente las herramientas basadas en la transformada wavelet utilizadas en la preparación de series temporales, suavizado de señales, análisis espectral, correlación cruzada y predicción, entre otros. Bajo este enfoque, una aplicación a mencionar entre las tratadas en esta tesis, es la determinación analítica del núcleo efectivo estacional (SEC) a través del estudio de la coherencia wavelet entre temperatura del aire y la descarga del glaciar, que establece un conjunto de períodos de muestreo aceptablemente coherentes, a partir del cual se crearán los modelos del sistema glacial. El estudio está dirigido específicamente a estimar la influencia de la precipitación sobre la descarga del acuífero kárstico de Fuenmayor, en San Julián de Banzo, Huesca, España. De la misma manera, se ocupa de las consecuencias de la temperatura del aire en la fusión del hielo glaciar, que se manifiesta en la corriente de drenaje del glaciar Collins, isla King George, Antártida. En el proceso de identificación paramétrica y no paramétrica se buscan los modelos que mejor representen la dinámica interna del sistema. Eso conduce a pruebas iterativas, donde se van creando modelos que se verifican sistemáticamente con los datos reales del muestreo, de acuerdo a un criterio de eficiencia dado. La solución mejor valorada según los resultados obtenidos en los casos tratados apuntan a estructuras de modelos en bloques. Esta tesis significa una exposición formal de la metodología de identificación de sistemas propios de la ingeniería en el contexto de los sistemas naturales, que mejoran los resultados obtenidos en muchos casos de la hidrología kárstica que comúnmente usaban métodos ad hoc ocasionales de carácter estadístico; así mismo, los enfoques propuestos en los casos de glaciología con el análisis wavelet y los modelos orientados a datos raramente considerados en la literatura, revelan información esencial ante la imposibilidad de precisar la totalidad de la física que rige el sistema. Notables resultados se derivan en la caracterización de la respuesta del manantial de Fuenmayor y su correlación con la precipitación, desde la perspectiva de un sistema lineal, que se complementa con los métodos de identificación basados en técnicas no lineales. Así mismo, la implementación del modelo para el glaciar Collins, obtenido también mediante métodos de identificación de caja negra, puede revelar una inestabilidad de los límites de los periodos activos de la descarga, y consecuentemente la variabilidad en la tendencia actual en el cambio climático global

    Convergence of the Iterative Hammerstein System Identification Algorithm

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