1,339 research outputs found

    Convergence of quasi-optimal Stochastic Galerkin methods for a class of PDES with random coefficients

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    In this work we consider quasi-optimal versions of the Stochastic Galerkin method for solving linear elliptic PDEs with stochastic coefficients. In particular, we consider the case of a finite number NN of random inputs and an analytic dependence of the solution of the PDE with respect to the parameters in a polydisc of the complex plane CNC^N. We show that a quasi-optimal approximation is given by a Galerkin projection on a weighted (anisotropic) total degree space and prove a (sub)exponential convergence rate. As a specific application we consider a thermal conduction problem with non-overlapping inclusions of random conductivity. Numerical results show the sharpness of our estimates

    A mixed â„“1\ell_1 regularization approach for sparse simultaneous approximation of parameterized PDEs

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    We present and analyze a novel sparse polynomial technique for the simultaneous approximation of parameterized partial differential equations (PDEs) with deterministic and stochastic inputs. Our approach treats the numerical solution as a jointly sparse reconstruction problem through the reformulation of the standard basis pursuit denoising, where the set of jointly sparse vectors is infinite. To achieve global reconstruction of sparse solutions to parameterized elliptic PDEs over both physical and parametric domains, we combine the standard measurement scheme developed for compressed sensing in the context of bounded orthonormal systems with a novel mixed-norm based â„“1\ell_1 regularization method that exploits both energy and sparsity. In addition, we are able to prove that, with minimal sample complexity, error estimates comparable to the best ss-term and quasi-optimal approximations are achievable, while requiring only a priori bounds on polynomial truncation error with respect to the energy norm. Finally, we perform extensive numerical experiments on several high-dimensional parameterized elliptic PDE models to demonstrate the superior recovery properties of the proposed approach.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Compressive sensing Petrov-Galerkin approximation of high-dimensional parametric operator equations

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    We analyze the convergence of compressive sensing based sampling techniques for the efficient evaluation of functionals of solutions for a class of high-dimensional, affine-parametric, linear operator equations which depend on possibly infinitely many parameters. The proposed algorithms are based on so-called "non-intrusive" sampling of the high-dimensional parameter space, reminiscent of Monte-Carlo sampling. In contrast to Monte-Carlo, however, a functional of the parametric solution is then computed via compressive sensing methods from samples of functionals of the solution. A key ingredient in our analysis of independent interest consists in a generalization of recent results on the approximate sparsity of generalized polynomial chaos representations (gpc) of the parametric solution families, in terms of the gpc series with respect to tensorized Chebyshev polynomials. In particular, we establish sufficient conditions on the parametric inputs to the parametric operator equation such that the Chebyshev coefficients of the gpc expansion are contained in certain weighted ℓp\ell_p-spaces for 0<p≤10<p\leq 1. Based on this we show that reconstructions of the parametric solutions computed from the sampled problems converge, with high probability, at the L2L_2, resp. L∞L_\infty convergence rates afforded by best ss-term approximations of the parametric solution up to logarithmic factors.Comment: revised version, 27 page

    A Dynamically Adaptive Sparse Grid Method for Quasi-Optimal Interpolation of Multidimensional Analytic Functions

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    In this work we develop a dynamically adaptive sparse grids (SG) method for quasi-optimal interpolation of multidimensional analytic functions defined over a product of one dimensional bounded domains. The goal of such approach is to construct an interpolant in space that corresponds to the "best MM-terms" based on sharp a priori estimate of polynomial coefficients. In the past, SG methods have been successful in achieving this, with a traditional construction that relies on the solution to a Knapsack problem: only the most profitable hierarchical surpluses are added to the SG. However, this approach requires additional sharp estimates related to the size of the analytic region and the norm of the interpolation operator, i.e., the Lebesgue constant. Instead, we present an iterative SG procedure that adaptively refines an estimate of the region and accounts for the effects of the Lebesgue constant. Our approach does not require any a priori knowledge of the analyticity or operator norm, is easily generalized to both affine and non-affine analytic functions, and can be applied to sparse grids build from one dimensional rules with arbitrary growth of the number of nodes. In several numerical examples, we utilize our dynamically adaptive SG to interpolate quantities of interest related to the solutions of parametrized elliptic and hyperbolic PDEs, and compare the performance of our quasi-optimal interpolant to several alternative SG schemes

    Adaptive stochastic Galerkin FEM for lognormal coefficients in hierarchical tensor representations

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    Stochastic Galerkin methods for non-affine coefficient representations are known to cause major difficulties from theoretical and numerical points of view. In this work, an adaptive Galerkin FE method for linear parametric PDEs with lognormal coefficients discretized in Hermite chaos polynomials is derived. It employs problem-adapted function spaces to ensure solvability of the variational formulation. The inherently high computational complexity of the parametric operator is made tractable by using hierarchical tensor representations. For this, a new tensor train format of the lognormal coefficient is derived and verified numerically. The central novelty is the derivation of a reliable residual-based a posteriori error estimator. This can be regarded as a unique feature of stochastic Galerkin methods. It allows for an adaptive algorithm to steer the refinements of the physical mesh and the anisotropic Wiener chaos polynomial degrees. For the evaluation of the error estimator to become feasible, a numerically efficient tensor format discretization is developed. Benchmark examples with unbounded lognormal coefficient fields illustrate the performance of the proposed Galerkin discretization and the fully adaptive algorithm

    Polynomial Chaos Expansion of random coefficients and the solution of stochastic partial differential equations in the Tensor Train format

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    We apply the Tensor Train (TT) decomposition to construct the tensor product Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) of a random field, to solve the stochastic elliptic diffusion PDE with the stochastic Galerkin discretization, and to compute some quantities of interest (mean, variance, exceedance probabilities). We assume that the random diffusion coefficient is given as a smooth transformation of a Gaussian random field. In this case, the PCE is delivered by a complicated formula, which lacks an analytic TT representation. To construct its TT approximation numerically, we develop the new block TT cross algorithm, a method that computes the whole TT decomposition from a few evaluations of the PCE formula. The new method is conceptually similar to the adaptive cross approximation in the TT format, but is more efficient when several tensors must be stored in the same TT representation, which is the case for the PCE. Besides, we demonstrate how to assemble the stochastic Galerkin matrix and to compute the solution of the elliptic equation and its post-processing, staying in the TT format. We compare our technique with the traditional sparse polynomial chaos and the Monte Carlo approaches. In the tensor product polynomial chaos, the polynomial degree is bounded for each random variable independently. This provides higher accuracy than the sparse polynomial set or the Monte Carlo method, but the cardinality of the tensor product set grows exponentially with the number of random variables. However, when the PCE coefficients are implicitly approximated in the TT format, the computations with the full tensor product polynomial set become possible. In the numerical experiments, we confirm that the new methodology is competitive in a wide range of parameters, especially where high accuracy and high polynomial degrees are required.Comment: This is a major revision of the manuscript arXiv:1406.2816 with significantly extended numerical experiments. Some unused material is remove
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