13,320 research outputs found

    Robust Temporal Logic Model Predictive Control

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    Control synthesis from temporal logic specifications has gained popularity in recent years. In this paper, we use a model predictive approach to control discrete time linear systems with additive bounded disturbances subject to constraints given as formulas of signal temporal logic (STL). We introduce a (conservative) computationally efficient framework to synthesize control strategies based on mixed integer programs. The designed controllers satisfy the temporal logic requirements, are robust to all possible realizations of the disturbances, and optimal with respect to a cost function. In case the temporal logic constraint is infeasible, the controller satisfies a relaxed, minimally violating constraint. An illustrative case study is included.Comment: This work has been accepted to appear in the proceedings of 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Urbana-Champaign, IL (2015

    Distributed Event-Based State Estimation for Networked Systems: An LMI-Approach

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    In this work, a dynamic system is controlled by multiple sensor-actuator agents, each of them commanding and observing parts of the system's input and output. The different agents sporadically exchange data with each other via a common bus network according to local event-triggering protocols. From these data, each agent estimates the complete dynamic state of the system and uses its estimate for feedback control. We propose a synthesis procedure for designing the agents' state estimators and the event triggering thresholds. The resulting distributed and event-based control system is guaranteed to be stable and to satisfy a predefined estimation performance criterion. The approach is applied to the control of a vehicle platoon, where the method's trade-off between performance and communication, and the scalability in the number of agents is demonstrated.Comment: This is an extended version of an article to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (additional parts in the Appendix

    Stabilizing Stochastic Predictive Control under Bernoulli Dropouts

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    This article presents tractable and recursively feasible optimization-based controllers for stochastic linear systems with bounded controls. The stochastic noise in the plant is assumed to be additive, zero mean and fourth moment bounded, and the control values transmitted over an erasure channel. Three different transmission protocols are proposed having different requirements on the storage and computational facilities available at the actuator. We optimize a suitable stochastic cost function accounting for the effects of both the stochastic noise and the packet dropouts over affine saturated disturbance feedback policies. The proposed controllers ensure mean square boundedness of the states in closed-loop for all positive values of control bounds and any non-zero probability of successful transmission over a noisy control channel

    Linearly Solvable Stochastic Control Lyapunov Functions

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    This paper presents a new method for synthesizing stochastic control Lyapunov functions for a class of nonlinear stochastic control systems. The technique relies on a transformation of the classical nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman partial differential equation to a linear partial differential equation for a class of problems with a particular constraint on the stochastic forcing. This linear partial differential equation can then be relaxed to a linear differential inclusion, allowing for relaxed solutions to be generated using sum of squares programming. The resulting relaxed solutions are in fact viscosity super/subsolutions, and by the maximum principle are pointwise upper and lower bounds to the underlying value function, even for coarse polynomial approximations. Furthermore, the pointwise upper bound is shown to be a stochastic control Lyapunov function, yielding a method for generating nonlinear controllers with pointwise bounded distance from the optimal cost when using the optimal controller. These approximate solutions may be computed with non-increasing error via a hierarchy of semidefinite optimization problems. Finally, this paper develops a-priori bounds on trajectory suboptimality when using these approximate value functions, as well as demonstrates that these methods, and bounds, can be applied to a more general class of nonlinear systems not obeying the constraint on stochastic forcing. Simulated examples illustrate the methodology.Comment: Published in SIAM Journal of Control and Optimizatio

    Output feedback stable stochastic predictive control with hard control constraints

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    We present a stochastic predictive controller for discrete time linear time invariant systems under incomplete state information. Our approach is based on a suitable choice of control policies, stability constraints, and employment of a Kalman filter to estimate the states of the system from incomplete and corrupt observations. We demonstrate that this approach yields a computationally tractable problem that should be solved online periodically, and that the resulting closed loop system is mean-square bounded for any positive bound on the control actions. Our results allow one to tackle the largest class of linear time invariant systems known to be amenable to stochastic stabilization under bounded control actions via output feedback stochastic predictive control

    Quantum control theory and applications: A survey

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    This paper presents a survey on quantum control theory and applications from a control systems perspective. Some of the basic concepts and main developments (including open-loop control and closed-loop control) in quantum control theory are reviewed. In the area of open-loop quantum control, the paper surveys the notion of controllability for quantum systems and presents several control design strategies including optimal control, Lyapunov-based methodologies, variable structure control and quantum incoherent control. In the area of closed-loop quantum control, the paper reviews closed-loop learning control and several important issues related to quantum feedback control including quantum filtering, feedback stabilization, LQG control and robust quantum control.Comment: 38 pages, invited survey paper from a control systems perspective, some references are added, published versio

    Sparse and Constrained Stochastic Predictive Control for Networked Systems

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    This article presents a novel class of control policies for networked control of Lyapunov-stable linear systems with bounded inputs. The control channel is assumed to have i.i.d. Bernoulli packet dropouts and the system is assumed to be affected by additive stochastic noise. Our proposed class of policies is affine in the past dropouts and saturated values of the past disturbances. We further consider a regularization term in a quadratic performance index to promote sparsity in control. We demonstrate how to augment the underlying optimization problem with a constant negative drift constraint to ensure mean-square boundedness of the closed-loop states, yielding a convex quadratic program to be solved periodically online. The states of the closed-loop plant under the receding horizon implementation of the proposed class of policies are mean square bounded for any positive bound on the control and any non-zero probability of successful transmission