286 research outputs found

    Ensembles of Hyperbolic PDEs: Stabilization by Backstepping

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    For the quite extensively developed PDE backstepping methodology for coupled linear hyperbolic PDEs, we provide a generalization from finite collections of such PDEs, whose states at each location in space are vector-valued, to previously unstudied infinite (continuum) ensembles of such hyperbolic PDEs, whose states are function-valued. The motivation for studying such systems comes from traffic applications (where driver and vehicle characteristics are continuously parametrized), fluid and structural applications, and future applications in population dynamics, including epidemiology. Our design is of an exponentially stabilizing scalar-valued control law for a PDE system in two independent dimensions, one spatial dimension and one ensemble dimension. In the process of generalizing PDE backstepping from finite to infinite collections of PDE systems, we generalize the results for PDE backstepping kernels to the continuously parametrized Goursat-form PDEs that govern such continuously parametrized kernels. The theory is illustrated with a simulation example, which is selected so that the kernels are explicitly solvable, to lend clarity and interpretability to the simulation results.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, to be publishe

    From Individual to Collective Behavior of Unicellular Organisms: Recent Results and Open Problems

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    The collective movements of unicellular organisms such as bacteria or amoeboid (crawling) cells are often modeled by partial differential equations (PDEs) that describe the time evolution of cell density. In particular, chemotaxis equations have been used to model the movement towards various kinds of extracellular cues. Well-developed analytical and numerical methods for analyzing the time-dependent and time-independent properties of solutions make this approach attractive. However, these models are often based on phenomenological descriptions of cell fluxes with no direct correspondence to individual cell processes such signal transduction and cell movement. This leads to the question of how to justify these macroscopic PDEs from microscopic descriptions of cells, and how to relate the macroscopic quantities in these PDEs to individual-level parameters. Here we summarize recent progress on this question in the context of bacterial and amoeboid chemotaxis, and formulate several open problems

    Unraveling the intricacies of spatial organization of the ErbB receptors and downstream signaling pathways

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    Faced with the complexity of diseases such as cancer which has 1012 mutations, altering gene expression, and disrupting regulatory networks, there has been a paradigm shift in the biological sciences and what has emerged is a much more quantitative field of biology. Mathematical modeling can aid in biological discovery with the development of predictive models that provide future direction for experimentalist. In this work, I have contributed to the development of novel computational approaches which explore mechanisms of receptor aggregation and predict the effects of downstream signaling. The coupled spatial non-spatial simulation algorithm, CSNSA is a tool that I took part in developing, which implements a spatial kinetic Monte Carlo for capturing receptor interactions on the cell membrane with Gillespies stochastic simulation algorithm, SSA, for temporal cytosolic interactions. Using this framework we determine that receptor clustering significantly enhances downstream signaling. In the next study the goal was to understand mechanisms of clustering. Cytoskeletal interactions with mobile proteins are known to hinder diffusion. Using a Monte Carlo approach we simulate these interactions, determining at what cytoskeletal distribution and receptor concentration optimal clustering occurs and when it is inhibited. We investigate oligomerization induced trapping to determine mechanisms of clustering, and our results show that the cytoskeletal interactions lead to receptor clustering. After exploring the mechanisms of clustering we determine how receptor aggregation effects downstream signaling. We further proceed by implementing the adaptively coarse grained Monte Carlo, ACGMC to determine if \u27receptor-sharing\u27 occurs when receptors are clustered. In our proposed \u27receptor-sharing\u27 mechanism a cytosolic species binds with a receptor then disassociates and rebinds a neighboring receptor. We tested our hypothesis using a novel computational approach, the ACGMC, an algorithm which enables the spatial temporal evolution of the system in three dimensions by using a coarse graining approach. In this framework we are modeling EGFR reaction-diffusion events on the plasma membrane while capturing the spatial-temporal dynamics of proteins in the cytosol. From this framework we observe \u27receptor-sharing\u27 which may be an important mechanism in the regulation and overall efficiency of signal transduction. In summary, I have helped to develop predictive computational tools that take systems biology in a new direction.\u2

    Institute for Computational Mechanics in Propulsion (ICOMP)

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    The Institute for Computational Mechanics in Propulsion (ICOMP) is a combined activity of Case Western Reserve University, Ohio Aerospace Institute (OAI) and NASA Lewis. The purpose of ICOMP is to develop techniques to improve problem solving capabilities in all aspects of computational mechanics related to propulsion. The activities at ICOMP during 1991 are described

    Nearly inviscid Faraday waves

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    Many powerful techniques from Hamiltonian mechanics are available for the study of ideal hydrodynamics. This article explores some of the consequences of including small viscosity in a study of surface gravity-capillary waves excited by the vertical vibration of a container. It is shown that in this system, as in others, the addition of small viscosity provides a singular perturbation of the ideal fluid system, and that as a result its effects are nontrivial. The relevance of existing studies of ideal fluid problems is discussed from this point of view

    Robust control strategies for unstable systems with input/output delays

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    Los sistemas con retardo temporal aparecen con frecuencia en el ámbito de la ingeniería, por ejemplo en transmisiones hidráulicas o mecánicas, procesos metalúrgicos o sistemas de control en red. Los retardos temporales han despertado el interés de los investigadores en el ámbito del control desde finales de los años 50. Se ha desarrollado una amplia gama de herramientas para el análisis de su estabilidad y prestaciones, especialmente durante las dos últimas décadas. Esta tesis se centra en la estabilización de sistemas afectados por retardos temporales en la actuación y/o la medida. Concretamente, las contribuciones que aquí se incluyen tienen por objetivo mejorar las prestaciones de los controladores existentes en presencia de perturbaciones. Los retardos temporales degradan, inevitablemente, el desempeño de un bucle de control. No es de extrañar que el rechazo de perturbaciones haya sido motivo de estudio desde que emergieron los primeros controladores predictivos para sistemas con retardo. Las estrategias presentadas en esta tesis se basan en la combinación de controladores predictivos y observadores de perturbaciones. Estos últimos han sido aplicados con éxito para mejorar el rechazo de perturbaciones de controladores convencionales. Sin embargo, la aplicación de esta metodología a sistemas con retardo es poco frecuente en la literatura, la cual se investiga exhaustivamente en esta tesis. Otro inconveniente de los controladores predictivos está relacionado con su implementación, que puede llevar a la inestabilidad si no se realiza cuidadosamente. Este fenómeno está relacionado con el hecho de que las leyes de control predictivas se expresan mediante una ecuación integral. En esta tesis se presenta una estructura de control alternativa que evita este problema, la cual utiliza un observador de dimensión infinita, gobernado por una ecuación en derivadas parciales de tipo hiperbólico.Time-delay systems are ubiquitous in many engineering applications, such as mechanical or fluid transmissions, metallurgical processes or networked control systems. Time-delay systems have attracted the interest of control researchers since the late 50's. A wide variety of tools for stability and performance analysis has been developed, specially over the past two decades. This thesis is focused on the problem of stabilizing systems that are affected by delays on the actuator and/or sensing paths. More specifically, the contributions herein reported aim at improving the performance of existing controllers in the presence of external disturbances. Time delays unavoidably degrade the control loop performance. Disturbance rejection has been a matter of concern since the first predictive controllers for time-delay systems emerged. The key idea of the strategies presented in this thesis is the combination of predictive controllers and disturbance observers. The latter have been successfully applied to improve the disturbance rejection capabilities of conventional controllers. However, the application of this methodology to time-delay systems is rarely found in the literature. This combination is extensively investigated in this thesis. Another handicap of predictive controllers has to do with their implementation, which can induce instability if not done carefully. This issue is related to the fact that predictive control laws take the form of integral equations. An alternative control structure that avoids this problem is also reported in this thesis, which employs an infinite-dimensional observer, governed by a hyperbolic partial differential equation.Sanz Díaz, R. (2018). Robust control strategies for unstable systems with input/output delays [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/111830TESI

    Robustness of Reaction-Diffusion PDEs Predictor-Feedback to Stochastic Delay Perturbations

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    This paper studies the robustness of a PDE backstepping delay-compensated boundary controller for a reaction-diffusion partial differential equation (PDE) with respect to a nominal delay subject to stochastic error disturbance. The stabilization problem under consideration involves random perturbations modeled by a finite-state Markov process that further obstruct the actuation path at the controlled boundary of the infinite-dimension plant. This scenario is useful to describe several actuation failure modes in process control. Employing the recently introduced infinite-dimensional representation of the state of an actuator subject to stochastic input delay for ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations), we convert the stochastic input delay into r+1r+1 unidirectional advection PDEs, where rr corresponds to the number of jump states. Our stability analysis assumes full-state measurement of the spatially distributed plant's state and relies on a hyperbolic-parabolic PDE cascade representation of the plant plus actuator dynamics. Integrating the plant and the nominal stabilizing boundary control action, all while considering probabilistic delay disturbances, we establish the proof of mean-square exponential stability as well as the well-posedness of the closed-loop system when random phenomena weaken the nominal actuator compensating effect. Our proof is based on the Lyapunov method, the theory of infinitesimal operator for stability, and C0C_0-semigroup theory for well-posedness. Our stability result refers to the L2L^2-norm of the plant state and the H2H^2-norm of the actuator state...Comment: 16.5 pages, 6 figure