2,229 research outputs found

    Control of deviations and prediction of surface roughness from micro machining of THz waveguides using acoustic emission signals

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    By using acoustic emission (AE) it is possible to control deviations and surface quality during micro milling operations. The method of micro milling is used to manufacture a submillimetre waveguide where micro machining is employed to achieve the required superior finish and geometrical tolerances. Submillimetre waveguide technology is used in deep space signal retrieval where highest detection efficiencies are needed and therefore every possible signal loss in the receiver has to be avoided and stringent tolerances achieved. With a sub-standard surface finish the signals travelling along the waveguides dissipate away faster than with perfect surfaces where the residual roughness becomes comparable with the electromagnetic skin depth. Therefore, the higher the radio frequency the more critical this becomes. The method of time-frequency analysis (STFT) is used to transfer raw AE into more meaningful salient signal features (SF). This information was then correlated against the measured geometrical deviations and, the onset of catastrophic tool wear. Such deviations can be offset from different AE signals (different deviations from subsequent tests) and feedback for a final spring cut ensuring the geometrical accuracies are met. Geometrical differences can impact on the required transfer of AE signals (change in cut off frequencies and diminished SNR at the interface) and therefore errors have to be minimised to within 1 ”m. Rules based on both Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and Neural Networks (NN) were used to implement a simulation displaying how such a control regime could be used as a real time controller, be it corrective measures (via spring cuts) over several initial machining passes or, with a micron cut introducing a level plain measure for allowing setup corrective measures (similar to a spirit level)

    Estimation of CNC Grinding Process Parameters Using Different Neural Networks

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    Continuation of research on solving the problem of estimation of CNC grinding process parameters of multi-layer ceramics is presented in the paper. Heuristic analysis of the process was used to define the attributes of influence on the grinding process and the research model was set. For the problem of prediction - estimation of the grinding process parameters the following networks were used in experimental work: Modular Neural Network (MNN), Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN), General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) and Self-Organizing Map Neural Network (SOMNN). The experimental work, based on real data from the technological process was performed for the purpose of training and testing various architectures and algorithms of neural networks. In the architectures design process different rules of learning and transfer functions and other attributes were used. RMS error was used as a criterion for value evaluation and comparison of the realised neural networks and was compared with previous results obtained by Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPNN). In the validation phase the best results were obtained by Back-Propagation Neural Network (RMSE 12,43 %), Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RMSE 13,24 %,), Self-Organizing Map Neural Network (RMSE 13,38 %) and Modular Neural Network (RMSE 14,45 %). General Regression Neural Network (RMSE 21,78 %) gave the worst results

    Inspection by exception: a new machine learning-based approach for multistage manufacturing

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    Manufacturing processes usually consist of multiple different stages, each of which is influenced by a multitude of factors. Therefore, variations in product quality at a certain stage are contributed to by the errors generated at the current, as well as preceding, stages. The high cost of each production stage in the manufacture of high-quality products has stimulated a drive towards decreasing the volume of non-added value processes such as inspection. This paper presents a new method for what the authors have referred to as ‘inspection by exception’ – the principle of actively detecting and then inspecting only the parts that cannot be categorized as healthy or unhealthy with a high degree of certainty. The key idea is that by inspecting only those parts that are in the corridor of uncertainty, the volume of inspections are considerably reduced. This possibility is explored using multistage manufacturing data and both unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms. A case study is presented whereby material conditions and time domain features for force, vibration and tempering temperature are used as input data. Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering is implemented to achieve inspection by exception in an unsupervised manner based on the normalized Euclidean distances between the principal components and cluster centres. Also, deviation vectors for product health are obtained using a comparator system to train neural networks for supervised learning-based inspection by exception. It is shown that the volume of inspections can be reduced by as much as 82% and 93% using the unsupervised and supervised learning approaches, respectively

    Development of a new machine learning-based informatics system for product health monitoring

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    Manufacturing informatics aims to optimize productivity by extracting information from numerous data sources and making decisions based on that information about the process and the parts being produced. Manufacturing processes usually include a series of costly operations such as heat treatment, machining, and inspection to produce high-quality parts. However, performing costly operations when the product conformance to specifications cannot be achievable is not desirable. This paper develops a new machine learning-based informatics system capable of predicting the end product quality so that non-value-adding operations such as inspection can be minimized and the process can be stopped before completion when the part being manufactured fails to meet the design specifications

    Virtual In-line Inspection for Function Verification in Serial Production by means of Artificial Intelligence

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    In high-tech production, companies often deal with the manufacture of assemblies with quality requirements close to the technological limits of manufacturing processes. The article shows an approach of a virtual in-line inspection, predicting the products functionality. An artificial neural network (ANN) fed with product characteristics and process data as well as the resulting functional fulfillment of the product is trained for virtual function prognosis. Through the preventive identification of defective products before the final assembly step, components can be recovered and returned to serial production. By optimizing the parameters of the ANN, incorrect classifications are reduced and the practical applicability is ensured. The approach is demonstrated in an industrial application in the automotive industry

    Strength of corroded tapered plate girders under pure shear

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    Corrosion is one of the most important causes of deterioration of steel girder bridges. The lack of information concerning the behaviour of corroded web panels makes difficult the civil engineer’s task of evaluating the deteriorated member. An in-depth study in front of serviceability and ultimate limit states is necessary to develop efficient techniques to evaluate the structural integrity and safety. By combining information on the rate and location of an eventual corrosion in web and flange panels, it is possible to predict elastic critical shear buckling stress and ultimate shear stress. Nonlinear analyses have been conducted in a three-dimensional finite element model of transversely stiffened corroded tapered plate girders, simulated by thickness reduction, subjected to pure shear. In this paper is presented a finite element model of corroded girder panels (web and flanges), and an application of Data Mining techniques (e.g., Neural Networks) to analyze the data generated in the analytical study to find new and novel knowledge for condition assessment.Community’s Sixth Framework Programme -Sustainable Bridges - FP6-PLT-0165
