693,491 research outputs found

    A negative correlation between self-regulation learning strategies and emotional intelligence: a new finding

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    Background and Objective: In self-regulation learning, learners will have personal control over the learning process, and emotional intelligence refers to personal control of emotions and feelings of self-regulation. The present study seeks to determine the relationship between the components of self-regulation learning and emotional intelligence.Materials and Methods: A sample of 200 students (100 females and 100 males) who were studying at Tehran and Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences participated in the study. Self-regulation learning scale and Goleman's emotional intelligence questionnaire were used. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression tests.Results: The results of regression analysis showed that the correlation coefficient between self-regulation learning and emotional intelligence was negative (r = -0.171 and p = 0.015). Among the self-regulation learning components, the correlation coefficient between emotional intelligence and organization and transfer components (r = -0.144, p= 0.041) and self-efficacy (p = 0.011, r = -0.18) were significant.Conclusion: The negative relationship in the present research suggests that feelings emotions for expressing themselves and facilitating their presentation emerge in the easiest, happiest and most successful way of thinking and harmony. But self-regulation learning is a way to repeat and practice, persevere and tolerate problems to reach logical thinking.

    Structure Relationship between Self-imaginary and Meta-cognition Beliefs with Self-regulatory Learning in Pre-university Girl Students in Rasht City

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    AbstractIn this study the relationship between self-imaginary structure and meta-cognition beliefs with self-regulatory learning variable in pre-university girl students is investigated. 300 girl students have been selected with bunch random method from Rasht schools for this correlative study. Some devices like schooling self-imaginary questionnaire, meta-cognition questionnaire and self-regulatory learning questionnaire are used to collect the students Data. Data are analyzed with Pearson correlation, regression and one-way ANOVA methods. The analysis shows negative and significant correlation between meta-cognition beliefs variable and self-regulatory learning. This means that reduction of meta-cognition beliefs increases the students learning ability. Also, it is concluded that there is considerable positive correlation between self-imaginary and self-regulatory learning and significant negative association between self-imaginary variable and meta-cognition beliefs. Furthermore, the regression and ANOVA analysis show that self-imaginary and meta-cognition beliefs which are independent variables are not suitable anticipants for self-regulatory learning. Results show that meta-cognition beliefs lead to objective thinking and psychological traumas and play inhibitory role in self-regulatory process. Indeed, people with inner control and positive self-imaginary, have better control on the learning facts and their results. These people have more effective role in the self-regulatory process


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Self control, Self awareness, dan kejenuhan belajar terhadap perilaku cyberloafing mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran daring terutama di masa pandemi Covid-19.  Strategi penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan model korelasi, dengan software SPSS 24. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa-mahasiswi perguruan tinggi swasta di Jakarta Timur Program Studi Manajemen yang telah melaksanakan perkuliahan daring, dengan sampel sebanyak 300 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan secara daring.  Hasil penelitian menyatakan : Self control berpengaruh terhadap perilaku cyberloafing dengan arah korelasi negatif. Self awareness berpengaruh terhadap perilaku self awareness berpengaruh terhadap perilaku cyberloafing dengan arah korelasi negatif. Kejenuhan belajar berpengaruh dengan arah korelasi positif. Variabel self control, self awareness, kejenuhan belajar terhadap perilaku cyberloafing berpengaruh simultan terhadap perilaku cyberloafing.Kata Kunci : Kontrol Diri, Kesadaran Diri, Kejenuhan Belajar, Perilaku Cyberloafing ABSTRACTThis study aimed to determine the effect of self-control, self-awareness, and learning saturation on students' cyberloafing behavior in online learning, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research strategy uses a quantitative approach with a correlation model, with SPSS 24.00 software. This research was conducted on students from private tertiary institutions in East Jakarta, majoring in Management who had conducted online lectures, with a sample of 300 students. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire distributed online. The results of the study stated : self-control had an effect on cyberloafing behavior with a negative correlation direction (2) self-awareness had an effect on self-awareness behavior and an effect on cyberloafing behavior with a negative correlation direction. Learning saturation had an effect with a positive correlation direction. The variables of self control, self awareness, learning saturation on cyberloafing behavior had a simultaneous effect on cyberloafing behavior.Keywords: Self control, Self awareness, Boredom Of Learning, Cyberloafin

    Locus of Control and Receptive Skills in Second Language Acquisition

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between locus of control and achievement in second language learning, when using reading and listening as the measure of success of the learners. The study was conducted on a pilot group of 102 university students, enrolled in a master’s degree course at a university in Poland. The students were asked to complete the Drwal 29-question test of locus of control and a number of reading and listening tests to complete over an extended period of time in order to gain a reliable overview of their levels of achievement. The results, somewhat against the run of expectation, indicated that there was no apparent correlation – either positive or negative – between the orientation of locus of control of the participants and achievement. This goes against the conventional assumption that there should be some form of negative correlation, as previous research indicates that sucessful learners in an academic environment are more likely than not to have an inwardly orientated locus of control

    Computers and Student Learning:Bivariate and Multivariate Evidence on the Availability and Use of Computers at Home and at School

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    We estimate the relationship between computers and students’ educational achievement in the international student-level PISA database. Bivariate analyses show a positive correlation between achievement and computer availability both at home and at school. However, once we control extensively for family background and school characteristics, the relationship gets negative for home computers and insignificant for school computers. Thus, mere availability of computers at home seems to distract students from effective learning. But achievement shows a positive conditional relationship with computer use for education and communication at home and an inverted U-shaped relationship with computer and internet use at school.Computers at home, computers at school, student achievement, educational production, PISA.

    Exploring the dynamic interplay of cognitive load and emotional arousal by using multimodal measurements: Correlation of pupil diameter and emotional arousal in emotionally engaging tasks

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    Multimodal data analysis and validation based on streams from state-of-the-art sensor technology such as eye-tracking or emotion recognition using the Facial Action Coding System (FACTs) with deep learning allows educational researchers to study multifaceted learning and problem-solving processes and to improve educational experiences. This study aims to investigate the correlation between two continuous sensor streams, pupil diameter as an indicator of cognitive workload and FACTs with deep learning as an indicator of emotional arousal (RQ 1a), specifically for epochs of high, medium, and low arousal (RQ 1b). Furthermore, the time lag between emotional arousal and pupil diameter data will be analyzed (RQ 2). 28 participants worked on three cognitively demanding and emotionally engaging everyday moral dilemmas while eye-tracking and emotion recognition data were collected. The data were pre-processed in Phyton (synchronization, blink control, downsampling) and analyzed using correlation analysis and Granger causality tests. The results show negative and statistically significant correlations between the data streams for emotional arousal and pupil diameter. However, the correlation is negative and significant only for epochs of high arousal, while positive but non-significant relationships were found for epochs of medium or low arousal. The average time lag for the relationship between arousal and pupil diameter was 2.8 ms. In contrast to previous findings without a multimodal approach suggesting a positive correlation between the constructs, the results contribute to the state of research by highlighting the importance of multimodal data validation and research on convergent vagility. Future research should consider emotional regulation strategies and emotional valence.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to the manuscrip

    Health-related quality of life assessment in a group of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Background: JIA is known to affect the physical and social wellbeing and impact scholastic achievement of children. Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is an important outcome measure in understanding the impact of chronic illness. Objective: We sought to evaluate the HRQOL of a group of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) to uncover their main problems that might prevent them from leading a normal life . Methods: We consecutively enrolled 119 JIA patients who were classified according to the ILAR criteria into 16 cases with oligoarticular (13.4%), 36 with polyarticular (30.3%) and 67 with systemic JIA (56.3%). They were 62 (52.1%) males and 57 (47.9%) females with a mean age of 7.7 years. Patients were evaluated by the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory TM Version 4.0 (PedsQLTM) questionnaire. Results: Physical and feeling problem scores were negatively correlated to age, age at onset, diagnostic lag and diseases duration. The learning problem score showed negative correlation with age, age at onset and receival of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) pointing to the favorable effect of pain control on the quality of life. Also, learning and social problem scores were positively correlated to the diagnostic lag. Total scores showed negative correlation with age and age at onset. Conclusion: JIA has an important impact on the HRQOL and normal development. Pain control is mandatory for reduction of learning problems via the judicious use of NSAIDs and the delay in diagnosis was associated with unfavorable learning and social outcome

    Computers and Student Learning: Bivariate and Multivariate Evidence on the Availability and Use of Computers at Home and at School

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    We estimate the relationship between students’ educational achievement and the availability and use of computers at home and at school in the international student-level PISA database. Bivariate analyses show a positive correlation between student achievement and the availability of computers both at home and at schools. However, once we control extensively for family background and school characteristics, the relationship gets negative for home computers and insignificant for school computers. Thus, the mere availability of computers at home seems to distract students from effective learning. But measures of computer use for education and communication at home show a positive conditional relationship with student achievement. The conditional relationship between student achievement and computer and internet use at school has an inverted U-shape, which may reflect either ability bias combined with negative effects of computerized instruction or a low optimal level of computerized instruction.computers at home, computers at school, student achievement, educational production, PISA, education

    The Impact of Flow in an EEG-based Brain Computer Interface

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    Major issues in Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) include low usability and poor user performance. This paper tackles them by ensuring the users to be in a state of immersion, control and motivation, called state of flow. Indeed, in various disciplines, being in the state of flow was shown to improve performances and learning. Hence, we intended to draw BCI users in a flow state to improve both their subjective experience and their performances. In a Motor Imagery BCI game, we manipulated flow in two ways: 1) by adapting the task difficulty and 2) by using background music. Results showed that the difficulty adaptation induced a higher flow state, however music had no effect. There was a positive correlation between subjective flow scores and offline performance, although the flow factors had no effect (adaptation) or negative effect (music) on online performance. Overall, favouring the flow state seems a promising approach for enhancing users' satisfaction, although its complexity requires more thorough investigations

    Learning while voting: determinants of collective experimentation

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    This paper analyzes collective decision making when individual preferences evolve through learning. Votes are affected by their anticipated effect on future preferences. The analysis is conducted in a two-arm bandit model with a safe alternative and a risky alternative whose payoff distribution, or “type”, varies across individuals and may be learned through experimentation. Society is shown to experiment less than any of its members would if he could dictate future decisions, and to be systematically biased against experimentation compared to the utilitarian optimum. Control sharing can even result in negative value of experimentation: society may shun a risky alternative even its expected payoff is higher than the safe one’s. Commitment to a fixed alternative can only increase efficiency if aggregate uncertainty is small enough. Even when types are independent, a positive news shock for anyone raises everyone’s incentive to experiment. Ex ante preference correlation or heterogeneity reduces these inefficiencies.
