9 research outputs found

    A Review of Smart Materials in Tactile Actuators for Information Delivery

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    As the largest organ in the human body, the skin provides the important sensory channel for humans to receive external stimulations based on touch. By the information perceived through touch, people can feel and guess the properties of objects, like weight, temperature, textures, and motion, etc. In fact, those properties are nerve stimuli to our brain received by different kinds of receptors in the skin. Mechanical, electrical, and thermal stimuli can stimulate these receptors and cause different information to be conveyed through the nerves. Technologies for actuators to provide mechanical, electrical or thermal stimuli have been developed. These include static or vibrational actuation, electrostatic stimulation, focused ultrasound, and more. Smart materials, such as piezoelectric materials, carbon nanotubes, and shape memory alloys, play important roles in providing actuation for tactile sensation. This paper aims to review the background biological knowledge of human tactile sensing, to give an understanding of how we sense and interact with the world through the sense of touch, as well as the conventional and state-of-the-art technologies of tactile actuators for tactile feedback delivery

    A Model that Predicts the Material Recognition Performance of Thermal Tactile Sensing

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    Tactile sensing can enable a robot to infer properties of its surroundings, such as the material of an object. Heat transfer based sensing can be used for material recognition due to differences in the thermal properties of materials. While data-driven methods have shown promise for this recognition problem, many factors can influence performance, including sensor noise, the initial temperatures of the sensor and the object, the thermal effusivities of the materials, and the duration of contact. We present a physics-based mathematical model that predicts material recognition performance given these factors. Our model uses semi-infinite solids and a statistical method to calculate an F1 score for the binary material recognition. We evaluated our method using simulated contact with 69 materials and data collected by a real robot with 12 materials. Our model predicted the material recognition performance of support vector machine (SVM) with 96% accuracy for the simulated data, with 92% accuracy for real-world data with constant initial sensor temperatures, and with 91% accuracy for real-world data with varied initial sensor temperatures. Using our model, we also provide insight into the roles of various factors on recognition performance, such as the temperature difference between the sensor and the object. Overall, our results suggest that our model could be used to help design better thermal sensors for robots and enable robots to use them more effectively.Comment: This article is currently under review for possible publicatio

    Strategies in surface engineering for the regulation of microclimates in skin-medical product interactions

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    There is a growing number of personal healthcare devices that are in prolonged contact with the skin. The functionality of these products is linked to the interface formed by the contact between the medical apparatus and the skin. The interface can be characterised by its topology, compliance, and moisture and thermal regulating capabilities. Many devices are, however, described to have suboptimal and occlusive contacts, resulting in physiological unfavourable microclimates at the interface. The resulting poor management of moisture and temperature can impact the functionality and utility of the device and, in severe cases, lead to physical harm to the user. Being able to control the microclimate is therefore expected to limit medical-device related injuries and prevent associated skin complications. Surface engineering can modify and potentially enhance the regulation of the microclimate factors surrounding the interface between a product's surface and the skin. This review provides an overview of potential engineering solutions considering the needs for, and influences on, regulation of temperature and moisture by considering the skin-medical device interface as a system. These findings serve as a platform for the anticipated progress in the role of surface engineering for skin-device microclimate regulation

    Development of a Tactile Thimble for Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications

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    The technologies that have gained a renewed interest during the recent years are Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), as they become more accessible and affordable for mass-production. The input device which allows us to interact with the virtual environment is a very crucial aspect. One of the main barriers to immerse ourselves in virtual reality is the lack of realistic feedback. The user has to almost rely entirely on visual feedback without any haptic feedback, and this increases the user's workload and decreases the performance. In this thesis, a functional demonstrator of a tactile feedback device which conveys compelling interactions with not just VR, but also AR is presented. The device is designed such that there is realistic feedback for virtual touches and least obstruction during contact of a real object in AR applications. New design principle of introducing small actuators allows the device to be compact and increases its portability. In contrast to actuators that are placed on the finger pad in most of the available input devices for VR, a tactile device with two actuators that are arranged laterally on the finger, so that the underside of the fingertip is free is proposed. The output from these actuators generate a tactile stimulus by stimulating a sense of touch, which helps the user to manipulate virtual objects. The actuators are designed to independently generate vibrations and this coupled tactile feedback enhances the stimulation resulting in a wide variety of stimulation patterns for the sense of touch. Preliminary experimental evaluation for design and location of actuators has been carried out to measure the vibration intensity. In addition, user experiments for design evaluation of the two actuators based on different vibration patterns have also been conducted

    Influence of contact conditions on thermal responses of the hand

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 82-87).The objective of the research conducted for this thesis was to evaluate the influence of contact conditions on the thermal responses of the finger pad and their perceptual effects. A series of experiments investigated the thermal and perceptual effects of different contact conditions including contact force, contact duration, the object's surface temperature, and its surface roughness. The thermal response of the finger pad was measured using an infrared camera as the contact force varied from 0.1 to 6 N. It was determined that the decrease in skin temperature was highly dependent on the magnitude of contact force as well as contact duration. A second set of experiments investigated the effect of surface texture on the thermal response of the finger pad, and demonstrated, contrary to predictions, that a greater change in skin temperature occurs when the finger is in contact with rougher surfaces. The effect of varying surface texture on the perception of temperature was also investigated. The changes in temperature due to varying surface texture are perceptible, and demonstrate that the perception of surface roughness is not only influenced by changes in temperature, but in turn affects the perception of temperature. The final set of experiments examined the effect of varying the surface temperature of the thermal display on the perceived magnitude of finger force. Over the range of 20 to 38 'C, the surface temperature of the display did not have a significant effect on the perceived magnitude of force. The results of these experiments can be incorporated into thermal models that are used to create more realistic displays for virtual environments and teleoperated systems.by Jessica Anne Galie.S.M


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    人間の皮膚感芚は皮膚の機械的倉圢を䌝える觊芚本論文では機械的倉圢を䌝える感芚を狭矩の觊芚ずする枩床感芚痛芚等によっお構成されおいるこのうち觊芚に぀いおは近幎バヌチャルリアリティVR等さたざたな分野ぞの応甚もなされおいるしかし枩床提瀺の応甚はVRにおける皮膚感芚の䞀芁玠ずしおの枩床感芚の提瀺や保枩等による快適性の向䞊に限定されいただ発展途䞊の研究分野ずいえる䞀方で枩床提瀺は機械的な駆動郚を必芁ずせずたた振動提瀺等ず比べお䜎コスト䜎゚ネルギヌであるため党身ぞの情報提瀺に向いおいる可胜性があるこれらのメリットを持ちながら応甚が行われない理由ずしおこれたでの枩床提瀺が「枩床そのものの知芚」に䞻県をおいおいたこずが挙げられるしかし枩床提瀺によっおもたらされるものは枩床そのものの知芚に限らない枩床感芚は枩床の情報を䌝達するのみならず時ずしおほかの感芚を生起しさらには人間の運動を誘発する䟋えば痛み痒みの感芚は必ずしも枩床提瀺ず䞍可分の感芚ではないが䌝達する神経は枩床を䌝達する神経ず共通し実際には枩床感芚ず䞍可分の関係にあるたた近幎の研究では人間が物䜓を把持する力の調節に枩床感芚が寄䞎するこずが瀺唆されおいるこのような枩床感芚の運動および感芚に䞎える䜜甚を考えれば䞊述した振動等の觊刺激提瀺に察する利点を掻甚するこずができるであろう本論文は単玔な枩床情報の䌝達にずどたらない枩床感芚がもたらす運動・感芚䜜甚に泚目し特に医療犏祉分野における応甚を提案する本論文ではこうした枩床感芚が身䜓に䞎える䜜甚を「玔粋に感芚的なもの」「身䜓運動に圱響を䞎えるもの」の2぀に分類した枩床感芚の身䜓䜜甚に぀いおは限定的にしか知られおいないが䞊蚘の分類それぞれに぀いお「枩床感芚による痛みの生起」ず「枩床感芚による運動調敎」が挙げられる「玔粋に感芚的なもの」ずしお挙げた枩床感芚提瀺が痛みの感芚を生起する珟象に着目するず痒みの鎮静鎮痒ぞの応甚可胜性がある枩床感芚はAΎ線維ずC線維によっお䌝達され同じくAΎC線維により䌝達される痛み痒みずも密接な関係をも぀痒みは也皮症や腎䞍党糖尿病等様々な病気の症状ずしお知られるがなかでも日本囜内に玄35䞇人の患者を抱えるアトピヌ性皮膚炎は非垞に重倧な問題ずなっおいる珟圚䞀般的な痒みの治療法は少なからず副䜜甚の危険性を持぀特にアトピヌ性皮膚炎の治療薬ずしお最も䞀般的なステロむド薬には倚くの重節な副䜜甚が報告されおいるこの他の痒みを抑制する方法に患郚を掻きむしる患郚に痛みを䞎える等があるいずれも鎮痒効果があるこずは怜蚌されおいるが皮膚を損傷し症状を悪化させる危険性が倧きく治療に甚いるこずは難しいずされるこれに察しお本論文では枩床錯芚珟象Thermal grill illusionTGIを甚いた鎮痒を提案したTGIは枩冷぀の枩床感芚提瀺によっお痛みを生じる珟象であり皮膚を損壊せず痛みを提瀺するこずが可胜であるこずから副䜜甚のない鎮痒手法になる可胜性があるロヌラヌ型の枩冷刺激郚が皮膚䞊を回転するこずで時空間的に亀互に枩冷刺激を提瀺しTGIを生起させるずいう手法を提案し耇数回の鎮痒デバむスの詊䜜および鎮痒効果の実隓を行い䞀定の鎮痒効果を有するずいう結果を埗たたたロヌラヌを甚いずにTGIを生じさせるために枩床感芚が觊芚提瀺郚䜍に転移する珟象であるThermal ReferralTRを甚いる手法を怜蚎しTRによっお転移した枩床提瀺郚にTGIが生じるこずを発芋したさらにTRが党身に適甚できるこずを瀺した第4章「身䜓運動に圱響を䞎えるもの」ずしお挙げた枩床感芚ず把持力調節機胜の関係に着目するず枩床感芚怜査ぞの応甚可胜性がある近幎の枩床感芚研究では枩床感芚の脱出した患者の把持動䜜に異垞がみられるこずからAΎC線維が䌝達する枩床感芚が運動機胜に関䞎する可胜性が瀺唆されおいたこの知芋は人間の枩床知芚を䞻芳的な回答に䟝らない把持力の倉化ずいう客芳的な圢で衚すこずができる可胜性が倧きいこずを瀺しおいるこれたで枩床知芚胜力を蚈枬する際には患者の䞻芳的な回答に頌る堎合が倚く明確にその胜力を蚈るこずが困難であった無意識的な運動調節が枩床の知芚サむンずなるのであれば怜蚺やリハビリの珟堎で枩床痛みを評䟡する際の指暙ずしおの運甚が期埅できる本論文ではより盎接的な枩床提瀺ず把持力調節の関係を探るため物䜓の衚面枩床を動的に倉化させるこずが可胜なキュヌブ型のマニピュランダムを開発した被隓者が拇指瀺指で装眮を把持した際の衚面枩床の倉化に䌎う把持力の掚移を蚘録した枩床倉化ず把持力の関係性を怜蚎したずころ物䜓衚面の枩床が増加するず把持力が枛少するずいう関係性を認めた健垞者におけるこのような倉化が枩床芚由来の調節であるこずを確かめる目的で枩床感芚が脱倱しおいるCIPA患者4名に同様の課題を行わせたずころ枩床倉化ず把持力倉化の間には関連性を認めなかったたた実隓を行った健垞者は枩床の倉化を知芚した䞀方で把持力が倉化したこずを認識しおいなかったこずから枩床の倉化に䌎う把持力調節は無意識的な調節であるこずが瀺唆されたこれらの結果により提案手法デバむスが枩床知芚胜力の怜査に応甚可胜であるこずを瀺した次に把持動䜜に぀いおみられた運動調節が姿勢や状況に䟝存しないものであるか怜蚌を行った手掌郚における実隓では枩床ず加重の掚移に関連はみられなかったこれは把持動䜜に「把持した物䜓を萜さない」ずいう明確な目的があるのに察し手掌郚の実隓の堎合明確な目的がなく加重調節の必芁がなかったためず考えたそこで立䜍ずいう明確な姿勢調敎の必芁性を持぀条件を甚いたが枩床倉化ず重心の掚移の関係は䞍明確であったしかし人間が立䜍姿勢をずるずきの自然な重心動揺が実隓条件に近いこずから呚期をより倧きく倉曎した実隓を行ったその結果枩床倉化時にわずかではあるが重心の偏りが生じるこずが瀺唆された第5章以䞊のように本論文は枩床感芚のもたらす「枩床そのものの知芚」以倖の身䜓䜜甚に泚目し特に医療犏祉分野における応甚を提案した枩床感芚によっお痛芚を生起するずいう珟象を鎮痒に利甚できるこず枩床感芚によっお運動調敎が生じるずいう珟象を枩床知芚機胜怜査に利甚できるこずを瀺した電気通信倧孊201