252 research outputs found

    Monitoring distributed fragmented skylines

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    Distributed skyline computation is important for a wide range of domains, from distributed and web-based systems to ISP-network monitoring and distributed databases. The problem is particularly challenging in dynamic distributed settings, where the goal is to efficiently monitor a continuous skyline query over a collection of distributed streams. All existing work relies on the assumption of a single point of reference for object attributes/dimensions: objects may be vertically or horizontally partitioned, but the accurate value of each dimension for each object is always maintained by a single site. This assumption is unrealistic for several distributed applications, where object information is fragmented over a set of distributed streams (each monitored by a different site) and needs to be aggregated (e.g., averaged) across several sites. Furthermore, it is frequently useful to define skyline dimensions through complex functions over the aggregated objects, which raises further challenges for dealing with distribution and object fragmentation. We present the first known distributed algorithms for continuous monitoring of skylines over complex functions of fragmented multi-dimensional objects. Our algorithms rely on decomposition of the skyline monitoring problem to a select set of distributed threshold-crossing queries, which can be monitored locally at each site. We propose several optimizations, including: (a) a technique for adaptively determining the most efficient monitoring strategy for each object, (b) an approximate monitoring technique, and (c) a strategy that reduces communication overhead by grouping together threshold-crossing queries. Furthermore, we discuss how our proposed algorithms can be used to address other continuous query types. A thorough experimental study with synthetic and real-life data sets verifies the effectiveness of our schemes and demonstrates order-of-magnitude improvements in communication costs compared to the only alternative centralized solution

    Distributed Query Monitoring through Convex Analysis: Towards Composable Safe Zones

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    Continuous tracking of complex data analytics queries over high-speed distributed streams is becoming increasingly important. Query tracking can be reduced to continuous monitoring of a condition over the global stream. Communication-efficient monitoring relies on locally processing stream data at the sites where it is generated, by deriving site-local conditions which collectively guarantee the global condition. Recently proposed geometric techniques offer a generic approach for splitting an arbitrary global condition into local geometric monitoring constraints (known as "Safe Zones"); still, their application to various problem domains has so far been based on heuristics and lacking a principled, compositional methodology. In this paper, we present the first known formal results on the difficult problem of effective Safe Zone (SZ) design for complex query monitoring over distributed streams. Exploiting tools from convex analysis, our approach relies on an algebraic representation of SZs which allows us to: (1) Formally define the notion of a "good" SZ for distributed monitoring problems; and, most importantly, (2) Tackle and solve the important problem of systematically composing SZs for monitored conditions expressed as Boolean formulas over simpler conditions (for which SZs are known); furthermore, we prove that, under broad assumptions, the composed SZ is good if the component SZs are good. Our results are, therefore, a first step towards a principled compositional solution to SZ design for distributed query monitoring. Finally, we discuss a number of important applications for our SZ design algorithms, also demonstrating how earlier geometric techniques can be seen as special cases of our framework

    Elastic Dataflow Processing on the Cloud

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    Τα νεφη εχουν μετατραπει σε μια ελκυστικη πλατφορμα για την πολυπλοκη επεξεργασια δεδομενων μεγαλης κλιμακας, ειδικα εξαιτιας της εννοιας της ελαστικοτητας, η οποια και τα χαρακτηριζει: οι υπολογιστικοι ποροι μπορουν να εκμισθωθουν δυναμικα και να χρησιμοποιουνται για οσο χρονο ειναι απαραιτητο. Αυτο δινει την δυνατοτητα να δημιουργηθει μια εικονικη υποδομη η οποια μπορει να αλλαζει δυναμικα στο χρονο. Οι συγχρονες εφαρμογες απαιτουν την εκτελεση πολυπλοκων ερωτηματων σε Μεγαλα Δεδομενα για την εξορυξη γνωσης και την υποστηριξη επιχειρησιακων αποφασεων. Τα πολυπλοκα αυτα ερωτηματα, εκφραζονται σε γλωσσες υψηλου επιπεδου και τυπικα μεταφραζονται σε ροες επεξεργασιας δεδομενων, η απλα ροες δεδομενων. Ενα λογικο ερωτημα που τιθεται ειναι κατα ποσον η ελαστικοτητα επηρεαζει την εκτελεση των ροων δεδομενων και με πιο τροπο. Ειναι λογικο οτι η εκτελεση να ειναι πιθανον γρηγοροτερη αν χρησιμοποιηθουν περισ- σοτεροι υπολογιστικοι ποροι, αλλα το κοστος θα ειναι υψηλοτερο. Αυτο δημιουργει την εννοια της οικο-ελαστικοτητας, ενος επιπλεον τυπου ελαστικοτητας ο οποιος προερχεται απο την οικονο- μικη θεωρια, και συλλαμβανει τις εναλλακτικες μεταξυ του χρονου εκτελεσης και του χρηματικου κοστους οπως προκυπτει απο την χρηση των πορων. Στα πλαισια αυτης της διδακτορικης διατριβης, προσεγγιζουμε την ελαστικοτητα με ενα ενοποιημενο μοντελο που περιλαμβανει και τις δυο ειδων ελαστικοτητες που υπαρχουν στα υπολογιστικα νεφη. Αυτη η ενοποιημενη προσεγγιση της ελαστικοτητας ειναι πολυ σημαντικη στην σχεδιαση συστηματων που ρυθμιζονται αυτοματα (auto-tuned) σε περιβαλλοντα νεφους. Αρχικα δειχνουμε οτι η οικο-ελαστικοτητα υπαρχει σε αρκετους τυπους υπολογισμου που εμφανιζονται συχνα στην πραξη και οτι μπορει να βρεθει χρησιμοποιωντας εναν απλο, αλλα ταυτοχρονα αποδοτικο και ε- πεκτασιμο αλγοριθμο. Επειτα, παρουσιαζουμε δυο εφαρμογες που χρησιμοποιουν αλγοριθμους οι οποιοι χρησιμοποιουν το ενοποιημενο μοντελο ελαστικοτητας που προτεινουμε για να μπορουν να προσαρμοζουν δυναμικα το συστημα στα ερωτηματα της εισοδου: 1) την ελαστικη επεξεργασια αναλυτικων ερωτηματων τα οποια εχουν πλανα εκτελεσης με μορφη δεντρων με σκοπο την μεγι- στοποιηση του κερδους και 2) την αυτοματη διαχειριση χρησιμων ευρετηριων λαμβανοντας υποψη το χρηματικο κοστος των υπολογιστικων και των αποθηκευτικων πορων. Τελος, παρουσιαζουμε το EXAREME, ενα συστημα για την ελαστικη επεξεργασια μεγαλου ογκου δεδομενων στο νεφος το οποιο εχει χρησιμοποιηθει και επεκταθει σε αυτην την δουλεια. Το συστημα προσφερει δηλωτικες γλωσσες που βασιζονται στην SQL επεκταμενη με συναρτησεις οι οποιες μπορει να οριστουν απο χρηστες (User-Defined Functions, UDFs). Επιπλεον, το συντακτικο της γλωσσας εχει επεκταθει με στοιχεια παραλληλισμου. Το EXAREME εχει σχεδιαστει για να εκμεταλλευεται τις ελαστικοτη- τες που προσφερουν τα νεφη, δεσμευοντας και αποδεσμευοντας υπολογιστικους πορους δυναμικα με σκοπο την προσαρμογη στα ερωτηματα.Clouds have become an attractive platform for the large-scale processing of modern applications on Big Data, especially due to the concept of elasticity, which characterizes them: resources can be leased on demand and used for as much time as needed, offering the ability to create virtual infrastructures that change dynamically over time. Such applications often require processing of complex queries that are expressed in a high-level language and are typically transformed into data processing flows (dataflows). A logical question that arises is whether elasticity affects dataflow execution and in which way. It seems reasonable that the execution is faster when more resources are used, however the monetary cost is higher. This gives rise to the concept eco-elasticity, an additional kind of elasticity that comes from economics, and captures the trade-offs between the response time of the system and the amount of money we pay for it as influenced by the use of different amounts of resources. In this thesis, we approach the elasticity of clouds in a unified way that combines both the traditional notion and eco-elasticity. This unified elasticity concept is essential for the development of auto-tuned systems in cloud environments. First, we demonstrate that eco-elasticity exists in several common tasks that appear in practice and that can be discovered using a simple, yet highly scalable and efficient algorithm. Next, we present two cases of auto-tuned algorithms that use the unified model of elasticity in order to adapt to the query workload: 1) processing analytical queries in the form of tree execution plans in order to maximize profit and 2) automated index management taking into account compute and storage re- sources. Finally, we describe EXAREME, a system for elastic data processing on the cloud that has been used and extended in this work. The system offers declarative languages that are based on SQL with user-defined functions (UDFs) extended with parallelism primi- tives. EXAREME exploits both elasticities of clouds by dynamically allocating and deallocating compute resources in order to adapt to the query workload

    Out on the town:a Socio-Physical Approach to the Design of a Context-Aware Urban Guide

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    As urban environments become increasingly hybridized, mixing the social, built, and digital in interesting ways, designing for computing in the city presents new challenges—how do we understand such hybridization, and then respond to it as designers? Here we synthesize earlier work in human-computer interaction, sociology and architecture in order to deliberately influence the design of digital systems with an understanding of their built and social context of use. We propose, illustrate, and evaluate a multidisciplinary approach combining rapid ethnography, architectural analysis, design sketching, and paper prototyping. Following the approach we are able to provide empirically grounded representations of the socio-physical context of use, in this case people socializing in urban spaces. We then use this understanding to influence the design of a context aware system to be used while out on the town. We believe that the approach is of value more generally, particularly when achieving powerfully situated interactions is the design ambition.

    Designing a Future Urban Cemetery in Honolulu; Integration of Ecological End of Life Choices.

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    D.Arch. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitized Society

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