8 research outputs found

    Entailment systems for stably locally compact locales

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    The category SCFrU of stably continuous frames and preframe ho-momorphisms (preserving ¯nite meets and directed joins) is dual to the Karoubi envelope of a category Ent whose objects are sets and whose morphisms X ! Y are upper closed relations between the ¯nite powersets FX and FY . Composition of these morphisms is the \cut composition" of Jung et al. that interfaces disjunction in the codomains with conjunctions in the domains, and thereby relates to their multi-lingual sequent calculus. Thus stably locally compact locales are represented by \entailment systems" (X; `) in which `, a generalization of entailment relations,is idempotent for cut composition. Some constructions on stably locally compact locales are represented in terms of entailment systems: products, duality and powerlocales. Relational converse provides Ent with an involution, and this gives a simple treatment of the duality of stably locally compact locales. If A and B are stably continuous frames, then the internal preframe hom A t B is isomorphic to e A ­ B where e A is the Hofmann-Lawson dual. For a stably locally compact locale X, the lower powerlocale of X is shown to be the dual of the upper powerlocale of the dual of X

    Duality and canonical extensions for stably compact spaces

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    We construct a canonical extension for strong proximity lattices in order to give an algebraic, point-free description of a finitary duality for stably compact spaces. In this setting not only morphisms, but also objects may have distinct pi- and sigma-extensions.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    Enriched Stone-type dualities

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    A common feature of many duality results is that the involved equivalence functors are liftings of hom-functors into the two-element space resp. lattice. Due to this fact, we can only expect dualities for categories cogenerated by the two-element set with an appropriate structure. A prime example of such a situation is Stone's duality theorem for Boolean algebras and Boolean spaces,the latter being precisely those compact Hausdorff spaces which are cogenerated by the two-element discrete space. In this paper we aim for a systematic way of extending this duality theorem to categories including all compact Hausdorff spaces. To achieve this goal, we combine duality theory and quantale-enriched category theory. Our main idea is that, when passing from the two-element discrete space to a cogenerator of the category of compact Hausdorff spaces, all other involved structures should be substituted by corresponding enriched versions. Accordingly, we work with the unit interval [0,1][0,1] and present duality theory for ordered and metric compact Hausdorff spaces and (suitably defined) finitely cocomplete categories enriched in [0,1][0,1]

    Dualities for modal algebras from the point of view of triples

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    In this paper we show how the theory of monads can be used to deduce in a uniform manner several duality theorems involving categories of relations on one side and categories of algebras with homomorphisms preserving only some operations on the other. Furthermore, we investigate the monoidal structure induced by Cartesian product on the relational side and show that in some cases the corresponding operation on the algebraic side represents bimorphisms

    A generalization of de Vries duality to closed relations between compact Hausdorff spaces

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    Stone duality generalizes to an equivalence between the categories StoneR of Stone spaces and closed relations and BAS of boolean algebras and subordination relations. Splitting equivalences in StoneR yields a category that is equivalent to the category KHausR of compact Hausdorff spaces and closed relations. Similarly, splitting equivalences in BAS yields a category that is equivalent to the category De VS of de Vries algebras and compatible subordination relations. Applying the machinery of allegories then yields that KHausR is equivalent to De VS, thus resolving a problem recently raised in the literature.The equivalence between KHausR and De VS further restricts to an equivalence between the category KHausR of compact Hausdorff spaces and continuous functions and the wide subcategory De VF of De VS whose morphisms satisfy additional conditions. This yields an alternative to de Vries duality. One advantage of this approach is that composition of morphisms is usual relation composition

    Topological Domain Theory

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    This thesis presents Topological Domain Theory as a powerful and flexible framework for denotational semantics. Topological Domain Theory models a wide range of type constructions and can interpret many computational features. Furthermore, it has close connections to established frameworks for denotational semantics, as well as to well-studied mathematical theories, such as topology and computable analysis.We begin by describing the categories of Topological Domain Theory, and their categorical structure. In particular, we recover the basic constructions of domain theory, such as products, function spaces, fixed points and recursive types, in the context of Topological Domain Theory.As a central contribution, we give a detailed account of how computational effects can be modelled in Topological Domain Theory. Following recent work of Plotkin and Power, who proposed to construct effect monads via free algebra functors, this is done by showing that free algebras for a large class of parametrised equational theories exist in Topological Domain Theory. These parametrised equational theories are expressive enough to generate most of the standard examples of effect monads. Moreover, the free algebras in Topological Domain Theory are obtained by an explicit inductive construction, using only basic topological and set-theoretical principles.We also give a comparison of Topological and Classical Domain Theory. The category of omega-continuous dcpos embeds into Topological Domain Theory, and we prove that this embedding preserves the basic domain-theoretic constructions in most cases. We show that the classical powerdomain constructions on omega-continuous dcpos, including the probabilistic powerdomain, can be recovered in Topological Domain Theory.Finally, we give a synthetic account of Topological Domain Theory. We show that Topological Domain Theory is a specific model of Synthetic Domain Theory in the realizability topos over Scott's graph model. We give internal characterisations of the categories of Topological Domain Theory in this realizability topos, and prove the corresponding categories to be internally complete and weakly small. This enables us to show that Topological Domain Theory can model the polymorphic lambda-calculus, and to obtain a richer collection of free algebras than those constructed earlier.In summary, this thesis shows that Topological Domain Theory supports a wide range of semantic constructions, including the standard domain-theoretic constructions, computational effects and polymorphism, all within a single setting

    d-Frames as algebraic duals of bitopological spaces

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    Achim Jung and Drew Moshier developed a Stone-type duality theory for bitopological spaces, amongst others, as a practical tool for solving a particular problem in the theory of stably compact spaces. By doing so they discovered that the duality of bitopological spaces and their algebraic counterparts, called d-frames, covers several of the known dualities. In this thesis we aim to take Jung's and Moshier's work as a starting point and fill in some of the missing aspects of the theory. In particular, we investigate basic categorical properties of d-frames, we give a Vietoris construction for d-frames which generalises the corresponding known Vietoris constructions for other categories, and we investigate the connection between bispaces and a paraconsistent logic and then develop a suitable (geometric) logic for d-frames