59 research outputs found

    Contingency-Constrained Optimal Power Flow Using Simplex-Based Chaotic-PSO Algorithm

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    This paper proposes solving contingency-constrained optimal power flow (CC-OPF) by a simplex-based chaotic particle swarm optimization (SCPSO). The associated objective of CC-OPF with the considered valve-point loading effects of generators is to minimize the total generation cost, to reduce transmission loss, and to improve the bus-voltage profile under normal or postcontingent states. The proposed SCPSO method, which involves the chaotic map and the downhill simplex search, can avoid the premature convergence of PSO and escape local minima. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated in two power systems with contingency constraints and compared with other stochastic techniques in terms of solution quality and convergence rate. The experimental results show that the SCPSO-based CC-OPF method has suitable mutation schemes, thus showing robustness and effectiveness in solving contingency-constrained OPF problems

    Overcurrent relays coordination optimisation methods in distribution systems for microgrids: a review

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    Electric power networks connected with multiple distributed generations (microgrids) require adequate protection coordination. In this paper, the overcurrent relay coordination concept in distribution system has been presented with details. In this available literature, the previous works on optimisation methods utilised for the coordination of over current relays; classification has been made based on the optimisation techniques, non-standard characteristics, new constraints that have been proposed for optimal coordination and dual setting protection schemes. Then a comprehensive review has been done on optimisation techniques including the conventional methods, heuristic and hybrid methods and the relevant issues have been addressed

    Weed/Plant Classification Using Evolutionary Optimised Ensemble Based On Local Binary Patterns

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    This thesis presents a novel pixel-level weed classification through rotation-invariant uniform local binary pattern (LBP) features for precision weed control. Based on two-level optimisation structure; First, Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimisation to select the best rotation-invariant uniform LBP configurations; Second, Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) in the Neural Network (NN) ensemble to select the best combinations of voting weights of the predicted outcome for each classifier. The model obtained 87.9% accuracy in CWFID public benchmark

    Optimization Methods Applied to Power Systems â…¡

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    Electrical power systems are complex networks that include a set of electrical components that allow distributing the electricity generated in the conventional and renewable power plants to distribution systems so it can be received by final consumers (businesses and homes). In practice, power system management requires solving different design, operation, and control problems. Bearing in mind that computers are used to solve these complex optimization problems, this book includes some recent contributions to this field that cover a large variety of problems. More specifically, the book includes contributions about topics such as controllers for the frequency response of microgrids, post-contingency overflow analysis, line overloads after line and generation contingences, power quality disturbances, earthing system touch voltages, security-constrained optimal power flow, voltage regulation planning, intermittent generation in power systems, location of partial discharge source in gas-insulated switchgear, electric vehicle charging stations, optimal power flow with photovoltaic generation, hydroelectric plant location selection, cold-thermal-electric integrated energy systems, high-efficiency resonant devices for microwave power generation, security-constrained unit commitment, and economic dispatch problems

    Algoritmo de Optimización de Mapeo de Media Varianza Aplicado al Despacho Óptimo de Potencia Reactiva

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    Introduction: The optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD) problem consists on finding the optimal settings of several reactive power resources in order to minimize system power losses. The ORPD is a complex combinatorial optimization problem that involves discrete and continuous variables as well as a nonlinear objective function and nonlinear constraints. Objective: This article seeks to compare the performance of the mean-variance mapping optimization (MVMO) algorithm with other techniques reported in the specialized literature applied to the ORPD solution. Methodology: Two different constraint handling approaches are implemented within the MVMO algorithm: a conventional penalization of deviations from feasible solutions and a penalization  by means of  a product of subfunctions that serves to identify both when a solution is optimal and feasible. Several tests are carried out in IEEE benchmark power systems of 30 and 57 buses. Conclusions: The MVMO algorithm is effective in solving the ORPD problem. Results evidence that the MVMO algorithm outperforms or matches the quality of solutions reported by several solution techniques reported in the technical literature. The alternative handling constraint proposed for the MVMO reduces the computation time and guarantees both feasibility and optimality of the solutions found.  Introducción: El problema del despacho óptimo de potencia reactiva (DOPR) consiste en encontrar la configuración óptima de diferentes recursos de potencia reactiva para minimizar las pérdidas de potencia del sistema. El DOPR es un problema complejo de optimización combinatorial que involucra variables discretas y continuas, así como una función objetivo no lineal y restricciones no lineales.   Objetivo: En este artículo se busca comparar el desempeño del algoritmo de optimización de mapeo de media varianza (MVMO, por sus siglas en inglés) con otras técnicas reportadas en la literatura especializada aplicadas a la solución del DOPR. Metodología: En el algoritmo MVMO se aplican dos enfoques diferentes de manejo de restricciones: penalización convencional de las desviaciones de las soluciones factibles y penalización por medio del producto de subfunciones que sirve para identificar cuándo una solución es óptima y factible. Se realizan simulaciones en sistemas de prueba IEEE de 30 y  57 barras. Conclusiones: El algoritmo MVMO es efectivo para solucionar el DOPR. Los resultados evidencian que el algoritmo MVMO supera o iguala a varias técnicas reportadas en la literatura técnica en la calidad de soluciones. El manejo alternativo de restricciones propuesto para el  MVMO  reduce el tiempo de cálculo y garantiza tanto factibilidad como optimalidad de las soluciones encontradas.   &nbsp

    Bat echolocation-inspired algorithms for global optimisation problems

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    Optimisation according to the definition of Merriam-Webster Dictionary is an act, process, or methodology of making something (as a design, system, or decision) as fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible. In general, optimisation is the process of obtaining either the best minimum or maximum result under specific circumstance. The optimisation process engages with defining and examining objective or fitness function that suits some parameters and constraints. Nowadays, a vast range of business, management and engineering applications utilise the optimisation approach to save time, cost and resources while gaining better profit, output, performance and efficienc

    Bats echolocation-inspired algorithms for global optimisation problems

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    Swarm intelligence algorithms, are among popular metaheuristic methods, developed and inspired by the collective behaviour of swarms that have attracted significant attention of researchers. The works related to swarm intelligence algorithms include the development of the algorithm itself, its modification and improvisation as well as its application in solving global optimisation problems. This thesis presents works on swarm intelligence algorithms that are inspired by real echolocation of a colony of bats and its performance evaluation to solve optimisation problems. The aim of the research is to introduce novel form of swarm intelligence algorithms based on real echolocation behaviour of bats. An adaptive bats sonar algorithm is proposed for solving single objective optimisation problems. A modified adaptive bats sonar algorithm is then proposed for solving constrained optimisation problems. Furthermore, a dual-particle swarm optimisation-modified adaptive bats sonar algorithm is proposed for solving multi objective optimisation problems. The algorithm is a hybrid algorithm that operates using dual level search strategy that takes merits of a particle swarm optimisation algorithm and a modified adaptive bats sonar algorithm. The superior performances of the developed bats echolocation-inspired algorithms are verified through rigorous tests with optimisation benchmark test functions and problems. Further, the performances of the developed algorithms are assessed in solving selected practical problems in business, mechanical/manufacturing engineering and electrical engineering fields. The results validate the better performance of the developed algorithms in single objective optimisation, constrained optimisation and multi objective optimisation problems of various fields

    State-of-the-Art Renewable Energy in Korea

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    Nowadays, renewable energy plays an important role in our daily lives. This Special Issue addresses the current trend in the use of renewable energy in South Korea. The first aspect is a renewable-based power system, where both main and ancillary supplies are sourced from renewable energies; the second aspect is a distribution network for renewable energy; and the last aspect is a nanogrid network technology. Renewable energy requires many innovations over existing power infrastructure and regulation. These articles show the changing trend in various sectors in Korea

    Hybridization of particle Swarm Optimization with Bat Algorithm for optimal reactive power dispatch

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    This research presents a Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization with Bat Algorithm (HPSOBA) based approach to solve Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch (ORPD) problem. The primary objective of this project is minimization of the active power transmission losses by optimally setting the control variables within their limits and at the same time making sure that the equality and inequality constraints are not violated. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Bat Algorithm (BA) algorithms which are nature-inspired algorithms have become potential options to solving very difficult optimization problems like ORPD. Although PSO requires high computational time, it converges quickly; while BA requires less computational time and has the ability of switching automatically from exploration to exploitation when the optimality is imminent. This research integrated the respective advantages of PSO and BA algorithms to form a hybrid tool denoted as HPSOBA algorithm. HPSOBA combines the fast convergence ability of PSO with the less computation time ability of BA algorithm to get a better optimal solution by incorporating the BA’s frequency into the PSO velocity equation in order to control the pace. The HPSOBA, PSO and BA algorithms were implemented using MATLAB programming language and tested on three (3) benchmark test functions (Griewank, Rastrigin and Schwefel) and on IEEE 30- and 118-bus test systems to solve for ORPD without DG unit. A modified IEEE 30-bus test system was further used to validate the proposed hybrid algorithm to solve for optimal placement of DG unit for active power transmission line loss minimization. By comparison, HPSOBA algorithm results proved to be superior to those of the PSO and BA methods. In order to check if there will be a further improvement on the performance of the HPSOBA, the HPSOBA was further modified by embedding three new modifications to form a modified Hybrid approach denoted as MHPSOBA. This MHPSOBA was validated using IEEE 30-bus test system to solve ORPD problem and the results show that the HPSOBA algorithm outperforms the modified version (MHPSOBA).Electrical and Mining EngineeringM. Tech. (Electrical Engineering

    Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization 2020

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    This book was established after the 8th International Workshop on Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization (NEO), representing a collection of papers on the intersection of the two research areas covered at this workshop: numerical optimization and evolutionary search techniques. While focusing on the design of fast and reliable methods lying across these two paradigms, the resulting techniques are strongly applicable to a broad class of real-world problems, such as pattern recognition, routing, energy, lines of production, prediction, and modeling, among others. This volume is intended to serve as a useful reference for mathematicians, engineers, and computer scientists to explore current issues and solutions emerging from these mathematical and computational methods and their applications
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