8,859 research outputs found

    Deep Lossy Plus Residual Coding for Lossless and Near-lossless Image Compression

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    Lossless and near-lossless image compression is of paramount importance to professional users in many technical fields, such as medicine, remote sensing, precision engineering and scientific research. But despite rapidly growing research interests in learning-based image compression, no published method offers both lossless and near-lossless modes. In this paper, we propose a unified and powerful deep lossy plus residual (DLPR) coding framework for both lossless and near-lossless image compression. In the lossless mode, the DLPR coding system first performs lossy compression and then lossless coding of residuals. We solve the joint lossy and residual compression problem in the approach of VAEs, and add autoregressive context modeling of the residuals to enhance lossless compression performance. In the near-lossless mode, we quantize the original residuals to satisfy a given \ell_\infty error bound, and propose a scalable near-lossless compression scheme that works for variable \ell_\infty bounds instead of training multiple networks. To expedite the DLPR coding, we increase the degree of algorithm parallelization by a novel design of coding context, and accelerate the entropy coding with adaptive residual interval. Experimental results demonstrate that the DLPR coding system achieves both the state-of-the-art lossless and near-lossless image compression performance with competitive coding speed.Comment: manuscript accepted by TPAMI, source code:https://github.com/BYchao100/Deep-Lossy-Plus-Residual-Codin

    Median Predictor-based Lossless Video Compression Algorithm for IR Image Sequences

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    Lossless image compression has long been recognised as an important need for several applications such as medical imaging, storage of critical IR image sequences, and remote sensing. In this paper, a simple, fast and easy to realisable-on-hardware lossless video compression algorithm is proposed that is well-suited for IR imageries. Context-based median predictor is used for prediction of reference pixels. Three neighboring pixels are used as context for prediction. Inter-frame coding is performed by encoding the redundant pixels in an efficient way, using 1-bit code. Finally, the arithmetic coder is used as entropy coding. The proposed algorithm is able to operate in image compression and video compression mode. The proposed Median Predictor based Lossless Video Compression (MPLVC) algorithm is compared with Joint Pictures Experts Group-Lossless (JPEG-LS) and Fast and Efficient Lossless Image Compression System (FELICS) for compression performance. The results demonstrate that proposed algorithm is superior in encoding rate with added advantage in simplicity and ease in realization on hardware.Defence Science Journal, 2009, 59(2), pp.183-188, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.59.150

    Analysis and Design of Lossless Bi-level Image Coding Systems

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    Lossless image coding deals with the problem of representing an image with a minimum number of binary bits from which the original image can be fully recovered without any loss of information. Most lossless image coding algorithms reach the goal of efficient compression by taking care of the spatial correlations and statistical redundancy lying in images. Context based algorithms are the typical algorithms in lossless image coding. One key probelm in context based lossless bi-level image coding algorithms is the design of context templates. By using carefully designed context templates, we can effectively employ the information provided by surrounding pixels in an image. In almost all image processing applications, image data is accessed in a raster scanning manner and is treated as 1-D integer sequence rather than 2-D data. In this thesis, we present a quadrisection scanning method which is better than raster scanning in that more adjacent surrounding pixels are incorporated into context templates. Based on quadrisection scanning, we develop several context templates and propose several image coding schemes for both sequential and progressive lossless bi-level image compression. Our results show that our algorithms perform better than those raster scanning based algorithms, such as JBIG1 used in this thesis as a reference. Also, the application of 1-D grammar based codes in lossless image coding is discussed. 1-D grammar based codes outperform those LZ77/LZ78 based compression utility software for general data compression. It is also effective in lossless image coding. Several coding schemes for bi-level image compression via 1-D grammar codes are provided in this thesis, especially the parallel switching algorithm which combines the power of 1-D grammar based codes and context based algorithms. Most of our results are comparable to or better than those afforded by JBIG1

    Empirical analysis of BWT-based lossless image compression

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    The Burrows-Wheeler Transformation (BWT) is a text transformation algorithm originally designed to improve the coherence in text data. This coherence can be exploited by compression algorithms such as run-length encoding or arithmetic coding. However, there is still a debate on its performance on images. Motivated by a theoretical analysis of the performance of BWT and MTF, we perform a detailed empirical study on the role of MTF in compressing images with the BWT. This research studies the compression performance of BWT on digital images using different predictors and context partitions. The major interest of the research is in finding efficient ways to make BWT suitable for lossless image compression.;This research studied three different approaches to improve the compression of image data by BWT. First, the idea of preprocessing the image data before sending it to the BWT compression scheme is studied by using different mapping and prediction schemes. Second, different variations of MTF were investigated to see which one works best for Image compression with BWT. Third, the concept of context partitioning for BWT output before it is forwarded to the next stage in the compression scheme.;For lossless image compression, this thesis proposes the removal of the MTF stage from the BWT compression pipeline and the usage of context partitioning method. The compression performance is further improved by using MED predictor on the image data along with the 8-bit mapping of the prediction residuals before it is processed by BWT.;This thesis proposes two schemes for BWT-based image coding, namely BLIC and BLICx, the later being based on the context-ordering property of the BWT. Our methods outperformed other text compression algorithms such as PPM, GZIP, direct BWT, and WinZip in compressing images. Final results showed that our methods performed better than the state of the art lossless image compression algorithms, such as JPEG-LS, JPEG2000, CALIC, EDP and PPAM on the natural images

    Exclusive-or preprocessing and dictionary coding of continuous-tone images.

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    The field of lossless image compression studies the various ways to represent image data in the most compact and efficient manner possible that also allows the image to be reproduced without any loss. One of the most efficient strategies used in lossless compression is to introduce entropy reduction through decorrelation. This study focuses on using the exclusive-or logic operator in a decorrelation filter as the preprocessing phase of lossless image compression of continuous-tone images. The exclusive-or logic operator is simply and reversibly applied to continuous-tone images for the purpose of extracting differences between neighboring pixels. Implementation of the exclusive-or operator also does not introduce data expansion. Traditional as well as innovative prediction methods are included for the creation of inputs for the exclusive-or logic based decorrelation filter. The results of the filter are then encoded by a variation of the Lempel-Ziv-Welch dictionary coder. Dictionary coding is selected for the coding phase of the algorithm because it does not require the storage of code tables or probabilities and because it is lower in complexity than other popular options such as Huffman or Arithmetic coding. The first modification of the Lempel-Ziv-Welch dictionary coder is that image data can be read in a sequence that is linear, 2-dimensional, or an adaptive combination of both. The second modification of the dictionary coder is that the coder can instead include multiple, dynamically chosen dictionaries. Experiments indicate that the exclusive-or operator based decorrelation filter when combined with a modified Lempel-Ziv-Welch dictionary coder provides compression comparable to algorithms that represent the current standard in lossless compression. The proposed algorithm provides compression performance that is below the Context-Based, Adaptive, Lossless Image Compression (CALIC) algorithm by 23%, below the Low Complexity Lossless Compression for Images (LOCO-I) algorithm by 19%, and below the Portable Network Graphics implementation of the Deflate algorithm by 7%, but above the Zip implementation of the Deflate algorithm by 24%. The proposed algorithm uses the exclusive-or operator in the modeling phase and uses modified Lempel-Ziv-Welch dictionary coding in the coding phase to form a low complexity, reversible, and dynamic method of lossless image compression

    Generalization Gap in Amortized Inference

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    The ability of likelihood-based probabilistic models to generalize to unseen data is central to many machine learning applications such as lossless compression. In this work, we study the generalization of a popular class of probabilistic model - the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE). We discuss the two generalization gaps that affect VAEs and show that overfitting is usually dominated by amortized inference. Based on this observation, we propose a new training objective that improves the generalization of amortized inference. We demonstrate how our method can improve performance in the context of image modeling and lossless compression

    Near-lossless image compression techniques

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    Predictive and multiresolution techniques for near- lossless image compression based on the criterion of maximum allowable deviation of pixel values are investigated. A procedure for near-lossless compression using a modification of lossless predictive coding techniques to satisfy the specified tolerance is described. Simulation results with modified versions of two of the best lossless predictive coding techniques known, CALIC and JPEG-LS, are provided. Application of lossless coding based on reversible transforms in conjunction with prequantization is shown to be inferior to predictive techniques for near-lossless compression. A partial embedding two-layer scheme is proposed in which an embedded multiresolution coder generates a lossy base layer, and a simple but effective context-based lossless coder codes the difference between the original image and the lossy reconstruction. Results show that this lossy plus near-lossless technique yields compression ratios close to those obtained with predictive techniques, while providing the feature of a partially embedded bit-stream. © 1998 SPIE and IS&T

    LOCO-ANS: An Optimization of JPEG-LS Using an Efficient and Low-Complexity Coder Based on ANS

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    Near-lossless compression is a generalization of lossless compression, where the codec user is able to set the maximum absolute difference (the error tolerance) between the values of an original pixel and the decoded one. This enables higher compression ratios, while still allowing the control of the bounds of the quantization errors in the space domain. This feature makes them attractive for applications where a high degree of certainty is required. The JPEG-LS lossless and near-lossless image compression standard combines a good compression ratio with a low computational complexity, which makes it very suitable for scenarios with strong restrictions, common in embedded systems. However, our analysis shows great coding efficiency improvement potential, especially for lower entropy distributions, more common in near-lossless. In this work, we propose enhancements to the JPEG-LS standard, aimed at improving its coding efficiency at a low computational overhead, particularly for hardware implementations. The main contribution is a low complexity and efficient coder, based on Tabled Asymmetric Numeral Systems (tANS), well suited for a wide range of entropy sources and with simple hardware implementation. This coder enables further optimizations, resulting in great compression ratio improvements. When targeting photographic images, the proposed system is capable of achieving, in mean, 1.6%, 6%, and 37.6% better compression for error tolerances of 0, 1, and 10, respectively. Additional improvements are achieved increasing the context size and image tiling, obtaining 2.3% lower bpp for lossless compression. Our results also show that our proposal compares favorably against state-of-the-art codecs like JPEG-XL and WebP, particularly in near-lossless, where it achieves higher compression ratios with a faster coding speedThis work was supported in part by the Spanish Research Agency through the Project AgileMon under Grant AEI PID2019-104451RB-C2

    A separate least squares algorithm for efficient arithmetic coding in lossless image compression

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    The overall performance of discrete wavelet transforms for losssless image compression may be further improved by properly designing efficient entropy coders. In this paper a novel technique is proposed for the implementation of context-based adaptive arithmetic entropy coding. It is based on the prediction of the value of the current transform coefficient. The proposed algorithm employs a weighted least squares method applied separately for the HH, HL and LH bands of each level of the multiresolution structure, in order to achieve appropriate context selection for arithmetic coding. Experimental results illustrate and evaluate the performance of the proposed technique for lossless image compression